### Sun Mar 23 13:00:04 UTC 2008
### pkgsrc build log for zaptel-netbsd-20060127nb1

BULK> Bulk building zaptel-netbsd-20060127nb1
===> Cleaning for zaptel-netbsd-20060127nb1
BULK> Currently installed packages:
* digest-20070803
* checkperms-1.10
* pkg_install-20071224
* p5-XML-SAX-0.16nb2
* expat-2.0.1
* p5-XML-Parser-2.36
* perl-5.8.8nb6
* p5-Storable-2.18
* gmake-3.81
* libtool-base-1.5.24nb5
* p5-XML-NamespaceSupport-1.09
* p5-Test-Simple-0.74
* pkg-config-0.22
* intltool-0.36.2
* p5-XML-Simple-2.18
* xdg-dirs-1.4
* icon-naming-utils-0.8.6
* gnome-icon-theme-2.20.0nb1
===> Removing installed packages which are not needed to build zaptel-netbsd-20060127nb1
=> Keeping dependency digest-20070803.
=> Keeping dependency checkperms-1.10.
=> Deinstalling pkg_install-20071224
Package `pkg_install-20071224' is marked as not for deletion
=> Deinstalling p5-XML-SAX-0.16nb2
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/man/man3 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/XML/Simple 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/XML/Simple 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/XML 2>/dev/null || true'
Removed parser from XML::SAX registry.
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/man/man3 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/XML/SAX 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/XML/SAX/PurePerl/Reader 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/XML/SAX/PurePerl 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/XML/SAX 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/XML 2>/dev/null || true'
=> Deinstalling expat-2.0.1
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/man/man3 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/XML/Parser/Expat 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/XML/Parser 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/XML/Parser/Style 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/XML/Parser/Encodings 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/XML/Parser 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/XML 2>/dev/null || true'
=> Deinstalling perl-5.8.8nb6
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/man/man3 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/XML/NamespaceSupport 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/XML 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Storable 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/man/man3 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Test/Simple 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/Test/Builder/Tester 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/Test/Builder 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/Test 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/man/man3 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/man/man1 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/bin 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/warnings 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/unicore/lib/nt 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/unicore/lib/lb 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/unicore/lib/jt 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/unicore/lib/hst 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/unicore/lib/gc_sc 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/unicore/lib/ea 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/unicore/lib/dt 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/unicore/lib/ccc 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/unicore/lib/bc 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/unicore/To 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/unicore 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/pod 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/threads 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/threads/shared 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/threads 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/sdbm 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/re 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/attrs 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/XS/Typemap 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/XS/APItest 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Unicode/Normalize 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Time/HiRes 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Sys/Syslog 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Sys/Hostname 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Storable 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Socket 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/SDBM_File 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/PerlIO/via 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/PerlIO/scalar 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/PerlIO/encoding 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/POSIX 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Opcode 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/NDBM_File 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/MIME/Base64 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/List/Util 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/IPC/SysV 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/IO 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/I18N/Langinfo 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Filter/Util/Call 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/File/Glob 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Fcntl 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Encode/Unicode 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Encode/TW 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Encode/Symbol 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Encode/KR 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Encode/JP 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Encode/EBCDIC 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Encode/CN 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Encode/Byte 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Encode 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/DynaLoader 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Digest/MD5 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Devel/Peek 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Devel/PPPort 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Devel/DProf 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Data/Dumper 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/DB_File 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/Cwd 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/ByteLoader 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/B/C 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/auto/B 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/XS 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/Unicode 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/Time 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/Sys 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/PerlIO 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/MIME 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/IPC 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/IO 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/I18N 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/Filter/Util 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/File 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/Encode 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/Digest 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/Devel 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/Data 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/CORE 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi/B 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/mipsel-netbsd-thread-multi 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/auto/POSIX/SigAction 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/User 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Unicode/Collate 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Unicode 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Time 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Tie 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Thread 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Text 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Test/Harness 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Test/Builder/Tester 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Test/Builder 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Test 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Term 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Search 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Scalar 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Pod/Text 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Pod/Perldoc 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Pod 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/PerlIO/via 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Net/FTP 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Net 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Memoize 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Math/BigInt 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Math/BigFloat 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Math 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Locale/Maketext 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Locale 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/List 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/IPC 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/IO/Socket 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/I18N/LangTags 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/I18N 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Hash 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Getopt 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Filter 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/File/Spec 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/File 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/ExtUtils/MakeMaker 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/ExtUtils/Liblist 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/ExtUtils/Constant 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/ExtUtils/Command 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/ExtUtils 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Exporter 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Encode/Unicode 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Encode/MIME/Header 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Encode/MIME 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Encode/KR 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Encode/JP 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Encode/CN 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Encode 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Digest 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Devel 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/DBM_Filter 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Class 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Carp 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/CPAN 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/CGI/eg 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/CGI 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/B 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0/Attribute 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/lib/perl5/5.8.0 2>/dev/null || true'
Executing `/bin/rmdir -p /usr/pkg/bin 2>/dev/null || true'
=> Keeping dependency gmake-3.81.
=> Keeping dependency libtool-base-1.5.24nb5.
=> Deinstalling pkg-config-0.22
=> Deinstalling xdg-dirs-1.4
BULK> Installing dependencies for zaptel-netbsd-20060127nb1.
BULK> Installing /usr/pkgsrc/packages/mipsel/All/newt-0.51.6nb2.tgz
BULK> Dependency gmake-3.81 is already installed
BULK> Dependency digest-20070803 is already installed
BULK> Dependency checkperms-1.10 is already installed
BULK> Dependency libslang-1.4.9nb5 is already installed
BULK> Dependency libtool-base-1.5.24nb5 is already installed
BULK> Dependency popt-1.10.7 is already installed
BULK> Installing /usr/pkgsrc/packages/mipsel/All/rpm2pkg-2.1.1nb2.tgz
BULK> Installing /usr/pkgsrc/packages/mipsel/All/rpm-2.5.4nb6.tgz
rpm-2.5.4nb6: initializing the RPM database...
BULK> Dependency digest-20070803 is already installed
/usr/bin/make package (zaptel-netbsd-20060127nb1)
=> Bootstrap dependency digest>=20010302: found digest-20070803
=> Bootstrap dependency checkperms>=1.1: found checkperms-1.10
===> Skipping vulnerability checks.
WARNING: No /var/db/pkg/pkg-vulnerabilities file found.
WARNING: To fix run: `download-vulnerability-list'.
=> Fetching zaptel-netbsd-20060127.tar.bz2
=> Total size: 161209 bytes
=> Checksum SHA1 OK for zaptel-netbsd-20060127.tar.bz2
=> Checksum RMD160 OK for zaptel-netbsd-20060127.tar.bz2
=> Checksum SHA1 OK for zaptel-netbsd-20060127.tar.bz2
=> Checksum RMD160 OK for zaptel-netbsd-20060127.tar.bz2
===> Installing dependencies for zaptel-netbsd-20060127nb1
The following variables will affect the build process of this package,
zaptel-netbsd-20060127nb1.  Their current value is shown below:

        * ZAPTEL_KERNEL_ENV (defined)

You may want to abort the process now with CTRL-C and change their value
before continuing.  Be sure to run `/usr/bin/make clean' after
the changes.
=> Full dependency newt>=0.51.6nb2: found newt-0.51.6nb2
===> Overriding tools for zaptel-netbsd-20060127nb1
===> Extracting for zaptel-netbsd-20060127nb1
===> Patching for zaptel-netbsd-20060127nb1
===> Creating toolchain wrappers for zaptel-netbsd-20060127nb1
===> Configuring for zaptel-netbsd-20060127nb1
=> Checking for portability problems in extracted files
===> Building for zaptel-netbsd-20060127nb1
all ===> ztcfg
cc -O2 -I/usr/pkg/include -I/usr/pkg/include -I. -I../zaptel -DUSE_LOCAL_INCLUDE=1  -DPREFIX=\"/usr/pkg\" -I/usr/pkg/include -c ztcfg.c
cc -O2 -I/usr/pkg/include -I/usr/pkg/include -I. -I../zaptel -DUSE_LOCAL_INCLUDE=1  -DPREFIX=\"/usr/pkg\" -I/usr/pkg/include -c tonezone.c
cc -O2 -I/usr/pkg/include -I/usr/pkg/include -I. -I../zaptel -DUSE_LOCAL_INCLUDE=1  -DPREFIX=\"/usr/pkg\" -I/usr/pkg/include -c zonedata.c
cc -O2 -I/usr/pkg/include -I/usr/pkg/include -I. -I../zaptel -DUSE_LOCAL_INCLUDE=1  -DPREFIX=\"/usr/pkg\" -o ztcfg ztcfg.o tonezone.o zonedata.o -lm
ar r libtonezone.a tonezone.o zonedata.o
ar: creating libtonezone.a
all ===> test
cc -O2 -I/usr/pkg/include -I/usr/pkg/include -I../zaptel -I../ztcfg -I/usr/pkg/include -c zttool.c
cc -O2 -I/usr/pkg/include -I/usr/pkg/include -I../zaptel -I../ztcfg -o zttool zttool.o -L/usr/pkg/lib -Wl,-R/usr/pkg/lib -L../ztcfg -L/usr/pkg/lib -R/usr/pkg/lib -ltonezone -lnewt  -lslang
cc -O2 -I/usr/pkg/include -I/usr/pkg/include -I../zaptel -I../ztcfg -I/usr/pkg/include -c fxo_test.c
fxo_test.c: In function 'zt_dial':
fxo_test.c:142: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'strncpy'
fxo_test.c: In function 'main':
fxo_test.c:253: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'exit'
fxo_test.c:263: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'exit'
cc -O2 -I/usr/pkg/include -I/usr/pkg/include -I../zaptel -I../ztcfg -o fxo_test fxo_test.o -L/usr/pkg/lib -Wl,-R/usr/pkg/lib -L../ztcfg -L/usr/pkg/lib -R/usr/pkg/lib -ltonezone
cc -O2 -I/usr/pkg/include -I/usr/pkg/include -I../zaptel -I../ztcfg -I/usr/pkg/include -c ztmonitor.c
cc -O2 -I/usr/pkg/include -I/usr/pkg/include -I../zaptel -I../ztcfg -o ztmonitor ztmonitor.o -L/usr/pkg/lib -Wl,-R/usr/pkg/lib -L../ztcfg -L/usr/pkg/lib -R/usr/pkg/lib -ltonezone  -lossaudio
cc -O2 -I/usr/pkg/include -I/usr/pkg/include -I../zaptel -I../ztcfg -I/usr/pkg/include -c zttest.c
cc -O2 -I/usr/pkg/include -I/usr/pkg/include -I../zaptel -I../ztcfg -o zttest zttest.o
all ===> zaptel
#   compile  zaptel/zaptel.o
cc -O2 -I/usr/pkg/include -g  -Werror  -ffreestanding  -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-pointer-sign -I/usr/pkg/include  -nostdinc -I. -I/usr/pkgsrc/comms/zaptel-netbsd/work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/zaptel -isystem /usr/src/sys -isystem /usr/src/sys/arch -isystem /usr/src/sys/../common/include -D_KERNEL -D_LKM -c    zaptel.c
zaptel.c:106:23: error: sys/types.h: No such file or directory
zaptel.c:107:21: error: sys/uio.h: No such file or directory
zaptel.c:108:23: error: sys/param.h: No such file or directory
zaptel.c:109:24: error: sys/select.h: No such file or directory
zaptel.c:110:22: error: sys/poll.h: No such file or directory
zaptel.c:111:23: error: sys/systm.h: No such file or directory
zaptel.c:112:24: error: sys/malloc.h: No such file or directory
zaptel.c:113:24: error: sys/kernel.h: No such file or directory
zaptel.c:118:22: error: sys/lock.h: No such file or directory
zaptel.c:119:22: error: sys/file.h: No such file or directory
zaptel.c:120:26: error: sys/filedesc.h: No such file or directory
zaptel.c:121:23: error: sys/fcntl.h: No such file or directory
zaptel.c:122:24: error: sys/ioccom.h: No such file or directory
zaptel.c:123:22: error: sys/proc.h: No such file or directory
zaptel.c:124:23: error: sys/vnode.h: No such file or directory
zaptel.c:125:26: error: net/ppp_defs.h: No such file or directory
zaptel.c:126:22: error: sys/conf.h: No such file or directory
zaptel.c:127:22: error: sys/stat.h: No such file or directory
zaptel.c:129:24: error: sys/sysctl.h: No such file or directory
zaptel.c:130:23: error: sys/filio.h: No such file or directory
In file included from zaptel.h:38,
                 from zaptel.c:134:
os.h:16:22: error: sys/exec.h: No such file or directory
os.h:17:21: error: sys/lkm.h: No such file or directory
In file included from zaptel.h:38,
                 from zaptel.c:134:
os.h:92: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'off_t'
cc1: warnings being treated as errors
os.h:93: warning: 'struct ucred' declared inside parameter list
os.h:93: warning: its scope is only this definition or declaration, which is probably not what you want
os.h:93: warning: 'struct uio' declared inside parameter list
os.h:93: warning: 'struct file' declared inside parameter list
os.h:94: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'u_long'
os.h:94: warning: 'struct proc' declared inside parameter list
os.h:94: warning: 'struct file' declared inside parameter list
os.h:95: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'u_int'
os.h:95: warning: 'struct proc' declared inside parameter list
os.h:95: warning: 'struct file' declared inside parameter list
os.h:97: warning: 'struct proc' declared inside parameter list
os.h:97: warning: 'struct file' declared inside parameter list
os.h:98: warning: 'struct knote' declared inside parameter list
os.h:98: warning: 'struct file' declared inside parameter list
os.h:99: warning: 'struct proc' declared inside parameter list
os.h:99: warning: 'struct stat' declared inside parameter list
os.h:99: warning: 'struct file' declared inside parameter list
os.h:100: warning: 'struct proc' declared inside parameter list
os.h:100: warning: 'struct file' declared inside parameter list
In file included from ecdis.h:35,
                 from zaptel.h:318,
                 from zaptel.c:134:
biquad.h:33: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'int32_t'
biquad.h:44: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'int32_t'
biquad.h:45: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'int32_t'
biquad.h:46: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'int32_t'
biquad.h:47: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'int32_t'
biquad.h:48: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'int32_t'
biquad.h: In function 'biquad2_init':
biquad.h:50: error: 'biquad2_state_t' has no member named 'gain'
biquad.h:50: error: 'gain' undeclared (first use in this function)
biquad.h:50: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
biquad.h:50: error: for each function it appears in.)
biquad.h:51: error: 'biquad2_state_t' has no member named 'a1'
biquad.h:51: error: 'a1' undeclared (first use in this function)
biquad.h:52: error: 'biquad2_state_t' has no member named 'a2'
biquad.h:52: error: 'a2' undeclared (first use in this function)
biquad.h:53: error: 'biquad2_state_t' has no member named 'b1'
biquad.h:53: error: 'b1' undeclared (first use in this function)
biquad.h:54: error: 'biquad2_state_t' has no member named 'b2'
biquad.h:54: error: 'b2' undeclared (first use in this function)
biquad.h:56: error: 'biquad2_state_t' has no member named 'z1'
biquad.h:57: error: 'biquad2_state_t' has no member named 'z2'
biquad.h: At top level:
biquad.h:61: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'biquad2'
In file included from zaptel.h:318,
                 from zaptel.c:134:
ecdis.h: In function 'echo_can_disable_detector_init':
ecdis.h:62: error: 'int32_t' undeclared (first use in this function)
ecdis.h:66: error: too many arguments to function 'biquad2_init'
ecdis.h: At top level:
ecdis.h:78: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'int16_t'
ecdis.h: In function 'echo_can_disable_detector_update':
ecdis.h:80: error: 'int16_t' undeclared (first use in this function)
ecdis.h:80: error: expected ';' before 'notched'
ecdis.h:82: error: 'notched' undeclared (first use in this function)
ecdis.h:82: error: 'amp' undeclared (first use in this function)
In file included from zaptel.h:328,
                 from zaptel.c:134:
mec2.h: In function 'init_cc':
mec2.h:110: error: 'u_char' undeclared (first use in this function)
mec2.h:110: error: expected expression before ')' token
mec2.h:122: error: expected expression before ')' token
mec2.h:124: error: expected expression before ')' token
mec2.h:128: error: expected expression before ')' token
mec2.h:132: error: expected expression before ')' token
mec2.h:135: error: expected expression before ')' token
mec2.h: In function 'echo_can_free':
mec2.h:156: error: 'M_DEVBUF' undeclared (first use in this function)
mec2.h: In function 'echo_can_create':
mec2.h:352: error: 'M_DEVBUF' undeclared (first use in this function)
mec2.h:352: error: 'M_WAITOK' undeclared (first use in this function)
In file included from zaptel.c:134:
zaptel.h: At top level:
zaptel.h:336: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'u_char'
zaptel.h:395: error: field 'lock' has incomplete type
zaptel.h:417: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'u_char'
zaptel.h:589: error: field 'lock' has incomplete type
zaptel.h:646: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'caddr_t'
zaptel.c:185: warning: data definition has no type or storage class
zaptel.c:185: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
zaptel.c:186: error: variable 'zaptel_cdevsw' has initializer but incomplete type
zaptel.c:187: error: 'ztopen' undeclared here (not in a function)
zaptel.c:187: warning: excess elements in struct initializer
zaptel.c:187: warning: (near initialization for 'zaptel_cdevsw')
zaptel.c:187: error: 'noclose' undeclared here (not in a function)
zaptel.c:187: warning: excess elements in struct initializer
zaptel.c:187: warning: (near initialization for 'zaptel_cdevsw')
zaptel.c:187: error: 'noread' undeclared here (not in a function)
zaptel.c:187: warning: excess elements in struct initializer
zaptel.c:187: warning: (near initialization for 'zaptel_cdevsw')
zaptel.c:187: error: 'nowrite' undeclared here (not in a function)
zaptel.c:187: warning: excess elements in struct initializer
zaptel.c:187: warning: (near initialization for 'zaptel_cdevsw')
zaptel.c:187: error: 'noioctl' undeclared here (not in a function)
zaptel.c:187: warning: excess elements in struct initializer
zaptel.c:187: warning: (near initialization for 'zaptel_cdevsw')
zaptel.c:187: error: 'nostop' undeclared here (not in a function)
zaptel.c:187: warning: excess elements in struct initializer
zaptel.c:187: warning: (near initialization for 'zaptel_cdevsw')
zaptel.c:187: error: 'notty' undeclared here (not in a function)
zaptel.c:187: warning: excess elements in struct initializer
zaptel.c:187: warning: (near initialization for 'zaptel_cdevsw')
zaptel.c:188: error: 'nopoll' undeclared here (not in a function)
zaptel.c:188: warning: excess elements in struct initializer
zaptel.c:188: warning: (near initialization for 'zaptel_cdevsw')
zaptel.c:188: error: 'nommap' undeclared here (not in a function)
zaptel.c:188: warning: excess elements in struct initializer
zaptel.c:188: warning: (near initialization for 'zaptel_cdevsw')
zaptel.c:188: error: 'nokqfilter' undeclared here (not in a function)
zaptel.c:188: warning: excess elements in struct initializer
zaptel.c:188: warning: (near initialization for 'zaptel_cdevsw')
zaptel.c:189: warning: excess elements in struct initializer
zaptel.c:189: warning: (near initialization for 'zaptel_cdevsw')
zaptel.c:191: warning: 'struct cfdata' declared inside parameter list
zaptel.c:191: warning: 'struct device' declared inside parameter list
zaptel.c:192: warning: 'struct device' declared inside parameter list
zaptel.c:196: error: expected ')' before 'sizeof'
zaptel.c:200: error: conflicting types for 'zaptelattach'
zaptel.c:192: error: previous declaration of 'zaptelattach' was here
zaptel.c: In function 'zaptelattach':
zaptel.c:201: error: invalid storage class for function 'zt_initfiles'
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:207: warning: 'struct cfdata' declared inside parameter list
zaptel.c:208: error: conflicting types for 'zaptelmatch'
zaptel.c:191: error: previous declaration of 'zaptelmatch' was here
zaptel.c: In function 'zaptel_attach_mi':
zaptel.c:215: warning: return makes pointer from integer without a cast
zaptel.c: In function 'zaptelprint':
zaptel.c:223: error: 'UNCONF' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: In function 'rm_fp':
zaptel.c:276: error: 'M_DEVBUF' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:327: warning: parameter names (without types) in function declaration
zaptel.c:330: error: variable 'zt_fileops' has initializer but incomplete type
zaptel.c:331: error: unknown field 'fo_close' specified in initializer
zaptel.c:331: warning: excess elements in struct initializer
zaptel.c:331: warning: (near initialization for 'zt_fileops')
zaptel.c:332: error: unknown field 'fo_ioctl' specified in initializer
zaptel.c:332: warning: excess elements in struct initializer
zaptel.c:332: warning: (near initialization for 'zt_fileops')
zaptel.c:334: error: unknown field 'fo_fcntl' specified in initializer
zaptel.c:334: warning: excess elements in struct initializer
zaptel.c:334: warning: (near initialization for 'zt_fileops')
zaptel.c:336: error: unknown field 'fo_read' specified in initializer
zaptel.c:336: warning: excess elements in struct initializer
zaptel.c:336: warning: (near initialization for 'zt_fileops')
zaptel.c:337: error: unknown field 'fo_write' specified in initializer
zaptel.c:337: warning: excess elements in struct initializer
zaptel.c:337: warning: (near initialization for 'zt_fileops')
zaptel.c:338: error: unknown field 'fo_poll' specified in initializer
zaptel.c:338: warning: excess elements in struct initializer
zaptel.c:338: warning: (near initialization for 'zt_fileops')
zaptel.c:339: error: unknown field 'fo_stat' specified in initializer
zaptel.c:339: warning: excess elements in struct initializer
zaptel.c:339: warning: (near initialization for 'zt_fileops')
zaptel.c:370: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'fcstab'
zaptel.c:535: error: field 'sel' has incomplete type
zaptel.c:563: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before '__zt_lin2mu'
zaptel.c:565: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before '__zt_lin2a'
zaptel.c:568: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'defgain'
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_q_sig':
zaptel.c:623: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:625: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:626: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:627: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:632: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'idlebits'
zaptel.c:635: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_sysctl_init':
zaptel.c:731: error: 'CTLTYPE_NODE' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:732: error: 'CTL_HW' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:732: error: 'CTL_EOL' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:737: error: 'CTL_CREATE' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:739: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
zaptel.c:743: error: 'CTLFLAG_READWRITE' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:743: error: 'CTLTYPE_INT' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:748: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
zaptel.c:758: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
zaptel.c:768: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
zaptel.c:778: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
zaptel.c:788: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
zaptel.c:798: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_sysctl_verify':
zaptel.c:809: error: storage size of 'node' isn't known
zaptel.c:811: error: 'rnode' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:815: error: 'newp' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:824: error: 'EINVAL' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_check_conf':
zaptel.c:874: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:874: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c: In function '__qevent':
zaptel.c:890: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventoutidx'
zaptel.c:890: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventinidx'
zaptel.c:893: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventoutidx'
zaptel.c:893: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventinidx'
zaptel.c:895: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventbuf'
zaptel.c:895: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventinidx'
zaptel.c:897: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventinidx'
zaptel.c:897: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventinidx'
zaptel.c:899: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'iomask'
zaptel.c:901: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventbufq'
zaptel.c:903: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readbufq'
zaptel.c:905: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writebufq'
zaptel.c:906: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sel'
zaptel.c: In function 'schluffen':
zaptel.c:926: error: 'PZERO' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:926: error: 'PCATCH' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:927: error: 'EINTR' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:928: error: 'ERESTART' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: In function 'calc_fcs':
zaptel.c:939: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writebuf'
zaptel.c:939: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inwritebuf'
zaptel.c:940: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writen'
zaptel.c:940: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inwritebuf'
zaptel.c:945: error: 'fcstab' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_reallocbufs':
zaptel.c:964: error: 'M_DEVBUF' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:964: error: 'M_NOWAIT' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:964: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
zaptel.c:966: error: 'ENOMEM' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:972: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'blocksize'
zaptel.c:973: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readbuf'
zaptel.c:977: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readbuf'
zaptel.c:978: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writebuf'
zaptel.c:982: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readbuf'
zaptel.c:983: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writebuf'
zaptel.c:988: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writen'
zaptel.c:989: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writeidx'
zaptel.c:990: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readn'
zaptel.c:991: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readidx'
zaptel.c:996: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inreadbuf'
zaptel.c:997: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inwritebuf'
zaptel.c:999: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inreadbuf'
zaptel.c:1000: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inwritebuf'
zaptel.c:1002: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outreadbuf'
zaptel.c:1003: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outwritebuf'
zaptel.c:1004: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'numbufs'
zaptel.c:1005: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txbufpolicy'
zaptel.c:1006: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdisable'
zaptel.c:1008: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdisable'
zaptel.c:1010: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxbufpolicy'
zaptel.c:1011: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxdisable'
zaptel.c:1013: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxdisable'
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:1024: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'u_char'
zaptel.c: In function '__buf_pull':
zaptel.c:1027: error: 'struct confq' has no member named 'outbuf'
zaptel.c:1029: error: 'struct confq' has no member named 'outbuf'
zaptel.c:1030: error: 'data' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1031: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:1035: error: 'struct confq' has no member named 'buf'
zaptel.c:1035: error: 'struct confq' has no member named 'outbuf'
zaptel.c:1036: error: 'struct confq' has no member named 'outbuf'
zaptel.c:1036: error: 'struct confq' has no member named 'outbuf'
zaptel.c:1039: error: 'struct confq' has no member named 'outbuf'
zaptel.c:1039: error: 'struct confq' has no member named 'inbuf'
zaptel.c:1040: error: 'struct confq' has no member named 'outbuf'
zaptel.c:1045: error: 'struct confq' has no member named 'inbuf'
zaptel.c:1046: error: 'struct confq' has no member named 'inbuf'
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:1053: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before '*' token
zaptel.c:1060: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before '*' token
zaptel.c:1096: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'u_char'
zaptel.c: In function '__buf_push':
zaptel.c:1098: error: 'struct confq' has no member named 'inbuf'
zaptel.c:1099: error: 'struct confq' has no member named 'inbuf'
zaptel.c:1102: error: 'data' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1104: error: 'struct confq' has no member named 'buf'
zaptel.c:1104: error: 'struct confq' has no member named 'inbuf'
zaptel.c:1107: error: 'struct confq' has no member named 'inbuf'
zaptel.c:1107: error: 'struct confq' has no member named 'inbuf'
zaptel.c:1109: error: 'struct confq' has no member named 'inbuf'
zaptel.c:1109: error: 'struct confq' has no member named 'outbuf'
zaptel.c:1111: error: 'struct confq' has no member named 'inbuf'
zaptel.c:1115: error: 'struct confq' has no member named 'outbuf'
zaptel.c:1116: error: 'struct confq' has no member named 'outbuf'
zaptel.c: In function 'reset_conf':
zaptel.c:1126: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confin'
zaptel.c:1126: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confin'
zaptel.c:1127: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confin'
zaptel.c:1128: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confin'
zaptel.c:1131: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confout'
zaptel.c:1131: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confout'
zaptel.c:1132: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confout'
zaptel.c:1133: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confout'
zaptel.c: In function 'close_channel':
zaptel.c:1157: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ec'
zaptel.c:1158: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ec'
zaptel.c:1159: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:1160: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curzone'
zaptel.c:1161: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'cadencepos'
zaptel.c:1163: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'itimerset'
zaptel.c:1163: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'itimer'
zaptel.c:1164: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulsecount'
zaptel.c:1165: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulsetimer'
zaptel.c:1166: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringdebtimer'
zaptel.c:1167: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdialbuf'
zaptel.c:1168: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'digitmode'
zaptel.c:1169: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'dialing'
zaptel.c:1170: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'afterdialingtimer'
zaptel.c:1172: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'iomask'
zaptel.c:1174: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:1176: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:1177: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:1178: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:1179: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:1181: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmute'
zaptel.c:1184: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'gotgs'
zaptel.c:1187: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'gainalloc'
zaptel.c:1187: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxgain'
zaptel.c:1188: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxgain'
zaptel.c:1190: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxgain'
zaptel.c:1190: error: 'defgain' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1191: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txgain'
zaptel.c:1192: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'gainalloc'
zaptel.c:1193: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventinidx'
zaptel.c:1193: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventoutidx'
zaptel.c:1198: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:1198: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:1199: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast1'
zaptel.c:1199: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast1'
zaptel.c:1200: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast2'
zaptel.c:1200: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast2'
zaptel.c:1205: error: 'M_DEVBUF' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: In function 'free_tone_zone':
zaptel.c:1232: error: 'EINVAL' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1233: error: 'LK_EXCLUSIVE' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1236: error: 'LK_RELEASE' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1238: error: 'M_DEVBUF' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_register_tone_zone':
zaptel.c:1246: error: 'EINVAL' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1247: error: 'LK_EXCLUSIVE' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1254: error: 'LK_RELEASE' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: In function 'start_tone':
zaptel.c:1262: error: 'EINVAL' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1264: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'tonep'
zaptel.c:1265: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:1266: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdialbuf'
zaptel.c:1267: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'dialing'
zaptel.c:1273: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curzone'
zaptel.c:1275: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curzone'
zaptel.c:1276: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:1276: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curzone'
zaptel.c:1279: error: 'ENOSYS' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1281: error: 'EIO' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1282: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:1283: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ts'
zaptel.c:1283: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c: In function 'set_tone_zone':
zaptel.c:1292: error: 'EINVAL' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1294: error: 'LK_SHARED' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1299: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curzone'
zaptel.c:1300: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'tonezone'
zaptel.c:1301: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringcadence'
zaptel.c:1301: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curzone'
zaptel.c:1301: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringcadence'
zaptel.c:1303: error: 'EIO' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1306: error: 'LK_RELEASE' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_set_law':
zaptel.c:1313: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'deflaw'
zaptel.c:1314: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'deflaw'
zaptel.c:1316: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:1316: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:1320: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'xlaw'
zaptel.c:1324: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:1324: error: '__zt_lin2a' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1327: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'xlaw'
zaptel.c:1331: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:1331: error: '__zt_lin2mu' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_chan_reg':
zaptel.c:1342: error: 'LK_EXCLUSIVE' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1352: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readchunk'
zaptel.c:1353: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readchunk'
zaptel.c:1353: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sreadchunk'
zaptel.c:1354: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writechunk'
zaptel.c:1355: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writechunk'
zaptel.c:1355: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'swritechunk'
zaptel.c:1365: error: 'LK_RELEASE' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_chan_unreg':
zaptel.c:1698: error: 'LK_EXCLUSIVE' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1724: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:1725: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:1726: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:1729: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:1730: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:1731: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:1732: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:1733: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:1738: error: 'LK_RELEASE' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:1741: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'zt_chan_read'
zaptel.c:1831: warning: 'struct uio' declared inside parameter list
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_chan_write':
zaptel.c:1838: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
zaptel.c:1840: error: 'EINVAL' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1845: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:1846: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:1847: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'tonep'
zaptel.c:1848: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'dialing'
zaptel.c:1849: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdialbuf'
zaptel.c:1851: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventinidx'
zaptel.c:1851: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventoutidx'
zaptel.c:1855: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inwritebuf'
zaptel.c:1859: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'file'
zaptel.c:1859: error: 'O_NONBLOCK' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1860: error: 'EAGAIN' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1862: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writebufq'
zaptel.c:1869: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'blocksize'
zaptel.c:1870: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'blocksize'
zaptel.c:1872: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'blocksize'
zaptel.c:1873: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'blocksize'
zaptel.c:1893: error: 'caddr_t' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1893: error: expected ')' before 'lindata'
zaptel.c:1894: error: 'EFAULT' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1897: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writebuf'
zaptel.c:1897: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inwritebuf'
zaptel.c:1897: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:1902: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
zaptel.c:1903: error: expected ')' before 'lindata'
zaptel.c:1906: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writen'
zaptel.c:1906: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inwritebuf'
zaptel.c:1908: error: expected ')' before 'chan'
zaptel.c:1910: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writen'
zaptel.c:1910: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inwritebuf'
zaptel.c:1912: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writeidx'
zaptel.c:1912: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inwritebuf'
zaptel.c:1915: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inwritebuf'
zaptel.c:1917: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inwritebuf'
zaptel.c:1917: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inwritebuf'
zaptel.c:1917: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'numbufs'
zaptel.c:1918: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inwritebuf'
zaptel.c:1918: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outwritebuf'
zaptel.c:1921: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inwritebuf'
zaptel.c:1923: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdisable'
zaptel.c:1925: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outwritebuf'
zaptel.c:1927: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outwritebuf'
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:1934: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'dev_t'
zaptel.c:1935: warning: 'struct proc' declared inside parameter list
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_clone':
zaptel.c:1951: error: 'M_DEVBUF' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1951: error: 'M_NOWAIT' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1951: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
zaptel.c:1953: error: 'ENOMEM' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1955: error: 'dev' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1957: error: 'curlwp' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1958: error: 'ENODEV' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1972: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
zaptel.c:1973: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
zaptel.c:1973: error: 'FMASK' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1974: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
zaptel.c:1975: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
zaptel.c:1975: error: 'DTYPE_MISC' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:1981: error: 'ENXIO' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:1989: error: expected ')' before 'dev'
zaptel.c:2000: error: expected ')' before 'dev'
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_rbs_sethook':
zaptel.c:2072: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:2073: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:2081: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:2081: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:2083: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:2086: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txstate'
zaptel.c:2089: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:2091: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txhooksig'
zaptel.c:2104: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'otimer'
zaptel.c:2107: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:2108: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txhooksig'
zaptel.c:2109: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:2110: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'otimer'
zaptel.c:2114: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:2118: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txhooksig'
zaptel.c:2119: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txsig'
zaptel.c:2120: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:2120: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txsig'
zaptel.c:2121: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'otimer'
zaptel.c:2126: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_cas_setbits':
zaptel.c:2132: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:2133: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:2134: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txsig'
zaptel.c:2135: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_hangup':
zaptel.c:2147: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:2151: error: 'EINVAL' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:2153: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'kewlonhook'
zaptel.c:2156: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:2156: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:2157: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:2157: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringdebtimer'
zaptel.c:2159: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:2160: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:2161: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'idlebits'
zaptel.c:2162: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:2162: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txstate'
zaptel.c:2169: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:2170: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:2175: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'numbufs'
zaptel.c:2176: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writen'
zaptel.c:2177: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writeidx'
zaptel.c:2178: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readn'
zaptel.c:2179: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readidx'
zaptel.c:2181: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readbuf'
zaptel.c:2182: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inreadbuf'
zaptel.c:2183: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inwritebuf'
zaptel.c:2185: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inreadbuf'
zaptel.c:2186: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inwritebuf'
zaptel.c:2188: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outreadbuf'
zaptel.c:2189: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outwritebuf'
zaptel.c:2190: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'dialing'
zaptel.c:2191: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'afterdialingtimer'
zaptel.c:2192: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:2193: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'cadencepos'
zaptel.c:2194: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdialbuf'
zaptel.c: In function 'initialize_channel':
zaptel.c:2208: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxbufpolicy'
zaptel.c:2209: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txbufpolicy'
zaptel.c:2212: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ec'
zaptel.c:2213: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ec'
zaptel.c:2214: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echocancel'
zaptel.c:2215: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echostate'
zaptel.c:2216: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echolastupdate'
zaptel.c:2217: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echotimer'
zaptel.c:2219: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdisable'
zaptel.c:2220: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxdisable'
zaptel.c:2222: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'digitmode'
zaptel.c:2223: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'dialing'
zaptel.c:2224: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'afterdialingtimer'
zaptel.c:2226: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'cadencepos'
zaptel.c:2229: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxhdlc'
zaptel.c:2230: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txhdlc'
zaptel.c:2231: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'infcs'
zaptel.c:2234: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'prewinktime'
zaptel.c:2235: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'preflashtime'
zaptel.c:2236: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'winktime'
zaptel.c:2237: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'flashtime'
zaptel.c:2239: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:2240: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'starttime'
zaptel.c:2242: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'starttime'
zaptel.c:2243: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxwinktime'
zaptel.c:2244: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxflashtime'
zaptel.c:2245: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'debouncetime'
zaptel.c:2248: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'itimerset'
zaptel.c:2248: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'itimer'
zaptel.c:2248: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'otimer'
zaptel.c:2249: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringdebtimer'
zaptel.c:2255: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'iomask'
zaptel.c:2257: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:2257: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:2258: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:2259: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:2260: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:2262: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:2263: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:2263: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:2264: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast1'
zaptel.c:2264: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast1'
zaptel.c:2265: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast2'
zaptel.c:2265: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast2'
zaptel.c:2266: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmute'
zaptel.c:2267: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'gotgs'
zaptel.c:2268: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:2269: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'tonep'
zaptel.c:2271: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'gainalloc'
zaptel.c:2271: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxgain'
zaptel.c:2272: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxgain'
zaptel.c:2273: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxgain'
zaptel.c:2273: error: 'defgain' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:2274: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txgain'
zaptel.c:2275: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'gainalloc'
zaptel.c:2276: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventinidx'
zaptel.c:2276: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventoutidx'
zaptel.c:2281: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:2284: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:2288: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulse_enqueued'
zaptel.c:2289: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'current_pulse'
zaptel.c:2290: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulse_state'
zaptel.c:2294: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outbound_pulse_timer'
zaptel.c:2302: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curzone'
zaptel.c:2304: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringcadence'
zaptel.c:2304: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curzone'
zaptel.c:2304: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringcadence'
zaptel.c:2307: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringcadence'
zaptel.c:2307: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringcadence'
zaptel.c:2308: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringcadence'
zaptel.c:2308: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'starttime'
zaptel.c:2309: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringcadence'
zaptel.c:2314: error: 'M_DEVBUF' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:2321: error: expected ')' before 'dev'
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_timer_close':
zaptel.c:2367: error: 'M_DEVBUF' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_specchan_open':
zaptel.c:2376: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:2379: error: 'EBUSY' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:2384: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:2391: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:2391: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:2392: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:2394: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'file'
zaptel.c:2401: error: 'ENXIO' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_specchan_close':
zaptel.c:2419: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'file'
zaptel.c:2421: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:2421: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:2422: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:2424: error: 'ENXIO' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_alloc_pseudo':
zaptel.c:2436: error: 'M_DEVBUF' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:2436: error: 'M_NOWAIT' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:2436: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast
zaptel.c:2440: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:2441: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sigcap'
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_free_pseudo':
zaptel.c:2455: error: 'M_DEVBUF' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:2462: error: expected ')' before 'dev'
zaptel.c:2519: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'off_t'
zaptel.c:2520: warning: 'struct ucred' declared inside parameter list
zaptel.c:2520: warning: 'struct uio' declared inside parameter list
zaptel.c:2521: error: conflicting types for 'zt_read'
zaptel.c:299: error: previous declaration of 'zt_read' was here
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_read':
zaptel.c:2528: error: 'EINVAL' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:2561: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'off_t'
zaptel.c:2562: warning: 'struct ucred' declared inside parameter list
zaptel.c:2562: warning: 'struct uio' declared inside parameter list
zaptel.c:2563: error: conflicting types for 'zt_write'
zaptel.c:300: error: previous declaration of 'zt_write' was here
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_write':
zaptel.c:2569: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
zaptel.c:2573: error: 'EINVAL' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:2593: warning: passing argument 1 of 'zt_chan_write' from incompatible pointer type
zaptel.c:2609: warning: passing argument 1 of 'zt_chan_write' from incompatible pointer type
zaptel.c:2611: warning: passing argument 1 of 'zt_chan_write' from incompatible pointer type
zaptel.c: In function 'ioctl_load_zone':
zaptel.c:2645: error: 'caddr_t' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:2645: error: expected ')' before 'addr'
zaptel.c:2649: error: 'EINVAL' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:2654: error: 'E2BIG' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:2655: error: 'M_DEVBUF' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:2655: error: 'M_NOWAIT' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:2657: error: 'ENOMEM' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_sethook':
zaptel.c:2782: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:2783: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:2784: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'idlebits'
zaptel.c:2785: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:2786: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txstate'
zaptel.c:2795: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:2796: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:2804: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'debouncetime'
zaptel.c: In function 'pulse_timer':
zaptel.c:2819: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'dialing'
zaptel.c:2821: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulse_state'
zaptel.c:2823: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'current_pulse'
zaptel.c:2827: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulse_state'
zaptel.c:2829: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outbound_pulse_timer'
zaptel.c:2829: error: 'hz' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:2838: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulse_state'
zaptel.c:2840: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'current_pulse'
zaptel.c:2843: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulse_enqueued'
zaptel.c:2845: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'current_pulse'
zaptel.c:2845: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulses'
zaptel.c:2846: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulse_enqueued'
zaptel.c:2847: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulses'
zaptel.c:2847: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulses'
zaptel.c:2847: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulse_enqueued'
zaptel.c:2850: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'current_pulse'
zaptel.c:2852: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'current_pulse'
zaptel.c:2853: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulse_state'
zaptel.c:2855: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outbound_pulse_timer'
zaptel.c:2865: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'dialing'
zaptel.c:2874: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulse_state'
zaptel.c:2876: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outbound_pulse_timer'
zaptel.c:2882: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulse_state'
zaptel.c:2885: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulse_state'
zaptel.c:2887: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'current_pulse'
zaptel.c:2888: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'current_pulse'
zaptel.c:2893: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outbound_pulse_timer'
zaptel.c: In function '__do_pulse':
zaptel.c:2918: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulses'
zaptel.c:2918: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulse_enqueued'
zaptel.c:2921: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulses'
zaptel.c:2921: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulse_enqueued'
zaptel.c:2924: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulses'
zaptel.c:2924: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulse_enqueued'
zaptel.c:2927: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulses'
zaptel.c:2927: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulse_enqueued'
zaptel.c:2931: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulses'
zaptel.c:2931: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulse_enqueued'
zaptel.c:2938: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulses'
zaptel.c:2938: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulse_enqueued'
zaptel.c: In function '__do_dtmf':
zaptel.c:2949: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'digitmode'
zaptel.c:2953: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdialbuf'
zaptel.c:2954: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdialbuf'
zaptel.c:2956: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdialbuf'
zaptel.c:2956: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdialbuf'
zaptel.c:2956: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdialbuf'
zaptel.c:2960: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'digitmode'
zaptel.c:2961: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'tonep'
zaptel.c:2965: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'digitmode'
zaptel.c:2966: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'tonep'
zaptel.c:2969: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:2969: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'digitmode'
zaptel.c:2970: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'tonep'
zaptel.c:2972: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:2973: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ts'
zaptel.c:2973: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:2979: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'dialing'
zaptel.c: In function '__do_dial':
zaptel.c:2987: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdialbuf'
zaptel.c:2988: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdialbuf'
zaptel.c:2989: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdialbuf'
zaptel.c:2991: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdialbuf'
zaptel.c:2991: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdialbuf'
zaptel.c:2991: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdialbuf'
zaptel.c:2995: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'digitmode'
zaptel.c:2996: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'tonep'
zaptel.c:3000: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'digitmode'
zaptel.c:3001: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'tonep'
zaptel.c:3005: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'digitmode'
zaptel.c:3006: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'tonep'
zaptel.c:3010: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'digitmode'
zaptel.c:3012: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:3013: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'digitmode'
zaptel.c:3014: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'tonep'
zaptel.c:3016: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:3017: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ts'
zaptel.c:3017: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:3027: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'digitmode'
zaptel.c:3030: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outbound_pulse_timer'
zaptel.c:3030: error: 'hz' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:3038: warning: 'struct proc' declared inside parameter list
zaptel.c:3038: warning: 'struct stat' declared inside parameter list
zaptel.c:3039: error: conflicting types for 'zt_stat'
zaptel.c:302: error: previous declaration of 'zt_stat' was here
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_stat':
zaptel.c:3040: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
zaptel.c:3041: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
zaptel.c:3041: error: 'S_IFCHR' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:3053: warning: 'struct knote' declared inside parameter list
zaptel.c:3054: error: conflicting types for 'zt_kqfilter'
zaptel.c:303: error: previous declaration of 'zt_kqfilter' was here
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_kqfilter':
zaptel.c:3055: error: 'EINVAL' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:3058: warning: 'struct proc' declared inside parameter list
zaptel.c:3059: error: conflicting types for 'zt_close'
zaptel.c:297: error: previous declaration of 'zt_close' was here
zaptel.c:3140: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'u_long'
zaptel.c:3140: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'caddr_t'
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_timer_ioctl':
zaptel.c:3143: error: 'cmd' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:3144: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:3145: error: 'arg' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:3152: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:3160: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:3171: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:3178: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:3184: error: 'ENOTTY' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:3189: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'u_long'
zaptel.c:3189: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'caddr_t'
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_common_ioctl':
zaptel.c:3197: error: 'cmd' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:3198: error: expected expression before 'struct'
zaptel.c:3199: error: 'arg' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:3205: error: 'EINVAL' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:3205: error: 'ENXIO' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:3209: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:3211: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:3214: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxsig'
zaptel.c:3217: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxhooksig'
zaptel.c:3218: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxhooksig'
zaptel.c:3221: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:3221: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:3221: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:3222: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxsig'
zaptel.c:3223: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txsig'
zaptel.c:3224: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'idlebits'
zaptel.c:3230: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:3230: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:3230: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:3231: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:3232: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxhooksig'
zaptel.c:3233: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txhooksig'
zaptel.c:3238: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'prewinktime'
zaptel.c:3239: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'preflashtime'
zaptel.c:3240: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'winktime'
zaptel.c:3241: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'flashtime'
zaptel.c:3242: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'starttime'
zaptel.c:3243: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxwinktime'
zaptel.c:3244: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxflashtime'
zaptel.c:3245: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'debouncetime'
zaptel.c:3247: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:3247: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:3252: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'xlaw'
zaptel.c:3258: error: expected expression before 'struct'
zaptel.c:3270: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'prewinktime'
zaptel.c:3271: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'preflashtime'
zaptel.c:3272: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'winktime'
zaptel.c:3273: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'flashtime'
zaptel.c:3274: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'starttime'
zaptel.c:3276: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curzone'
zaptel.c:3277: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringcadence'
zaptel.c:3277: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'starttime'
zaptel.c:3278: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxwinktime'
zaptel.c:3279: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxflashtime'
zaptel.c:3280: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'debouncetime'
zaptel.c:3282: error: expected expression before 'struct'
zaptel.c:3293: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txgain'
zaptel.c:3294: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxgain'
zaptel.c:3298: error: expected expression before 'struct'
zaptel.c:3306: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'gainalloc'
zaptel.c:3307: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxgain'
zaptel.c:3307: error: 'M_DEVBUF' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:3307: error: 'M_NOWAIT' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:3308: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxgain'
zaptel.c:3309: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxgain'
zaptel.c:3309: error: 'defgain' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:3310: error: 'ENOMEM' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:3312: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'gainalloc'
zaptel.c:3313: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txgain'
zaptel.c:3313: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxgain'
zaptel.c:3318: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxgain'
zaptel.c:3319: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txgain'
zaptel.c:3321: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxgain'
zaptel.c:3322: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txgain'
zaptel.c:3325: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'gainalloc'
zaptel.c:3326: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxgain'
zaptel.c:3327: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxgain'
zaptel.c:3328: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txgain'
zaptel.c:3329: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'gainalloc'
zaptel.c:3333: error: expected expression before 'struct'
zaptel.c:3341: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:3362: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:3366: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:3383: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writechunk'
zaptel.c:3383: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readchunk'
zaptel.c:3385: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxgain'
zaptel.c:3385: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txgain'
zaptel.c:3385: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'gainalloc'
zaptel.c:3387: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:3387: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:3387: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sigcap'
zaptel.c:3389: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inreadbuf'
zaptel.c:3389: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outreadbuf'
zaptel.c:3389: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inwritebuf'
zaptel.c:3389: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outwritebuf'
zaptel.c:3391: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'blocksize'
zaptel.c:3391: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'numbufs'
zaptel.c:3391: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txbufpolicy'
zaptel.c:3391: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxbufpolicy'
zaptel.c:3393: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdisable'
zaptel.c:3393: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxdisable'
zaptel.c:3393: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'iomask'
zaptel.c:3395: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curzone'
zaptel.c:3395: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'tonezone'
zaptel.c:3395: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:3395: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'tonep'
zaptel.c:3397: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'digitmode'
zaptel.c:3397: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdialbuf'
zaptel.c:3397: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'dialing'
zaptel.c:3398: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'afterdialingtimer'
zaptel.c:3398: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'cadencepos'
zaptel.c:3400: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:3400: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:3400: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:3400: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmute'
zaptel.c:3402: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ec'
zaptel.c:3402: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echocancel'
zaptel.c:3402: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'deflaw'
zaptel.c:3402: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'xlaw'
zaptel.c:3404: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echostate'
zaptel.c:3404: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echotimer'
zaptel.c:3404: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echolastupdate'
zaptel.c:3406: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'itimer'
zaptel.c:3406: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'otimer'
zaptel.c:3406: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringdebtimer'
zaptel.c:3418: error: 'ENOTTY' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: In function 'recalc_slaves':
zaptel.c:3436: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:3444: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:3445: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:3451: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:3460: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'u_long'
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_ctl_ioctl':
zaptel.c:3476: error: 'cmd' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:3477: error: expected expression before 'struct'
zaptel.c:3479: error: 'EINVAL' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:3479: error: 'ENXIO' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:3500: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:3511: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxsig'
zaptel.c:3515: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxhooksig'
zaptel.c:3519: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:3526: error: expected expression before 'struct'
zaptel.c:3530: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:3531: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'idlebits'
zaptel.c:3532: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'deflaw'
zaptel.c:3536: error: expected expression before 'struct'
zaptel.c:3545: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:3573: error: 'ENOSYS' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:3576: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sigcap'
zaptel.c:3585: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:3586: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:3595: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:3596: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:3597: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'idlebits'
zaptel.c:3599: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'idlebits'
zaptel.c:3625: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:3626: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:3665: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:3671: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'deflaw'
zaptel.c:3679: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxsig'
zaptel.c:3680: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxhooksig'
zaptel.c:3688: error: expected expression before 'struct'
zaptel.c:3691: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:3702: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txhooksig'
zaptel.c:3703: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txhooksig'
zaptel.c:3714: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:3717: error: 'LK_EXCLUSIVE' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:3719: error: 'LK_RELEASE' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:3721: error: expected expression before 'struct'
zaptel.c:3723: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:3728: error: expected expression before 'struct'
zaptel.c:3743: error: expected expression before 'struct'
zaptel.c:3752: error: expected expression before 'struct'
zaptel.c:3792: error: expected expression before 'struct'
zaptel.c:3793: error: expected expression before 'struct'
zaptel.c:3803: error: too many arguments to function 'zt_common_ioctl'
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:3808: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'u_long'
zaptel.c:3808: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'caddr_t'
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_chanandpseudo_ioctl':
zaptel.c:3819: error: 'EINVAL' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:3821: error: 'cmd' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:3822: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:3825: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'dialing'
zaptel.c:3827: error: 'arg' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:3829: error: expected expression before 'struct'
zaptel.c:3838: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:3839: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'dialing'
zaptel.c:3840: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdialbuf'
zaptel.c:3841: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'tonep'
zaptel.c:3845: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdialbuf'
zaptel.c:3846: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'dialing'
zaptel.c:3851: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdialbuf'
zaptel.c:3853: error: 'EBUSY' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:3856: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdialbuf'
zaptel.c:3856: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdialbuf'
zaptel.c:3856: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdialbuf'
zaptel.c:3857: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'dialing'
zaptel.c:3859: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'dialing'
zaptel.c:3869: error: expected expression before 'struct'
zaptel.c:3871: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxbufpolicy'
zaptel.c:3872: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txbufpolicy'
zaptel.c:3873: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'numbufs'
zaptel.c:3874: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'blocksize'
zaptel.c:3880: error: expected expression before 'struct'
zaptel.c:3892: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxbufpolicy'
zaptel.c:3893: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txbufpolicy'
zaptel.c:3897: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:3899: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'blocksize'
zaptel.c:3901: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:3910: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'numbufs'
zaptel.c:3913: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:3920: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inreadbuf'
zaptel.c:3921: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outreadbuf'
zaptel.c:3922: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'numbufs'
zaptel.c:3924: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readn'
zaptel.c:3925: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readidx'
zaptel.c:3928: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readbufq'
zaptel.c:3929: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sel'
zaptel.c:3934: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outwritebuf'
zaptel.c:3935: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inwritebuf'
zaptel.c:3936: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'numbufs'
zaptel.c:3938: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writen'
zaptel.c:3939: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writeidx'
zaptel.c:3941: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writebufq'
zaptel.c:3942: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sel'
zaptel.c:3945: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'iomask'
zaptel.c:3946: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventbufq'
zaptel.c:3951: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventinidx'
zaptel.c:3951: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventoutidx'
zaptel.c:3955: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:3961: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outwritebuf'
zaptel.c:3964: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writebufq'
zaptel.c:3968: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:3970: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'iomask'
zaptel.c:3971: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'iomask'
zaptel.c:3978: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'iomask'
zaptel.c:3981: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outreadbuf'
zaptel.c:3981: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxdisable'
zaptel.c:3985: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'iomask'
zaptel.c:3987: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inwritebuf'
zaptel.c:3991: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'iomask'
zaptel.c:3994: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdisable'
zaptel.c:3995: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outwritebuf'
zaptel.c:3999: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'iomask'
zaptel.c:4002: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventinidx'
zaptel.c:4002: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventoutidx'
zaptel.c:4007: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'iomask'
zaptel.c:4013: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventbufq'
zaptel.c:4017: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'iomask'
zaptel.c:4020: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:4028: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventinidx'
zaptel.c:4028: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventoutidx'
zaptel.c:4031: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventbuf'
zaptel.c:4031: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventoutidx'
zaptel.c:4033: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventoutidx'
zaptel.c:4034: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventoutidx'
zaptel.c:4038: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:4042: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmute'
zaptel.c:4044: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:4047: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmute'
zaptel.c:4051: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:4058: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:4061: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curzone'
zaptel.c:4062: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'tonezone'
zaptel.c:4068: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:4075: error: expected expression before 'struct'
zaptel.c:4085: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:4086: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:4089: error: expected expression before 'struct'
zaptel.c:4120: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:4121: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:4122: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast1'
zaptel.c:4123: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast2'
zaptel.c:4125: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:4126: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:4127: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:4128: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:4136: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:4141: error: expected expression before 'struct'
zaptel.c:4176: error: 'EEXIST' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4198: error: 'ENOSPC' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4203: error: 'ENOENT' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4209: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:4222: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:4226: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:4243: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:4248: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:4256: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:4268: error: expected expression before 'struct'
zaptel.c:4273: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringcadence'
zaptel.c:4273: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringcadence'
zaptel.c:4276: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curzone'
zaptel.c:4277: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringcadence'
zaptel.c:4277: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curzone'
zaptel.c:4277: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringcadence'
zaptel.c:4279: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringcadence'
zaptel.c:4279: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringcadence'
zaptel.c:4280: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringcadence'
zaptel.c:4280: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'starttime'
zaptel.c:4281: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringcadence'
zaptel.c:4287: error: too many arguments to function 'zt_common_ioctl'
zaptel.c:4289: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:4290: error: 'ENOTTY' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4290: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:4291: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:4325: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'u_long'
zaptel.c:4325: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'caddr_t'
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_chan_ioctl':
zaptel.c:4336: error: 'ENOSYS' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4338: error: 'cmd' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4339: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:4341: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:4341: error: 'EINVAL' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4342: error: 'arg' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4355: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:4357: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:4358: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:4359: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:4360: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmute'
zaptel.c:4361: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:4361: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:4362: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast1'
zaptel.c:4362: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast1'
zaptel.c:4363: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast2'
zaptel.c:4363: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast2'
zaptel.c:4364: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ec'
zaptel.c:4365: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ec'
zaptel.c:4368: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'gainalloc'
zaptel.c:4368: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxgain'
zaptel.c:4369: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxgain'
zaptel.c:4373: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxgain'
zaptel.c:4373: error: 'defgain' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4374: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txgain'
zaptel.c:4375: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'gainalloc'
zaptel.c:4379: error: 'M_DEVBUF' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4385: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:4448: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:4449: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:4454: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxhdlc'
zaptel.c:4455: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txhdlc'
zaptel.c:4458: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:4459: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:4464: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxhdlc'
zaptel.c:4465: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txhdlc'
zaptel.c:4468: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:4483: error: 'ENOMEM' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4486: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ec'
zaptel.c:4487: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echocancel'
zaptel.c:4488: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ec'
zaptel.c:4489: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echostate'
zaptel.c:4490: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echolastupdate'
zaptel.c:4491: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echotimer'
zaptel.c:4492: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txecdis'
zaptel.c:4493: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxecdis'
zaptel.c:4499: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ec'
zaptel.c:4500: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echocancel'
zaptel.c:4501: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ec'
zaptel.c:4502: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echostate'
zaptel.c:4503: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echolastupdate'
zaptel.c:4504: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echotimer'
zaptel.c:4510: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:4516: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ec'
zaptel.c:4518: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echostate'
zaptel.c:4519: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echotimer'
zaptel.c:4523: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:4524: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:4530: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:4531: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxsig'
zaptel.c:4534: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:4537: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:4540: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:4542: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:4551: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txstate'
zaptel.c:4552: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txstate'
zaptel.c:4554: error: 'EBUSY' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4556: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'debouncetime'
zaptel.c:4562: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txstate'
zaptel.c:4566: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:4568: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'cadencepos'
zaptel.c:4569: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringcadence'
zaptel.c:4572: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'starttime'
zaptel.c:4575: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'file'
zaptel.c:4575: error: 'O_NONBLOCK' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4576: error: 'EINPROGRESS' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4585: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txstate'
zaptel.c:4589: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'prewinktime'
zaptel.c:4592: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'file'
zaptel.c:4594: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txstateq'
zaptel.c:4599: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txstate'
zaptel.c:4603: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'preflashtime'
zaptel.c:4606: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'file'
zaptel.c:4608: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txstateq'
zaptel.c:4619: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:4620: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:4639: error: too many arguments to function 'zt_chanandpseudo_ioctl'
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:4644: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'u_long'
zaptel.c:4644: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'caddr_t'
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_prechan_ioctl':
zaptel.c:4661: error: 'cmd' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4662: error: expected expression before 'int'
zaptel.c:4663: error: 'arg' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4665: error: 'EINVAL' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4682: error: 'ENOSYS' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:4687: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'u_long'
zaptel.c:4687: warning: 'struct proc' declared inside parameter list
zaptel.c:4688: error: conflicting types for 'zt_ioctl'
zaptel.c:298: error: previous declaration of 'zt_ioctl' was here
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_ioctl':
zaptel.c:4693: error: 'caddr_t' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4693: error: expected ';' before 'arg'
zaptel.c:4697: error: 'cmd' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4697: error: 'arg' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4697: error: too many arguments to function 'zt_ctl_ioctl'
zaptel.c:4703: error: too many arguments to function 'zt_timer_ioctl'
zaptel.c:4705: error: 'EINVAL' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4712: error: too many arguments to function 'zt_chan_ioctl'
zaptel.c:4716: error: too many arguments to function 'zt_prechan_ioctl'
zaptel.c:4730: error: 'FIOASYNC' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4732: error: 'FIONBIO' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4735: error: too many arguments to function 'zt_chanandpseudo_ioctl'
zaptel.c:4737: error: too many arguments to function 'zt_chan_ioctl'
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:4740: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before 'u_int'
zaptel.c:4740: warning: 'struct proc' declared inside parameter list
zaptel.c:4741: error: conflicting types for 'zt_fcntl'
zaptel.c:295: error: previous declaration of 'zt_fcntl' was here
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_fcntl':
zaptel.c:4745: error: 'cmd' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4746: error: 'F_GETFL' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4747: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
zaptel.c:4749: error: 'F_SETFL' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4750: error: 'u_int' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4750: error: expected ';' before 'data'
zaptel.c:4751: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
zaptel.c:4751: error: 'FREAD' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4751: error: 'FWRITE' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4755: error: 'EINVAL' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_register':
zaptel.c:4768: error: 'EINVAL' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4771: error: 'EBUSY' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:4799: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:4965: error: expected ')' before 'alaw'
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_conv_init':
zaptel.c:4999: error: 'defgain' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:5005: error: '__zt_lin2mu' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:5006: error: '__zt_lin2a' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: In function '__zt_process_getaudio_chunk':
zaptel.c:5022: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'xlaw'
zaptel.c:5023: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ec'
zaptel.c:5026: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txecdis'
zaptel.c:5026: error: too many arguments to function 'echo_can_disable_detector_update'
zaptel.c:5028: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echocancel'
zaptel.c:5029: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echostate'
zaptel.c:5030: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echolastupdate'
zaptel.c:5031: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echotimer'
zaptel.c:5032: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ec'
zaptel.c:5032: error: 'M_DEVBUF' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:5033: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ec'
zaptel.c:5038: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmute'
zaptel.c:5038: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'dialing'
zaptel.c:5040: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:5046: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:5047: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:5049: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:5052: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:5056: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:5057: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:5059: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:5063: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:5066: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:5067: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:5069: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:5077: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:5081: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:5083: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast2'
zaptel.c:5083: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast1'
zaptel.c:5084: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast1'
zaptel.c:5086: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast1'
zaptel.c:5086: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:5088: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:5088: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast1'
zaptel.c:5090: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast1'
zaptel.c:5091: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast2'
zaptel.c:5094: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:5101: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:5105: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:5107: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:5108: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:5108: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:5110: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:5110: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:5111: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:5112: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'getlin'
zaptel.c:5113: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:5119: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:5121: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:5123: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:5126: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:5131: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:5135: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:5137: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:5139: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:5142: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:5146: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:5147: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ec'
zaptel.c:5149: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:5149: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:5151: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:5154: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ec'
zaptel.c:5156: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:5156: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:5158: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:5162: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'xlaw'
zaptel.c:5166: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmute'
zaptel.c:5166: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echostate'
zaptel.c:5167: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:5169: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echostate'
zaptel.c:5171: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:5172: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echostate'
zaptel.c:5176: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'getlin_lastchunk'
zaptel.c:5176: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'getlin'
zaptel.c:5178: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'getlin'
zaptel.c:5180: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'getraw'
zaptel.c:5187: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:5192: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txgain'
zaptel.c: In function '__zt_getbuf_chunk':
zaptel.c:5214: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outwritebuf'
zaptel.c:5214: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdisable'
zaptel.c:5215: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writebuf'
zaptel.c:5215: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outwritebuf'
zaptel.c:5216: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writen'
zaptel.c:5216: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outwritebuf'
zaptel.c:5216: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writeidx'
zaptel.c:5216: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outwritebuf'
zaptel.c:5223: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txhdlc'
zaptel.c:5225: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txhdlc'
zaptel.c:5225: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writeidx'
zaptel.c:5225: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outwritebuf'
zaptel.c:5226: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txhdlc'
zaptel.c:5230: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writeidx'
zaptel.c:5230: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outwritebuf'
zaptel.c:5231: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writeidx'
zaptel.c:5231: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outwritebuf'
zaptel.c:5236: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writeidx'
zaptel.c:5236: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outwritebuf'
zaptel.c:5236: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writen'
zaptel.c:5236: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outwritebuf'
zaptel.c:5238: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outwritebuf'
zaptel.c:5240: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writeidx'
zaptel.c:5241: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writen'
zaptel.c:5242: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outwritebuf'
zaptel.c:5242: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outwritebuf'
zaptel.c:5242: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'numbufs'
zaptel.c:5243: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outwritebuf'
zaptel.c:5243: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inwritebuf'
zaptel.c:5247: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outwritebuf'
zaptel.c:5248: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'iomask'
zaptel.c:5250: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventbufq'
zaptel.c:5252: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txbufpolicy'
zaptel.c:5253: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txdisable'
zaptel.c:5255: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inwritebuf'
zaptel.c:5258: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inwritebuf'
zaptel.c:5272: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writebufq'
zaptel.c:5273: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sel'
zaptel.c:5274: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'iomask'
zaptel.c:5276: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventbufq'
zaptel.c:5280: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txhdlc'
zaptel.c:5292: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:5293: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:5293: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'tonep'
zaptel.c:5298: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ts'
zaptel.c:5298: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:5299: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:5301: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'tonep'
zaptel.c:5303: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'tonep'
zaptel.c:5303: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:5306: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'tonep'
zaptel.c:5307: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:5308: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:5308: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:5309: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:5311: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'dialing'
zaptel.c:5314: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:5315: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ts'
zaptel.c:5315: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:5321: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txhdlc'
zaptel.c:5322: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txhdlc'
zaptel.c:5323: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txhdlc'
zaptel.c:5332: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c: In function 'rbs_itimer_expire':
zaptel.c:5343: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:5349: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'gotgs'
zaptel.c: In function '__rbs_otimer_expire':
zaptel.c:5363: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'otimer'
zaptel.c:5365: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txstate'
zaptel.c:5368: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'cadencepos'
zaptel.c:5369: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'cadencepos'
zaptel.c:5370: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'cadencepos'
zaptel.c:5371: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringcadence'
zaptel.c:5371: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'cadencepos'
zaptel.c:5374: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'cadencepos'
zaptel.c:5375: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringcadence'
zaptel.c:5375: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'cadencepos'
zaptel.c:5384: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'cadencepos'
zaptel.c:5385: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'cadencepos'
zaptel.c:5386: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'cadencepos'
zaptel.c:5387: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringcadence'
zaptel.c:5387: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'cadencepos'
zaptel.c:5390: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'cadencepos'
zaptel.c:5391: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curzone'
zaptel.c:5391: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'cadencepos'
zaptel.c:5402: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txstateq'
zaptel.c:5407: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'winktime'
zaptel.c:5413: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'file'
zaptel.c:5413: error: 'O_NONBLOCK' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:5416: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txstateq'
zaptel.c:5420: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'flashtime'
zaptel.c:5425: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'file'
zaptel.c:5428: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txstateq'
zaptel.c:5434: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txstateq'
zaptel.c:5439: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'file'
zaptel.c:5442: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txstateq'
zaptel.c:5447: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'file'
zaptel.c:5450: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txstateq'
zaptel.c:5454: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'kewlonhook'
zaptel.c:5457: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txstate'
zaptel.c:5458: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'gotgs'
zaptel.c: In function '__zt_hooksig_pvt':
zaptel.c:5472: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxhooksig'
zaptel.c:5474: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxhooksig'
zaptel.c:5475: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:5481: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'itimerset'
zaptel.c:5481: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'itimer'
zaptel.c:5481: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxwinktime'
zaptel.c:5486: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'itimer'
zaptel.c:5490: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'gotgs'
zaptel.c:5492: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'itimerset'
zaptel.c:5492: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'itimer'
zaptel.c:5500: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txstate'
zaptel.c:5504: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringdebtimer'
zaptel.c:5505: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringtrailer'
zaptel.c:5506: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txstate'
zaptel.c:5507: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'gotgs'
zaptel.c:5515: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'gotgs'
zaptel.c:5517: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'gotgs'
zaptel.c:5526: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txstate'
zaptel.c:5529: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'kewlonhook'
zaptel.c:5533: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'itimer'
zaptel.c:5535: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'itimerset'
zaptel.c:5535: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'itimer'
zaptel.c:5540: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulsecount'
zaptel.c:5541: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulsetimer'
zaptel.c:5542: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'itimer'
zaptel.c:5542: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'itimerset'
zaptel.c:5543: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulsecount'
zaptel.c:5550: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'gotgs'
zaptel.c:5552: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'gotgs'
zaptel.c:5553: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'itimerset'
zaptel.c:5553: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'itimer'
zaptel.c:5556: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'itimerset'
zaptel.c:5556: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'itimer'
zaptel.c:5560: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txstate'
zaptel.c:5561: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txstate'
zaptel.c:5562: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txstate'
zaptel.c:5563: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'itimerset'
zaptel.c:5563: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'itimer'
zaptel.c:5563: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxflashtime'
zaptel.c:5565: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'txstate'
zaptel.c:5566: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'kewlonhook'
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_rbsbits':
zaptel.c:5588: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxsig'
zaptel.c:5592: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:5618: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:5634: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxsig'
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_ec_chunk':
zaptel.c:5645: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ec'
zaptel.c:5649: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echostate'
zaptel.c:5652: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'xlaw'
zaptel.c:5653: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'xlaw'
zaptel.c:5654: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echostate'
zaptel.c:5655: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echotimer'
zaptel.c:5656: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echotimer'
zaptel.c:5657: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echostate'
zaptel.c:5660: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echostate'
zaptel.c:5661: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echolastupdate'
zaptel.c:5662: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echostate'
zaptel.c:5664: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echostate'
zaptel.c:5665: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ec'
zaptel.c:5665: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echolastupdate'
zaptel.c:5669: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echostate'
zaptel.c:5673: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:5677: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'xlaw'
zaptel.c:5678: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ec'
zaptel.c:5678: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'xlaw'
zaptel.c:5679: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c: In function '__zt_process_putaudio_chunk':
zaptel.c:5747: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'dialing'
zaptel.c:5747: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'afterdialingtimer'
zaptel.c:5748: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'afterdialingtimer'
zaptel.c:5748: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'afterdialingtimer'
zaptel.c:5749: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'afterdialingtimer'
zaptel.c:5751: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:5755: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxgain'
zaptel.c:5756: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'xlaw'
zaptel.c:5759: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ec'
zaptel.c:5761: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxecdis'
zaptel.c:5761: error: too many arguments to function 'echo_can_disable_detector_update'
zaptel.c:5763: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echocancel'
zaptel.c:5764: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echostate'
zaptel.c:5765: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echolastupdate'
zaptel.c:5766: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'echotimer'
zaptel.c:5767: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ec'
zaptel.c:5767: error: 'M_DEVBUF' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:5768: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ec'
zaptel.c:5780: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:5800: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'putlin'
zaptel.c:5801: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'putraw'
zaptel.c:5806: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmute'
zaptel.c:5806: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'afterdialingtimer'
zaptel.c:5808: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:5816: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:5817: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:5819: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:5823: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:5829: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:5830: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:5832: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:5836: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:5845: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:5846: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:5849: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:5853: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:5857: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:5859: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:5860: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:5860: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:5862: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:5862: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:5863: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:5866: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:5868: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast2'
zaptel.c:5870: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:5874: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:5879: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:5881: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:5883: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:5887: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:5888: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'getlin'
zaptel.c:5893: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:5897: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:5899: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:5900: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:5900: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:5902: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:5902: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:5904: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:5909: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:5913: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:5913: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:5915: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:5917: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:5918: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:5918: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:5920: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:5920: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:5922: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'conflast'
zaptel.c:5924: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:5924: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named '_confn'
zaptel.c:5930: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:5931: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c:5933: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confna'
zaptel.c: In function '__zt_putbuf_chunk':
zaptel.c:5966: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inreadbuf'
zaptel.c:5968: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readbuf'
zaptel.c:5968: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inreadbuf'
zaptel.c:5969: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'blocksize'
zaptel.c:5969: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readidx'
zaptel.c:5969: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inreadbuf'
zaptel.c:5975: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxhdlc'
zaptel.c:5977: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxhdlc'
zaptel.c:5983: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readidx'
zaptel.c:5983: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inreadbuf'
zaptel.c:5984: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'infcs'
zaptel.c:5984: error: 'PPP_GOODFCS' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:5994: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readidx'
zaptel.c:5994: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inreadbuf'
zaptel.c:6001: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'infcs'
zaptel.c:6001: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'infcs'
zaptel.c:6001: error: 'fcstab' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:6001: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'infcs'
zaptel.c:6002: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readidx'
zaptel.c:6002: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inreadbuf'
zaptel.c:6004: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readidx'
zaptel.c:6004: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inreadbuf'
zaptel.c:6004: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'blocksize'
zaptel.c:6005: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c:6009: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxhdlc'
zaptel.c:6010: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxhdlc'
zaptel.c:6011: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readidx'
zaptel.c:6011: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inreadbuf'
zaptel.c:6018: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readidx'
zaptel.c:6018: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inreadbuf'
zaptel.c:6020: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readidx'
zaptel.c:6020: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inreadbuf'
zaptel.c:6023: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readidx'
zaptel.c:6023: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inreadbuf'
zaptel.c:6023: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'blocksize'
zaptel.c:6027: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inreadbuf'
zaptel.c:6028: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'infcs'
zaptel.c:6029: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readn'
zaptel.c:6029: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inreadbuf'
zaptel.c:6029: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readidx'
zaptel.c:6029: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inreadbuf'
zaptel.c:6080: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inreadbuf'
zaptel.c:6080: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inreadbuf'
zaptel.c:6080: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'numbufs'
zaptel.c:6081: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inreadbuf'
zaptel.c:6081: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outreadbuf'
zaptel.c:6088: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inreadbuf'
zaptel.c:6090: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxdisable'
zaptel.c:6092: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outreadbuf'
zaptel.c:6093: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outreadbuf'
zaptel.c:6105: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxdisable'
zaptel.c:6112: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readbufq'
zaptel.c:6113: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sel'
zaptel.c:6114: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'iomask'
zaptel.c:6116: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventbufq'
zaptel.c:6122: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readidx'
zaptel.c:6122: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inreadbuf'
zaptel.c:6123: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'infcs'
zaptel.c:6143: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'span'
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:6210: warning: 'struct proc' declared inside parameter list
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_timer_poll':
zaptel.c:6223: error: 'POLLPRI' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:6228: error: 'EINVAL' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:6233: warning: 'struct proc' declared inside parameter list
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_chan_poll':
zaptel.c:6241: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'inwritebuf'
zaptel.c:6242: error: 'POLLOUT' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:6242: error: 'POLLWRNORM' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:6244: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'outreadbuf'
zaptel.c:6244: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxdisable'
zaptel.c:6245: error: 'POLLIN' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:6245: error: 'POLLRDNORM' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:6247: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventoutidx'
zaptel.c:6247: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'eventinidx'
zaptel.c:6249: error: 'POLLPRI' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:6249: error: 'POLLRDBAND' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:6253: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sel'
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:6261: warning: 'struct proc' declared inside parameter list
zaptel.c:6262: error: conflicting types for 'zt_poll'
zaptel.c:301: error: previous declaration of 'zt_poll' was here
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_poll':
zaptel.c:6272: warning: passing argument 3 of 'zt_timer_poll' from incompatible pointer type
zaptel.c:6279: warning: passing argument 3 of 'zt_chan_poll' from incompatible pointer type
zaptel.c:6286: error: 'EINVAL' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:6288: warning: passing argument 3 of 'zt_chan_poll' from incompatible pointer type
zaptel.c:6290: warning: passing argument 3 of 'zt_chan_poll' from incompatible pointer type
zaptel.c: In function '__zt_transmit_chunk':
zaptel.c:6301: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c: In function '__zt_real_transmit':
zaptel.c:6315: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:6317: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confout'
zaptel.c:6317: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writechunk'
zaptel.c:6317: warning: passing argument 3 of '__buf_pull' from incompatible pointer type
zaptel.c:6317: error: too many arguments to function '__buf_pull'
zaptel.c:6319: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writechunk'
zaptel.c: In function '__zt_getempty':
zaptel.c:6334: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:6335: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:6335: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'tonep'
zaptel.c:6340: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ts'
zaptel.c:6340: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:6341: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:6343: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'tonep'
zaptel.c:6345: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'tonep'
zaptel.c:6345: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:6348: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'tonep'
zaptel.c:6349: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:6350: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:6350: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:6351: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:6353: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'dialing'
zaptel.c:6356: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:6357: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ts'
zaptel.c:6357: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'curtone'
zaptel.c:6362: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c: In function '__zt_receive_chunk':
zaptel.c:6375: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'lin2x'
zaptel.c:6378: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c: In function '__zt_real_receive':
zaptel.c:6393: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:6395: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confin'
zaptel.c:6395: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readchunk'
zaptel.c:6395: error: too many arguments to function '__buf_push'
zaptel.c:6397: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readchunk'
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_transmit':
zaptel.c:6410: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'otimer'
zaptel.c:6411: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'otimer'
zaptel.c:6412: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'otimer'
zaptel.c:6420: error: 'u_char' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:6420: error: expected ';' before 'data'
zaptel.c:6429: error: 'data' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:6432: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'writechunk'
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_receive':
zaptel.c:6480: error: 'u_char' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:6480: error: expected ';' before 'data'
zaptel.c:6486: error: 'data' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:6486: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'readchunk'
zaptel.c:6498: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'itimer'
zaptel.c:6499: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'itimer'
zaptel.c:6500: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'itimer'
zaptel.c:6504: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringdebtimer'
zaptel.c:6505: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringdebtimer'
zaptel.c:6506: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'sig'
zaptel.c:6507: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'rxhooksig'
zaptel.c:6508: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringtrailer'
zaptel.c:6509: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringtrailer'
zaptel.c:6510: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringtrailer'
zaptel.c:6512: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringtrailer'
zaptel.c:6512: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'ringdebtimer'
zaptel.c:6516: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulsetimer'
zaptel.c:6518: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulsetimer'
zaptel.c:6519: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulsetimer'
zaptel.c:6521: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulsecount'
zaptel.c:6523: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulsecount'
zaptel.c:6526: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulsecount'
zaptel.c:6528: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulsecount'
zaptel.c:6530: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulsecount'
zaptel.c:6532: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulsecount'
zaptel.c:6536: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulsecount'
zaptel.c:6538: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'pulsecount'
zaptel.c:6554: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:6557: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confin'
zaptel.c:6560: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confin'
zaptel.c:6560: warning: passing argument 3 of '__buf_pull' from incompatible pointer type
zaptel.c:6560: error: too many arguments to function '__buf_pull'
zaptel.c:6601: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confmode'
zaptel.c:6604: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confout'
zaptel.c:6607: error: 'struct zt_chan' has no member named 'confout'
zaptel.c:6607: error: too many arguments to function '__buf_push'
zaptel.c: In function 'zt_init':
zaptel.c:6701: error: 'PVM' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:6714: warning: 'struct lkm_table' declared inside parameter list
zaptel.c: In function 'ztdev_load':
zaptel.c:6720: error: argument 'lkmtp' doesn't match prototype
zaptel.c:6714: error: prototype declaration
zaptel.c:6725: error: 'LKM_E_LOAD' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:6740: error: 'M_DEVBUF' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:6745: error: 'LKM_E_UNLOAD' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c:6770: error: 'EINVAL' undeclared (first use in this function)
zaptel.c: At top level:
zaptel.c:6798: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before string constant
zaptel.c:6798: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before string constant
zaptel.c:6798: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before numeric constant
zaptel.c:6798: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before '-' token
zaptel.c:6798: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before '&' token
zaptel.c:6798: error: expected declaration specifiers or '...' before numeric constant
zaptel.c: In function 'MOD_DEV':
zaptel.c:6800: warning: 'struct lkm_table' declared inside parameter list
zaptel.c:6803: warning: 'struct lkm_table' declared inside parameter list
zaptel.c:6805: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before '{' token
zaptel.c:6800: error: declaration for parameter 'mod_zaptel_lkmentry' but no such parameter
zaptel.c:6807: error: expected '{' at end of input
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/comms/zaptel-netbsd/work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/zaptel
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/comms/zaptel-netbsd/work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/comms/zaptel-netbsd
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/comms/zaptel-netbsd

===> Warnings from the wrapper log (sorted):
WARNING: [transform-gcc] passing unknown option -R/usr/pkg/lib
WARNING: [transform-gcc] passing unknown option -Wno-pointer-sign
WARNING: [transform-gcc] passing unknown option -ffreestanding
WARNING: [transform-gcc] passing unknown option -isystem
WARNING: [transform-gcc] passing unknown option -nostdinc

File versions:
	MESSAGE: $NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 2005/04/08 03:03:42 riz Exp $
	Makefile: $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2006/02/05 23:08:28 joerg Exp $
	PLIST: $NetBSD: PLIST,v 1.2 2005/05/02 20:33:58 reed Exp $
	buildlink3.mk: $NetBSD: buildlink3.mk,v 1.7 2006/07/08 23:10:39 jlam Exp $
	distinfo: $NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.2 2006/02/01 00:10:53 riz Exp $
	files/ztcfg.sh: $NetBSD: ztcfg.sh,v 2005/04/08 03:03:42 riz Exp $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/test/fxo_test.c: $Id: fxo_test.c 132 2006-01-27 23:48:21Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/test/zttool.c: $Id: zttool.c 132 2006-01-27 23:48:21Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/test/Makefile: $Id: Makefile 132 2006-01-27 23:48:21Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/test/zttool: $NetBSD: crt0.c,v 1.19 2005/12/24 22:02:10 perry Exp $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/test/fxo_test: $NetBSD: crt0.c,v 1.19 2005/12/24 22:02:10 perry Exp $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/test/ztmonitor: $NetBSD: crt0.c,v 1.19 2005/12/24 22:02:10 perry Exp $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/test/zttest: $NetBSD: crt0.c,v 1.19 2005/12/24 22:02:10 perry Exp $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/zaptel/zaptel.c: $Id: zaptel.c 132 2006-01-27 23:48:21Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/zaptel/zaptel.h: $Id: zaptel.h 132 2006-01-27 23:48:21Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/zaptel/zconfig.h: $Id: zconfig.h 132 2006-01-27 23:48:21Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/zaptel/biquad.h: $Id: biquad.h 132 2006-01-27 23:48:21Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/zaptel/arith.h: $Id: arith.h 132 2006-01-27 23:48:21Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/zaptel/fasthdlc.h: $Id: fasthdlc.h 132 2006-01-27 23:48:21Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/zaptel/digits.h: $Id: digits.h 132 2006-01-27 23:48:21Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/zaptel/Makefile: $Id: Makefile 132 2006-01-27 23:48:21Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/zaptel/ecdis.h: $Id: ecdis.h 132 2006-01-27 23:48:21Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/patches.NetBSD/README: $Id: README 132 2006-01-27 23:48:21Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/wcfxo/.svn/text-base/wcfxo_lkm.c.svn-base: $Id: wcfxo_lkm.c 67 2005-01-19 19:32:01Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/wcfxo/.svn/text-base/wcfxovar.h.svn-base: $Id: wcfxovar.h 16 2004-10-26 04:42:50Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/wcfxo/.svn/text-base/wcfxo.c.svn-base: $Id: wcfxs.c 67 2005-01-19 19:32:01Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/wcfxo/.svn/text-base/wcfxoreg.h.svn-base: $Id: wcfxsreg.h 55 2004-12-09 21:51:53Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/wcfxo/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base: $Id: Makefile 16 2004-10-26 04:42:50Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/wcfxo/wcfxovar.h: $Id: wcfxovar.h 16 2004-10-26 04:42:50Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/wcfxo/wcfxo.c: $Id: wcfxs.c 67 2005-01-19 19:32:01Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/wcfxo/wcfxo_lkm.c: $Id: wcfxo_lkm.c 67 2005-01-19 19:32:01Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/wcfxo/wcfxoreg.h: $Id: wcfxsreg.h 55 2004-12-09 21:51:53Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/wcfxo/Makefile: $Id: Makefile 16 2004-10-26 04:42:50Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/ztdummy/Makefile: $Id: Makefile 132 2006-01-27 23:48:21Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/wcfxs/wcfxsvar.h: $Id: wcfxsvar.h 132 2006-01-27 23:48:21Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/wcfxs/wcfxs.c: $Id: wcfxs.c 132 2006-01-27 23:48:21Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/wcfxs/Makefile: $Id: Makefile 132 2006-01-27 23:48:21Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/wcfxs/wcfxs_lkm.c: $Id: wcfxs_lkm.c 132 2006-01-27 23:48:21Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/wcfxs/wcfxsreg.h: $Id: wcfxsreg.h 132 2006-01-27 23:48:21Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/ztcfg/Makefile: $Id: Makefile 132 2006-01-27 23:48:21Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/ztcfg/ztcfg: $NetBSD: crt0.c,v 1.19 2005/12/24 22:02:10 perry Exp $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/README.NetBSD: $Id: README.NetBSD 132 2006-01-27 23:48:21Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/Makefile.inc: $Id: Makefile.inc 132 2006-01-27 23:48:21Z riz $
	work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127/Makefile: $Id: Makefile 132 2006-01-27 23:48:21Z riz $

	MKDIR=/bin/mkdir -p
	TSORT=tsort -q


CONFIGURE_ENV (sorted alphabetically):



WARNING: No config header found in /usr/pkgsrc/comms/zaptel-netbsd/work.lily/zaptel-netbsd-20060127.

PKGSRC_MAKE_ENV (sorted alphabetically):


MAKE_ENV (sorted alphabetically):
	BSD_INSTALL_DATA=/usr/bin/install -c -o root -g wheel -m 444
	BSD_INSTALL_DATA_DIR=/usr/bin/install -d -o root -g wheel -m 755
	BSD_INSTALL_GAME=/usr/bin/install -c -s -o root -g wheel -m 555
	BSD_INSTALL_GAME_DATA=/usr/bin/install -c -o root -g wheel -m 444
	BSD_INSTALL_GAME_DIR=/usr/bin/install -d -o root -g wheel -m 755
	BSD_INSTALL_LIB=/usr/bin/install -c -o root -g wheel -m 555
	BSD_INSTALL_LIB_DIR=/usr/bin/install -d -o root -g wheel -m 755
	BSD_INSTALL_MAN=/usr/bin/install -c -o root -g wheel -m 444
	BSD_INSTALL_MAN_DIR=/usr/bin/install -d -o root -g wheel -m 755
	BSD_INSTALL_PROGRAM=/usr/bin/install -c -s -o root -g wheel -m 555
	BSD_INSTALL_PROGRAM_DIR=/usr/bin/install -d -o root -g wheel -m 755
	BSD_INSTALL_SCRIPT=/usr/bin/install -c -o root -g wheel -m 555
	BSD_INSTALL_SCRIPT_DIR=/usr/bin/install -d -o root -g wheel -m 755






PLIST_SUBST (sorted alphabetically):
	MKDIR=/bin/mkdir -p

Please view the work log for zaptel-netbsd-20060127nb1

BULK> zaptel-netbsd-20060127nb1 was marked as broken:
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  151052 Mar 23 13:06 /usr/pkgsrc/comms/zaptel-netbsd/.broken.lily.html
/usr/bin/make deinstall
===> Deinstalling for zaptel-netbsd-20060127nb1
BULK> Marking all packages which depend upon zaptel-netbsd-20060127nb1 as broken: BULK> Build for zaptel-netbsd-20060127nb1 was not successful, aborting.