Short: FILE-ID.DIZ processor for CNet Uploader: marlin cnet577 cts com Type: comm/cnet Architecture: m68k-amigaos Long: .-----------------------------------------. | + MaxDiz V1.10 - [Bugs Fixed & 100%] | | ---------------------------------- | | 250 Lines On All Descriptions......... | | Bground, Fground, Centered Signatures. | | Full Editing Abilities - VisEd/LineEd.. | | File_ID.Diz Processing/Editing/Creation.| | BBS Advertisment Stripping............. | | Adds Width, Height, Depth, FileType Info| | To GIF's, Jpegs, Iff's, ILBM's, Anims.. | | Fully Configurable & Easy To Install... | `-[ Programmed By /X\ad/X\ax RaDiAnCe ]--'