Short: AmiTCP/IP Emacs (1.26) irc client w/ dcc Uploader: too cardhu cs hut fi Type: comm/net Architecture: m68k-amigaos Irchat and jwz optimized byte compiler are GNU software. see COPYING for more info bytecomp-runtime.el and defsubst.el are available via ftp at file pub/gnu/emacs/elisp-archive/packages/bytecomp.tar.Z sourcefiles in elisp/irchat directory and gnus-caesar.elc are available via ftp at directory pub/irchat files in this archive: COPYING -- the GNU public licence readme.FIRST -- installation and usage info -- old (but good) irchat manual irchat.lha -- actual irchat archive NOTE: if you are using emacs 18.59, 1.28 beta, delete-processing tcp_AmiTCP will guru your machine :(. The problem as far I know is in Emacs 1.28... INSTALLATION: I suggest you decompress irchat.lha in your GNUEmacs: directory; then the dearchiver automatically creates (if not exist already) GNUEmacs:elisp and GNUEmacs:elisp/irchat -directories for needed elisp executables. If you are more advanced user you may locate the files anywhere in your load-path. The file etc/dcc_AmiTCP, irchat dcc handler process, is also unpacked in it's right location if irchat.lha is unpacked in GNUEmacs: directory. Since irchat is now byte compiled using Jamie Zawinski's optimizing byte compiler and it nees some runtime support you must load the runtime support package of it. It is recommended to add the following line to the first line in your s:.emacs file. (load-library "GNUEmacs:elisp/bytecomp-runtime.el) ;; do not byte-compile this Next you have to add GNUEmacs:elisp and GNUEmacs:elisp/irchat into your load-path in S:emacs -file. It can be done the following way: (setq load-path (append (list "GNUEmacs:elisp") load-path (list "GNUEmacs:elisp/irchat"))) One more thing to add in your S:.emacs file... (autoload 'irchat "own-irc" "Irchat" t) Next add the following environment variables in suitable places (for example in S:user-startup): setenv IRCNICK yourNick setenv IRCNAME setenv IRCSERVER Now you can (re)start your emacs and try irchat. You can directly customize some of irchat settings by editing GNUEmacs:elisp/own-irc.el -file. For more advanced customization you may want to look GNUEmacs:elisp/irchat/irchat-hooks.el. There is some more (partly outdated) information in It is worth reading though. Below there is list of most of irchat keybindings. You may try C-h v irchat for list of irchat variables. TAB irchat-Command-complete C-c R irchat-isearch-back C-c < irchat-Command-pop C-c > irchat-Command-push C-c $ irchat-Command-eod-buffer C-c / irchat-Command-generic C-c | irchat-Command-show-last-kill C-c W irchat-Command-wait C-c w irchat-Command-who C-c u irchat-Command-lusers C-c t irchat-Command-topic C-c r irchat-Command-reconfigure-windows C-c q irchat-Command-quit C-c p irchat-Command-mta-private C-c n irchat-Command-nickname C-c RET irchat-Command-modec C-c m irchat-Command-message C-c l irchat-Command-list C-c C-k irchat-Command-kick C-c k irchat-Command-kill C-c C-p irchat-Command-part C-c j irchat-Command-join C-c i irchat-Command-invite C-c C-f irchat-Command-freeze C-c f irchat-Command-finger C-c c irchat-Command-inline C-c a irchat-Command-away C-c 2 irchat-Command-private-conversation C-c ! irchat-Command-exec C-c SPC irchat-Command-scroll-up C-c DEL irchat-Command-scroll-down C-c C-y irchat-Command-yank-send C-c C-u irchat-Command-userhost C-c C-r irchat-Command-caesar-line C-c C-n irchat-Command-names C-c TAB irchat-Command-ison C-c C-d irchat-Command-debug C-c C-c irchat-Client-query-prefix C-c F irchat-Command-send-file C-c G irchat-Command-dcc-list C-c s irchat-Command-dcc-send C-c g irchat-Command-dcc-receive C-c C-c C-u irchat-Command-client-userinfo-from-commandbuffer C-c C-c U irchat-Command-client-userinfo-from-minibuffer C-c C-c c irchat-Command-client-clientinfo C-c C-c g irchat-Command-client-generic C-c C-c h irchat-Command-client-help C-c C-c u irchat-Command-client-userinfo