Short: BugFix for PC2Am.Now U can LeaveOut icons Author: (Wojciech Kocjan) Uploader: wkocjan polbox com (Wojciech Kocjan) Type: comm/net Requires: OS2.04; comm/net/PC2Am308.lha Architecture: m68k-amigaos This packet can (but does not have to :-) eliminate your problems with PC2Amiga. It does not have an installer because these are simple advices on how to do it. However this packet can also make your PCDISK leave out icons. To eliminate your problems do the following: - use artser.device - baudrate: 38400 or lower - set max length of packet to 512 - set timeout to 20 (2.0 sec) - I suggest using Gopher-like indicator (but NOT REQUIRED!) - set priority to 1 - set timeouts to popup requester to 5 - I suggest enabling pretending of SetComment() (also NOT REQUIRED!) To make PC work with left out icons: - copy the NewBD command to C: - insert "C:NewBD PCDISK:.backdrop PCDISK:C/.backdrop" somewhere in your user-startup - of course you can change PCDISK:C/.backdrop to any other location, but I recommend putting it somewhere on the PC! p.s. NewBD can (but again does not have to :-) crash your system! It shouldn't happen at all, but it IS POSSIBLE. Hope this will make your life easier, (and won't crash anything, hi, hi!) Wojciech Kocjan