Short: Better 8svx support for Blitz (load/save) Author: (Fredrik Wikstrom) Uploader: fredrik a500 org (Fredrik Wikstrom) Type: dev/blitz Version: 1.1 Architecture: generic Contains following functions: succ.l = Load8SVX {sound.w, $filename} Functions more or less same as Blitz's LoadSound with the difference that this routine supports compressed .8svx files (FDC = Fibonacci Delta Comp., and the unofficial EDC = Exponential Delta Comp.) and returns success/failure depending on how it went. Sounds are automatically freed on exit, as is usual with Blitz. succ.b = Save8SVX {sound.w, $filename} Saves out a blitz sound as raw .8svx (no compression). Returns success/failure. Sound can be the id of any Blitz sound, i.e. it doesn't have to be a sound loaded with Load8SVX{}.