Short: CyberGL-stubs/fd/inline for gcc-2.7.2.+ Author: Niels.Froehling@Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE (Niels Froehling) Uploader: Niels Froehling Informatik Uni-Oldenburg DE (Niels Froehling) Type: dev/c Architecture: m68k-amigaos I've created some usefull things for CyberGL. This collection contains a missed fd-file, a new inline-include for gcc, and library-call-stubs for gcc based upon inline-inlude with automatic open and close for every program linked with it. The standard-includes are a bit modified to be as gl-compatible as possible. include/clib/cybergl_protos.h include/cybergl/cybergl.h include/cybergl/cybergl_display.h include/fd/cybergl_lib.fd include/gl/gl.h include/inline/cybergl.h include/pragmas/cybergl_pragmas.h include/proto/cybergl.h lib/libgl.a lib/libgl.c lib/libgl.o