Short: Crc32fj - Cycle Redundancy Check 32-bit Author: Finn Jacobs Uploader: Finn Jacobs Type: dev/c Architecture: m68k-amigaos CRC32 - Cycle Redundancy Check 32-bit: mostly the best way of getting a "fingerprint" of something to check for valid data. But this program (routines) are not a guideline to this. If you want more information about crc's then check "file verification using crc" by Mark R. Nelson in Dr.Dobb's Journal, May 1992, pp64-67, or "understanding CRCs" by Tim Kientzle in Dr. Dobb's Journal, April 1997, pp103-107. Both articles are best for understanding crc's :) I programmed this routines to have good and fast routines in back for my projects. So you will find a generator for crc32 to a memoryblock and to a filestream.