Short: Easy ARexx port module for AmigaE (v1.11) Author: Chris S Handley ( Uploader: Chris S Handley (cshandley-REMOVETHIS ANDTHIS_iee org) Type: dev/e Version: v1.11 Requires: rexxsyslib.library, AmigaE v3.x Architecture: m68k-amigaos Introduction ------------ This is a fairly easy to use module for AmigaE which allows you to communicate using an ARexxPort. It is infact OO (Object Orientated), but if you don't know about OO don't worry - AmigaE makes OO dead easy. You could probably do ok by just altering the supplied example program. But read the docs anyway, as there are unfortunately still a few subtleties. Although it appears to work well, I should point out that it has not been heavily tested yet. That will only happen when either I (or someone else!) writes a proper program that uses it a lot - this probably won't ever happen. NOTE: Having finally looked at the ARexx documentation in the RKMs, it is clear that even with all my improvements, there are still many limitations which ARexxComm has inherited. Fixing the limitions would require a complete rewrite, which I will not do. As such, I can no-longer recommend that ARexxComm be used, except for very simple programs! History ------- v1.11(22-08-02) -Updated docs on the (lack of) future for ARexxComm. -Added anti-spam stuff to email address :( v1.1 (21-03-99) -Fixed crash caused by closing port before it had recieved all acknowledgements. -Change behaviour of createPort() so that you can actually know that a port was not created without using exceptions - you MUST re-read how to use it! Example programs were totally wrong! -Improved docs slightly.