Short: Seeds RND # generator in E. Author: Joseph E. Van Riper III Uploader: vanriper cs unca edu Architecture: m68k-amigaos Long: StayRandom is simply an Amiga E module to help generate random numbers a little better. Simply call 'stayrandom()' at the beginning of your program (after including "MODULE 'other/stayrandom'" in your source) and you should be able to use Amiga E's random number generator to create very random numbers. StayRandom opens the timer.device to get at the ticks, as well as scanning the vscan thingy. StayRandom no longer create an ENV:RND file. As far as I can tell, this works quite well; if you've been complaining that Amiga E's random number generator isn't working very well, try executing this function before your code and see if your assessment still holds true . - Trey Van Riper