Short: PSX MemoryCard Reader Author: (Guido Mersmann) Uploader: geit gmx de (Guido Mersmann) Type: docs/hard Version: 1.69 Replaces: hard/hack/mccontrol.lha Requires: Some features require gtdrag.library V3.4+ and AmigaOS3.5+! Architecture: generic Kurz: PSX Speicherkartenleser MCControl (MemoryCard Control) is a tool for reading, editing and writing Playstation MemoryCards. Features: ° Load/save #?.MCD, #?.GME, #?.VGS, #?.PSM, #?.PSX, #?.MEM ° Display PSX Images. (requires AmigaOS 3.0+) ° Save PSX Icons as AmigaOS icons! (requires AmigaOS 3.5+) ° Special hardware versions for parallel and disk port. ° DexDrive support ° DataDeck support ° PSXPort support ° Open as much virtual MemoryCards as you need. ° Drag´n Drop allows to move save games very easy between virtual MemoryCards. (requires GTDrag.library V3.4+) ° Delete and Undelete files. ° Very quick MemoryCard access! (Internal Caching) ° A save game converter allows to use any international save game! ° A save game manipulator to reach stages you never saw before! ° XPK Support ° Locale support ° Very small And much more!