Short: Configurable Snoowy window on your WB Author: (Jesper Wilhelmsson) Uploader: jive algonet se (Jesper Wilhelmsson) Type: game/gag Version: 1.1 Replaces: Winter Requires: An Amiga Architecture: m68k-amigaos When I'd tested all snow-programs on Aminet without finding a single one that worked, I desided to write my own... So, here it is... Enjoy. Source in E included - use it as you like! /Jesper. (Hold down both mousebuttons to quit...) +--------------------------------------------------------------, | On public demand comes here an uppdate with some new features. +--------------------------------------------------------------+ | New features for version 1.1: +-----------------------------+ Everything is now configurable! Usage: (Only CLI at the moment!) SnoOow INFO - Information about the program MAX=n - Number of snowflakes (Max is 5000 but i do not recomend this on systems without a faaaaaast processor (060+) Default is 100 WIND=n - Make it blow! Min=-4 Max=4. Default is 0 LEFT=n - The possition of the left side. Default is 270 UPPER=n - The possition of the upper side. Default is 50 WIDTH=n - The width of the window. Default is 100 HEIGHT=n - The height of the window. Default is 100 - I do not recomend mutch smaller windows than ~60 pixels high. BWIDTH=n - The heigth ot the titelbar. Since the height of the titelbar isn't the same on all systems (depending on fonts and other things), this option gives you the possibillity to change the starting row of the snowfall. If you know a better way, like investigating the height automatically please send me an e-mail and tell me how. Default is 16, if you use standard Workbench with topaz/8 you should change this to 11. The order of the keywords is not important, and you only use the ones that you want to change.