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When the formatter reads the block back to verify, it's not the same and it panics. - Some commercial programs will not work with some viruses in RAM. - Not all computer failures are caused by viruses! If you are having problems, and you have checked your disks with VirusX (and it reports them as y0Ixclean), try looking elsewhere for the problem. - There is at least one virus that can (more or less accidentally) hit hard disks. Some of the viruses use the DoIO() vector to watch for any read (or write) attempts at block 0. Unfortunately, they do not always make sure that it is block 0 of the Floppy drive. If someone is writing to block 0 of the hard disk, and the virus intercepts this, it can writy1J+ e itself to the hard disk. The virus CANNOT load from hard disk - the hard disk's boot block is never executed. However, if your hard disk is an FFS volume, then writing the virus to it will have the effect of changing it to an OFS volume, making what's on it unusable. You can fix this with DiskDoctor (I believe), or using DiskX. - VirusX may NOT find some viruses if you run it after the virus is already loadey2K94bd. In some cases - like the Lamer Exterminator virus - VirusX is sees what the virus wants it to see, not what's really there. Run VirusX BEFORE you run anything else, or BEFORE you load any suspicious disks. Version Notes have been moved from the documentation file to the source code file. Please read VirusX.C for the version history of VirusX. I'd like to thank Lars Wilklund, Jason Allen Smith, Bruce Dawson, Robb Walton, Pete Foley, and all the oty3Phers whose names I've forgotten who have sent me disks (And the many people who have written to me, but whom I have not been able to answer! I do read your letters!) Mucho thanks also to Dan James, who's been helping me all along, and who did a lot of the finding out about the IRQ Virus. (And to Ian Sewell, for 2 million points worth of MUD treasure which I never got...) ...Steve (The Virus Killer Himself) 11 virus is already loadeMsSp]d1"CB\LdLYޗ:]`0Ԇ1OU21 @F7" bA!"I"ɘx.Vz0^V#hh7XJpkшF0& J"`a&1NdQHQF%vߧxc Ha1vhF2/:%(nɅ&FhL#d,G<`%^`x`"xloI,7#+(a.o? qB# 0Cl6 1"# #&70(@]c$FI&HKBr_3=M#FCL T`d$M0Cjo4dkb!!8PlV ĉI0ld`QF 2DU|pcP%Fv 9!1i2] vNW 1IFF B0FIp 0OC$`0AfJ1Qzj21 *(6Fccф`"̓D` 6LJ`.b PhB1ƊE+#HH`0C"c!D#E򦁍CkF1ZcBc, g3 Z>0"h?Ά#^GOF9 h6&TZ5*|4SA<Js,YQBIҬg80$@8 $(LJ|yp)YY E = XB ," !0@`, k`(n ,6IiP( a;'괟n/?6|~g[t'P  V}NOӔ+=6iP@[ us}:+qv9 " x.3Bb7>jD1G0"`nkLLA&Ao`Ɏ>Vs|@-R@]שtG=(<*USr0^F@ JGRDo?nwdGɸ:o'[h\LD<"L@j m$BH0I4sqǓ$?7}˜LW}3hC@ %'|B|N:8}Y"Jc0,e2 'R8C")<;[}1{I;Q_.w˭j1c4p-`B@\4DL>8nN{9L{& aQHw߻dKp & HGnOW)܇Wݦ1q !: HT P׌ {__Ay9G!q2_ ҡ XSIpf;avNx3z<И u= _+~`IbGE׺hLN'srôcηMuդ x !ˌJ" q@76wDm߬[ܾCF1b %* NC`i 12s,YN'%Y/+g~}zt3FXX#C`+u;9Nw3|SP1 f wGZc``X@A lW i01|"l<%50(h7oC0Qd3sbg*+؋sOwQz[Oڏ{;_xzZ<10! " B 3L*fJSqgГ]I H( e x ,E,ƱRX؄؁vWwrpW*0'rx" Љ9[% f=BYj~$7]f` *?N1EL9^CȊ!@)@BB*" 12 4@Y#KƠ3el7v a(S"X,=0B#BX>-{h/t ųb D bB r r4ry$S{uR for sending me this one! SYSTEMZ VIRUS PROTECTOR - I took this one out. It's not really a 'Virus', in that it won't overwrite a disk without asking you first. Besides, it seems a lot of people LIKE the SystemZ Virus Protector (though it isn't perfect). LAMER EXTERMINATOR - THIS one was a bugger. Yet another virus aimed at hurting people. Y'see, a Lamer is apparently the worst kind of pirate - one who doesn't crack software, doesn't write software, just collects names any%T{Zd addresses and collects and spreads software. Lamers don't do anybody any good, and the guy behind this Virus took it upon himself to make their (and our) lives miserable. This virus loads into RAM 8 at a random location each time. It is encrypted on the disk so you can't SEE the name of it, and it never actually SHOWS the name, but it's definitely there. It changes the encryption key used each time it is written back to disk. It hy&Uas a counter and will wait until the machine has been reset 2 times OR until 3 disks have been infected, and will then pick a DATA block (Only a DATA block - FFS disks are safe, I guess), randomly, and will write the word 'LAMER!' all through it. This is obviously not good, and will cause random disk errors. This is the worst kind of havoc to wreak on the new user - and this virus is EVERYWHERE! I've gotten it from 5 people in the last week alone (all from different countries! Ay'V= 4ck!). Anyway, credit for being the first with this one goes to Christian Schneider. Thanks, Christian! This virus sets up a Resident structure, but never sets the Match Word. Either this means we don't need the MatchWord or it means his SumKickData() is doing the recovery job - either way, it's new! 3 points for originality. GRAFFITI - The first virus to come with rotating 3-d graphics! It's neat - you might want to trigger it, though I'm not sure how, before nuking y(WSeit. This one just sets CoolCapture(), does something with DoIO() during the reboot, and sets it back to normal before anybody gets to look at it. Lots of code is taken by the graphics stuff. I just clear the CoolCapture vector. [yawn] OLD NORTHSTAR - Poof. 16 BIT CREW - Well, I didn't actually have to DO anything to get VirusX to recognize it, because it seems to operate like the Graffiti Virus. If the 16 bit crew is in RAM, VirusX will say it removed the Graffiti virus. Dy)Xɧ|ISKDOKTOR - I spent more time on this one than on any other. Y'see, this virus does lots of things. The first one, for some reason, was quite funny to me. It waits until you have rebooted 5 times. Each time you reboot after that, the virus eats 10K times the total number of reboots. After rebooting 10 times, you would be short about 100K. This virus also starts up another TASK. I'm not exactly sure when it happens, but another task named 'clipboard.device' will appear at a priy*YH}ority of -120, and will continually bash the Virus' vectors into the Coldcapture, Coolcapture, Warmcapture (which it sets to $ff000000 just to annoy), and the DoIO() vector. When I was working on this one, I figured I just had to restore the old values to the DoIO() vector, but as soon as I did so, the Virus restored them. Since I hadn't disassembled the entire thing, I didn't realize this until I wasted time looking for other faults. This one also allocates some memory, copiy+Zes some code out of Exec into this memory, and executes it. I never bothered to figure out why - Once it's gone, it's gone. 9 AUSTRALIAN PARASITE - Hey - I like this one! It says it will not destroy game bootsectors or corrupt disks, but it's still a Virus. What makes this one unique is the way it lets itself be known. After so many disk accesses (something like 600 blocks read off of a floppy), it turns your screen Upside Down! Nifty. y,[~ You can still USE the screen upside down - it just looks a bit weird. It uses the DoIO() vector, the TD Read vector, starts at SysStkLower, and that's about it. It stays around via CoolCapture. Thanks to Martyn at 17Bit Software in England for being the first to send this to me. GENERC 64 - This virus is not really a worrie but just a hassel, It opens up with doing stuff like "Formating the BootBlock", "Erasing your Dos.Library", and "Trying to find and erase this program, but isy-\ weak in the attempt". Just use Ye Old' VirusX 4.4 and leave your problems behind. Thanks to Jim O'Donald for sending in the puppie. XENO - The Xeno virus does no damage that I can see. It has the word 'fastfilesystem' embedded in it, but as far as I can tell, this is only to make sure that it does NOT infect that file, so your hard disk will remain safe. It will also not infect any file which contains any non-alphabetical character (ie, it will infect 'Hello' but not 'Hello.exe')y.G;. Thanks also to Robb Walton for being the first to send one of the other ones. 10 - Virus Notes - These are things that you probably should know, but may not, about what can happen with Viruses. - If you are trying to format a disk, and you always get a message that Cylinder #0 of the disk is bad, it's quite possible you have a virus in RAM (or a bad disk). This is be^uis on the step-block. Learn to distinguish step-blocks from the floor. After you complete each level (after Level 2), save the game. When you die, restart by pressing Control-R and then press Control-L to resume your game. This will allow you to save a lot of time considering that you WILL die. Don't be afraid to explore. In order to win the game, you must explore every detail of the game and not miss anything on any level. Hints Note - * means that there is an energy e_wxpander on that level. Level 1 Your first level is very easy. Get the sword, which is to the left from where you start and then go to the exit which just to the right of where you start. Practice your sword techniques on the guard. Remember to watch for unstable floors. Level 2 * Straightforward. Watch out for floor spikes. Beware of the blue potion which will DECREASE your life count. There is an energy expander here so don't forget to get it. Level 3 * This will b`Ab|e one of the toughest levels. From where you start, go to the right and climb to the top using the center segment. Now, you must do a jump of faith to the right. You will find that there is a floor when you land. Note!:MWB did the typing! You will also discover a step-block which will open the gate far to the left. There is also a energy expander in the area to the right. When you are ready,jump on the step-block and BURN RUBBER to the left! You will have little time befa)ore the door starts to close. Do a running jump over the large hole. T hen one final jump near the door and hang on to that ledge. Hopefully, the door will almost be closed so you can pull yourself up. After that, it is very straightfoward. When you confront the "LIVE" skeleton, keep hitting until it falls off the ledge. Then climb down after it and keep hitting it until it falls to it's doom. Level 4 * Very straightforward. Watch out for loose floors and be sure to gebOmt the energy expander. When you confront the mirror, you will have to execute a run-jump through it. You will pass through but your shadow will come out the other side and will create a lot of trouble for you. Level 5 * Straightforward. There is an energy expander here but you will soon find out what will happen to it. You will have to experiment with this level before you can finish it. Level 6 Straightforward. Beware of the master guard (he is fat) He will slice yoc>Cu up if you are not good enough. At the end, your shadow will create mischeif once more. . . Level 7 * You start out falling so press the button to grab onto the ledge. Continue onto the right until .. you reach the ledge with a large whole with another ledge far to the right. Climb down the ledge, fall, and grab onto the ledge. Contine to the right. If you can't continue, go back and fall down another ledge for it will lead you to the same place. When you drink the blu dEe potion,the room will turn purple and you will turn green. Run off to the left and you will float slowly down... DO NOT go into the exit because .. their is an energy expander just to the right. Level 8 Straightforward but very hard. Be quick but be patient for a friend of the princess will help you. Level 9 * If you drink the blue potion, your vision will be distorted. To regain normalness, find another blue potion and drink it. Be sure to get the energy expander. L eJEevel 10 You will have to knock out many ceiling and floor blocks. Level 11 * Very simple. Be sure to get the energy expander. Level 12 The last level. I will not provide you hints because.. it would truly take the fun out of the game. You must use skill, agility, strength, courage, and trust to get past the level. Your probably stumped on the shadow. Remember, your shadow cannot harm you in anyway. Altough it might seem to, it is really the sword that is harming you. f SX Just push the joystick up and you will put away your sword. Your shadow will mimic you of course. Walk into your shadow and you will become one person again. Your shadow is mearly a reflection of yourself and hence will try mimic you. Then you will need to do a jump of faith to the left. Yeah, I know there is nothing there, but trust me. You have to do a running jump and that's the only way to make it. Continue on and you will do battle with your final opponent, Jaffar. . n’ . Jaffar is an awesome fighter. In order to beat him, you will need to use the block-strike technique. Also be careful of the fallen board behind you. Enter the final door and run to the princess. would truly take the fun out of the game. You must use skill, agility, strength, courage, and trust to get past the level. Your probably stumped on the shadow. Remember, your shadow cannot harm you in anyway. Altough it might seem to, it is really the sword that is harming you.y#R[[in the first hunk of an infected program. Thanks go to Gary Duncan and Henrik Clausen for being the first to send this one to me! PENTAGON CIRCLE - This one looks at the DoIO vector, and has a CoolCapture vector. It will write itself over any virus inserted, but not onto anything else. (Neat idea!). No danger, easy to eliminate. Holding left button while booting with this one shows different screen colour, but doesn't get rid of it. Thanks go to Bill Seymour (CMIBILL on Plink)iGE READY! KILL THE GUARD.(WHAT ELSE TO DO?) WALK UP TO THE CRATE. (WITH FINE SHADOW IN FRONT OF IT) COLLECT THE THREE GRENADES. MOVE RIGHT TO THE OTHER CRATE. MOVE DOWN A BIT AND GET THE MACHINE GUN. GO TO THE WALL WITH THE PIPE ON IT. GO DOWN TO THE CRATE IN THE CORNER. PICK UP THE AMMO CLIP (THIS REPLENISHES ALL AMMO SHOULD YOU RUN OUT) LEAVE THE ROOM. KILL THE GUARD . SELECT NOW TO GRENADES,AND MOVE TO THE RIGHT. THROW A GRENADE,AND THE GUARD WILL BE KILLED. ENTER NEXT SCREEN. KILLj턮 THE GUARD THERE. GO UP THE STAIRS. KICK THE DOOR. NOW SELECT TO MACHINE GUN. ENTER THE ROOM. WASTE THE GUARD. GRAB THE BOOK. (FROM THE FURTHEST FILING CABINET AWAY FROM YOU) GET THE FLOPPY DISK. (BY KNEELING IN FRONT OF THE DISK DRIVE) GET THE RED RADIO. (FROM THE FRONT OF THE DESK WITH THE SEAT) ENTER NEXT ROOM. USE YOUR MACINE GUN TO FUCK THE GUARD. GET THE LOG-BOOK. (FROM THE FILING CABINET) GET THE BLUE VIDEO. (FROM THE SIDE OF THE DESK WHICH HAS NO COMPUTER ON IT) SELECT THE LOk1lG BOOK. GO UP IN FRONT OF THE COMPUTER. PRESS FIRE. NOW THE LOG-ON CODE WILL APPEAR. WRITE THIS DOWN. (IT CHANGES EACH TIME YOU PLAY THIS GAME!!.) SELECT THE FLOPPY DISK. GO IN FRONT OF THE COMPUTER AGAIN. PRESS FIRE. TYPE IN THE LOG-ON CODE. NOW YOU'LL RECEIVE SOME KIND OF BOOK. SELECT THE MACHINE GUN. ENTER THE NEXT ROOM. GET THE UZI. (IN THE CRATE TO THE LEFT OF THE RADIO) ENTER THE NEXT ROOM. KILL THE GUARD. GO ROUND THE BACK OF THE TABLE. (WITH TWO CHAIRS BY IT) GET THE CAR KEYSlc\. GO TO THE NEAREST GREY AMMO-BOX,AND REPLENISH THE GUNS!! NOTE:MWB! DID ALL THE TYPING! ENTER THE NEXT ROOM. KILL THE GUARD. SEARCH THE PILLOW ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BED. TAKE THE NECKLACE. MAKE YOUR WAY OUT OF THE BUILDING. GO DOWN THE STAIRS. SHOOT THE GUARD THERE. BE QUICK TO DO SO!!!!!!!!! GO TO THE RIGHT-HAND SIDE OF THE CRATE NEAR THE TWO DRUMS. KNEEL DOWN AND COLLECT THE BULLET-PROOF VEST. SELECT THE KEY. WALK AS NEAR AS YOU CAN TO THE CAR TYRE ON THE RIGHT. (FACING TO NORTm$H-WEST) SELECT PICK UP MODE. THE DOOR SHOULD OPEN NOW. LEVEL 2 JUST KEEP BLOWING AWAY CARS,COPTERS AND BIKES USING F1 TO SELECT GROUND-TO-AIR MISSILES. AND F3 FOR MACHINE GUNS. ALWAYS HIT FULLSPEED. BUT SLOW DOWN AT THE CORNERS. WHEN THE COP PULLS YOU UP AND ASKS FOR EVIDENCE,.... MOVE JOYSTICK UP TO SELECT THE NECKLACE AND PRESS FIRE. LEVEL 3 SELECT THE MACHINE GUN. KILL THE GUARD. KICK DOWN THE DOOR. ENTER. KILL THE GUARD. GET THE HANDBAG. (FROM THE DESK AT THE FRONT OF THE n2[SCREEN,LEFT OF THE CHAIR) GET THE MAP. (FROM THE FILING CABINET IN THE CORNER) GET THE BOOK. (FROM THE DISK DRIVE) LEAVE THE ROOM. KILL THE GUARD. KILL THE OTHER GUARD TOO. ENTER THE NEXT SCREEN. KILL THE GUARD. (IN THE SAND-BAG PIT) GO ONTO THE NEXT SCREEN. KILL THE GUARD. CLIMB UP. GET THE AMMO(OPTIONAL) GO LEFT.(DISPOSE OF YET ANOTHER GUARD) KICK DOWN THE DOOR. GET SOME AMMO FROM THE PINK ROOM. EXIT. MOVE TO THE NEXT SCREEN. KILL THE GUARD. ENTER THE BUILDING ON THE RIGHT. KILL To@qHE GUY. GET THE SHOE. (ITS ON THE PILLOW) LEAVE,AND GO LEFT. SELECT THE KEY. FACE DOWN AND LEFT,GO TO PICK-UP MODE AND OPEN THAT DOOR. LEVEL 4 THIS WILL BE THE SAME AS ON LEVEL 2. SO RE-READ IT.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LEVEL 5 KILL THE GUARD. KICK DOWN THE DOOR. ENTER THE ROOM. GET THE DISGUISE. (FROM THE FILING CABINET) GET THE BULLET-PROOF VEST. (FROM THE MIDDLE LOCKER ON THE LEFT-HAND WALL) LEAVE THE ROOM. GO TO THE HANGAR. GO THROUGH ONE SCREEN AND REPLENISH THE AMMO. (FROM  pITHE BROWN BOX) GO THROUGH THREE MORE ROOMS! GO UP THE STAIRS. KILL THE GUARD. MAKE YOUR WAY TO THE PLANE'S COCKPIT. GET THE MAP. (FROM IN-BETWEEN THE TWO LOCKERS) SELECT WIRE-CUTTERS. KNEEL DOWN BEHIND THE GIRL!! (GETTING DIRTY THOUGHTS??) ((O!!STOP THAT!)) A PICTURE OF THE BOMB SHOULD APPEAR. CUT THE WIRES IN THIS ORDER. 1) MIDDLE/RED 2) LEFT/YELLOW 3) RIGHT/BLUE LEVEL 6 FUCK!!!!THAT ONE IS THE SAME AS LEVEL 2 AND 4!!!! SO RE-READ LEVEL 4. THAN RE-READ LEVEL 2 ! qd_{? LEVEL 7 GO THROUGH ALL THE SCREENS,KILLING THE GUARDS AS YOU GO. ONCE THAT'S ACCOMPLISHED,RETURN TO THE WATER FOUNTAIN. YOU SHOULD SEE A MAN LYING ON THE GROUND. WALK TO HIS LEFT HAND,FACE OUT OF THE SCREEN AND KNEEL DOWN. HE WILL NOW STAND UP. YOU WILL HAVE RESCUED YOUR BROTHER NOW. (EHHH FROM WHAT??) AND THAT WAS THE END OF THE GAME. ALL THE TYPING WAS DONE BY......... M.W.B. PLK 47899. 25 oe%004 CD. DENHAAG. HOLLAND. PIT. GET THE MAP. (FROM IN-BETWEEN THE TWO LOCKERS) SELECT WIRE-CUTTERS. KNEEL DOWN BEHIND THE GIRL!! (GETTING DIRTY THOUGHTS??) ((O!!STOP THAT!)) A PICTURE OF THE BOMB SHOULD APPEAR. CUT THE WIRES IN THIS ORDER. 1) MIDDLE/RED 2) LEFT/YELLOW 3) RIGHT/BLUE LEVEL 6 FUCK!!!!THAT ONE IS THE SAME AS LEVEL 2 AND 4!!!! SO RE-READ LEVEL 4. THAN RE-READ LEVEL 2 !]." immediately press the button and the character strike and.. get a better chance of hitting the opponent. Inspect everyroom for secret passages. There are many in this game. You will not be able to finish it without finding them. To find them, jump up and down to look for any floor passages. Jump up and hit the ceiling to look for any ceiling passages. Doors don't stay open forever. Once you step on a step-block, the doors will start to close. . . that is unless something t~VbTHEN WALK AROUND TO THE GREAT HALL'S DOUBLE DOORS. MWB DID ALL THE TYPING AS YOU MUST KNOW!! HERE WE GO AGAIN... OPEN THE DOORS,BUT BE READY TO SHOOT THE SPIRIT THAT'S INSIDE! HAVE A GOOD POKE AROUND. BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING INHERE YOU NEED. (OKEY.OKEY IT'S ANOTHER KEY!) GOT IT? OK,STEP OUTSIDE AGAIN. THEN HEAD RIGHT AND THROUGH THE DOOR TO THE LEFT ATRIUM. THIS TAKES YOU BACK TO THE GATEHOUSE FROM WHERE YOU CAN START EXPLORING THE COURTYARD. FROM NOW ON IT'S UP TO YOURSELF TO GO zhm ON!!!!!!!!!!! DONE BY MWB! IN SEPTEMBER 1990 MWB PLK47899/2504CD/DENHAAG/HOLLAND. C UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UND. YOU CAN'T REACH THE CELLAR STEPS SO GET PAST THE OTHER BUTTON SHOOT THE LOCK OFF THE DOOR TO THE GUARD ROOM. GO INSIDE. GO RIGHT UP TO THE GRATE IN THE FAR WALL. NOW YOU CAN SEE WHAT'S IN THE PENTACLE ROOM! GO BACK OUT. HEAD DOWN THE WEST PASSAGE, IGNORING THE DOOR IN THE EAST WALL FOR THE MOMENT. CRAWL OVER THE TOP OF THE OBSTACLE AT THE END OF THE PASSAGE. `ICH WAY THE BALL IS GOING, AND AS THE REPLAY ENDS, MAKE THE APPROPRIATE MOVEMENT. THE KEEPER WILL DIVE, AND BE THERE WAITNG FOR THE BALL!!! AGAIN A TYPIE BY MWB!! v Empty rwvίTRACHTET WERDEN. DARAUFHIN REIST MAN VON PHARAZON NACH ITHILE,WO DER BURGERMEISTER DES ORTES DEN SPIELER UBER ZWEI KAMPFLUSTGE SUMPFGEISTER DES CRAM BOGS AUFKLART. HAT MAN DIESE VERNICHTET, ERHALT MAN ZUR BELOHNUNG IN ITHILE DEN BOW OF BRAVERY! NOW GET BACK TO AMON. FROM THERE GO TO DWARLE. WO MAN VOM VERSCHWINDEN DER TOCHTER DES BURGERMEISTERS VON LINDAU ERFAHREN WIRD. WEITERE INFORMATIONEN SAMMELT MAN AM BESTEN DIRECT IN LINDAU. DIE PIRATEN DER FALAS WERDEN FUR DAS VERSCHWINDEN Dx8ES MADCHENS VERANTWORTLICH GEMACHT. HAT MAN DIESE GEFUNDEN,BESIEGT UND SO DAS TOCHTERLEIN BEFREIT, SOLLTEMAN SICH SCHLEUNIGST AUF DEN WEG INS ELDER CASTLE MACHEN, UM DORT GEGEN FUNF WEITERE GEGNER ANZUTRETEN. NACH DIESEM KAMPF KASSIERT MAN DANN ERST EINMAL EIN PAAR KRAUTER ALS BELOHNUNG EIN:DIESE WERDEN SICH SPATER IM KAMPF GEGEN DIE STATUES OF EVIL ALS SEHR NUTZLICH ERFAHREN! NACH DWARLE ZURUCKGEKEHRT,ERFAHRT MAN ,DASS MT.MORGOS MIT DEM BERG DES FEUERS IDENTISCH IST. DyXANN ZUM DRITTEN MALE NACH AMON: DORT WIRD MAN UBER DIE EXISTENZ EINES WEGES VON PHARAZON IN DIE BALALE BERGE AUFGEKLAHRT. IN PHARAZON SOLLTE MAN ZUERST DAS HAUS MIT DER OFFENEN TUR BETRETEN,UM EINE GEHEIME TREPPE ZUM ERSCHEINEN ZU BRINGEN. DEN GEWIESENEN WEG BIS ZUM WEGWEISER FOLGEN, DANN DEM LINKEN DER DREI WEGE FOLGEN. NOTE:MWB DID ALL THE TYPING! BALD HAT MAN DAS HOHLENLABYRINTH DES DARK SUMA ERREICHT. DARK SUMA,DER SICH IN DEN HUNDERSTEN WINKEL SEINER "BEHAUSUNG" ZURUCKGEZOGENz? HAT,MUSS NATURLICH BESIEGT WERDEN, DAMIT AUCH DIE ZWEITE AUFGABE ERFULLT IST. DANACH KANN MAN DANN WIEDER NACH DWARLE ZURUCKKEHREN,UM DORT DEN AUFTRAG,DIE MONSTER DES MT.MORGOS ZU BESIEGEN,ENTGEGENZUNEHMEN. VERNICHTET MAN DIESE KREATUREN, ZERSTORT MAN DAMIT AUCH GLEICHZEITIG DAS BUCH. EIN ERNEUTER BESUCH IN DWARLE ENTHULLT,DASS SHAGART DIE WIEDERHERSTELLUNG VON RA GOAN PLANT. JETZT SOLLTE MAN SICH ERST EINMAL NACK AMON AUFMACHEN,UM DORT DAS LUNA SWORD ALS VERDIENTE BELOHNUNG FUR DI{8+/E VERNICHTUNG DES BUCHES IN EMPFANG ZU NEHMEN. JETZT MUSS MAN SICH EIGENTLICH NUR NOCH ZWEI WICHTIGE INFORMATIONEN BESCHAFFEN. IN PHARAZON WIRD MAN VOR EINER GROSSEN ANZAHL BOSARTIGEN KREATUREN GEWARNT,DIE IN SHAGART EINGETROFFEN SIND, IN LINDON ERFAHRT MAN VON DER TOCHTER DES BURGERMEISTERS, DASS ES ZWISCHEN DWARLE UND SHAGART EINE ABKURTZUNG GIBT. DAS ENTSCHEIDENE GEFECHT FINDET DANN IN EINEM LABYRINTH IN SHAGART STATT. DAS LABYRINTH,IN DEM UBRIGENS AUCH DER FOE SLAYER ARROW (MAN|! BEACHTE DEN NAMEN)BEFINDET,IST IM INNEREN DES GERADE GEOFFNETEN HAUSES,AM ENDE ERWARTET EINEN DANN RA GOAN SELBST. HILFESTELLUNG FUR DEN KAMPF GEGEN DIESENBOSEWICHT: DER KOPF IST RA GOANS SCHWACHE STELLE. MIT RA GOANS VERNICHTET MAN UBRIGENS GLEICHZEITIG AUCH DIE STATUES OF EVIL (DRITTE AIFGABE!), DEN WEG ZUM MT.OZGUL KANN MAN SICH ALSO GETROST SPAREN. BLEIBT EIGENTLICH NUR NOCH EIN KLEINER SPAZIERGANG ZUM VARLIN CASTLE, WO MAN DANN AUCH PROMPT ZUM KONIG GEKROHNT WIRD. ICH MAC)UHE SIE AUFMERKSAM!: WIRD DIR "BUCHDIEP"NICHT SOFORT, NACHDEM ER DAS BUCH GESTOHLEN HAT, VOM SPIELER DAFUR BESTRAFT, DAS HESST UM MINDESTENS EINEN KOPF KURZER GEMACHT, KANN MAN DIE KONIGSKRONE GLEICH FERGESSEN. EIN RESET IST ALLES,WASS DANN FUR DEN SPIELER NOCH ZU TUN IST. TYPED BY MWB!!!!PLK47899,2504CD,DENHAAG,HOLLAND in SEPTEMBER 1990 ***************************************************************** RINTH,IN DEM UBRIGENS AUCH DER FOE SLAYER ARROW (MANy"gLsn't do any damage. NORTH STAR - Like SCA, hangs around via CoolCapture. Killing CoolCapture kills the North Star. OBELISK SOFTWORKS CREW - Hangs around via CoolCapture, also watches reads of DoIO(). It doesn't infect EVERY disk - only the ones you boot from. IRQ - This is the FIRST Non-Bootblock Virus. It copies itself from place to place via the first executable program found in your startup-sequence. It SetFunction's OldOpenLibrary(), has a KickTagPtr, and lives y y to deal with, as it's not actually DOING anything except hiding in memory until you reboot. We just look at CoolCapture and fix it to get it out of RAM. BYTE BANDIT - The Byte Bandit virus takes the DoIO() vector and redirects it through itself. Thus, any attempt to read or write the boot block (ie, AmigaDOS trying to figure out what kind of disk it is) results in Byte Bandit writing itself onto that disk. VirusX couldn't just rewrite the boot block; it has to get Byte Bandit ouz 5beginning of the player's name indicates the selection. When making a selection, the POSition .AGE,Fliness,SPeeD and ABiLity of the players must be taken into account. 'F' indicates that a player has been selected for the first eleven and 'S' indicates that the player will be on the substitutes for the first half of the game........ FIRST ELEVEN Displays your selected first eleven and your reserves. Any Changes on the MAIN PLAYING SCRREN are automatically adjusted in this facilityz 8w.. Programm : Ian Copeland Graphics : Richard Beston Music & Fx : Billy Middlemas Dos's : -=Tdb/ \/ \ S \ O /\/=- THE PROGRAM CODE, GRAPHICS, MUSIC AND ARTWORK OF THIS GAME ARE THE COPYRIGHT OF ZEPPELIN GAMES AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED, STORED OR HIRED WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF ZEPELIN GAMES LIMITED. (C) 1990 Zeppelin Games Limited, PO Box 17, Houghton-le-Spring, Durham, DH46JP England... e next match by licking on the highlight bar. An arrow at the q Lxelf you have a simple array of combat moves at your disposal (you may want more but remember , Marty is not Bruce Lee). The moves are as follows... The walking left and right, crouching and jumping bit, is pretty obvious, but kicking and punching is a little more complicated. Each combat move is slightly different (as you'll see when you play the game) and will therefore have a different effect on its victim - this also depends on exactly who you're trying to beat up. Like the secoq ϳnd level, this level is a logic puzzle, although this time you're more likely to be familiar with it. It's based on the 'sliding block' pocket puzzles where the idea is to slide the tiles in the correct order to make a complete picture. In this game the picture you're presented with is an animated one of Marty playing guitar at the dance. Or at least it would be if the tiles that make up the picture weren't horribly scrambled. Your job is to slide the tiles into the correct order toq  complete the picture before the time limit expires. Moving blocks is easy - making the picture isn't. You'll see that one space in the tile grid is always empty and this is the space that you can slide tiles into. Just select a tile, and move it into the relevant direction to fill the space - and create a new one. Once the picture is complete, you can proceed. Like the second level, the logic of this puzzle means you'll always have to look two or three moves ahead if you're to get q.anywhere. LEVEL FIVE ---------- Still in 1955, Marty has followed Biff from the Enchantment Under The Sea dance and is hotly pursuing his car through Hill Valley on his hoverboard (which he brought back from 2015). Biff still has the Almanac, and to stop time from going askew, Marty must retrieve it, before Biff reaches his destination. As before you have various enemies to contend with, including both you and old Biff, Biff's henchmen and the Hill Valley police - fortunately you cqoan fight them off as before. You can also, as before, collect objects along the way for extra energy, points and power-ups (See Level 1 for details). Don't forget to grab hold of the Almanac before Biff or anyone else gets you. Your future depends on it. END GAME -------- Even if you manage to complete BACK TO THE FUTURE IPART II, the adventure is far from over, as the game's end sequence will reveal. There's still one more chapter to go.... Watch out for BACK TO THE FUTURE PART IqP\II from Image Works. ---------- Still in 1955, Marty has followed Biff from the Enchantment Under The Sea dance and is hotly pursuing his car through Hill Valley on his hoverboard (which he brought back from 2015). Biff still has the Almanac, and to stop time from going askew, Marty must retrieve it, before Biff reaches his destination. As before you have various enemies to contend with, including both you and old Biff, Biff's henchmen and the Hill Valley police - fortunately you cy!}%?_t of RAM first. This virus also has an interrupt that crashes the machine every 5 minutes or so after it's infected a few of your disks. Ow. It stays in memory not via the Capture vectors, but by a Resident module. REVENGE - Basically, this is a Byte Bandit clone which brings up an obscene pointer a few minutes after you reboot. We treat it much like the byte bandit. BYTE WARRIOR - Jumps right into 1.2 Kickstart. Won't work under 1.3. Hangs around via Resident struct, and does׀oOU CLICK ON THEM, YOU ARE TOLD WHERE TO LOOK FOR THEM! GO OUT INTO THE CORRIDOR AGAIN. TURN RIGHT AND FOLLOW THE TOWER AROUND. YOU CAN'T REACH THE CELLAR STEPS SO GET PAST THE OTHER BUTTON SHOOT THE LOCK OFF THE DOOR TO THE GUARD ROOM. GO INSIDE. GO RIGHT UP TO THE GRATE IN THE FAR WALL. NOW YOU CAN SEE WHAT'S IN THE PENTACLE ROOM! GO BACK OUT. HEAD DOWN THE WEST PASSAGE, IGNORING THE DOOR IN THE EAST WALL FOR THE MOMENT. CRAWL OVER THE TOP OF THE OBSTACLE AT THE END OF THE PASSAGE. yc) "Branch" on the "Tree" that the virus is on. If you infect a disk with your copy, and your copy is number 300, then that copy will be #301. If that copy infects somebody, that will be #302, but on YOUR copy, two infections down the line, there will be another #302. The copy count on MY Byte Bandit virus was #879. Note that VirusX will check RAM for this virus as well as the disk. This was necessary, as you can tell from the description above. Special thanks must go hy_ere to Dave Hewett, who, 2 days after I gave him a copy of the virus, gave me a printed, commented disassembly of the virus with meaningful labels and everything I needed to stomp it - Thanks Dave! Thanks must also go to Bruce Dawson of CygnusSoft Software, (author of that great program, CygnusEd), who went to the trouble of being the First person to send me this Virus. The IRQ Virus The IRQ Virus is a recent Amiga Virus. This one stands yHout from the crowd: it is NOT found in the boot block. This Virus attaches itself to executable programs. It's prime target is the C:DIR command, but it will also look at your startup sequence and attach itself to the first executable program found in the startup- sequence. A sample chain of events: - You download or otherwise acquire a new program. This program happens to be infected. - You execute this program. - The Virus then attaches itself to memory (by yl:taking over the OldOpenLibrary() vector) and adds a KickTagPtr (for no apparent reason). - Now, you're on DF0: and you run a program that uses the OldOpenLibrary() vector (hard to predict which ones do...). 5 The Virus will open your startup sequence and pick the first filename it sees. If this file is executable it will write itself into that file. IF it's not executable, it will try to write to thyd(ke DIR command on that disk. As you can see, this virus will only effect the first file mentioned in the startup sequence or the DIR command. The only way this Virus could possibly spread via modem is through deliberate sabotage, unless the uploader actually DID have the program as the first thing in his startup sequence before sending it to you. WHAT IT DOES This Virus is mostly a harmless joke. It does not appear to kill commercial programs or do anything malicious. y:D It's not nice to have around, but it's certainly better than a malicious virus! It changes the title bar of the Initial CLI window when you boot, and it will try to write to any disk inserted - thus bringing up the "Volume whatever is write protected" requester whenever you insert a write protected disk. It will write itself to any disk from which you execute a file, overwriting either the DIR command or the first thing in the startup sequence. When this virus fiyB<rst installs itself (after reboot), it changes the title bar of the current window (usually the initial CLI window, since it IS the first thing in your startup sequence) to say something like "AmigaDOS Presents: The IRQ Virus, V41.0". This is a dead giveaway. This virus will not work under Kickstart 1.3 - you will get Software Error requesters whenever you run an infected program. I'm not sure why, but this is probably good. HOW TO KNOW IF YOU HAVE THIS VIRUS You canny9j&ot identify a file that has this virus in it just by looking at it. The virus encrypts the text parts of itself, and encrypts it differently on each copy, making it impossible to recognize. You can tell your system is infected if you put in a write protected workbench disk (or any disk that has a startup sequence), and the system brings up a "Volume is write protected" requester. This 6 indicates that this virus is in RAy_Y9;M attempting to infect your disk. Running VirusX 4.4 will tell you if this virus is in RAM, and VirusX will remove it from RAM. HOW TO GET RID OF THIS VIRUS To get the virus out of RAM, run VirusX 4.4. It will tell you if it found it, and that it removed it if it did. VirusX will check disks the same way that the Virus does - it will look at the startup sequence, determine if the first file found (or the DIR command) is infected, and give you the option of repairing thyie the damage. You can also get rid of this virus simply by deleting all infected programs and rebooting. This virus will not hang around after a reboot. Because this virus can hit a number of files, not all of which VirusX will find, I have included a small program by Dan James called KV - "KillVirus." This program will check an entire directory's worth of files for this specific virus. VirusX 4.4 will look in the same places as the Virus for infected programs. Ify~ it finds one, it will pop up a window, tell you where it found it, and ask if it's OK to remove it. HOW TO MAKE SURE YOU DON'T GET THIS VIRUS Keep VirusX 4.4 running when you test new programs. VirusX will alert you as soon as it sees this virus appear in memory. If VirusX finds this virus, it probably came from the last program you ran. 7 - Technical and Developmental Notes - SCA - The SCA is the simplest virusy +e that simply says "VirusX", and make sure that VirusX is in your c: directory. VirusX will open a small window to let you know it is there, and will automatically check any disk inserted into one of the 3.5" drives. (The startup-sequence is found in the S: directory of any AmigaDOS-standard boot disk, like Workbench. If you don't know how to edit this file, refer to your Amiga manual, the AmigaDOS manual, or Rob Peck's book "The Amiga Companion.") If VirusX finds somethy ;ing suspicious, it will post a requestor warning the user of either a specific virus or a non-standard boot-block. The user will be given the option to Remove or Ignore the potential virus. WARNING: A NON-STANDARD BOOT-BLOCK MAY NOT BE A VIRUS! This may either be a virus that VirusX doesn't know about, or it may be a custom boot-block for a commercial program. Make SURE that you know that the program is not using the boot-block for its own purposes before you re-write it. Virusy [X will ask you if you are sure before it does anything. (Programs which give you an AmigaDOS window are always safe to repair.) 2 - VirusX Options - Command Line Options When you first run VirusX, you have the following command-line options: -a Make virusx window active when run -c Don't check the CoolCapture vectors -k Enable KickTagPtr checking -q y ;y Check all floppies, then quit immediately -r Use this if you've 1 meg Chip RAM and using SetPatch -r -x## Set window X position -y## Set window Y position These commands are all given as arguments. For example: VIRUSX -a -x100 -y100 These commands would run VirusX, make the window active, and put it at position 100,100 (on the left-and side, halfway down) of the Workbench screen. Active Window Options While VirusX is y(%running, you may click on its titlebar with the left mouse-button and type the following commands: I Open the Info Window C Check all mounted floppies for viruses ESC Quit VirusX # Show bootblock in drive # (ie, 0 shows DF0:, 1 DF1: etc) Example: Click in the VirusX window and type the number "1" - VirusX will examine the disk in DF1: and will display the contents of the boot- block. This is not very useful any more, since most viruses do not cyiܸontain any unencrypted text. Repeating the command, changing the disk in the drive just checked, or clicking in the window with the right mouse-button will cause VirusX to shrink back to "titlebar" size. You can get VirusX to display information about how many disks it has checked and what it has found by clicking on the VirusX titlebar with the right mouse-button. Clicking again will close the window. 3 yڰ\- General Notes - Mail The best way to contact me is through the electronic network services listed below. I've gotten far more VirusX-related mail than I thought possible, making it impossible for me to respond to "regular" mail. Nut Alert There will be people who are thinking that I am some nut case trying to spread my own virus hidden under the guise of a virus checker. Well, just for you, I've iykDncluded the C source code. Please, if you don't trust me, don't brand a useful utility as untrustworthy for no reason, CHECK THE SOURCE! Recompile it if you think I'm trying to slip a fast one by you. I just want to see viruses out of all our lives. Distribution Notice This program is Copyrighted, but is freely redistributable (It's NOT Shareware). Do what you want with it, but Please don't use it for evil purposes. That's what I'm trying to pry ހevent. If you are not sure that this is the most current version of VirusX, you should check with the following sources: The AmigaZone (American People/Link Network), BIX, Compuserve, and/or AmigaWorld. The latest version of VirusX is available for downloading from the aforementioned networks, or from AmigaWorld for the price of $5.00, for shipping and handling. I can be reached on BIX as "s.tibbett" and on People/Link as "SteveX". I'm also on Compuserve, but withy+ their dumb numbering system, I can never remember who I am. 4 - A Tale of Two Viruses - The Byte Bandit Virus The Byte Bandit virus, once in memory, copies itself to a point just above the high memory pointer on the first hunk of RAM it can find. This means that it's not always in the same place. It then wedges itself into the Interrupt Server chain, into the vectors of Trackdisky]l.device, and creates a Resident structure for itself so it can hang around after reboot. It watches EVERY disk inserted, and will write itself to ANY bootable disk that is inserted! Also, if you Install a disk while this virus is active, it will copy itself back to the disk. This is why it has to be wiped out from memory. When VirusX finds this virus on a disk, it will also display a "Copy Count." This represents the number of disks which have been infected by that x'|% R9E`!l -AdzS`&da5V*fpP(T 0`P[ Lm6`@!nrx@M\m| bE ?(eDx a B0i>}*,I+J-4>@Uh`L ~(L#@&艁Ab$`BdS@B\0 !h9D& „iBa`0 ( ҌAyH6€pЌ׏m3@ǂ=`@H@@C At¿ @!$$8 ?La=RQ"pza+B<2rZȒA58@Խad X&`"] `81DNGET8)<4I<<L9($ (P Ay`r!X#ߨ|{GL>ӲȊe%,M6r7#Ġ H)צ us4@dgX!F VFcd!#ux=L[mSuj=f,5|gP{Lz5L K< 191sw0"A C<n.`Fp%"hcﻏeACa|8J Oi]?/:fTpە+bv!3Nˎ5"0,7I0arqFX|tz:f`Āa4ѠQ,'F1CF> S0xsw~nKeFb|JEXk‡uviMd[yRImj\z}qVU{Z^Q]%AD8 ^tV (hi  `m D( wF -JG"vp*P(x/E;ڄ`Y@`CmGB@fo nAOMPu A@ސbCQ k|.RDM(@jx a4 F QXZxtB=t<: 'Q}:Ԉx  kl F>z 1L$%c8Sy.|; xz0U &#c(H '\j0 9| "j0^>y>] h@(M駦g& $ ½5%H`/#BNhD%a$x*N(P5hxGa}Qh<'SEh8otOC#?1t:#tC4{.}99hs F{D*z^Ub=F`t$7pM|+p=`> gb꾟3S>kQ<GяR x-p${ۏ'. xV!pm^ל2p# =\ r'cט;A}]F)q=DS꾨_B4atat] v_(pz 8]$r$W@&v Wx5o u|] vcUXf@]_d}?Kخyt裐D{=4NC |^~x|aWQ$>Ww(}Yn-vLjbhC_V=4<#h z@ " :φ!W Nhw } }48n! $')A r@FB <ZMx_}@ċU7v QzFA@!2眂`B\[@ ` pn@D ']VcI+" \; b&MpBK9PbECВsAXˈ B@HfbDF/U!sWwhaAp!b-'NI/ ApJʺ ! a}X'IbaЋY~L$+0d x $b2/!-۔Or@S[!DBXH!PB" 'Yu0Q~NZ6 <댂  \؇^؋Ϋ"(p`wn wY[O[O;[<7˄P1'xIN; %kfo3e_SD !:4= l`IMѠ63}5 jt!^1zlg'_"4@S{< ]p7wkBGF \402PL^nhX@G٫0( \Lr< H( 9j>^BQvk8O>'Ho~W!r|'{}<Su]MQbF` n?wtGsA zMB74(y>:dMt m(848J̌D:D.4 gBv. \᠋!!~ApLqP!p<~ !$R 'f"h D=4&\!T(0*04 q@@#" @M R$ 9}9BKBZOvZMq ɱ=G@YK`P0 ׼El ür*zp 7M@@](GT % T^/LM؝ * pD"pd@&ivшFfpN6" X;+a3bC+n4W{(&_ wNV P#Bq0s }Ĺ'HSo! `"bgT,;_ D`W~@E<1 EF>Ђq { /6S@@_lĀOP!b3thMAxu:Bî@|o$3F@+=nݐ+007 x!!$f*'Vh)Ո(OQAhOv,0~a6 =cp= `YDXA8MF8gytf6C yq\pF6<@N〝r8 )^&, 9NDsa?yĆ"iIqA6&aÀ?8!8p[À3܏D" 1$؆A%0aHB0 @ZA1{'iU`P-рEmALnқbiR> =N?Y;iK|:G4_m,MgD(4pPh% )y/l- 0G!@ <ߟz\06+0 ÚIè 3"!ZЀ}=( ' @J#Fvfd@`Zi@M"1ÄMV|I4D>@ zqoN5=S 0 v F |`p=?f XQp oP}ENS+2`b!vߡ@P@'c{߯nC9 qq\ r\o :YMGC<uFW>XNӴ=NC_,Q=N=C=S{xC'{|\A0ks"8Fw c`uphu;a Qr qVBbo5X 60"8Vx@b `B1n 䤀7" $$ht #BnQD` M;@rB0 d#;Qi!܎Fgr:0#;Qr=K,I l& `ӣ$xp8kaIlF A`FRBacv08cu0v àgKÉcGA 8PuU8wDEu1ևc#2 R!t;wKw0蛈+*84$PLTPp@ 5@ `P6F0+h[KTDe7T:\P!o7&ȰЭ/C| ,0À0 84L+ˎa&Iɮo0?r (L} ]Bkɀ;°DL+ ƈB=f`<p#zĐ[\g0|# !B!Ƞ` p AQ-4b F+P#@Xmщ mDtAi}duh ìB1őTАb(&?7xhDj75 &(X 4U kʡ`0 ( c $0X5)1@f~< (Dc(,jP9 s@d9y29ЉCCx*W(Ȥ#A1h}H. 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Send contributions to the above address or to my bank account: Sparkasse Karlsruhe (BLZ 660 501 01) Acc.No. 99 46 757 ------------------------------------------------------------ DISTRIBUTION ---------------------------------------------------------ػ--- The package is distributed in several archives. Please do not change the names and the contents of these archives. The executables and the documentation are in different archives, 'cause later releases will contain an update to the documentation in the executable archives, so you don't have to request the same stuff again and again. AMYPOINT.ARC Contains this document. CMEXE100.ZOO Contains ConfMailك , EchoText, EchoSave, the relevant documentation and sample configuration files. CMDOC100.ZOO Contains the original documentation for the MSDOS version of ConfMail. With the Amiga version of ConfMail, there is only provided an addendum to this -5- Revision 1.00 Amiga Point Mailer Package 19-May-88 documentation because the programs are quite similar. BTEXE100.ZOO 'G$E Contains BinkleyTerm, a sample configuration file and a shell script. BTDOC100.ZOO Contains the documentation for BinkleyTerm. ------------------------------------------------------------ ACKNOWLEGDEMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------ The following names are either trademarks or the efforts of the person and/or company named: Amiga, AmigaDOS - Commodore-Amiga Inc. Fido, FidoNet - Tom <:/Jennings, Fido Software MSDOS - Microsoft Corporation IBM, PCDOS - International Business Machines Corporation Opus CBCS - Wynn Wagner III SEAdog, ARCmail - Thom Henderson, SEA Inc. Hayes - Hayes Microcomputer Products Corporation Zmodem - Chuck Forsberg, Omen Technologies Inc. ConfMail - Bob Hartman, Spark Software Inc. Sirius - Bob Klahn, Micro Solutions EchoMail - Jeff Rush Thanks to Olaf Podzka for beta-testing. Thanks to Bob v Hartman and Vince Periello for the release of the source code of their programs. -6- tion for BinkleyTerm. ------------------------------------------------------------ ACKNOWLEGDEMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------ The following names are either trademarks or the efforts of the person and/or company named: Amiga, AmigaDOS - Commodore-Amiga Inc. Fido, FidoNet - Tom  ݊USCOPE 0;31;40mIt detects the IRQ, BGS9, Lamer Revenge, Disaster Master & Xeno. This disk can't be infected by the IRQ- and BGS9-Linkvirus! 1;31;40m >>> IRQ-VIRUS found and killed! <<< 0;31;40m1;31;40m >>> BGS9-VIRUS found and killed! <<< 0;31;40m1;31;40m >>> DISASTER MASTER-VIRUS found and killed! <<< 0;31;40m1;31;40m >>> XENO-VIRUS found and killed! <<< 0;31;40m1;31;40m >>> REVENGE OF LAMER EXT.-VIRUS  T+found and killed! <<< 0;31;40m2Xd&<N,x n& epf"" $<&<H,LN,xB&N nj&H /:f0" $<Z&<F,LN K,x (-@jB&N`4 n&"P"i , <f" $<&<N,LNB&N L P f8 |f0 g$f&1|`1|`>@1|`" $<6&<H,LN,x N m`2NB.B&"x 1NqN" $<~&<R,LN"L,xNbBNudos.library 3;33;40m LINKPROTECTOR V1.1 installed with VIRߢ!8D Ea@A|0RB0$;g@ \P$** @dͨ@T `,'X"AF PaD"EVG } ?~CDBdPpw08;̚ bDTCH,IV*aRpW88xUn`LР 9F\@e@LFA!(((R7 P pR+$X"~ \\Ѓ  "p`€ jI"C` ^AP`BYrLUH %"@t",$TCT$EQUQV) (S hXie%] V<*lUn<rt4B!ivNNXYBB"rt('". GL* I*H## F$L/'. N@A8 CpK(P containing single files, one directory per mail area, one file per message. It is the full powered MSDOS version (with little expansions and modifications). EchoText saves the message base into a single, readable text file. This file is very similar to a log file of a typical session with Opus CBCS. EchoSave converts a text file into a message, use this to put your replies into the message base. Using EchoText and EchoSave is not verЃ3y convenient (though it is better than manual logins), probably in the next release there will be a message editor as they exist under MSDOS (Sirius and the like), depending on the requests for this. Other plans are a full powered BinkleyTerm (including a nodelist processor), and a BBS using BinkleyTerm as a front mailer. ------------------------------------------------------------ REQUIREMENTS --------------------------------'---------------------------- An Amiga 500/1000/2000 with a minimum of 500 KByte of memory, running under AmigaDOS 1.2 or higher. -2- Revision 1.00 Amiga Point Mailer Package 19-May-88 A Hayes compatible modem. At least one 880K floppy drive. There are no experiences with such a minimal configuration, but it should work if the RAM: disk is used. However, a second drive or better a hard disk is recommended. dN That's all, folks! ------------------------------------------------------------ INSTALLATION ------------------------------------------------------------ First of all, contact your sysop and ask him to include you into his private point net. You will get a private node address that identifies yourself within the point net, your full point address is the address of your boss plus the node part of your private address (e.g. if the a fddress of your boss is 2:507/1 and your private address is 2:1000/4, then the full point address is 2:507/1.4). Choose a directory or a disk which will hold all the needed files (e.g. "DH0:Mail"), then assign this directory to MAIL: ("Assign MAIL: DH0:Mail") and change your startup-sequence to include this assignment. Extract all files from all archives into MAIL:, move the executables (BT, CM, ET, ES, ...) to your C: or  BIN: directory, move the docs to a place where you want them. THEN READ ALL THE DOC FILES! Make a copy of PKAX named PKXARC, then patch PKXARC at position 10456 ($28D8) from $2E to $00. With this patch, PKXARC is able to unpack archives that do not end with the extension ".ARC", e.g. the mail archives. Edit the configuration files named BINKLEY.CFG, CONFIG.DOG and AREAS.BBS, the comments within these files will help you. " T These files should stay in the MAIL: directory. Now make all the needed directories. If you follow the suggestions within CONFIG.DOG and AREAS.BBS, these are "MAIL:outbound", "MAIL:inbound", "MAIL:bad" plus one directory for each of your areas. If you use the provided shell script (, you also need the directories "MAIL:bak" and "MAIL:text". Now you can test your installation. Switch on your modem and enter C[ the command "domail" from CSh, or "BT Dial -1 -3- Revision 1.00 Amiga Point Mailer Package 19-May-88 WaZOO" from CLI. BinkleyTerm should dial out and receive your mail (if there is already any mail waiting for you). It is recommended that you use CSh for mail operation, because the provided shell script makes live easier for you. However, if you don't want to, the appropriate calls and arguments can be  4derived from this shell script. It is not easy to write an Execute script 'cause you can't test for return values lower than 5, and ConfMail only returns values from 0 to 2. ------------------------------------------------------------ DISCLAIMER ------------------------------------------------------------ You may use and redistribute this package for free, however there are some rules: Please take notice of the licensel& s for PKAX and ConfMail, PKAX is shareware and ConfMail is guiltware. Please take notice of this license. You may not redistribute this software for profit, copy costs up to US $7 are ok. You take full responsibility for all damages that may be caused by this package. You are obliged to report all unknown bugs to the author, matrix mail is prefered, but you can send snail mail also. =S You MAY send a contribution to the author, if you want to support the development of future releases. All money received will be used for better compilers (Lattice 4.0 strikes me), more memory and the like. However, this is absolutely voluntary. -4- Revision 1.00 Amiga Point Mailer Package 19-May-88 Send all comments, hints, suggestions, etc. to: Jrgen Hermax FILE: Prints to a file. If clicked a second time, a requester appears asking for the file name. Recover file: Recovers blocks that had been previously saved (using the BIN function). It opens up a requester asking for the file to write onto whatever DEKSID is editing at the moment. It will a2sk you if you want to start from the beginning of the block or at the position of the cursor. Undo Block: Undos any change you have done to the block. Preference Checksum: Number that indicates DOS that a block is OK. It is calculated when a block is written. But some games use different checksums for copy protection. Always:< Always recalculates the checksum. Never (except 0 & 1): Never recalculates the Checksum save for the tracks 0 and 1, where it is always necessary, even for protected games. Ask for Recalculate: Asks you each time you write a block if you want to recalculate checksum. Computer Choice: If ! the ckecksum was OK before, the computer recalculates it, if not, it doesn't recalculate it. This is probably the most usefull function. Autosave: Automatically saves the block when you switch blocks instead of asking you. Keys Arrow Keys: Move the cursor around. Shift Arrow Up: Up a block. Shift Arrow Down: Down a bloc_uk. Backspace: Erases what you have typed (the yellow text) and puts in what was there before. Del: Just like Backspace except it erases to the right instead of the left. Y: Same as clicking on the positive answer to a requester. N: Same as clicking on the negative answer to a requester. Ctrl-B: Same as clicking on the block number. Ctrl-J: Jump. Conclusion This HEX editor is probably tahe easiest to use and has the most readable 6*8 font. If you'd just send a contribution to the author Chritian Warren, it's going to push him on and make him want to work harder. He told me he didn't want to put too much energy in it because it wasn't giving any income. So, send in your comments and/or your suggestions and/or your contributions (15$ or so) away to this address: Christian Warren 4445 Christophe-Colomb "q9 Montral, Qu, CANADA H2J 3G4 Note Hey, if you are looking for a graphics artist on the AMIGA, here I am ! BTW, check out my fonts: Zinc, Captive and POY ! Don't forget that if you want to include my font Trump in any of your programs, I'd like to hear about it !! Trump font is 1990 by me ! Marc Dionne 350 Surrey Baie D'Urf, Qu, CANADA H9X 2E7 ThankVe_s - Claude Abraham: For his File Requester. - C.W. Fox & Bruce Dawson: For their AMAZING File Requester & Color Requester Library. Great Great Great Great Work guys! - Darren M. Greenwald: For his font acceleration routine. - Marc Dionne: For the fonts & the docs, among other things. - The users of B.E.C.A.Q.: For their suggestions & their help. To reach us by BBS, call B.E.C.A.Q. at (514) 849-1630 EOF 4445 Christophe-Colomb u have a basic knowledge of FidoNet, what it is and how it works. Revision 1.00 Amiga Point Mailer Package 19-May-88 ------------------------------------------------------------ INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------ The Amiga Point Mailer Package provides a possibility to access FidoNet in a very easy and convenient way. You can enjoyJ\r the good sides of BBSing without beeing annoyed by the bad sides, i.e. you don't have to log into a BBS and remember all those cryptic commands. The package consists of four programs: BinkleyTerm, ConfMail, EchoText and EchoSave. Beside this, you will need some widespread utilities: ARC, PKAX, and maybe FIND, CSH, CP. Finally, you will need ZOO or BOOZ to extract the distributed archives and an editor (ED or uEmacs will do it). I% BinkleyTerm does the mail interfacing with your boss (your host system), it receives and sends files and ARCmail. The Amiga version of BinkleyTerm is not as powerful as the MSDOS version (limited dumb terminal mode, no scheduling, no ZModem) and it is only usable as a point mailer. ConfMail cuts the mail archives into single messages and vice versa. The messages are saved into the so called message base, a bunch of directories & ⏝ething drastic to your hard disk, such as reformat it! To use this feature, select RESTORE mode, and follow the steps for a FULL restore (do not exclude any files). When you reach the Restore Options window, set the option "Read Backup Volumes, Don't Restore Files" to "YES". This forces Quarterback to go through the steps of restoring your files without actually writing anything to your hard disk. Quarterback asks you to load each backup volume, in sequence. Quarterback then att'ɒڠempts to read the data from each backup volume, but DOES NOT restore the data to your hard disk. The effect of this is to test the readability of each backup volume, thereby providing some measure of confidence that the backup volumes will be usable if you need to restore files from them in the future. Warning - if this option is set to "YES" no files are restored to your hard disk! If you really want your files to be restored, this option MUST be set to "NO". 13. Archive/rest(fjLoration report uses line count, not form feed - Quarterback now uses the page size parameter from Preferences to count blank lines at the end of a report page. In previous versions, Quarterback used the form feed character to advance the printer to the end of the current page. Unfortunately, the form feed character did not always produce the expected results, especially if the printer page size was set to a value different from the Preferences page size. 14. File count display in)IIcreased to 5 digits (99,999), volume count to increased 3 digits (999) - Quarterback has always been able to count more than 9,999 files and/or 99 backup volumes. However, the actual file and volume counts displayed on the screen have been limited to 4 digits and 3 digits, respectively. Some Quarterback users now have very large hard disk partitions where such arbitrary restrictions are noticeable. So we have increased the file count display to 5 digits (99,999 files) and the volu*me count to 3 digits (999 volumes). 15. To provide better functionality under Workbench 2.0, Quarterback now opens its own high-resolution screen, setting the screen colors to the old Workbench colors. New Workbench colors caused some data displayed by Quarterback to be unreadable. 16. The backup option "Backup Full Subdirectory Structure" has been eliminated. It became unnecessary with the change in functionality of "Restore Full Subdirectory Structure". See item 6 above. 17+$ \. References to "Backup volume" have been changed to "backup disk", to reduce confusion between the hard disk volume being backed up or restored and the "floppy disk volumes" to which the files are copied. ************************************************************************* NON-ENGLISH VERSIONS NOW AVAILABLE DTM Werbung und EDV GmbH is the official distributor of the German language version of Quarterback. For further information, contact: Andreas Hoffmann DTM Werbun,9g und EDV GmbH Poststrabe 25 6200 Wiesbaden-Bierstadt Federal Republic of Germany Karlberg & Karlberg AB is the official distributor of the Swedish language version of Quarterback. For further information, contact: Claes Nilsson Karlberg & Karlberg Fldie Kyrkvg 237 00 Bjrred Sweden GOOD LUCK! Here's hoping that you never need to use Quarterback to restore your hard disk. And thank's for your support! George and Betty Chamberlain Central Coast Software (303) 526-103-#/0 (303) 526-0520 FAX up volume" have been changed to "backup disk", to reduce confusion between the hard disk volume being backed up or restored and the "floppy disk volumes" to which the files are copied. ************************************************************************* NON-ENGLISH VERSIONS NOW AVAILABLE DTM Werbung und EDV GmbH is the official distributor of the German language version of Quarterback. For further information, contact: Andreas Hoffmann DTM Werbun  Continue: Continues the search once a sequence is found. Set Case: "A == a" big letters are the same as small ones and vice versa when searching. "A != a" means there IS a difference. N.B. The sequences will be found even if split in between two blocks.   ~\# Utility Print Block: Lets you print a certain part of a file or disk and to output it to the printor or to a file for later printing. From Block, Position: Starting position. To Block, Position: Ending position. Groups: Number of groups on a line.  ) Numbers: Number of numbers in a group. HEX: Prints the Hexadecimal numbers. ASCII: Prints the ASCII numbers. #: Prints the position on each line. BIN: Copies the block(s) directly. Groups, Numbers and # are ignored. PRT: Prints to the printer. nch screen as: QB05 9. Beeps/flashes at end of each backup volume - Quarterback has always beeped during backup when it was unable to proceed because it was waiting for a new backup volume to be loaded. However, now it beeps whenever it finishes writing a backup volume to let you know it is time to change volumes, even if there is another volume already loaded in the alternate drive. This alerts you to the need to change volumes BEFORE Quarterback comes to a complete halt waiting for your action. 10. Included/excluded status of directory shown on catalog - Quarterback now indicates on the catalog display whether or not a given subdirectory contains files or other subdirectories which are marked as included. If a subdirectory contains included files or one or more subdirectories containing included files, the name of the subdirectory is colored as "included", the same as for files. If the subdirectory contains no files or other subdirectories marked as included, the name of the subdirectory is colored as "excluded", the same as for files. With this change, the color of a subdirectory name indicates whether or not that subdirectory is to be included or excluded from the backup or restore, just as the color of a file name indicates whether or not it is included or excluded from the backup or restore. Note that a subdirectory is marked as included if ANY file or lower subdirectory is included in the backup or restore operation. 11. Wrong volume error messages expanded for restore - During a restore operation, Quarterback tells the user which backup volume to load next. If the user loads a volume which Quarterback cannot identify or which is not the volume Quarterback wants, it displays a requester in the center of the screen containing an error message to explain to the user what is wrong. Some users have been confused by these error messages. We have expanded and improved the error messages in an attempt gBto reduce the confusion. When the user loads a backup volume during a restore, Quarterback examines the first 14 bytes of data on the volume looking for three things: a Quarterback identification, a sequence number, and a date/time stamp. The unique Quarterback identification is a 2-byte ASCII sequence "QB". Only backup volumes produced by Quarterback have this code. AmigaDos volumes, for example, have a completely different code. The sequence number is a binary value ranging fr 4eom 1 to 255 corresponding to the volume number in the backup sequence. The date/time stamp is an 8-byte binary value identifying the date and time that the backup was performe. This value uniquely identifies all volumes of a given backup set. This last test prevents volumes from different backup sets from getting intermixed during a restore (with disasterous results!). There is now a different error message associated with each of these tests. If the volume does not have the "QB! " identification code, you might see: Volume in drive DF0 is not a Quarterback backup volume. Load correct volume and PROCEED, or SKIP to bypass, or CANCEL If you see this messages, you have probably loaded a volume which was not used for a backup. If you are certain that this disk WAS used for a Quarterback backup, then it is likely that a virus has corrupted the volume. In this case the volume cannot be used by Quarterback to restore files. Note: if this error appears for " l|:the first disk of the backup set, you may be able to use the LAST disk of the backup set instead. See the Quarterback User's Guide for more information. If the volume has a valid Quarterback ID, but does not have the sequence number requested by Quarterback, you might see: Volume 2 in drive DF0 is not the volume needed next. Please remove it and PROCEED, or SKIP to bypass, or CANCEL If you see this message and you are sure that the volume you loaded was the correct volume (ba# !xsed on the handwritten label on the volume) then it is possible that the volumes were mixed up during the backup. The volume number displayed in the error message is the actual sequence number of that volume as read from the volume by Quarterback. You may wish to relabel the volume with this number. Then try one or more different volumes from the backup set to see if Quarterback can find the right volume. If not, it will display the volume number so you can verify that the label $ Smatches the content. Note that you can quickly find the volume number of any Quarterback volume from the Workbench screen, as described in item 7 above. If the volume has a valid Quarterback ID and has the correct sequence number, but its date/time stamp DOES NOT match the date/time stamp of the first volume of the backup set, you might see: Backup volume in drive DF0 has a different backup date/time stamp. It does not belong to the backup set you are restoring. This indicate%V>s that you have probably intermixed two or more sets of backup volumes. Quarterback will not restore files from a volume having a date/time stamp which does not match the first volume. 12. Backup volume "test" mode added - A new "test" mode has been added to the Restore Options window which allows you to test Quarterback backup volumes for errors without actually restoring any files. We highly recommend that you use this test mode to verify your backup diskettes BEFORE you do somT delect "Print Catalog" from the Project Menu. After the catalog has been printed, you can cancel the backup, if all you really wanted was to document the files in that partition. 4. Volume/device name of hard disk appended to archive/restoration report filename - Some Quarterback users have complained that Quarterback used the same archive report name for each backup, even for different hard disk drives or different partitions on the same drive. When these reports were sent to disA k, each new archive report overwrote the old archive report. To get around this problem, Quarterback users with multiple partitions have been forced to change the name of the report before backing up each partition to avoid overwriting the archive report of the other partition. To solve this problem, Quarterback now appends the name of the device being backed up or restored to the report name when reports are sent to disk. You can still force these reports to be stored on the dej!Jvice:path of your choice by entering the desired device:path (with no file name) as the report name. If you DO NOT assign your own name to the report, Quarterback now uses the standard name ARCHIVE REPORT or RESTORATION REPORT with the addition of the name of the device and path being backed up or restored. Note that the characters colon (":") and slash ("/") are NOT valid in AmigaDOS file names. Quarterback replaces these characters with "-" in appending the device and path to thDe report name. If you assign your own unique file name to the report, Quarterback uses that name and DOES NOT append the name of the device and path. This gives you the flexibility to call the report anything you wish without interference from Quarterback. However, you will find that archive reports for different partitions will be given the same name, creating the problem described above. 5. "SLOW" Backup option - Some Quarterback users, especially A2000 owners using certain DMN: A hard disk controllers and the Micron 2MB memory board, have experienced mysterious crashes related to the high DMA load which Quarterback places on the Amiga during backup. In response to this problem, we have added a "SLOW" backup mode option which limits Quarterback to a single data buffer. The effect of this option is to limit the data throughput, and to prevent simultaneous hard-disk and floppy input/output. If you experience unusual, random Quarterback crashes, you may wishiX to try this "SLOW" mode. 6. Restore Full Subdirectory Structure - This Restore option feature has been changed. In previous versions, this feature was used to force Quarterback to restore the entire directory tree structure (but not necessarily all files) to a hard disk. This was designed for those cases where the hard disk was freshly-formatted, but not all files contained on the backup volumes were to be restored to the hard disk. However, some Quarterback users misunderstood=8 the intent of the option, and few users seemed to use it as it was intended. So we changed it! This revised option now allows you to restore files to a formatted hard disk (or any other AmigaDOS device, for that matter) without restoring the subdirectory path associated with the files. If you set this option to "YES", Quarterback restores the full subdirectory path originally associated with each file as it restores each file. In this case Quarterback creates all required subdi 5rectories, if they do not already exist on the device to which the files are being restored. If you plan to restore all files to a hard disk which has been freshly-formatted, you should set this option to "YES". "YES" is the normal setting for this option. If you set this option to "NO", all restored files are stored directly into the hard disk volume and optional subdirectory path specified at the start of the restore. This means that ALL restored files are restored into the same4e directory, no matter what directory they came from originally. This can create file name conflicts as the files are restored, if you happen to restore files having identical names which originally came from different directories. However, this option can be especially useful if you wish to restore one or more files into a subdirectory other than the one in which they were stored when they were originally backed up. Set this option to "NO" only if you are sure about what you are ldoing, because you may end up with a really big mess if you use it unwisely. DO NOT SET THIS OPTION TO "NO" FOR A FULL RESTORE! 7. Volume number added to archive/restoration reports - The Quarterback backup volume on which a file STARTS has been added to the archive and restoration reports. This makes it possible to identify from the report which files are affected by a bad disk during restore. 8. Volume number added to QB backup volume disk ID - The Quarterback backup volume nvnIumber has been made a part of the 4-character disk ID which appears as the first 4 bytes of the first block of each backup volume. This makes it possible to determine the volume number of any Quarterback backup volume from Workbench, since it appears on the Workbench screen whenever the volume is inserted into a disk drive. The Quarterback backup volume ID consists of "QB" followed by a 2-digit volume number. For example, the fifth volume of a backup set would appear on the Workbe s+t4 beam or drop object (if carried.) KEYBOARD CONTROLS F1 - Pick up/drop beam to travel pad 1 F2 - Pick up/drop beam to travel pad 2 F3 - Pick up/drop beam to travel pad 3 F4 - Pick up/drop beam to travel pad 4 1-5 Beam to time zone 1-5 if active ESC Pause game Q Quit game (while in pause mode) --- ([=------------------------------------ and/or be transported. JOYSTICK CONTROLS Without firebutton you can walk all eight directions. With firebutton pressed you can pick up things by pulling down. All other directions will perform a jump. Firebutton alone will fire electric   =again to reverse it. RESET : If you want to rebuild the Adventure-list, you can select 'RESET' to clear it. IV ADVENTURE : ------------- This menu contains the Adventure-list. Just select an adventure with the mouse. EXAMPLE One day, you buy a Sierra adventure (for example Space Quest 3). You start playing it and you save games to a Data-disk in the 'SAVE'-directory. To delete some of these games, please follow these  msteps: 1) Start this program and wait until it is ready 2) Insert the Data-disk in any drive (just make sure that you leave the boot-disk in any other drive) 3) Select 'LEARN' and answer 'Y' to the question 4) Enter the name of the drive with the Data-disk and add 'SAVE' (for example DF1:SAVE) 5) The program displays : Adv.-ID = SQ3 Enter 'SPACE QUEST 3' Answer 'N' to the question 6) Select 'SPACE QUEST 3' in the Adventure-menu 7) The program displays the games that you v( have saved with Space Quest 3 Select 'DELETE' in the Project-menu and enter the number of the game that you want to delete. ------------ I hope you find this program useful. If so send than $10 minimum. So I wil make more nice shareware. If you have any remarks or questions, or if you want to obtain an updated version, you can contact me at this address : Maico P.O.BOX 1061  }K 1440 BB PURMEREND HOLLAND TERMINAL ACCESS HQ-BBS 31(0)2990-20254 HST DS V42b other drive) 3) Select 'LEARN' and answer 'Y' to the question 4) Enter the name of the drive with the Data-disk and add 'SAVE' (for example DF1:SAVE) 5) The program displays : Adv.-ID = SQ3 Enter 'SPACE QUEST 3' Answer 'N' to the question 6) Select 'SPACE QUEST 3' in the Adventure-menu 7) The program displays the games that you ֚f click on the name of the hard disk volume you wish to use, Quarterback displays that volume name inside a box near the center of the screen. You can change the contents of this box to the name of any valid AmigaDos file storage device, if you wish, in order to backup from or restore to a different device not listed by Quarterback. For example, if you wish to restore files to RAM:, you would erase the device name in the center box and enter RAM:. If you wish to backup files from or  s restore files to a particular subdirectory on any AmigaDOS volume, you can add the desired path to the displayed volume name. Simply click inside the gadget and type in the desired subdirectory path. Note: In building its list of available hard disk partitions (volumes), Quarterback lists only those devices having a file storage capacity greater than that of a floppy disk (800KB). If it cannot find at least two such partitions (volumes), it lists nothing. If it finds only one su !N?Ych device, it automatically copies that name to the center box and lists nothing. 2. Visual progress bar added to volume status boxes - Quarterback now provides a visual indication of its progress in filling backup diskettes. A graphical bar in each of the volume status boxes on the backup/restore status window provides a visual indication of the percentage of completion of a backup diskette (volume) during backup or restore. 3. Print Catalog added to Menu - Quarterback now allow"C`s you to print the Quarterback catalog whenever there is a catalog loaded. You no longer need to perform an actual backup or restore operation in order to obtain a list of files. This means that if you perform a backup or restore operation and fail to ask for the archive report or restoration report, you can still obtain the report by starting a restore operation, loading the catalog from the first backup volume, and then printing the catalog. You can then cancel the restore opera cWtion, if you really don't want to restore any files. This menu option prints the entire catalog, whether the files are selected for backup/restore or not. Note: this report is only printed; there is no option to send the report to disk, in this case. This a useful way to document the organization of a hard disk partition without doing the actual backup. Just start Quarterback, specify "backup", select the hard disk volume (partition), and when Quarterback has built the catalog, sEک: if the beep font is not in FONTS: or if there is insufficient memory, JamCracker will just exit without a warning. A number of (semi-) bugs are known, but should not prevent 'normal' use of the software. M. Gemmel, author ming it is complete, the names will be displayed. The only way to read the full directory without reading .beepdir is to select the path-stringgadget (by clicking in it and pressing return). CANCEL cancels the operation, and nothing has happened. SPECIAL KE'J3 and also the vital accelerator crystal (a rare carbon that is only formed at extreme heat and pressure) becomes destroyed, throwing Potts into a time warp. The future has happened, leaving him trapped in prehistoric times... GAMEPLAY You take the part of Potts, and must & 7 The Player can be used to play songs written with JamCracker V1.0. It can be invoked from the Workbench or CLI. The Player is the default tool for all songs saved with JamCracker, so if you click a song icon (or a song icon AND the Player (shift)), it will be played by the PlaySong. If you just click the PlaySong icon you will be prompted for a name (which may be in quotation marks). Ofcourse you can click more than Os26one song icon to hear multiple songs. Once a song is playing, you should press RMB (=the Right Mouse Button) to stop it and eventually load the next song. The usage from CLI is: PlaySong [file ...] where the filenames may be in quotation marks. If filenames are omitted, the usage is displayed. M. Gemmel, author ns and is in no way responsible for any resulting physical and/or mental damage. Notes on PlaySong V1.0, the JamCracker Song Player (' manipulate history from prehistoric times to the present day. To return to your own time zone you must first create your own future by interfering with evolution. In order to survive you must also protect the environment and man's forebears. Your final goal is to stop the terrorist attack and rescue the t)SCime-machine, now 10 million years in the future. CREATION AND MAINTENANCE OF TIME ZONES You must perform certain tasks in each zone to initiate the creation of the next time zone, E.G. like cooling and warming of the planet, finding oil and stone wheel... Previous zones will continue to evolve on t*۱,heir own and be changed by their inhabitants. This may, in turn, alter events in subsequent zones. You must therefore maintain the course of the evolution of earlier zones E.G. protect your forebears and keep them warm or you too will become extinct! EVOLUTION Events in a zone will evolve in other +-f subsequent zones E.G. a seed planted in one zone may grow into a tree in a later zone, which may itself be used in a even later zone. You must help the evolution! TRAVELLING IN TIME AND SPACE You are able to travel back and forth in time between existing time zones. You are also able to travel both in ,; time and space using your very limited number of reusable travel pods. You should place these pods at strategic points, so that you can teleport your- self and any moveable object in your vicinity, to them as when required. WEAPONS The only weapon available to you is a limited burst of electrical charge -n from your controller device. Use this device to stun creatures and dislodge objects. If you overuse your device then you have to wait for it to make a recharge. THE LOOK WINDOW As you move around, any objects that you can manipulate will appear in the display window. Some of these objects  y@Z can be picked up, carried and/or be transported. JOYSTICK CONTROLS Without firebutton you can walk all eight directions. With firebutton pressed you can pick up things by pulling down. All other directions will perform a jump. Firebutton alone will fire electric  /*strument used to play this note; S is the pattern play speed; AA is the arpeggio info; VV is the vibrato info; P is the phase-shift speed; VVV is the volume info; PPP is the portamento info; To enter a note, position the cursor over YYY and type a 'note key'. The same for all other info numbers; position the cursor, and enter the data. S - The play speed is a number from 0-$F. It is the time in 1/50th of a second to wait between two notes. If it is 0, the 0zc" speed will remain unaffected. AA - These are two number from 0-$E each. They set the arpeggio notes. Arpeggio is the rapid change of pitch of one note, so that it will sound like two or three notes played simultaneously. Each number represents the YYY note number + the number. For example, if YYY is C-2, and AA is 30, the notes C-2 and D#2 will be played. VV - These are two numbers, from 0-$E, and from 0-$F. The first number is the vibrat1!o size, the second is the vibrato speed. P - The phase shift speed is a number from 0-$F. It will have effect only on custom instruments. What is does is to shift the phase of the played wave at a certain speed, which makes the tone sound kind of special. VVV - The first V of the volume info is S, U, or D. The next VV is a number from 00 to $40. If the first V is S, it means the volume will be set at level VV. If the first V is U, the volume will 2: slide up to level $40 with speed VV. If the first V is D, the volume will slide down to 0 with speed VV. PPP - The first V of the portamento info can also be S, U, or D. The next PP can be a number from 00 to $7E. U means the pitch will slide up with speed PP, D lets the pitch slide down, and for S to have effect you must have entered a note YYY. S will then slide the pitch to the pitch of the note YYY with speed PP. All effects except arpeggio3\" will stay in effect as long as possible, once they've been activated. The TAB key, pressed at any position in AAVVPVVVPPP will enter one or more '-'. It means that the current effect (for which you have pressed the TAB) will stop. Pressing the TAB key over YYY will either make the current note the last note of this pattern (place a 'pattern break') or it will make the size $40 again if you press it over the last note of this pattern. To insert a note, press RETURN. All notes st4|?arting at the current position will be moved down. To delete a note, press BACKSPACE. All notes starting at the next position will be moved up. The last note becomes 'empty'. To delete a note without moving notes, press DEL. When entering a note YYY, it will sound. When entering an info-number, you will hear nothing (special). - PATTERN displays the current pattern number. You may have up to $100 patterns in memory (if they fit). You can't increase the PATTERN number if5M the current pattern is not yet used. Note also that you can't clear a pattern from memory like an instrument. - CUT, COPY, and PASTE cuts, copies or pastes a pattern. - CHANNEL lets you change the channel you want to edit. You can edit max. 4 channels of notes. - CUT, COPY, and PASTE cuts, copies or pastes a channel. - AUDIO can be ON or OFF, which means this channel will be heard or not when playing the pattern or the song. - PLAY plays this pattern. - STOP stops p6U'laying. (See STOPPING PLAY) - LOAD loads a pattern. (See THE FILE-REQUESTER) - SAVE stores a pattern. (See THE FILE-REQUESTER) STOPPING PLAY The STOP gadgets are actually dummies. You do not have to click them to stop playing. To stop playing, just do anything that would get JamCracker's attention, like pressing any key or clicking any gadget. THE FILE-REQUESTER When choosing LOAD, SAVE, SHOW or DELETE, you will be prompted for a file with J7`namCracker's file requester where all files/directories in the specified path are displayed alphabetically; .info files are ignored. DF0:, DF1:, DF2:, DF3:, DH0:, and the parent directory can be chosen with the gadgets at the bottom. You can click a file and then OK to do what you wanted to do, or you can click a directory to see its contents. The file requester can create its own little file called '.beepdir'. If the disk is write-enabled, and there is enough room, all names will 88ٞrYS When you're not editing info-numbers in the Pattern Editor, the following keys will generate a tone: ZSXDCVGBHNJM (lower octave), Q2W3ER5T6Y7U (upper octave) The F1-key will change the octave (displayed in the Instrument window). The F10-key will toggle the titlebar. The left shift key will not only move the pattern cursor by $10 notes, but when clicking an arrow-gadget, the number will increase or decrease by $10, if possible. One final note about this versionr.:̦hstop the pointing fickle finger of fate at either the Left, Middle, or right girl. o After the selection, a question will appear and you are prompted to press the Space Bar (or FIRE) whenever you're ready to select a response. 2. Press the Space Bar (or FIRE) and three responses are revealed - along with the pointing fickle finger of fate 3. To select one of the three responses: o Press the Space Bar (or FIRE) to stop the pointing r/;1lC fickle finger of fate at the desired response. o If she responds positively, then you get a second question and three new responses appear. And so on. * Scoring There are two ways to score points in Pick-up Artist. The first concerns the on-screen timer, and the second concerns how successful you are at enticing your date or would-be-date. - Timer Points: The timer counts down. On the first night (or any night in which you're looking for the flower girl ir0 in combination with or will move the cursor $10 notes at a time. The format of a note is: XX YYY IISAAVVPVVVPPP where: IISAAVVPVVVPPP are the note's info-numbers. and: XX is the note number (which cannot be changed like the rest); YYY is the note itself. It is '---' if there's no note here; II is the inr#Eline, the moves toward your opponent; if your opponent scores, then vice-versa. The first to score seven goals wins the round. * Scoring You play four opponents - Clyde, Nina, Willard and Barbi - in that order. Each new opponent is tougher, and you must beat each of them two out of three rounds in order to advance. As you advance, goals are worth more points and the bonus "constant" is higher (see chart below). Here's how the bonus structure works, using Barbi as an opponentr$F`Q#: You get a bonus of 75 points for each goal in the margin of victory - that is, if you beat Barbi 7 to 4, the margin of victory is 7 - 4 = 3, so you get 3 x 75 or 255 bonus points. NAME POINTS/GOAL BONUS CONSTANT Clyde 25 25 Nina 40 40 Willard 60 60 Barbi 75 75 * Tournament Mode The game alternates between players after someor%GNne (computer player or human) wins two out of three rounds. PICK-UP ARTIST The bar game to end all bar games - and probably why bars were invented in the first place. In our version of this not-so-trivial pursuit, you first espy three lovely ladies sitting at the bar on a Wednesday night with their backs turned to you. From one of these three lovelies, you receive a secret message, the upshot of which is that she wants to meet you and that she is wearing ar&HfWD flower. Thus you have... * The Overiding Objective Employing your best pick-up lines, find the girl with the flower on Wednesday night, so that you can take her on a series of three dates. If you can satisfy her conversational desires on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday as well - then you receive the big Weekend Reward. If that sounds easy, you haven't been riding on the dating circuit in a while. * How it Works if You're Infallible Once you gather enough gumption to strike r'I>iup a conversation, there are some basic conversational guidelines. No matter which girl you choose to talk to on the first night (Wednesday), the computer will ask you a series of three questions, and you have three possible replies to each question. (See "The Mechanic" section below to learn how to select girls and replies.) If you select the correct replies to all three questions - AND she is the one with the flower - then you can earn the right to take her on a date Thursdr(J ay, the next night. On Thursday, it's just you and her, one on one. But again, you are asked three questions, and you have three possible responses to each one. If you select the right one each time, you get to take her on another date on Friday night. Once again, you'll face three more questions, have three more potential replies and if you're 100 percent right, it's on to Saturday's dream date. On Saturday, the formula continues. Three successive questions from her, three r)KO1ripe responses for you to choose from for each question, and if you dazzle her all three times - you win. * How it Works if You're Human However, if you don't select the right response to each question, things are not so simple. Like love and life, final success in Pick-up Artist takes time and training. Let's examine the price of failure. - The First Night: As we said, the goal on Wednesday is to find the girl with the flower. You fail in this quest if you do not find ther*LJQ girl with the flower and answer all the questions correctly. For example, you choose a girl to talk to. The computer asks you a question, you select a response, but she rejects it. You'll know this immediately by her withering reply, and she disappears. Now two girls remain and you must select one to talk to. If you select an incorrect response for this girl, she disappears, leaving you with the last girl. If you select a wrong response for her, then your first night ir+Mos a blowout. But remember, the goal on the first night is to find the girl with the flower. So even if you select three correct responses for any girl, if she isn't the one with the flower, you don't go on your first date. What do you do if you don't find the flower girl on the first night? Like any healthy, red-blooded male, you come back the next night, and try again with the same three girls in the same bar with the same questions and responses. (Be careful, however, ar,N <( different girl could be wearing the flower on the second night.) If you strike out on the second night, too, you must return the third night. and so on, until you find the girl with the flower. You only get four nights (Wednesday through Saturday), however, to find the flower girl. - The Other Three Nights Once you find the flower girl, the following night becomes your first date. And the goal now is to answer all questions correctly to become eligible for another date.r-99 If you fail to answer all the questions correctly during any date, then you strike out and are returned the next night to the bar - to find the flower girl all over again. Remember, there's only four nights in this game. So in order to score the ultimate, you must find the flower girl on the FIRST NIGHT (Wednesday), then succeed on three successive dates (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday) * The Mechanics 1. To select a girl to talk to: o Press Space Bar (or FIRE) to rP it is lost for the game. (See Scoring and Extra Buckets below.) To stop inter- ference, bump the interlopers with your man - they will immediately retreat. But they'll be back, so keep on your toes. * Heads Up In Rounds 5 and 6, a malicious little man randomly appears through trap doors above the catwalk. He will gleefully try to drop BOWLING BALLS, 1-TON WEIGHTS, BOMBS and BARRELS on your head. If he hits you, your head will literally spin... putting you out of commissirQ0#on for precious seconds. At the bottom of the screen is a bank of 20 LIGHTS. If you dump a bucket onto any LIGHT that is on - and you don't hit the contestant below - your man will get the SHOCK of his life. (Indeed his hair will stand on end.) He will also be frozen in place until the shock is over. * Scoring and Extra Buckets You can earn points for each percentage point that you get any contestant wet. Check the WETNESS GAUGE, a horizontal bar above the contestant's namrR e, to see how wet you've gotten the contestant. Direct hit = 25% Wet Near hit = 12% Wet Marginal hit = 6% Wet Miss = 0% Wet For every 200 points you score, you earn one EXTRA BUCKET. These appear only at the beginning of succeeding rounds, and only replace those buckets kicked off by earlier contestants. If you get any contestant 100% wet, you earn 5 BONUS POINTS for each second remaining in the round, as well as 10 BONUS POINTrS^>S for each unused bucket remaining. (No bonus points for unused Extra Buckets.) * Tournament Mode The game alternates between players after each round (or contestant). LAST CALL You are the bartender. Your job: Slide mugs of beer down a long, sleek, 3-tiered bar to thirsty patrons. Precision throwing is a pure art - too weak, and the mug slides off the bar short of the mark; too strong, and the mug goes tumbling over your customer's outstretched hand.rT ! Each of the four rounds consists of a one hour shift, and the rounds take place on four consecutive "nights" - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Naturally, as you head into the weekend, each night is a lot tougher than the preceding one. * Beer Quota Each shift has a quota of beers that must be served successfully. The BAR is a single connected surface, but on the screen it is divided into 3 tiers. Thus, if you slide a beer to the far end of the bar, it will move lerUft to right across each tier in succession from the bottom of the screen to the top. At full capacity, your bar seats sixteen patrons - seven on the top tier, seven in the middle, two on the bottom (closest to the bartender). Near the bottom of the screen are a DIGITAL CLOCK, a POWER BAR, the number of BEERS SERVED and your SCORE. The DIGITAL CLOCK, surprisingly enough, keeps track of the time remaining in your shift. The POWER BAR lets you determine how far you want to makerVѐ a mug slide along the bartop. You do this by pressing the Space Bar or FIRE button, which starts the "mercury" of the POWER BAR moving from left to right. When the mercury hits what you think is the appropriate spot on the POWER BAR, hit the Space Bar or FIRE button again to send the beer down the bar. The first segment of the POWER BAR lets you see the mercury begin to travel. The next three segments represent the three tiers of the bar. The fifth and final segment represerWi nts "too far" - that is, past the upper tier of the bar. * Scoring You start out the first night with 32 beer mugs. If you break one, it's gone for good. However, you earn additional mugs for every 100 points. How do you score points? Accurately served beers are worth 25 points each. You also earn 5 bonus points for each minute left on your shift after you've served your quota. All patrons raise their hand to order a beer. It's important to note the order in which the par X;qtrons raise their hands - because that's the order in which you must fill their requests. More patrons will appear on each succeeding night, which means that you will have to fill more orders in the same amount of time. After the first night, patrons are more thirsty as well; each wants two beers (not at the same time) instead of one. And, just to make things a bit tougher, on Thursday night the first measuring line on the POWER BAR disappears, and on Friday the first measurir!YnPyng line re- appears, and the second line is gone. * Tournament Mode The game alternates between players after each shift. All players serve a shift on Tuesday, then Wednesday, etc. A player must meet his nightly quota in order to advance to the next shift. AIR HOCKEY A simple game that requires complex motor skills, always present in any bar situation. On screen is a standard air hockey table. The object is to score goals by using your PADDLE to knockr"D%p the PUCK into the slot (goal) on the opponent's end of the table. Press the Space Bar or FIRE button to start each new round. Move your PADDLE with the arrow keys or the joystick. You can also press the Space Bar or FIRE button - the paddle will move forward a bit, then back to its original position (In addition, you can use the numeric keypad to direct the paddle in three directions: horizontally, vertically, and diagonally.) If you score, the PUCK reappears at the center r [K[1 leave the bar - but not Single Event scores. CONTROLS You can use either the keyboard or joystick to play BAR GAMES. Additional keyboard controls: HELP During a game, takes you to a Help screen; Space Bar resumes the game. ESC Pauses the game. Hit any key to resume. CTRL+Q During a game, voids the game and returns you to the BAR GAMES Menu; during a tournament, voids the game and the entire tournament, and r\-returns you to the BAR GAMES Menu. EVENTS Rowdy nonstop action is the essence of BAR GAMES. Of course, in any evening's festivity, there are those occasional moments when one must answer the call of nature... or perhaps some other equally urgent imperative. To PAUSE the game at any time, press ESC. To restart, hit any key. OK, here's the lineup: LIAR'S DICE Each player begins this game with 100 chips. There are ten rounds. If, r]׸however, your chip total becomes zero at the end of any round, the game is over. Each round opens with your first WAGER (in increments of five, from 5 to 500 chips - although, of course, you cannot WAGER more chips than you have.) To WAGER, use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to increase or decrease your wager in five chip increments. To increase or decrease your wager in 50 chip increments, use the LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys. Then press RETURN (or FIRE). The POT is then set to twice your r^ޣwager (because your opponent, the "bartender", matches your wager). The dice are automatically shaken, thrown. Your five dice appear on the bottom left corner of the screen, and the word BID is highlighted. Now someone must make a BID. The object is to guess the best possible hand that combines your dice with those of your computer opponent. The higher the number of dice of the same face value, the better the hand. For example, six Twos beats five Twos. But if the number r_nof dice in opposing bids are the same, the higher hand is the one whose die value (pips of dice - a pip, in this case, is a dot on a die, not a back up singer to Gladys) is higher. For example, a bid of six Threes is higher than six Twos. Bluffing, and calling bluffs, are important elements of the game - hence the name, Liar's Dice. In Round 1, you BID first. In Rounds 2-10, the first bidder is whomever won the previous round. To BID, use the LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys (or joysticr`0Rk) to highlight: o the NUMBER (1-10) of dice bid, o the DIE, o or the word BID. When BID is highlighted, you can use the DOWN arrow key (or joystick) to highlight the word CALL. If you decide not to CALL, use the UP arrow key (or joystick) to enter the BID. When NUMBER is highlighted, use the UP/DOWN arrow keys (or joystick) to increase/decrease the number of dice (1-10) in your bid. When the DIE is highlighted, the UP/DOWN arrowra keys will cycle the die to show from 1 to 6 pips. Once you've got your "number of a kind" ready to bid, highlight BID and press RETURN (or FIRE). You opponent will then either bid higher, or call your bid. If she bids higher, and you wish to call her bid, highlight CALL and press RETURN (or FIRE). * Scoring YOU WIN if: You CALL your computer opponent and her bid is higher than the actual combination of hands; or your opponent CALLS your BID, and the actual combination of rbphands is equal to, or greater than your bid. YOU LOOSE if: You CALL the computer opponent and her bid is equal to or less than the actual combination of hands; or Your opponent CALLS your BID, and the actual combination of hands is less than your BID. * Things to Keep in Mind - To speed up the game, press RETURN or FIRE when the computer opponent is "thinking" during her turn to BID. She will then instantly make her bid. - Aces (dice showing one pip) are "wild" - thatrc2 is, counted as the same die face value as each bid. - The pot automatically doubles when a bid of six or more of any die face is made. Don't worry - this happens without you wagering more chips. * Tournament Mode Player One plays ten rounds, then Player Two plays ten rounds, etc., until all players have played ten rounds - unless any player's chip total hits zero at the end of any round. WET'N WILD Better known as a Wet T-Shirt Contest, therd" object of this lubricious enter- tainment is to dunk as many buckets of water as you can from a catwalk onto a contestant on a stage below. You get a maximum of 16 buckets and one minute per round to get the hardbody below at least 80% wet. Each time you do, you move on to a new contestant. There are 8 possible ROUNDS. A round is over when all your buckets are empty OR the time hits zero OR you have gotten a contestant 100% wet. The GAME is over when you fail to get any corOӏ_ntestant at least 80% wet, or when the timer hits zero in the final (8th) round. To MOVE YOUR MAN along the catwalk, use the LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys or the joystick. Press SPACE BAR or FIRE button to dump the BUCKET OF WATER that your MAN is standing above. Each bucket can be tipped only once per round. * Contestant Interference In Rounds 3, 4, 7 and 8, the previous round's contestant will walk out onto the catwalk and try to kick off your buckets. Once a bucket is kicked off,rf$__/ \/_/\_\/-bbox Presents the docs to Bar Games from Accolade!!! Typed by Sentry and Mictlantecuhtli of Skid Row ============================================================================= Ah, the tavern. Since time immemorial, it has served mankind as a place of solace, camaraderie and entertainment. Joe the Bartender slides you a beer, you tell him your troubles, maybe have a pickled egg, a few beer nuts. Some buddies show up. You buyrg.: a round. Next thing you know, you're on the faculty at M.I.T. Yeah, bars are amazing sociological phenomena. They can be quiet or loud, cozy or cavernous, dark dives or trendy pyrotechnic palaces. But they all have one thing in common: Games. Bar Games. Let's face it: Bar Games are what made America great. If, as the Britons say, the First Great War was won on the playing fields of Eton... well, then the Second Great War was won in Harry's Tavern, somewhere between the porhW`ol table and the dart board. We need it. We crave it. Competition. The thrill of victory, and the agony of an Air Hockey puck in the teeth. You know what I'm talking about. Maybe you've lost a buck or two at Liar's Dice. Or lost your innocence to some Pick-up Artist. (The keenly competitive mating rituals of your common bar patron can be a sight to see. Somebody oughta do a PBS documentary.) Yeah, BAR GAMES. The REAL American pastime. ~~~~ ri5B* HOW TO INSTALL ONTO A HARD DRIVE 1. Boot up the computer and hard disk using the appropriate steps for the hard disk. 2. Insert Disk 1 of BAR GAMES into any drive. 3. Double-click on BAR GAMES disk icon. 4. Double-click on "HD Install" icon. 5. Type the path (such as dh0: or dh1: to copy BAR GAMES programs and press return. 6. When prompted, replace the program disk with the data disk. GETTING STARTED BAR GAMES will run on Amrjo7iga models 500, 100, and 2000. You need at least 512K to play. If your machine has only 512K and you have any trouble booting BAR GAMES, disconnect any external drives to free up memory. BOOTING UP BAR GAMES 1. Insert Disk 1 of BAR GAMES into DF0:. If you have more than one disk drive, insert Disk 2 of BAR GAMES into another drive. 2. Following the title screen and credits, you'll be ask to identify a glass on the screen. (This annoyance has beenrkbw removed by SKID ROW!) You can also run BAR GAMES from Workbench or Harddrive, but more than 512K is recommended. BAR GAMES assumes you have "mathtrans.library" in your libs: directory on Workbench. If for some reason you don't, the copy that file from the libs: directory of the BAR GAMES disk to libs: directory of Workbench. CHOOSE YOUR POISON After successfully identifying the bar glass, use LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys (or joystick LEFT/RIGHT) to advance thrrlHough the pages of the BAR GAMES Menu. Press RETURN (FIRE button) to select items on the menu. HOW TO ENTER NAME ONTO THE PLAYER ROSTER Before playing an event, you must enter in the name (up to eight characters) of each player. 1. Use the Up/Down arrow keys (Forward/Back on joystick) to position the on-screen arrow next to the number of the player you want to name or edit, then press RETURN (or FIRE button). 2. Type the name of a player followed by RETUr mkRN. Use the BACKSPACE and DELETE keys as needed. 3. When all names (up to four) have been entered, press the RIGHT arrow key (or move the joystick to the right) to advance to page three of the BAR GAMES Menu. From there you can select and Single Event to play. If you wish to play a tournament, press the RIGHT arrow key once to advance to page 4. PLAYING A SINGLE EVENT Each of the events of BAR GAMES can be played individually. 1.r n2 Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys (Forward/Back on joystick) to indicate which one of the following events you want to play: LIAR'S DICE WET'N WILD LAST CALL AIR HOCKEY PICK-UP ARTIST 2. Press RETURN (Or FIRE button) to play that event. PLAYING A TOURNAMENT In the tournament, players face each challenge in succession, starting with LIAR'S DICE, then WET'N WILD, etc. Player ONE always plays each event first (no "honor oMhTrs", where the highest score from the previous event goes first). 1. Use the LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys (Left/Right on joystick) until the Tournament Menu is visible (page 4) 2. Press RETURN key (FIRE button) to start the tournament. VIEWING HIGH SCORES The high scores are shown in the last several pages of the BAR GAMES Menu. Use the LEFT/RIGHT arrows (Left/Right on joystick) to flip the pages of the BAR GAMES Menu until the desired high scores are visible. r ZR TOURNAMENT STANDINGS When you complete a tournament, the Tournament Standings screen lists the order of finish for the tournament just played. LEAVE THE BAR Takes you back to Workbench. 1. Use the LEFT/RIGHT arrows key until the last page of the BAR GAMES Menu is visible (page 12). At the bottom of the page, a "Leave the bar" option appears. 2. Press RETURN to leave the bar. Only tournament high scores are saved when youH@exqrvtyzu IEmpty7lԎ<;:9NMLKJIHGFEDYXWVUTSRQPOdcba`_^]\[Zonmlkjihgfes\-s0docdame.docpre _____ __ ___ ____ _______ ______ / ___/\ /\ \ \ / _/ / __ \ /_ ___ \ /\____/\ /\ /\ / / _/ / / /__/\/ / / / / \ \ / /__/ / / / / / / / / / \ \ \_/ / __/ / / / / /\/ / //___/ / / / / / / / / /\ \ \ / /\ \ / / / / / / / / \ \ / / / / / / __ / / / /__\ \ / /__\ \__ / /_ / /___/ / / /__ \ \_\/___/ / \ \/ /\/ / \/____\/ \/__/ \__/ \/_/ \/_____/ \/__/ \______t P#ZdoctdCracker.docpuCHv8DCBA@?>=<;:9876543210/.-,+*)('&%$#"! ist nur ein Pseudofile! Bitte nicht loeschen!!! BootGirl.datapvw@ ^=wW5dochonstrike.keyspv= DRAGONSTRIKE KEYBOARD COMMANDS Typed by Sentry of Skid Row Esc Preferences Menu F1 Look Forward F2 Look Right F3 Look Behind F4 Look Left ? Check Ointment 1 Use Healing Ointment on Knight 2 Use Healing Ointment on Dragon A Faster S Slower Lance Aiming Controls: T Up Left Y Up x& 7l Cpy3OKJIHG\[ZYXWVUTSRg}~a!docxsX5.0Docs.304pz {n"~}|{s -docydsoccer.docpz| **** **** ********** ******* ********** ***** **** **** **** **** *** ** *** ********* *** ** *** ******* **** **** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *** ** ** ** ** *** ** ** ** **** ** ** ** ** ******* ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ****** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **z}7`U ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** ** *** ** *** ********** *** ** *** ******* **** **** *** ********** ******** ********** ***** **** **** --------------------------------------------------- l Turk 51 Zone...++31-10-4296515 --> HOLLAND..... l l Panic Zone.......617-444-4338 ---> THE STATES.. l l Twins Bbs........514-766-3533 ---> CANADA...... l l Defcon-z~"`5.........206-427-5849 ---> THE STATES.. l --------------------------------------------------- Presents : WORLD SOCCER FROM ZEPPELIN DOCS TYPED BY T.D.B.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN PLAYING SCREEN In WORLD SOCCER there are ten icons that will enable you to make you the best posibble use of your team resources. detailed study of the options available is necessary beore each vital match. BANK The bzank manager will show you the club's current financial status whenever yu require the information. He may also agree to loan you money to allow you to venture into the transfer market in the quest for high class players. the bank gives ya three options. Loan......using the calculator keypad,select the figure you wish to borrow and click on =. subject to approval the loan should then be credited to your current account. Errors arecorrected by pressing C. Pay Back..shoulz*d you have the neccessary resources, load repayment will enablethe interest figure charged by the bank to be kept to a minimimum, Again use the calculator to select the amount of repaymets. EXIT......Returns you to the main playing screen. ON AIR Some managers prefer to watch where the team went wrong on the pitch, others pfer not tolook..Use this option to select whether you want to see the animated highlights, or spare yourself the agony of another embzFQarrassing defeat ! MEDIC Dr Fingall O'hare has been with the club for 20 years and is the best man to advise on the fitness of the various players in our squad. Injuries are supported by an accurate of how long that player will be out of action. LOAD & SAVE After progressing to certain point in th league the game can be saved for further use.Similarly an old scenario can be loaded in for further refinement to SAVE Insert a FORMATTED disk into thedrive and proceed NOTE:the dzisk must not contain any this will be erased on saving to LOAD insert the disk containing the neccessary information into the drive and let the program do the rest... SCOUT Although relavitely a new man to the club harry crother comes with an impressive talent spotting history from his previous employers. As well as giving you information on the strengths and weaknesses of you first 11. Harry also has his ear to the ground fornetalent. He will recommend certazZin players who would in his opinion strengthen and improve your team Although goo harry is not infalible, so it is your final decision whether or not to purvhase the offered players. SELL PLAYERS Sometimes it may prove to offer ome of your palyers to the transfer market they may have lost their form, or never really reached their potentinial. Finabcial Strins may also force you into an difficult but necessary desicion. Harry Crother will offer you advise but you must decide what efz dfects a sale willhave on the remaining players morale'etc and then make yourfinal decision.. LEAGUE POSITIONS All of the current leagues are given to you for your information and careful study. You wil obviously want to examine your own position of your close competitors, but also league trends can be found that may help you in your future planning. General team weaknesses and recent results may make you decide to field a team with players that can cauze havoc in your oppositionz |''s weak spots. MATCH PLAY Details of the next fixture are given along with harry crother's option on the relative strengths and weakness of the oppsition . You can decide to play the match and field an unchanged team, or return to the main screen and make any amendments to fine tune your squad. AT HALF TIME the match score will be available along with details of any injuries or bookings that may have occured to your team. Up to two substitutes can then beselected to play in the sez Y1Y)cond half. The play in the second half will then lead on to all important final score. You will also bepresented with details of the match attendence and gros match receipts for theday. A round up off all match results is provided by the information service, so your rivals' performances can be obtained and assessed for future reference. TEAM SELECTION From your squad, select 11 first team players and two reserves for the next match by licking on the highlight bar. An arrow at the 4~docqBLER.doxdmepq2q DOCS FOR 'BACK TO THE FUTURE II' ************************************ Written by MR.THOMPSON / DEFJAM ----------------------------------------------------------- LOADING: -------- AMIGA : Power up the machine, and when the workbench prompt appears, insert the disk into the internal drive and game will load and run. ATARI : Insert the disk into the internal drive and power up the machine. The game will now load and q~run. Owners of single sided disk drives should return the disk to us for up-grading: send to BTTF2 Upgrade, Image Works, Irwin House, 118 Southwark Street, London SE1 OSW. CONTROLS: --------- The Atari ST and Commodore 64 versions are contolled by joystick only. The Commodore Amiga version can be controlled by either Joystick or Mouse. The IBM PC, Spectrum and Amstrad version can be controlled by joystick and also have a redefinable keyboard option. HERE'S WqHERE YOU COME IN..... ----------------------------- Returning from the year 2015 on an innocent sightseeing tour , Doc has some very bad news for Marty. Unless he goes back to the future with him in order to change the course of history, the future of his family could be in danger. Now it's up to him - or rather you - to put things right. BACK TO THE FUTURE II is not just one game - it's five separate games that each tell a chapter of the story, with you as the lead character, Martyq9 McFly. If you've seen the movie you're bound to have some adventage as each of the levels is based directly on a specific scene from the film, but ultimately only quick reflexes and an even quicker mind will see you throught safely. It's up to you now. Think about the future .... The object is to race throught Hill Valley, and make it safely to the Town Hall, thus preventing a future disaster for your son. Your hoverboard is a pretty nippy mover, but you'll have to move fast to avoiqCSd Griff and his gang. As you can see the screen is divided into two areas. The larger portion at the top is the game area, while the lower section is the status area, which appears throughout the game. The status area displays everything you need to know, relevant to the current level, including the year you're currently (in this case, 2015), your energy level(you start with a full bar, and this is depleted along the way), number of lives remaining and the time remaining, and your scqiFore. CONTROLS -------- You control your movement on screen by use of the input device (keyboard, mouse, or joystick). To move around, steer yourself in the direction you wish to go. To accelerate push the device forwards, and to brake, pull backwards. You can punch on-coming attackers by tapping the select button but by holding it down, you will be able to jump over obstacles such as manholes, gratings, puddles of water and kerbs. Your mission on this level is to get Jennifer out oqf(`f the house without her bumping into any of its computer-controlled occupants, since this would not only cause severe damage to Jennifer's nervous system but also to the fabric of time itself. You view your home of the future from above and, as you will see, Jennifer is in there along with 2 or 3 other occupants. Getting her out sounds simple but it's far from easy seeing as you don't actually control Jennifer directly. You're presented with an eight-directional pointer. By moving tqphe directional pointer in any one of its directions, you will flash two of the available doors. When the doors have been opened the occupants of the connecting rooms will move from one to the other. All you have to do is get Jennifer safely out of the house's exit door without bumping into any of the future family. It's basically a logic puzzle so there are plenty of times when you'll have to sit back and think hard about where to move next. The key to success lies in not just watchq 6ing Jennifer's movements but also the movements of the future family. Memorise which directions open which doors, and bear in mind that you are actually controlling the movements of the future family indirectly (in the same way that you're controlling Jennifer). It;s a little like chess in the sense that you'll often have to look two or three moves ahead in order to keep on top of things, so a little forethought wouldn't go amiss. Good luck... Working out what has gone wrong with thq Ǵe time flow and correcting it may be the first thing on your mind but before you can do that, you've got to get back to the DeLorean alive - and with 1985 in the state it's in it's not easy! This level is a right-to-left scrolling combat game where the objective is to battle your way through Hill Valley and reach the DeLorean. In each of these areas you'll come up against a variety of undesirable local residents who are all out to get you - these are not nice people. To defend yourst\ Mega Soundcracker V2.45 ------------------------------- Released on 1990-9-15 Credits Coding and artwork by Shred Titlefont by Quadlite How to rip a music This is quite simple with SC. There are four methods: 1. Load the demo, then press reset (CTRL-AMIGA-AMIGA, ya know?) and load the cracker. 2. Load the cracker and iconify it, then ltoad the demo, after that start the cracker again. 3. Load the demo and load SC after that. 4. Load the demo as image from SC. It should be uncrunched! Now start searching. The soundcracker looks through all system-accessable memory. When he found something, he goes into the searcher menu. The searcher menu Let me quickly describe the single lines: Play Song Doubleclick starts a songwatcher Play Instrument Plays an instrument. Try left atnd right button! Save Song Saves the Song Save Instrument Saves an instrument. Save Module Saves the Module Samples Behind Song Usually the samples are joined after the songdata Samples Before Song but on old trackers they are joined before. Samples Search Searches for samples Work at Song Goes to worker menu - Configurations - Goes to configurations menu - Continue search - Search for next song - EXIT - Goes back to main menu On the bottom litweeMnes you can find some informations about the song. Worker menu This is a very new idea! You can optimize the song. Optimize Song Optimizes your song. Unused samples are removed, after that the samples are ordered alphabetically. This minimizes the disk changes on trackers like DOC-tracker 2.0! Optimize Samples Some samples contain rests on the beginning and especially on the end. This function removes those rests taking the repeatt(~s into consideration. Usually this line removes about 60 to 100 Bytes, but I had a song where it ripped 102KBytes!!! Though there was no change to hear... Decode IFF-Samples Sometimes there are IFF-Samples used. But the IFF- header is played, too, that you can hear a little snap on the start. This function decodes all IFF- samples taking the loops into consideration. Initalize Samples All samples must be initalized, otherwise they are whisteling. This function tbdoes - of course - init- alize the samples. (A sample marked with a star is not yet initalized) Check Song This function simply checks if the song is okay or not. SoundFX-songs may be analysed faulty though they are all right. Don't care... Configurations A lot in this cracker can be changed by user. Use it and set your favourite preferences. 15 Samples# 31< Choice between 15 or 31 samples to be saved. >Off Filter On You can ttgurn the filter on if you want. Off PatBreak On< Enables/Disables the pattern breaker >Off Lace On Looks good, just try it out... >USA Keymap Ger Select your favourite keymap Hex Mode Dec< Hex or Dec mode Off One Shot On< One shot or repeat mode in sampleplayer Off Multicolor On< Multicolor-equalizer or green-equalizer Off RepeatPoint On< Only noisetracker-user should it turn on Path Song Disk-path for your song Path Sample Default disk-path ftDSor your sample Path Module Disk-path for your module - Save - Stores it all on disk (DEVS-drawer required!) - Okay - Uses the new configurations You can choice between different analyzer-images with the arrow-keys. Prefixes can be made with a point after the prefix itself. Example: "ST-00:Songs/SC." would store the song "heavy" as "SC.heavy". Credits Credits to all my friends who helped me everytime with debug repot Nrts and new ideas! Grobi (Pseudoplast) Exalibur (Pseudoplast) ASX (Pseudoplast) Big Brother (Scoopex) Please keep on... Bugs Of course my soundcracker is not bugfree. Actual known bugs are: Load Image: More than 32 directory entries are not supported (yet)! Iconify: Worse copper errors. Press [Left-AMIGA]-[N] if you have one... SoundFX: Loops are sometimes not right converted. Very seldom guru 81000009 when exiting. Tt 2e]ry to fix this soon... Analyzer destroys the graphics when a "trash-song" is played. Caused of an "optimizion" samplesearcher is not as effective as before... All those bugs are ugly, I know. But I try to fix them all. Watch out for further versions of SoundCracker!!! Shred... Example: "ST-00:Songs/SC." would store the song "heavy" as "SC.heavy". Credits Credits to all my friends who helped me everytime with debug repoS#876543210/.CBA@?>,dockracker.docpeMk - QUIBBLER v1.0 - NOTE: QUIBBLER v1.0 requieres ARP library version 1.3. INSTRUCTIONS: It's realy quite easy to use quibbler. Quibbler is build up from a lot of gadgets. LOAD FILE: Pressing the load file gadget will open a file requester, and it's just like all other filerequesters you now. SCROLL ON/OFF: Turns on and off the nice scrolling. MUSIC ON/OFF: Turns on and off the nice music. ( KYD) QUIBBLE: MixX two words and print them on the screen. ABOUT: Will tell you everything about us (or maybe not ...) QUIT: What do you think is does. Then there's the nice menu: PROJECT menu: ============= READ QUIBBLER DATA FILE: Just like LOAD FILE gadget. WRITE QUIBBLER DATA FILE: Not created yet! ABOUT: About the about ... QUIT: Stop (or something like that ...) EDIT menu: ========== EDIT QUIBBLE DATA: Not created yet! >Ľ WORD 2 ... # (to tell QUIBBLER that there is no more words ...) Did you like it?... Contact us: 31698914 (Denmark) X Slim of Channel 42 tqrxuv-Empty,rO .docnrpinball.docp[ JamCracker V1.0 is Copyware, written by M. Gemmel. Therefore, it should be copied to many others, spreading it over the entire world. It may be modified, cracked, recracked and messed up as long as it remains clear that the author, M. Gemmel has nothing to do with such modifications and is in no way responsible for any resulting physical and/or mental damage. JAMCRACKER V1.0 FUNCTIONS lgMake sure you have read the ReadMe file on this disk too. This is not an official manual. As you read this, features could have been changed, added or removed. Don't expect this document to be complete. All numbers displayed by JamCracker are hexadecimal. This document will not teach how to interpret hexadecimal numbers, so if you're not familiar with this representation of numbers, please refer to the appropriate literature. In this document, hexadecimal numbers are preceded bWwiy a $. SONG CONTROL This is the window where the song table can be altered, the song can be played, and where errors are displayed. - LENGTH indicates the current song length in patterns. The length of a song can be max. $FF patterns. It is always > 0. - POSITION indicates the current position in the song table. 0 Means the start of the table, $FE is the end. - PATTERN is the pattern number at this POSITION. You can change it to play a different patteͨrn at this POSITION. You can't make it larger than the highest pattern number you've allocated. - SIZE displays the size of the song in bytes, as it will be when saved. - FREE MEM shows the amount of free CHIP memory. All memory allocated by JamCracker is CHIP memory. - PLAY plays the song, starting at this POSITION. When the last position is done, it restarts at position 0. - STOP stops playing the song. (See STOPPING PLAY) - LOAD loads a song. (See THE FILE-REQU}ˏESTER) - SAVE stores a song. (See THE FILE-REQUESTER). - CLEAR clears the song and all patterns and instruments. It will ask you to confirm this choice. - QUIT quits the program. It will ask you to confirm this choice. - ABOUT shows some information about the program. - SHOW will let you take a look at the files, without doing anything with them. (See THE FILE-REQUESTER). - DELETE lets you delete a file. (See THE FILE-REQUESTER). - The ERRORS area displays any errors y> ou have made/caused. Along with an error message, the screen is flashed to get your attention for the error. CUSTOM WAVEFORM Here you can edit/load/save your own waveform, which can be used as an instrument. Custom waveform sizes are $40 bytes. They are much smaller than the common digitized instruments, and therefore, you can use a lot of them without wasting much memory. - To edit a waveform you just move around in the editor with the left mousebuttYκ&%docllayer.docp%?& PlaySong V1.0 is Copyware, written by M. Gemmel. Therefore, it should be copied to many others, spreading it over the entire world. It may be modified, cracked, recracked and messed up as long as it remains clear that the author, M. Gemmel has nothing to do with such modifications and is in no way responsible for any resulting physical and/or mental damage. Notes on PlaySong V1.0, the JamCracker Song Player  {h docsRA.DELETE.DOCp\8 :::::: :::::: :: :: :::::: :::::: :: :: :: :: : : :: :: :: :::::: :: :: : : :::: :::::: :: :: :: : :: : :: :: :: :: :::::: :::::: :::::: :: :: :::::: :::::: ::: :: :::::: ::::: :: :: :: :: :: :: : : :: :: :: :: :: :: :::::: :: :: :: :::::: ::::: :: :: :: :U: :: : :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :::::: :: :: :::::: :: :: :::::: :::::: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ POWER PINBALL'S KEYBOARD COMMANDS: Keyboard commands are available for EVERY pull down menu in POWER PINBALL. Each menu keyboard equiv- alent is noted in preceding pages of this manual in the "Menu Tour." During PLAY mode the following keys are active: RETURN: -Drops another coin into the coin slot. V SPACE: -Starts another game. Press [space] up to four times to play multi- player games. B or b: -Toggles the background noise on and off. AMIGA KEYS: -(or Commodore key on the left and Amiga key on the right, on some Amiga keyboards) function as pinball machine flippers. ALT KEYS: -Shake the machine. Be careful not to tilt it! ARROW KEYS: -The up and down arrow keys control the spring tension against the pinball when it is in its chute and ready too launch. The Arrow Keys are also referred to as "Cursor Keys" and their arrangement and place- ment varies slightly on different model Amigas' keyboards. RIGHT AMIGA KEY -Shoots the ball out of its tube when the spring is pulled back. DIRECTORIES ON THE POWER PINBALL DISK: There are 5 directories which must reside on the same disk where Pinball is placed. These are: MACHINES -Where the machines are kept. These files contain the bumper, walls, point valOues, programmed events, and etc. Each saved pinball machine contains internal information to point it to the other files in the other directories which it needs to play correctly. No special suffix is required in pinball machines' names. PICS -The IFF background/playfield picture files are stored here. All file names in this directory must end with ".pic". SOUNDS -Sound files are stored here. No special suffix is required in pinball machines' sound file naR0mes. Sound files should not exceed a maximum of 128K bytes of data. You may create your own sound files with sound digi- tizing hardware and software available from other manufacturers. POWER PINBALL has no facilities for editing sound files. HISCORES -High score files for each machine are kept here. POWER PINBALL auto- matically writes these files when required (providing the disk is not write-protected) and each is named with the suffix of ".HiScore" You should4# not attempt to modify these files in any way. They are completely under game control. MISC -This directory contains Flippers.pic and icon information. The files which are stored in the MISC directory are ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to the proper functioning of POWER PINBALL. Please do not delete ANY files from the MISC directory nor attempt to alter or modify any of them in any way, ever. No icons exist in this drawer but it is not empty. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hd~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The preceding has been typed by Capricorn/Fusion on 09-19-90. The complete DOX on how to make MACHINES etc. should hopefully be typed up soon to follow. Greets to all I know and especially to Paradox for cracking the game!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e files when required (providing the disk is not write-protected) and each is named with the suffix of ".HiScore" You should X)-,+*)('$8docvMACHINE.DOCp$5 DOCS FOR TIMEMACHINE, TYPED BY RYGAR/SCIENCE 451! [RYGAR] Professor Potts is a recluse scientist who has a pet obsession - travelling through time and space. Our hero, Potts is working on his time- machine when suddenly he is the victim of a terrorist attack. Unfortunately an explosive device hits the time-machine -Їt&     "! S(docpTERBACK4.2!DOXpI S.G.D. (Sierra Games Delete) (Share Ware) A Delete-Utility by Maico/DSF-TEAM Created in August 1990 This program can be freely distributed as long as it is distributed together with this SGD.doc-file ______________________________________________________________________________ ? INTRODUCTION When you play 'Leisure suit Larry 3' or other Sierra games, you do not want to start all over again if you make a fatal move. For this reason, Sierra has built in SAVE and RESTORE options. Unfortunately, they left out a DELETE option. S.G.D. is a utility that provides the comfort of such an option. You can use it if your disk is full or if you want to delete saved games that you do not need anymore. USAGE ?Unfortunately, my program does not work with the old Workbench 1.2 and it needs 1 MB (or more) to run. If you want to copy this program to a bootable disk, the following files must be on that disk : SYS:C/ DELETE,LIST,RUN,SORT,ASSIGN,COPY SYS:L/ RAM-HANDLER This program creates a preference-file called 'SGDPREFS'. This file will be saved in the directory path, that is assigned to SGDPREFS: If you copy this program to a bootable dit,_sk, you must assign SGDPREFS: ,or execute the file 'SGD.script'. I PROJECT : ---------- DELETE : If you choose this item, the program asks which game you want to delete. You must enter one of the numbers displayed on the screen. If you want to Abort the DELETE-option you can enter a '0'. ABOUT : This item shows you a brief explanation of this program and tells you how to contact me. QUIT : The purpose of this option is pretty obvious. B II SELECT : ---------- PATH : It displays a window, which shows you the current Directory Path, and asks you to enter a new path name. If you want to keep the current path, just press RETURN. III OPTIONS : ------------ LEARN : If you look in the Adventure-Menu you will see that this program can handle several Sierra adventures. It would be a pity if Sierra creates a new adventure and my program could not handle it.  Therefore I have created this marvelous option. It explores a certain directory for games, saved by new Sierra adventures and adds the adventure to the adventure-list. Instructions: ------------ Select 'LEARN' Question: 'Do you want to select another path' If your answer is 'Y' you can select a new path. (Please read the explanation of menu II) The program then explores the selecteճd directory for unknown saved games. On floppy-disks this may take several minutes. If it finds games which have been saved by new Sierra adventures, it displays the Adventure-ID and asks you to enter a name for that new adventure. If you do not want to enter a name then press RETURN. It then uses the Adventure-ID. If you have entered all names, the program asks 'Do you want to I change any Adventure-Name'. If your answer is 'Y' you can enter the names again. UNDO : 1) If you have added new adventures with the LEARN-option, and you made a mistake, you can restore the old settings by selecting 'UNDO'. 2) If you selected the RESET-option by mistake, and you want to restore the old settings, you can also select 'UNDO'. * If you selected 'UNDO', you can select it ɵ' tdocgIDdoc.docp1#j Quarterback V4.2 Release Notes August 22, 1990 Thank you for purchasing Quarterback. We have put a lot of effort into making Quarterback as reliable as possible. We have made some changes to Quarterback since the manual was printed, and we noticed a few things which are not clearly explained in the manual. We suggest that you print these notes and keep a copy with your Quarterback manual. If you call us for support, please have your serial number and version number U ready. The serial number is on the Quarterback master diskette label. The version number appears in the title bar of the Quarterback window. Be sure to send us your postage-paid warranty card. It costs you only a few seconds of your time, but we are much more receptive to your call if your name is already in our computer. Our business hours are 8:30AM to 5:00PM Mountain time. NOTE: We jumped from version 2.3 to version 4.0, skipping version 3.0, because an illegal, pirated c ᫰opy of Quarterback with a version number of 3.0 has been passed around on several pirate bulletin boards. To eliminate possible confusion, we have chosen to skip version 3.0 altogether. Be aware that we did not release nor do we support any version of Quarterback with a version number between 2.3 and 4.0. ************************************************************************* SUMMARY OF V4.2 CHANGES We added support for the Applied Engineering High Density (1.52MB) floppy drivel . This drives works as a regular drive if referred to as DF0-3, and as a high-capacity drive if referred to as DF4-7. Note, as usual with Quarterback, if you are using two drives for backup or restore, they must have the same storage capacity. You cannot use one high-density drive with one normal-density drive. SUMMARY OF V4.1 CHANGES We made several changes to the Restore Options in response to user requests. There are no other changes. 1. Restore Only Files Which Already Ex#y(ist - This option was deleted. 2. Restore Empty Subdirectories - This option was added in place of the deleted option listed above. This new option permits you to force Quarterback to restore empty subdirectories. Note that this option can have unexpected results and should be set to NO unless you are performing a full restore. 3. Overwrite Existing Files - We added a new choice to this option: ASK. This option tells Quarterback what to do if Quarterback finds that a file whichĹ{ it is about to restore already exists. If you specify YES, Quarterback overwrites existing files without asking. If you specify NO, Quarterback does NOT overwrite an existing file. But if you specify ASK, Quarterback pauses to ask you whether or not you wish to overwrite the existing file and then proceeds according to your direction. 4. Restore Full Subdirectory Structure - The wording of this option was changed to "Restore Original Subdirectory Path". The function remains the@y same is defined under V4.0. ************************************************************************* SUMMARY OF V4.0 CHANGES Feature changes: - Available hard disk volumes displayed for easy selection - Visual progress bar (fuel gauge) added to volume status boxes - Print Catalog added to menu - Volume/device name of hard disk appended to archive/restoration report filename - "SLOW" backup mode added to Backup Options - Restore Full Subdirectory Structure option changedoJlx in function - Volume number added to archive/restoration reports - Volume number added to QB backup volume disk ID - Beeps/flashes at end of each backup volume - Included/excluded status of directory shown on catalog - Wrong volume error messages expanded for restore - Backup volume "test" mode added - Archive/restoration report uses line count, not form feed - File count display increased to 5 digits (99,999), volume count to increased 3 digits (999). - Opens its own hi Ǔ~Hres screen, setting colors to old Workbench colors. - Backup Full Subdirectory Structure option deleted. - Use of "backup volume" changed to "backup disk". Bug fixes: - No longer leaves read locks on subdirectories - No longer causes Amiga crash after Quarterback exit - No longer crashes on loading second disk when alternate catalog is split across two disks ************************************************************************* The following paragraphs explain these cha Q8nges and new features in greater detail. 1. Available hard disk volumes displayed for easy selection - Quarterback now displays a list of all available hard disk volumes (partitions) on your Amiga. You do not need to remember the name of your hard disk drive(s) or partitions. Quarterback no longer requires you to type the name of the volume you wish to backup or restore. Simply click on the name of the hard disk volume you wish to backup files from or restore files to. When you3= docaonferencemail.docp~P? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |\\ || ||// // || |\\ \ / |_ |_) (_ | | | |\ | /| /| | | ||\\ ||_ |// \\ || ||\\ \/ |_ | \ _) | |_| | \| _|_ . _|_ |_| ||// || |\\ \\ || ||// |// ||_ ||\\ _// || |// Programmation: Christian Warren Font & Docs: Marc Dionne Date: 9th of September 1990 Introduction DEKSID is a disk and file HEXADECIMˢϯAL editor. It gets useful when you want to edit things other than readable texts. It might look complicated for you beginners, but it's simply because beginners don't see the use of these. Included Files DEKSID The program. DEKSID.REQ The program using "req.library" DEKSIDeng.doc English docs. DEKSIDeng.pic English gadget description (IFF). DEKSIDfra.doc French docs. <#F DEKSIDfra.pic French gadget description (IFF). req.library Requester Library, to be put in your LIBS: directory if you use the ".REQ" version. Menu Functions Project About: Infos on the programme. Colors: Change the colors. Iconify: Iconifies DEKSID. Right Mouse Button to come back. Load Default: Loader the filnse "s:deksid.def" which contains the default options ("CheckSum", "ASCII Display"...) Save Default: Save to the file "s:deksid.def" the defaults that you specified. N.B. You can also put your defaults directly onto DEKSID. To do that follow these steps: 1- Fix up your settings the way y^,+ou want them. 2- Edit the DEKSID program (or DEKSID.REQ...). 3- Search for the sequence "default:" in ASCII. 4- Position yourself on the `d' of "defaults:". 5- Use the "Recover Blocks" command with the file "s:deksid.def". When it asks you to start from position zero or from the current position. choose the latter. 6- Save the block ϲ T(Write Block). Quit: Quit DEKSID. Device DF0:, DF1:, DF2:, DF3: Permits you to choose the drive you wish to edit. Non-connected drives will not be selectable. File: Opens up a requester letting you choose the file you wish to modify (or just look at...). DEKS^ID.REQ uses the req.library requester. That library must must be present in your LIBS: directory for it to work. Special: This is a function that lets you edit disks other than 3' disks. This function won't be there in next versions of this program... it'll be replaced by The "Steve Tibbett" DiskX function. ܼ򭭭 N.B. If anyone knows of a way to get the information found in the mountlist, please let me know & you will automatically become a registered user, just like if you'd have sent me your contribution. Search Search: ASCII }L lets you search for an ASCII sequence and Hexadecimal lets you search for an (you guessed it) hexadecimal sequence. When either ones of these sub-options is selected (ASCII or HEX), a requester appears.... Search String: Holds the value to search for. (ASCII or HEX) The wildcard  BH ? is accepted. Replace with: Holds the value to replace when DEKSID has found the "Search String". Works only when ON is selected. Begin & End: From where to where the search will go on. These values are in blocks.  zMQ"! I% .whatusEdTempA.880p)Differences between the Amiga and MSDOS versions of Conference Mail =================================================================== (Use this along with the documentation for the MSDOS version) 1. The older sub-function names (SCAN, FASTSCAN, ...) are not supported, because there is no need for them (no old fashioned style batch jobs to rewrite). 2. The default program for ARCing is "ARC A", the default for unARCing is "PKXARC". PKARC is not available for ֭the Amiga at this time, but we're able to at least unARC 'Squeezed' ARCmail via PKXARC, so it's no problem (IMPORTANT NOTE: PKXARC is a patched version of PKAX, 'cause the normal PKAX can't handle ARCed files with extensions other than ".ARC"). 3. All pathnames (in AREAS.BBS and CONFIG.DOG) must either be device names or they must end with a slash (e.g. "RAM:", "DF0:MAIL/", ...). 4. If you have assigned a directory to "MAIL:" and a file is not found Ain the current directory, then it is expected there (so, the current directory takes precedence). 5. You can set the program's task priority in the range from -4 to 4 (default is 0); this is very useful if you're starting ConfMail in the background, 'cause you're not disturbed so much. Example: CM PRI -1 EXPORT -m 300 -k 6. There's a new option for EXPORT: -rb routes ALL mail to the boss, a must to process matrix mail. 7. You MUST use the -A opti4on with EXPORT!!! UnARCed echomail does not work properly! Revision history: 1.00 (MSDOS 3.31) First Amiga version KXARC is a patched version of PKAX, 'cause the normal PKAX can't handle ARCed files with extensions other than ".ARC"). 3. All pathnames (in AREAS.BBS and CONFIG.DOG) must either be device names or they must end with a slash (e.g. "RAM:", "DF0:MAIL/", ...). 4. If you have assigned a directory to "MAIL:" and a file is not found Sjs&#docbointmailer.docp Amiga Point Mailer Package ========================== Copyright (c) 1988 by Jrgen Hermann FidoNet Node 2:507/613.2 All rights reserved. ABSTRACT This document is a short description of the point mailer package for the Amiga, including an installation guide and distribution rules for the whole package. It is supposed that yo/ެ NoFastMemxډOPdocrBOWISLANDSECRETBONUSESpHT0 *dociDLEVELCODESbyMWBpy+d VirusX 5.00 ---------- by Steve Tibbett and Dan James Documentation by Steve Tibbett and Jim Meyer Table of Contents Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 How To Use VirusX . . . . . . . . . . zMC&fedcba`_^]r8dococe.of.persia.solutionp@E M.W.B. PRESENTS....... HERE SOME SECRET MAGIC BONUSES FOR....... R A I N B O W I S L A N D S ***************************** TYPE IN ON THE TITLE SCREEN.... BLRBJSBJ for FAST FEET. RJSBJSBR for DOUBLE RAINBOWS. SSSLLRRS for FAST RAINBOWS. BJBJBJRS for FIRST HINT. LJLSLBLSgό for SECOND HINT. LBSJRWL for CONTINUE ON ALL ROUNDS. AGAIN MWB!! rxuvEmptyr 角!qponmlkjihdocwETTA SOLUTION!pA M.W.B. PRESENTS ALL LEVELCODES FOR........ F L O O D ********* LEVEL 1 : FROG LEVEL 2 : YEAR LEVEL 3 : QUIF LEVEL 4 : LONG LEVEL 5 : WORD LEVEL 6 : FRED LEVEL 7 : WINE LEVEL 8 : GRIP LEVEL 9 : TRAP LEVEL 10 : THUD LEVEL 11 : FRAK LEVEL 12 : VINE LEVEL 13 : JUMP LEVEL 14 : NILL LEVEL 15 : FOUR LEVEL 16 : GRIT LEVEL 17 : ZING LEVEL 18 : JING LEVEL 19 ۹: LIDO LEVEL 20 : POOL LEVEL 21 : HATE ALL TYPING BY MWB LEVEL 22 : REED PLK 47899 LEVEL 23 : LIME 2504 CD LEVEL 24 : QUID DENHAAG/HOLLAND. LEVEL 25 : WING LEVEL 26 : FLEE LEVEL 27 : GIGA LEVEL 28 : HEAD LEVEL 29 : LOOP LEVEL 30 : SING LEVEL 31 : JOUX LEVEL 32 : PINK LEVEL 33 : GOGO LEVEL 34 : LETS LEVEL 35 : QUAD LEVEL 36 : BRIL LEVEL 37 : EGGS LEVEL 38 : HENS LEVEL 39 : NAIL LEVEL 40 : SOAP LEVEL 41 : FOAM LEVEL%l+ 42 : MEEK C UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. B. PRESENTS ALL LEVELCODES FOR........ F L O O D ********* LEVEL 1 : FROG LEVEL 2 : YEAR LEVEL 3 : QUIF LEVEL 4 : LONG LEVEL 5 : WORD LEVEL 6 : FRED LEVEL 7 : WINE LEVEL 8 : GRIP LEVEL 9 : TRAP LEVEL 10 : THUD LEVEL 11 : FRAK LEVEL 12 : VINE LEVEL 13 : JUMP LEVEL 14 : NILL LEVEL 15 : FOUR LEVEL 16 : GRIT LEVEL 17 : ZING LEVEL 18 : JING LEVEL 19 MdocuOUNDOFSHADOWSOLUTION!pr" M.W.B. PRESENTS... PRINCE OF PERSIA HINTS/SMALL SOLUTION When jumping, ALWAYS hold down the button. You will never know when you shall slip or fall short of the jump. Also, make yourself as close as possible to an edge before you jump so you can get maximum distance. When fighting, the most effective way is to use the standard block-and-hit technique. To do this, wait till the opponent strikes,block by pressing up, then k ts| WdoceLEMASTERSECRETKEYSphʀ^ M.W.B. PRESENTS........... THE SOLUTION OF............. V E N D E T T A *************** LEVEL 1 AS SOON AS YOU ARE ABLE....READY YOUR KNIFE,AND KILL THE GUARD. PICK UP THE WIRE-CUTTERS FROM THE CRATE. (NEAR THE MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN) APPROACH IT FROM THE LEFT. KICKDOWN THE DOOR AT THE TOP OF THE SCREEN. ENTER THE DOOR WITH YOUR KNIFbY PdocfCLESSOLUTION!pJv M.W.B. PRESENTS ..... THE HOUND OF SHADOW SOLUTION! ***************************** ZUERST EIN WORT ZUM CHARACTER: HIER IST ES EIGENTLICH EGAL, WEN MAN NIMMT. MIT GUTEN OKKULTISMUS- UND SPRACHKENNTNISSEN BEKOMMT MAN ABER HAUFIG ETWAS MEHR HINTERGRUNDWISSEEN. VON DEN VORGEFERTIGTEN CHARAKTEREN IST DESWEGEN SALLY AM BESTEN. -ZUM SPIEL WAHREND MAN IN DER SITZUNG NUR WARTET UND LOCHER IN DIE LUFT STIERT, KANN MAN DANACH DER ERSCHOPFTEN LADY SAUNDERS ERSTE HILFE LEISTEN. WIEDER ZU HAUSE,AMUSIERT MAN SICH NOCH IM WEST END UND GEHT DANN INS BETT. AM NACHSTEN MORGEN LIEST MAN DEN "TATLER" UND INFORMIERT SICJ UBER DIE MOGLICHEN AKTIFITATEN DER NACHSTE ABENDE. DANN HOLT MAN SICH DIE PFLANZE UND WARTET DRAUSSEN BIS ZWOLF. BEI EINEN GUTEN ESSEN HORT MAN INERESSIERT EINER HOCHST OKKULTEN GESCHICHTE ZU (GAHN!) DER EMPFEHLUNG ,SICH EINEN BESUCHERPASS FURS MUSEUM ZU BESORGEN, SOLLTE MAN AUF JEDEM FALL NACHKOMMEN. ZU HAﴭUSE SCHREIBT MAN DANN EINEN RICHTIGEN ANTRAG. (WRITE TO DIRECTOR) AM NACHSTEN MORGEN UM 9 UHR SOLLTE MAN PUNKTLICH IM MUSEUM SEIN! EIN BESUCH IM LADEN LOHNT SICH ZWAR NICHT, MACHEN MUSS MAN IHN ABER TROTZDEM. FRAGT NACH MR. TALBOT. IM LESESAAL DES MUSEUMS ALLE EMPFOHLENEN BUCHER LESEN. AM NACHSTEN MORGEN ,VON DER SANFT SAUSEINDEN STIMME DER HAUSHALTERIN GEWECKT,FOLGT MAN DER AUFGEBRACHTEN MISS POWERS MIT EINEM ENTSCHIEDENEN "YES". AUSSER SPESEN NICHTS GEWESEN. DAFUR TUT SICH IM LADE?}N ETWAS. MIT MR.TALBOTS ADRESSE IN DER TASCHE, GEHEN WIR NACH DEM RECHTEN SCHAUEN. DER GUTE IST LEIDER SEHR ZERSTREUT. DAHEIM IM BETT LESEN WIR DIE TIMES. ABENDS ZEIGT UNS JOHN/HARRIET EINEN INTERESSANTEN BRIEF. VOR ALLEM DAS SIEGEL VERDIENT UNSERE AUFMERKSAMKEIT. AM NACHSTEN TAG IM LADEN ERWARTET UNS BEINAHE EIN RAUSSCHMISS. NUR DAS SIEGEL KANN MR.MARCUS VON UNSERER UNSCHULD UBERZEUGEN. EIN ABSTECHER ZU SELBIGEM, LASST UNS GERADE NOCH RECHTZEITIG ERSCHEINEN, UM IHM DAS LEBEN ZU RETTg$EN. WIEDER ZU HAUSE WARTET MAN BIS SECHS. ANSCHLIESSEND ERZAHLT MAN MIRANDA VON DER SITZUNG UND ERKLART PELHAM FUR UNSCHULDIG. BARTHORY IST DA SCHON VIEL VERDACHTIGER. NOTE:MWB! DID ALL THE TYPING!! AM NACHSTEN MORGEN SOLLTE MAN DEN DACHBODEN UNTER DIE LUPE NEHMEN. IN MR.MARCUS' LADEN LIEST MAN DAS JOURNAL UND FRAGT NACH DEM PLATEU VON LENG. LEIDER HAT MR.MARCUS KEINE AHNUNG UND VERWEIST AUF.. "NAMELESS CULTS". IM MUSEUM HOLT MAN SICH DEN RICHTIGEN PASS UND BESORGT SICH DEN SCHMOKE@ *fR. MIT DEM NOTIGEN INFORMATIONEN VERSEHNEN, SCHLAGT MAN BEIM NACHSTEN TREFFEN VOR, DEN HUND ZU TOTEN UND EINEN HOMUNCULUS ANZUFERTIGEN. DER ALTE PARACELSIUS HAT GENAU ZU DIESEM THEMA EIN BUCH GESCHRIEBEN. SCHAUT EUCH EINMAL IM MUSEUM UM. ZU HAUSE IN DER KUCHE DEN TON AUS DER MITGESCHLEPPTEN BLUME NEHMEN. ANSCHLIESSEND DIE PFANNE MIT WASSER,DALZ UND SCHWEFEL FULLEN. DAZU NOCH EIN PAAR NAGEL UND HAARE. WER LUST DAZU HAT,KANN DURCH DAS GATE IM DACHBODEN EINEN KLEINEN RUNDFLUG ZU TALBOT ؿUNTERNEHMEN. AM NACHSTEN MORGEN GEHT'S NACH BLYTHBURGH. DORT IM PUB EIN ZIMMER BUCHEN. DAS WASSER KANN MAN MITNEHMEN,DAS BAROMETER MUSS MAN MITNEHMEN. BACKE, BACKE KUCHEN UND FERTIG IST EIN HOMUNCULUS. DEN GUTEN DEPONIEREN WIR IN DER KIRCHE. JETZT SCHREIBEN WIR NOCH SCHNELL EINEN BRIEF AN MIRANDA UND FALLEN ANSCHLIESSEND IN TRANCE. UND DAS WAR ES SCHON. ALLES WAR GANZ GETAN UND GEMACHT BEI.............. M.W.B.!!!! P.&juLK 47899 2504 CD DENHAAG HOLLAND. C UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ESEM THEMA EIN BUCH GESCHRIEBEN. SCHAUT EUCH EINMAL IM MUSEUM UM. ZU HAUSE IN DER KUCHE DEN TON AUS DER MITGESCHLEPPTEN BLUME NEHMEN. ANSCHLIESSEND DIE PFANNE MIT WASSER,DALZ UND SCHWEFEL FULLEN. DAZU NOCH EIN PAAR NAGEL UND HAARE. WER LUST DAZU HAT,KANN DURCH DAS GATE IM DACHBODEN EINEN KLEINEN RUNDFLUG ZU TALBOT |l|u docjOSAFEKICKOFF?pua M.W.B. PRESENTS HOW TO SAFE PENALTIES IN... KICKOFF 2 ********* SAVING PENALTIES AGAINST THE COMPUTER CAN BE DONE!! IT REQUIRES A BIT OF FIDDING ABOUT. AS SOON AS THE BALL IS KICKED, PRESS "R" (ACTION REPLAY) JUST BEFORE THE REPLAY,YOU WILL GET A GLIMPSE OF WHICH WAY THE BALL IS GOING. NOW HIT "S"(SLOW MOTION),UNTILL.. THE REPLAY RUNS UP TO THE PENALTY. IF YOU WATCHED CAREFULLY, YOU WILL KNOW WH@1|`" $<6&<H,LN,x N m`2NB.B&"x 1NqN" $<~&<R,LN"L,xNbBNudos.library 3;33;40m LINKPROTECTOR V1.1 installed with VIR'Z<introxޛF~CK(z Ln I`ٹmC $` fa4ejrvfa(er%Ad``r#A`V")ҩt0G" <(j(N`.")ҩt0" <(j,NtHgvNg`R")t0l~"Jgt#B"Jgt%Bd  zJdg0Jg(G" <(j$Nr%Ax <(jPNJg <IlN`r%Ah <(jN#Atgd <(jN <INJfr <(jNJg0"*X <(jNG" <(j$Nr%Ax`` <(jPNN#FROM/A,TO/S,TO,OPT/K,HEX/S,NUMBER/S Bad args Can't open %S %S already exists Can't open %S Option '%C' ignored !Invalid option combination N & H **BREAK Jdg$*hG|" p(j(Np(jN"tgrp(jNJgr p(jNrtgFN"p(jNr  `"gt gv fRhrN%I5 Br ҉#A$<hԉ#Bd#Bd%AlBtv%Cpr#A|tnZ" <INJf&&)$)|")d <I\N <(jPNR")dҩ|tԁ(rҩ|`&)t")d <I\Nr <(jNJg*"*X <(jNG" <(j$N``F <(jPNN ***BREAK Rp$*tpn&$<X"*lp(jN%AtJfrNBp"*lҪptԁr0($!(rNNqJg>x#D t"N#A$) rNV#At") NJf ")`rҩҩ#A$)&)$GD" p$(j L U(N")S#Ar#AnDґtԁr0($GL" p,(j(NrҩtNJf r p,(jNrҩ`#ir#Anr p,(jNrҩ`")S#Ar#An8ґtԁr0(#A t nvl`r.p0(jNrҩ`p$(jNN%X4: %X2J\g"*\p (jNp (jNJ`g"*`p (jNp (jN"*xp (jNNNqT ignored !Invalid option combination N & H **BREAK Jdg$*hG|" p(j(Np(jN"tgrp(jNJgr p(jNrtgFN"p(jNr H^ RunxԷ.OO(jdp N$"<I(l/ / g ,倲l"4(T`,2(jtp NJg2**p$A. J (F =<QPONMLh viewerpw ''~CK(zR Ln I`ٹmC.rI^$` raJBg f@fae ra^B`,raJBgB `r aJBgB ` ra SB6fa`ezr`"faRezr`faDezHr`:<raNE4 QƳlfadVra2r vJg\g8 gvr` :DNuvraBr `2SAtfaՂQNura6Cr `faevr `vr a2 Qm` DEFJAM ~YAEfrg RAQ:mN   Y #    98xLra m gra6XCr ` TETRAGON ~AEfrg RAQ:mN PE 4,ad$0 ?mV\QK.P0( t X%p$B;x0 })]6 fP4Bp~"3` B&#`\7!@Hp˔2@?I1V@@R TafH e@<о0$hUSCOPE 0;31;40mIt detects the IRQ, BGS9, Lamer Revenge, Disaster Master & Xeno. This disk can't be infected by the IRQ- and BGS9-Linkvirus! 1;31;40m >>> IRQ-VIRUS found and killed! <<< 0;31;40m1;31;40m >>> BGS9-VIRUS found and killed! <<< 0;31;40m1;31;40m >>> DISASTER MASTER-VIRUS found and killed! <<< 0;31;40m1;31;40m >>> XENO-VIRUS found and killed! <<< 0;31;40m1;31;40m >>> REVENGE OF LAMER EXT.-VIRUS T'found and killed! <<< 0;31;40m2XdThis disk can't be infected by the IRQ- and BGS9-Linkvirus! 1;31;40m >>> IRQ-VIRUS found and killed! <<< 0;31;40m1;31;40m >>> BGS9-VIRUS found and killed! <<< 0;31;40m1;31;40m >>> DISASTER MASTER-VIRUS found and killed! <<< 0;31;40m1;31;40m >>> XENO-VIRUS found and killed! <<< 0;31;40m1;31;40m >>> REVENGE OF LAMER EXT.-VIRUS !Α AMIGA CONFERENCE MAIL AMIGA POINT MAILER BACK TO THE FUTURE 2 BAR GAMES CASTLE MASTER SECRET KEYS DAMOCLES SOLUTION DEK SID DRAGONSTRIKE KEYS FLOOD LEVEL CODES HOW TO SAVE KICK OFF2 JAM CRACK"䗶ER JAM PLAYER LORDS OF THE SWORD SOLUTION POWER PINBALL PRINCE OF PERSIA SOLUTION QUARTERBACK 4.2 QUIBBLER RAINBOW ISLAND SECRET BONUSES SIERRA DELETE SAVES SOUND CRACKER THE HOUNDS OF SHADOW SOLUTION y% TIME MACHINE VENDETTA SOLUTION VIRUSX 5.0 WORLD SOCCER CONTACT M.W.B.FOR ALL THE LATEST SOFTWARE ALSO FOR THE LATEST PC SOFTWARE PLK 47899/2504CD DENHAAG/HOLLAND FLOOD LEVEL CODES HOW TO SAVE KICK OFF2 JAM CRACK H } _ct{wsokgc_7(re` UH]l1]aplac8 < ,$<$$<$$88<(8$(0($ <$<$$$$4,$$<$$$<<$< <$$,<<$<($< <<<$$$$<$$$$$<<$$$$$$< AD-H <"<N:A & A^C @N @C "C:!INN`A .&gg/ "@B"_!@-H&/: NuHJ,fF )f>A E0< Q iA9gaA hE0<$QL/: vNuK B*z n <p Ma3> - Ma̰f" 8f -@1|`" $<6&<H,LN,x N m`2NB.B&"x 1NqN" $<~&<R,LN"L,xNbBNudos.library 3;33;40m LINKPROTECTOR V1.1 installed with VIR