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Note that items in the other hand are unavailable. ARMOR ====== Armor provides a char@|Nacter a base armor class. The lower the characters armor class the harder it is for an attack to hit. Armor class is based on the character's armor and his dexterity bonus. Some magic items and spells also help a characters armor class. Note the classes sections starting on page 25 in the rules that limit some character classes to certain types of armor. The Armor Chart lists the types of armour and the base armor class they provide a character. ARMOR TYPE BASE AC ---A}u]N----------------------------------------------------- Robe 10 Shield* 9 Leather Armor 8 Scale Mail 6 Chain Mail 5 Banded Armor 4 Plate Mail 3 * A shield subtracts 1 AC from any armor it is used with. Boots, helmets and non-magical bracers may look like armor but they do not modify a character's armor class. They can safely be left as weights on pressure plates. Magical bracB~Hes, however, can modify a characters' armor class -------------- End of Page 56 -------------- * INDEX OF SPELLS * Aid, 39 Hold Person, mage, 35 Armor,32 Ice storm, 36 Bless,38 Improved Identify, 34 Blur,33 Improved Invisibility, 36 Burning Hands, 32 Invisibility, 34 Cause Critical Wounds, 41 Invisibility 10' Radius, 35 Cause Light Wounds, CI338 Lightning Bolt, 35 Cause Serious Wounds, 41 Magic Missile, 33 Cone of Cold, 36 Magical Vestement, 40 Create food & Water, 40 Melf's acid Arrow, 34 Cure Critical Wounds, 41 Neutralise Poison, 41 Cure Light Wounds, 38 Prayer, 40 Cure Serious Wounds, 41 Protection from Evil, 38 Detect Invisibility, 33 Protection from Evil 10' Radius, 41 Detect Magic, cleric, 38 Raise Dead, 42 Detect Magic, mage, DF32 Remove Curse, 36 Disintegrate, 37 Remove Paralysis, 40 Dispel Magic, cleric, 40 Shield, 33 Dispel Magic, Mage, 34 Shocking Grasp , 33 Fear, 36 Slay Living, 42 Fireball, 34 Slow Poison, 39 Flame Blade, 39 Stone to Flesh, 37 Flame Strike, 42 True Seeing, cleric, 42 Flesh to Stone, 37 True Seeing, mage, 37 Harm, 42 Vampire Touch, 35Eb\ Haste, 35 Wall of Force, 37 Heal, 42 Hold Monster, 37 Hold Person, 39 YIPPEEEEeeeeeee !!!! T H E E N D Typed by : RAZOR BLADE OF ALLIANCE. Supplied : RAZOR BLADE OF ALLIANCE. I have to do everything around here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Catch yer all soon ..................................................... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** SCOOPEX FiNNiSH HEADQUARTERS ->> TFmYyHE ZOO <<- +358-73-122428 *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * INDEX OF SPELLS * Aid, 39 Hold Person, mage, 35 Armor,32 Ice storm, 36 Bless,38 Improved Identify, 34 Blur,33 Improved Invisibility, 36 Burning Hands, 32 Invisibility, 34 Cause Critical Wounds, 41 Invisibility 10' Radius, 35 Cause Light Wounds, \?͝/4w?Y d icpz?˿ģ?A OT]XPFƑ矛sl7X8/ >!%eDZ|:hT7wC5 Q} G&3(9U,~{/  lr_*`onCA(d^4A|OQ"C9 3 ?X"H`&qfCQ￈@׬5,O$#†?* oϏ/y |Kv%WG>`ﬠ/g]/[ \Ϲa huge terrifying predator that lives only to eat. It has a temperament akin to the wolverine; stupid, mean, and fearless. The bulette is universally shunned, even by other monsters. There rare, carnivorous creatures are covered with bony armoured plates which make them very tough to damage. Despite their size and armour they are both swift and deadly. Bulettes have very powerful claws and a maw full of rows of razor sharp teeth. GAS SPORE - A] Gas spores are mutli-cellular spherical fungi that are often found floating through enclosed corridors. Gas spores' frontal colouration resembles a large central eye. They also have rhizome growths on top of there hollow bodies that strongly resemble eye stalks. The resulting sphere closely resembles a beholder, but has none of the Beholder's awesome powers. GELATINOUS CUBE - %t These almost transparent cubes travel down dungeon corridors, absorbing carrion and trash along the way. The sides of a gelatinous cube glisten, and the creature leaves a slimy trail when it moves. Very large cubes grow tall to graner garner mosses and the like from the ceilings. GIANT, FROST - Like all evil giants, frst giants have a reputation for crudeness and stupidity. This reputation is deserved, b ]ut frost giants are crafty fighters. They are very strong and tough. They are protected by oversized armour and can do tremendous damage with giant melee weapons and large hurled rocks. Frost giants may be found alone or in small tribal groups. HELL HOUND - The hell hound is a very large, rust red or brown beast with burning red eyes. The baying of a hell hound has been described as "eerie", "hollow" and "disturbing". The beast attacks wit!h flaming breath and piercing teeth. -------------- End of Page 49 -------------- MANTIS WARRIOR - Also called the THRI-KREEN, this is a carnivorous insect man. A mantis warrior resembles a man-sized praying mantis. Mantis warriors are often armed with a unique, s" harp-edged pole arm. The ferocious reputation of the deadly weapon and the warriors who wield it has far spread. MARGOYLE - This monster is a ferocious predator of a magical nature. Margoyles are typically found amid ruins or dwellings in underground caverns. They seem to have their own guttural language. These monsters will attack anything they find and they love to torture their helpless prey. They attack with their claw#xs, bite and horn. MIND FLAYER - Also called ILLITHID, this is one of the most feared of the inhuman dwellers. Mind flayers feed on the very minds of sentient beings. Mind flayers are a slime mauve colour, stand about six feet tall and adorn themselves with flowing robes decorated with images of suffering death, and despair. Their faces resemble octipi with two large, white, pupilless eyes. $ SALAMANDER - This large, flaming creature is a native of the elemental plane of fire. Salamanders thrive in very hot places. They are cruel, evil creatures that are highly intelligent. They respect only power, and to them power is either the ability to resist their fire, or the capacity to inflict great damage. Anyone else is dealt a painful, fiery death. SKELETON WARRIOR -%4 This is a magically animated body, created and controlled by a powerful evil wizard or priest. Skeleton bodies have been created from the bodies of powerful warriors. Because they have no intellignece or will, skeleton warriors are utterly fearless. They never retreat from a fight, except when turned by a cleric or paladin. -------------- End of Page 50&I -------------- SNAKE, FLYING - Also known as "flying fangs", these uncommon reptiles are so dangerous that all intelligent races hunt them mercilessly. They fly with acrobatic agility, and use their tails and body coils to hamper victims while they hover in midair. Flying fangs always try to strike at the faces of their foes. The snakes will attack any living creature they feel they can slay and eat. 'm%r SPIDER, GIANT - This predator haunts many regions and helps to keep down the level of pests, like adventurers. Giant spiders weave webs for unwary victims, and attack with poisonous bites. WASP, FLYING - This rare giant insect is feared because of its unthinking ferocity. They can attack with powerful jaws and their tail-mounted stinger. The buzzing wings of giant wasps gives some warning of their prescYy equipping your characters with various combinations of weapons, shields, spell books, and holy symbols to maximise their fighting ability. -------------- End of Page 46 -------------- KEEP TRACK OF BUTTONS AND LEVERS - Some pЗuzzles are activated in one part of the dungeon, yet they affect another part far away. Record the position of any button or lever that has no obvious function. If you cant seem to get through an area go back and change these buttons one at a time to see if they make it any easier to get through. LOOK FOR WRITING ON THE WALL - If you cant seem to get through an area, look for writing on the walls in the area. Often, writing in a wall is difficult to spot. Some writing mayE only be read if the party included a character of a specific race. LOOK FOR HIDDEN BUTTONS ON THE WALLS - Always check the walls for secret and hidden buttons and bricks. Moving sideways down a wall will often make hidden buttons easier to spot. KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE COMPASS - Watch the compass as the party moves. There are a number of traps thst change the party's facing. Telep`&orters often reveals themselves when the party's facing changes. WATCH FOR TELEPORTS - Do you suspect the party is being teleported while moving through an area ? Throw an item past the suspected teleporter then watch the item. The item will "dissappear" if it teleports. SAVE THE GAME Save the game anytime you thQQʕink that something could happen that would hurt the party. Save the game at the beginning of each level. If a puzzle is difficult to solve, save the game and then try different solutions. If the monsters are attacking the party thick and fast, save the game and try different strategies. If things are really getting touch, save the game before opening doors. GO ON - When all else fails, go on with the game. The party does not have to open every door, fight every mo:nster and obtain every item to win the game. Mark down any area that the party bypasses. If the party gets stumped in a later area, or needs an item to go on, come backand try the puzzle again. -------------- End of Page 47 -------------- * ŝЍBESTIARY * This section contains descriptions of most of the monsters in and around Temple Darkmoon. You may encounter a few others. ....... AERIAL SERVANT - This semi-intelligentcreature is a form of an air elemental. Aerial servants are most often encountered on this plane of existance when they have been conjuired up by a high level cleric to do a specific task. They are normally invisible but when seen they resemble legless humanoids Ymade of sparkling blue smoke. They are very strong and can do great damage by grabbing and strangling their targets. ANT, GIANT (WARRIOR AND WORKER) These gaint insects include both worker ants and warriors ants. They are covered with a thick outer skeleton that acts as armor. They have six hairly legs that can propel them over ground at great speed. All giant ants have powerful mandibles that can rend their targets. Warriors can also attack with a poisonoqmus sting in their tail. BASILISK, LESSER - This uncommon reptilian monster has leathery skin and eight legs. Lesser Basilisks defences include a powerful bite that and a hideous gaze that can turn a target into stone. Though they have eight legs, their slow metabolic process causes them to move sluggishly. They can be encountered alone or in small groups. pi BEHOLDER - Also known as Eye Tyrant or Sphere of many eyes, this solitary horror is often found underground. Beholders have a globular body and move with innate levitation. Atop the beholders spherical body are 10 eye stalks, and in the centre is a single large eye and a gaping maw adorned with several rows of Razor sharp teeth. Each of the eye stalks has a unique magical ability - the beholder can case a different spell witGh each. Fortunately,not all of the eyes canbe brought to bear on a given target. Beholders are covered with hard, chitinous armour, making them relatively tough to hit in combat. -------------- End of Pae 48 -------------- BULETTE - Aptly called a land shark the bulette is ks8 EXAMPLE: A fighter with a THAC0 of 15 attacking amonster with an AC of 3 would need tol roll (THAC0 15) - (AC 3) = 12+. But to hit a monster with an Ac of -2 he would need to roll (THAC0 15) - (AC -2) = 17+ DAMAGE is the hit point loss than an attacker inflicts against an opponent. The amount of damage inflicted depends on the attacker's strength and weapon type. The damage each weapon can do is summarised in the Wearepons chart n page 56. Some monsters take only partial or no damage from certain weapon types. Skeletons, for example, take only half damage from sharp or edged weapons Combat Strategies. ------------------ To succeed in combat, deploy your party well, cast effective spells before and during combat, maneuver your c haracters into advantageous positions, and attack using the most powerful characters and weapons. Delpoying the Party. -------------------- Keep the heavily armoured fighters in the front rank and the vulnerable magic users and thieves in the rear ranks.  *O Equipping the Party. -------------------- Equip characters in the frontrank with the most powerful melee weapons you can find. See the Weapons Chart on pge 56 to see how much damage each type of weapon can do. -------------- End of Page 46 --------------  c As soon as you find enough weapons, warriors should carry a one handed weapon in their primary hand and a short sword in their secondary hand. Remember that if you use a two handed weapon in one hand thenthe other hand must be free, Equip characters in the rear ranks with the most powerful ranged weapons you can find. Again, see the Weapons chart on page 56 to see how much damage each type of ranged weapon can do. Specilaists should have their holy symbols and spe \5ll books in-hand, ready to cast spells Characters who use thrown weapons should carry weapons in both hands and in their belt pouch for quick reloading. Front rank characters who user thrown weapons may wish to carry a shield or short sword at the top of their belt pouch - in the box for belt pouck #3. A shield or short sword in that position will be readied automatically after the character attacks with the last of his or her thrown weapons. Be sure to recover y /`our ranged weapons after each battle and to collect all of the ranged weapons you can find. Ranged weapons get used up quickly in battle. WOUNDED CHARACTERS. ------------------- Characters who are seriously wounded whould be moved out of the front rank if at all possible. It is much easier to heal a wounded character than it is to bring a dead character back to life. e$ MOVING AND FIGHTING ------------------- If you are exploring an area, move with the compass on the screen to facilitate mapping. If you are moving through an explored area move with the spell menu on the screen and an attack spell showing. Always move with the adventure screen up; you cant fight from the equipment of character screens. DI With both the adventure screen and the spell menu up you are prepared for battle. Prepare for battle before you open any door, climb or descend stairs or push a button that could open a door or secret wall. Monsters often lurk behind closed doors or secret walls, and monsters are always ready for combat! Remember that you can move and fight at the same time. You can move backwards to dodge an enemy melee attack. You can move sideways to dodge an enemy ranged attack. You can even try to run away and close a door behind you to get away from a particularly nasty fight. Be careful though, some monsters can open doors to follow you. HINTS ===== Here are some general strategy hints to help you along you journey. CARRY ITEMS WITH YOU - You never know when you will need something that you have found! To carry an item with you, pick up the item and move it into a bacv\kpack. PREPARE YOUR PARTY - Make sure that your party contains at least; two characters who can fight well, one who can cast mage spells and one who can cast clerical spells, make sure that your fighters in the front rank have weapons in their primary hand. Once you get comfortable fighting with the front rank characters, you can also have the rear rank characters throw weapons and spells at the monsters. Experiment bxsvil, Shield, *Magical Vestement and *Protection from Evil 10' Radius: These spells mainly provide protection against physical attacks. Cast these spells on your front rank characters before dangerous battles that involve physical attacks. *Bless and *Prayer: These spells mainly provide protection against magical attacks. Cast these spells on your front rank characters before dangerous battles that involve magical attacks.  -------------- End of Page 43 -------------- HEALING SPELLS ============== *Cure Light Wounds, *Aid, *Cure Serious Wounds, *Cure Critical Wounds, and *Heal: These spells replace a character's lost hit points. The Aid spell can increase a character's hit points HҼQover his normal maximum value, but it only increases hit points temporarily. Cleric Class Characters should always have a few Cure Light Wounds spells memorised to quickly heal the party while resting. *Slow Poison, *Remove Paralysis, *Neutralise Poison, Remove Curse and Stone to Flesh: These spells remove or slow the effects of poison, paralysis, flesh to stone or curses. Keep a number of these spells memorised whenever the party is anywhere near a monster who can poison, paralyse or petrify. *Raise Dead: This spell will bring a non-elven character back from the dead. Keep one of these spells memorised once your cleric gets to a high enough level. OTHER SPELLS ============ Detect Magic : This spell is very useful in eRvaluating the items the party picks up during the game. The spell causes all magical items carried by the party to glow. Invisibility and Invisibility 10' Radius : Invisibility is a useful defence for a character in the rear ranks. Invisibilty 10' radius is useful to hide the entire party from mystic sensors and prying eyes. Even when the party is invisible, most monsters will sense the party's general location, though the mognsters receive big penalties on attacks against invisible targets. *Create food & Water : This spell is very useful in the later levels of the game where food is scarce. Before to memorise this spell before the party begins starving - not after ! Haste : This spell is especially useful when fighting monsters who are very fast. The haste spell allows a party to make melee attacks much faster. Cast this Šspell on your party just before dangerous battles. True Seeing: This spell is useful when you are stuck in an area with many illusions, invisible monsters etc .... Disintegrate: This spell is occasionally useful to remove certain walls and other special blocks in your path. { -------------- End of Page 44 -------------- * ADVENTURING STRATEGY * ATTACKING OPPONENTS =================== Characters generally engage in "melee combat", which is face-to-face combat with weapons such a swords and maces. Characters also have other options such as casting spellsKj , and ranged combat with bows and slings. In general, a character attacks the enemy in the front rank on his side of the screen. When there is only one enemy left in battle, it moves to the centre of its square and character from both sides can attack it. COMBAT MECHANICS ---------------- Understanding combat mechanics allows the party to use the most efficient weapons and tactics in differeng6=t situations. Each characters ability in combat is defned by his armour class, THAC0, and damage. THAC0 respresents a character's Ability to Hit Armour Class 0. A character must "roll" a number equal to or greater than this number to damage a target with an armor class of zero. The lower the attackers THAC0 the greater his chance to hit the target. A characters THAC0 is based on his class and level. J NOTE : the generation of a random number is often referred to as a "roll". In determining if an attack hit, the number generated is from 1 theough 20. The base roll is modified by the characters ability scores and any magic weapons. An attack is successful if the roll is greater than or equal to the attacker's THAC0 minus the target's AC. Y:Instant Area: One square. By means of this spell the cleric calls down from the sky a column of flame. Creatures fully affected by this spell suffer 6-48 points of damage. Raise Dead ---------- Range: 0 Duration: Permanent Area: One character. This spell allows the cleric to attempt to restore life to any non-elven character. Chances fomr success are based on the deceased character's constitution. Slay Living ----------- Range: Short Duration: Permanent Area: One target. The target of a Slay Living spell either takes damage or dies instantly. Higher level opponents have a better chance of only taking damage. N* True Seeing ----------- Range:0 Duration: Short Area : Special With this spell, the party can see things as they really are. Illusionary walls will not fool the party, invisible monster, item or magical effects will be shown. SIXTH LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS =========================Yx= Harm ---- Range: Close Duration: Permanent Area : One Target. This spell will bring a target to deaths door, reducing it to very few hit points, no matter how many points the target had before the spell. The cleric must be in the front rank to hit a target. ˣ; Heal ---- Range:0 Duration: Permanent Area: On character. This spell will completely heal a character of all damage, poison, blindness and paralysis. -------------- End of Page 42 --------------̞ݨ STRATEGIES FOR USING SPELLS Spells are an important part of the party's capabilities. The spells that the party's spellcasters memorise will have an important effect on the party's tactics. In the following section, the spells have been divided into types: offensive, defensive, healing and other. There are specific hints on when each type of spell is most effective. Spells that are available only to clerics are marked with an astrerisk. OFFENSIVE SPELLS ================ Burning Hands, *Cause light wounds, Shocking grasp, *Flame blade, Vampire Touch, *Cause Serious Wounds, * Cause critical wounds and *Harm: These are the hand to hand magical attacks. For all but burning hands the spellcaster must be in the~ front rank to attack with them. Because of the time it takes to cast these spells and the vulnerability of many spellcasters, they are normally the offensive spells of last resort. Magic Missle and Melf's Acid Arrow: These are ranged magical attacks that affect only one monster at a time. They allow the spellcaster to attack from the safety of the rear ranks. They are the favourite offensive spells of lower level mages.  Disintegrate and Flesh to Stone: These are ranged magical attacks that can eliminate one target with a single attack. They are the favourite of high level mages attacking targets with many hit points. Hold Person, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Fear, Ice Storm, Cone of Cold, *Flame Strike and Hold Monster: These are ranged magical attacks that can affect several monsters in an area. BecuТEase of the damage they can do they are often the preffered offensive spells of higher level spellcasters. These are effect spells are especially effective when fighting many monsters. Look closely at the area of effect of various spells. The spells that affect several squares are more effective agains monsters that cannot attack in groups. The spells that affect a single square are most effective against monsters that attack in groups. 5· Be especially casreful when you use the Ice Storm and Hold Person spells. If the target of an Ice Storm spell is within melee range of the party, the party will also take damage from the spell. The Hold Person spell only affects men and other humanoid creatures. DEFENSIVE SPELLS ================ Armor, Blur, *Protection from E>Q Slow Poison ----------- Range: 0 Duration: Long Area: One Character This spell slows the effects of any type of poison for a limited amount of time. When the spell dissipates the victims suffer the poison's full effect unless a neutralise poison spell is cast. The spell's duration increases with the level of the caster, High level Paladins can cast slow poison spells. b -------------- End of Page 39 -------------- THIRD LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS. ========================== Create Food and Water --------------------- Range: 0 Duration: Permanent Area: Special This spell allows the cleric to conjure nourishment for the entire party. When character's food bars are blank, and they\y do not eat, they suffer 1 hit point of damage every 24 hous. Starving mages and clerics are unable to regain spells. Dispel Magic ------------ Range: 0 Duration: Instant Area: Whole Party. This spell negates the effect of any spell affecting the party. Dispel magic does not counter CURE spells, but will dispel hold person, cure, bless and other similar spells. Magical Vestment -----------kj----- Range: 0 Duration: Medium Area : Caster. This spell enhances the clerics own robes, providing protection at least equivalent to chain mail (AC 5). The vestement gains a +1 enchantment for every three levels the cleric earns above the fifh level. For example, an 11th level cleric would have AC 3 protection. This spell is not cumulative with itself or any other spells or armor. The spells duration increases with the level of tѱ,he caster. Prayer ------ Range: 0 Duration: Short to Medium Area: Entire Party This spell is a more powerful version of the 1st level BLESS. The spell increases the party's combat ability and decreases the enemy's. The spell has no cumulative effect. The spell's duration increases with the level of the caster. ׭ Remove Paralysis ---------------- Range: 0 Duration: Permanent Area: One to four characters. This spell negates the effects of any type of paralysation or related magic. The spell counters HOLD or SLOW spells. -------------- End of Page 40 ---- ---------- FOURTH LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS ========================== Cause Serious Wounds -------------------- Range: Close Duration: Permanent Area: One Target. This spell is identical to the first level Cause Light Wounds spell, except that it inflicts 3-17 hit points of damage. The cleric must be in the front rank to hit a target. { Cure Serious Wounds ------------------- This spell is identical to the first level Cure light wounds spell, except that it heals 3-17 points of damage. Neutralise Poison ----------------- Range: 0 Duration: Permanent Area: One character. This spell detoxifies any sort of poison or venomڱ -. The spell cannot return characters to life if they have already died from poison. Protection from Evil 10' Radius ------------------------------- This spell is identical to the first level spell, except that if affects the entire party. The spell's duration increases with the level of the caster.  FIFTH LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS ========================= Cause Critical Wounds --------------------- Range: Close Duration: Permanent Area: One target. This spell is identical to the first-level Cause light wounds except that it inflicts 6-27 hit-points of damage. The cleric must be in the front rank to hit a target. Cure Critical Wounds -------------------- Range: 0 G Duration: Permanent Area: One character. This spell is identical to the first-level cure light wounds spell, except that it heals 6-27 points of damage. -------------- End of Page 41 -------------- Flame Strike ------------ Range: Long DurationSIXTH LEVEL MAGE SPELLS. ======================== Disintegrate ------------ Range: Close Duration: Instant Area : One target. This spell causes any creature it hits to vanish. Disintegration is instantaneous and its effects are permanent. Flesh to Stone -------------- Range: 0 Duration: Permanent (1por until reversed) Area: One target This spell causes any one target to turn to stone. The spell's effects can be reversed with the STONE TO FLESH spell. Stone to Flesh -------------- Range: 0 Duration: Permanent (or until reversed) Area: One character. This spell restores the life of a character who has been turned to stone. The character may have been changed by a FLESH TO STONE spell or by the effect of a monster sZuch as a medusa or a basilisk. True Seeing ----------- Range:0 Duration: Short Area : special With this spell the party can see things as they really are. Illusionary walls will not fool the party, invisible monsters, items, or magical effects will appear. -------------A`- End of Page 37 -------------- * CLERIC SPELLS * FIRST LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS ========================= Bless ----- Range: 0 Duration: Medium Area: Entire Party. Upon uttering this spell the morale of the entire party is raised. All characters gain a bonus to their attacks. BLESS spells are not cumulative. High level Paladins 9UTcan cast bless spells. Cause Light Wounds ------------------ Range: Close Duration: Permanent Area: One target. By casting this spell, the cleric cause one to eight hit points of damage. The cleric must be in the front rank to hit a target. Cure Light Wounds ----------------- Ze/ Range: Close Duration: Permanent Area: One character By casting this spell on a wounded character, the cleric can heal one to eight hit points of damage. High level Paladins can cast Cure Light Wounds spells. Detect Magic ------------ Range: 0 Duration: Instant Area: Carried Items. ;X This spell allows the caster to determine if any of the items carried by members of the party are magically enchanted. All magic items in the party are indicated for a short period of time. High level Paladins can cast Detect Magic spells. Protection from Evil -------------------- Range: 0 Duration: Medium Area: One character. This spell enveylopes the recipient in a magical shell. The shell inhibits the attacks of any evil creatures. The spell's duration increases with the level of the caster. High level Paladins can cast Protection from evil spells. -------------- End of Page 38 -------------- SECOND LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS =======Ɛ=================== Aid --- Range: 0 Duration: Short to Medium Area: One character. This spell acts like a bless spell and if confers one to eight extra hit points to the recipient. The temporary hit points are subtracted before the character's ownb` if he is injured in combat. The spell's duration increases with the level of the caster. we Flame Blade ----------- Range: Short Duration: Medium Area: One target. This spell causes a flame like blade to leap from the caster hand. The blade attacks like a normal sword and normally does 7-10 points of damage. When the spell is cast a burning sword picture appears in the caster's hand - attack with this as you would any other melee weapon. The spell does slightly less damage against targets protected from fi*>re. Spell duration increases with the level of the caster. Hold Person ----------- Range: Long Duration: Medium Area: Up to 4 characters. This spell can affect human, demi-human , or humanoid creatures. Creatures that are affected become rigid and unable to move or speak. Spell duration increases with the level of the caster. Tthe level of the caster. Invisibility 10' radius. ------------------------ Range: 0 Duration: Special Area: Entire Party This spell causes the entire party to vanish from sight. Each invisible characters remains unseen until he attacks a monster. Certain powerful monsters can sense an invisible person or even see them outright.  Lightning Bolt -------------- Range: Long Duration: Instant Area: Two squares. This spell allows the user to cast a powerful bolt of electric energy. The spell flies to its first target and then continues into the next square. The bolt does one to six points of damage for every level of the caster to a maximum of 10th level. For example, a 10th level mage does 10-60 points of damage. -G Vampire Touch ------------- Range: Close Duration: One attack Area: Caster. When this spell is cast a glowing hand appears. A mage in the front rank may attack with this hand like any other melee weapon. When the character touches an opponent with a successful attack , the spell does 1-6 points of damage for every two levels of the mage. These points in turn are transferred temporariBMly to the mage so any damage he takes is subtracted from these points first. This spell does not affect undead monsters such as skeletons. -------------- End of Page 35 -------------- FOURTH LEVEL MAGE SPELLS. ========================= Fear ---- Range: Close Duration: Medium Area: One square. When this spell is cast the mage\ projects a cone of terror. Any creature affected by the spell will turn tail and run from the party. The amount of time the affected creatures remain terrified is based on the level of the casting mage. The spell's duration increases with the level of the caster. Ice Storm ---------  Range: Medium to Long Duration: Instant Area: Cross shaped (3*3) This spell produces a pounding torrent of huge hailstones. The spell pumells the targets with 3-30 points of damage. The range of this spell is based on the caster's level. Improved Invisibility --------------------- ÊG Range: 0 Duration: Short Area: One character. This spell causes the target to vanish from sight. The invisible character remains unseen, even if he attacks with a weapon or spell. The invisibility makes the character harder to hit with an attack. A TRUE SEEING spell will counter an improved invisibility spell. Certain powerful monsters can sense invisible characters, or even see them outright. ^7 Remove Curse ------------ Range: 0 Duration: Permanent Area: One character. This spell allows a character with a cursed item to drop the item. However, the item itself will still be cursed with its negative properties. K FIFTH LEVEL MAGE SPELLS. ======================== Cone of Cold ------------ Range: Close Duration: Instant Area : Three squares This spell causes the mage to project a chilling cone of sub-zero cold. The numbing cone causes two to five points of damage per level of the caster. For example, a 10th level mage would do 20-50 points of damage. 7 -------------- End of Page 36 -------------- Hold Monster ------------ Range: Long Duration : Medium Area : One square This spell is similar to the HOLD PERSON spell except that it affect a wider range of creatures. However, the spell does not affect undead creatures. The spell's duration increases with the level of the Qcaster. Wall of Force ------------- Range: Close Duration: Short Area: One square A WALL OF FORCE creates a barrier which stops monsters and spells from passing. A wall cast by a character is dispelled if it is hit with a disintegrate spell, or if the party enters the square with the wall of force. |two extra levels, the spell does two to five more points. So, a first or second-level mage does two to five points of damage, but a third or fourth does four to ten and so on.. Shield ------ Range: 0 Duration: Short to Medium Area of Effect: Spellcaster. This spell produces an invisible barrier in front of the mage that totally blocks magic missile attacks. If also offers AC 2 against hurled weapons and AC 3 against propelled missiles (arrows, slingstones). The spell does no~ nt have a cumulative effect with the ARMOR spell. The spell duration increases with the level of the caster. Shocking Grasp -------- ----- Range : Close Duration: Variable or until mage touches target This spell magically charges the casters hand with a powerful electric field. The field remains in place until the spell dissipates naturally or until the character touches an adjacent monster. When the spell is cast en electrified hand is dinsplayed. A mage in the front rank may attack with this hand like any other melee weapon. The spell does one to eight points fo damage plus one point per level of the caster. The amount of time it takes the spell to dissipate depends on the level of the caster. SECOND LEVEL MAGE SPELLS. ========================= ,3ې Blur ---- Range: 0 Duration: Short Area of Effect: The caster. The position of a wizard with an active blur spell shifts and waivers. This distortion makes the wizard harder to hit with an attack. A TRUE SEEING spell will counter a BLUR spell. Detect Invisibility ------------------- Range: Close Duration: Medium vmڧArea of Effect:One square in front. With this spell, the party can see invisible monsters, items or magical effects. It does not reveal illusions. -------------- End of Page 33 -------------- Invisibility ------------ Range: 0 Duration: Special Area of Effect: On target. This spell cause the target to|Z vanish from sight. The invisible character remains unseen until he attacks a monster. Certain powerful monsters can sense invisible characters, or even see them outright. Improved Identify ----------------- Range: 0 Duration: Instant Area : One item in casters hand. When this spell is cast, one item in the wizards hand is identified for what it really is. The wizard learns the items name and the attack or damage bonus it has. Note that some items, such as magical tomes, cannotӇ, be identified with this spell. Melf's Acid Arrow. ------------------ Range: 0 Duration: Special Area: One target. This spell creates a magic arrow that launches itself at a target as though it were fired by a fighter of the same level as the mage. The arrow is not affected by distance. The arrow does eight to two points of damage per attack. For every three levels the mage has earnedO8, the arrow gains an additional attack. For example, at third to fith level the arrow attacks twice, and at sixth to eighth level the arrow attacks three times. THIRD LEVEL MAGE SPELLS. ======================== Dispel Magic ------------ Range: 0 Duration: Instant Area : Whole party. This spell negates the effects of any magical spelRl affecting the party. DISPEL does not counter CURE spells, but it will dispel HOLD PERSON, BLESS and similar spells. FireBall -------- Range: Long Duration: Instant Area: Target Square. A fireball is an explosive blast of flame that damages everything in the target square. The explosion does one to six points of damage for every level of the caster to a maximum of 10th level. F>or example a 10th level mage does 10-60 points of damage. -------------- End of Page 34 -------------- Haste ----- Range: 0 Duration: Medium Area: One recipient per caster level. The spell causes all recipients to move and fight at double their normal rate. (However, this spell does not allow magic users to cast spellsv at a faster rate.) The spells duration increases with the level of the caster. Hold Person ----------- Range: Long Duration: Medium Area: Up to four targets. This spell can affect humans, demi-humans or humanoid creatures. Creatures that are affected become rigid and unable to move or speak. Spell duration increases with  characters. In general, a party should contain at least two characters who can fight well, a character who can cast mage spells and at least one character who can cast clerical healing spells. FIGHTERS The party has many choice for thw two front rank characters who can fight well. Most races make reasonable fighters. Fighter, Paladin, and ranger class characters fight better than other classes. oBEven single-class cleric and dual-class fighter/cleric characters can be effective front rank characters in the beginning levels of the game. Also, some of the NPCs that you meet in the game can fight well and may be useful in the front rank. SPELLCASTERS The choice of various spellcaster is also important to the strategy of the party. One character who can cast mage spells is normally sufficient for most parties. Mages must find their higher level spells on scrolls; the supply of  Sscrolls is limited, so it is not efficient to divide those spells among several mages in a party. It is often useful to have two characters who can cast clerical healing spells. It is important not to get caught after a battle without a conscious cleric. A consciuos cleric with a few 'cure light wounds' spells can heal as many hit points in hours as a party without a conscious clreic could heal in many days of rest. PARTY MAKEUP ============ One strategy is to create a party of sE,pecialists who go up in levels with the fewest number of experience points. This party works so long as the warriors in the front ranks never let the spellcasters in the rear rank get into melee. Specialist Party : Dwarven Fighter,Human Paladin, Elven Mage and Half Elven Cleric. Another strategy is to create a party of generalists who are multi-classed characters. This party should always have some character with the appropriate skill for a situation. But, such aIz/3 diverse party needs a much larger number of experience points to get to higher levels. Generalist Party : Dwarven Fighter/Thief, Half-Elven Fighter/Cleric, Elven Fighter/Mage, Half-Elven Cleric/Mage. A further strategy is to have a mixed party with specialist warriors in the front rank and generalist spellcasters in the rear rank. This strategy makes sure that the fighters gain levels (and hit points) as quickly as possible but that the spellcasters will have a IZwide variety of spells available. Mixed Party : Dwarven Fighter, Human Paladin, Half Elven Cleric/Mage Human Cleric. -------------- End of Page 31 -------------- * SPELLS * Range: Duration: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 = Party members I-nstantaneous = flash or instant effect. Close= Adjacent square. Short = Single combat round. Medium = up to two squares away. Medium = effect last for some time. Long = Visible range. Long = Effects last quite a while. Permanent = Lasts for entire game. Variable/Special = See spell Description. * MAGE SPELLS * FIRST LEVEL MAGE SPELLS. ======================== ArmotQۣr ----- Range = 0 Duration : Special Area of effect : One character. With this spell the mage can surround a character with a special magical field that protects as scale mail (AC 6). This spell has no effect on characters who already have AC 6 or better and it does not have a cumulative effect with the SHIELD spell. The spell lasts until dispelled or until the character suffers damage that is equal to or greate than 8 hit points + 1 hit point for every level of the caster. K- Burning Hands ------- ----- Range: Close Duration : Instantaneous Area of effect : Front Rank When a mage casts this spell, a jet of searing flames shoots from the character's fingertips. The damage inflicted by the flame increases as the mage increases in level and gains power. The spell does one to three points of damage plus two points per level of the caster. For example, a 10th leL&vel mage would do 21-23 points of damage. Detect Magic ------ ----- Range: 0 Duration : Short Area of Effect : Carried Items. This spell allows a mage to determine if any of the items carried by members of the party are magically enchanted. All magic items in the party glow for a short period of time. -------------- nh[ End of Page 32 -------------- Magic Missile ----- ------- Range: Long Duration : Instant Area of effect : One target. The mage creates a bolt of magic force that unerringly strikes one target. It there are two monsters, the missile automatically hits the one on the same side as the caster. Magic missile spells do greater damage as the mage increases in level. Initially, magic missiles do two to five points of damage, and fore every  =Qttacks. Mages, clerics and high-level paladins gain the ability to memorise a greater number of spells and cast new spell levels. Level advancement happens automatically whenever a character has enough experience points. Level advancement tables for all of the classes begin on page 52. --------------  & End of PAGE 28 -------------- CREATING STRONG CHARACTERS. =========================== There are many strategies for putting together an effective party of characters. Certain combinations of character class and race are more effective than others. SINGLE-CLASS vs. MULTI-CLASS. ----------------------------- Non human characters have the ability to be multi-classed characters, but that does not mean they must be multi-classed characters. Si hXcngle class characters have a number of advantages over multi-classed characters with the same amount of experience points. Single-class figthers have several advantages. With the same amount of experience points, they will average many more hit points and have a better chance to hit than multi-class fighter combinations. Single-class clerics and mages will gain hig Cher level spells much sooner than multi-class mage or cleric combinations. With the same total amount of experience points, they will have more spells than multi-class casters. With careful play, rear rank characters will seldomo get into melee combat. This makes a single-class mage a viable character despite limited abilities in melee. Also, the real time nature of the game means that a character can only do one thing at a time; a cha S=Jracters ability to do many different things is often not as important as the ability to do one thing very well. The advantages of multi-class characters are obvious, they combine the abilities of several different classes of character in one. Thus, a fighter/mage/ can both melee effectively and cast spells, though he can do neither as well as a single-class fighter or mage with the same amount of experience points. Multi-class characters are often useu!ful to add an additional capability to a party, such as thieving skills or additional clerical healing spells. Remember, multi-class characters go up levels extremely slowly because their experience points are distributed evenly between their classes. RACIAL ADVANTAGES ================= Because of the monsters and situations in the game, certain race/class combinations are very effective. The following are some specific types of characters ad their advantages. DWARVEN FIGHTER : b% A dwarven fighter with a high constitution has a high resistance to poison, which makes it much easier to fight giant characters. A dwarf fighter can have a constitution of 19, which can further increase hit points. A dwarf also allows the party to read drawven writing. HUMAN PALADIN : Only humans can be paladins. Paladins can fight as well as any fighter, plus they have the ability to heal by 'laying on hands'. They also gain the ability to cast some low level clerical healing sp\ells when they reach ninth level. -------------- End of Page 29 -------------- ELVEN MAGE : A single-class mage gains levels swiftly. An elven mage with a high dexterity has a high armor class, which makes it easier to survive stry thrown weapons. As a mage, an elf's maximum constitution of 17 does not limit hit points and a maximum deterity of 19 can improve armor class. Because mages cannot wear armor to improve thier armor class, high dexterity is essential. An elf also allows the party to read elven writing. HUMAN or HALF-ELVEN CLERIC : A single-class cleric swiftly gains levels. Humans and half-elves can have a maximum wisdom of 18 (thus gaining the maximum bonus spells) and they can attain the maximum level allowed in this game. HALF-ELVEN FIGjHTER/MAGE/CLERIC : This is the character with the most diverse talents. This character can use almost every items (excluding lock picks), has a limited ability to fight, can cast offensive spells and can heal. Unfortunately a half-elven fighter/mage/cleric will go up levels extremely slowly, and will have very few hitpoints for most of the game. ELVEN FIGHTER/MAGE/THIEF : The theivish counterpart to the h?alf-elven jack of all trades listed above. This character can use literally every item in the game and can pick lcoks as well. Unfortunately a half-elven fighter/mage/thief will go up levels extremely slowly, and will have very few hitpoints for most of the game. CREATING A STRONG PARTY. ======================== A party should include a good mix of classes and races handle all of the challenges they encounter. You will need to decide upon your overall party strategy before making@lowed : All. * Weapons Allowed : Any. ALIGNMENTS. ----------- Alignment describes a characters outlook and how he deals with life. The possibilities encompass a range of views from believing strongly in society and altruism (Lawful good) to completely selfish and without any regard for others (Chaotic evil). Aligment is present in two parts: the characters world view and the characters ethics. WORLD VIEW :- LAWFUL - indicates that the character works within the framework &and rules of society. NEUTRAL- indicates that the character moves between valuing the society and valueing the individual. CHAOTIC- indicates that the character values the individual above society and others. ETHICS :- GOOD - indicates the character tries to act in a moral and upstanding manner NEUTRAL- indicates the character leans towards "situational ethics", evaluating each set of circumstances. EVIL - indicates the characte"% r acts either with no regard for others or in an overly malignant manner. ABILITY SCORES -------------- The base for each ability score is a number between 3 and 18. Racial modifiers are automatically factored into the base number by the computer when any value is shown. The maximum value for scores is 19 unless modified by magical means. Fighters' strength may have a precentage value ɦ؛added to indicate exceptional ability. Higher values always offer greater advantages. STRENGTH Strength measures physical power, muscle, and stamina. Fighter-type characters (fighters, rangers and paladins) can have exceptional strengths greater than 18. Exceptional strength is indicated by a percent value (01,02,03,....98,99,00) following the base strength (for example 18/23). High strength allows chTaracters to fight better. With hand weapons such as swords or maces they hit more often and receive damage bonuses. Halflings, even halfing-fighters, cannot have exceptional strengths. DEXTERITY Dexterity measures agility, hand-eye coordination and reflex speed. Characters with high dexterities can have bonuses to armour class, which indicates how difficult they are to hit. Good dexterity also gives bonuses when using missile weapons such as obows or slings. Dexterity of 16 or highrer counters some of the minuses fighters suffer when using weapons in both hands. -------------- End of Page 27 -------------- CONSTITUTION Constitution measures fitness, health and physical toughness. High constitution increases the number of hit points a character receives. Hit points measure how difficult a character is to incapacitate or kill.ܑ\ INTELLIGENCE. Intelligence measures memory, reasoning, and learning ability. Intelligence is the prime requisite for mages; their skill and very survival hinges on learning and using their knowledge of magic. WISDOM Wisdom measures a composite of judgement, enlightenment, will power and intuition. Characters with wisdom of 7 or less are more susceptible to magic spells, while those with wisdom of 15 or greater have some resistance. Clerics with wisdom of 13 or greater receive exȹ7;tra spells. CHARISMA Charisma measures personal magnetism, persuasiveness, and the ability to assume command. OTHER CHARACTERISTICS --------------------- In addition to the race, class and ability scores, characters have several other characteristics that may change during the game; armour class, hitpoints, experience points, level and alignment. ARMOUR CLASS (AC) Armour class measures how difficult someone is to hit and damage; the lower the armor class value the harder they E,q7are to hit. Low armor class values can indicate different things. A character might be difficult to hit because he is outfitted with magical armour, while a monster might have the same armor class because it is small and fast. Armor class changes only when characters find and use new armor or shields. High dexterity imnproves a characters armor class. HIT POINTS (HP) Hit points measure gow difficult a character or opponent is to incapacitate or kill; higher values are better. EveryvY time an attack gets past armor and defences, it does damage that is subtracted from the tragets hit-points. If hit points reaches zero the character is unconscious. If hit points reach -10 or less the character is dead. EXPERIENCE POINTS (EXP) Experience points measure how much a character has accomplished. You earn experience points for killing monsters, finding treasure and completing parts of the adventure. Having prime requisite scores of 16 or more increases experience earned C by 10%. Characters increase in level when they earn enough experience points. All characters start with some experience points. If a character is multi-class, there initial points are distributed evenly thoughout all of his or her classes. LEVEL Level measures how much a character has advanced in his or her class. Whenever a character has earned enough experience points to advance in level, he gains hit-points, combat ability, and resistance to the effects of poisons and magical a]9 higher gain extra spells. See the "Cleric wisdom Spell Bonus" talbe on page 52). * Prime requisite : Wisdom. * Races Allowed : Human, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome , Half-Elf, Halfling. * Weapons Allowed : Mace, Flail, Staff, Sling.  0ܓ FIGHTERS Fighters are warriors, experts in using weapons and in battle tactics. Fighter training includes use and maintenance of all manner of weapons and and armour. Figthers can use any type of armour or weapon without restriction. Wether for glory or profit, fighters can be found in the thickest parts of battles, where only skill and bravery triumph. Fighters cannot cast any type of magical spells, they rely on their string swordarm. They can use any type of magical !eweapon or armour. They can also use magical items such as rings and gauntlets. Fighters gain speed as well as skill when they go up in levels. High level fighters (including paladins and rangers), are able to attack more often with melee weapons such as swords than other tpyes of characters. * Prime requisite : Strength. * Races Allowed : ALL * Weapons Allowed : ALL -------------- End of Page 25 "; -------------- MAGES Mages are individuals trained in the arcane and mysterious secrets of magic and spellcasting gestures. Mages tend to be poor fighters, preferring to rely on their intellect and magical abilities. While warriors and clerics may charge to the fore of a batlle, mages tend to hang back and pummel foes with mystic attacks. Mages cannot wear any types of armour because armor is restrict#^Րive and it interferes with spellcasting. Also, because of their lack of martial incliniation, mages are severly limited in the weapons they can use. Mages become very powerful as they increase in level. * Prime Requisite : Intelligence. * Races Allowed : Human, Elf, Half-elf. * Weapons Allowed : Dagger, Staff, Dart. PALADINS. Paladins are elite warriors who battle in the na$jpme of justice and truth. Lawfulness and good deeds are their meat and drink, and they lead lives of such chaste piety that even clerics stand respectful. Paladins will not join a party that includes evil characters. Like other high level fighters, paladins are able to attack more often with melee weapons such as swords than other types of characters. In addition to skill in all types of arms and armour, paladins have several divine magical ab%x$ilities. Paladins have extra resistance to magical attacks and poison, and they are immune to all disease. Paladins can heal once per day with their 'lay on hands' ability (two hit points per level of advancement). The lay on hands ability is similar to the cure light wounds clerical spell. Paladins are always surrounded by an aura of protection. Because of this aura, all evil attackers suffer a penalty to their attacks. At 3rd level paladins can turn&v] undead as a cleric two levels below their own. At 9th level, paladins gain the ability to cast certain cleric spells, although they can never use cleric scrolls. Paladins pray for their spells and cast them exactly as clerics. Paladins can use the following cleric spells : BLESS, CURE LIGHT WOUNDS, DETECT MAGIC, PROTECTION FROM EVIL, SLOW POISON. * Prime requisites : Strength , Charisma. * Races Allowed : Only Human. * Weapons Allowed : All RANGERS Rangers are tra'tined hunters, trackers and woodsmen. They are taught to live as much by their wits and skills as by their swords and bows. Like fighters, rangers can use any type of weapon or armour although heavy armor interferes with their special abilities. When wearing studded leather or lighter armour, rangers can fight with weapons in both hands without any penalties. Like other high-level fighter types, rangers are able to attack more often with melee weapons such as swords, ($~!than other types of characters. * Prime requisites : Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom. * Races Allowed : Human, Elf, Half-elf. * Weapons Allowed : All -------------- End of Page 26 -------------- THIEVES Thieves are hard to classify as a group. Some are malcontents who prey on the unsuspecting. Others are basically good but a little wanting in strength of characA%ter. Adventurers long ago learned that a skilled thief in the party increases overall party survival -- especially when dealing with trapped locks. As thieves gain levels they become more proficient at picking locks and avoiding any attached traps. Becasue they need to move freely and quietly thieves' abilities are restricted when they wear anything except leather type armour. Thieves have a grater choice of weapons than clerics or mages. * Prime requisite : Dexterity. * Races Al*4W Fighter/Thief. * Level Restrictions ; Cleric, 9th level. Fighter 11th level. HALF-ELVES Half elves inherit several advantages from their mixed parentage. They resemble their elvish parents in facial appearance, but half-elves are taller and heavier than most elves, approaching human norms. While not as long lived as true elves, they live, on average,+ r about 250 years. For the most part, half-elves can travel and mingle in both elvish and human company, although rarely are they truly accepted in either. Half-elves has the greatest selection of class combinations of any of the races. They inherit an innate resistance to sleep and charm spells, but to a lesser extent that full-blooded elves. * Ability score modifiers ; NONE * Allo,}wwable Classes ; Cleric, Fighter, Mage, Ranger, Thief, Fighter/Cleric Fighter/Thief, Fighter/Mage, Cleric/Ranger, Cleric/Mage, Thief/Mage, Fighter/Mage/Cleric, Fighter/Mage/Thief. * Level Restrictions ; Mage, 12th level. Thief 12th level. HALFLINGS Halflings are a diminut-\]=ive people famous for their congeniality and love of comfort. Their facial features are round and broad and they trypically have curly hair. Halflings are very short, a little shorter than dwarves and quite plump. They are sturdy, industrious, and generally quiet and peaceful. Their burrow homes are well furnished and their larders are always well stocked. Halflings are well like by nearly all other races. Gnomes especially like the halflings whom they feel are kindred spirits. .pHI Halflings have innate magical resistance and have a +1 bonus with slings. * Ability score modifiers ; Dexterity +1 , non fighters are Strength - 1 * Allowable classes ; Cleric , Fighter, Thief, Fighter/Thief. * Level restrictions ; Cleric, 8th level. Fighter, 9th level. /!; HUMANS Humans are the most adaptable and hence, most prevalent race. Humans vary more than any other race in size, skin colour and hair colour. Typically they live around 70 years. Human societies are more diversified than any of the other races, and also more aggressive and materialistic. where the longer-lived races wait patiently and take a longe-range view of the world, humans tend to muster their efforts for immediate gain. 0wW9 * Ability score modifiers ; NONE * Allowable Classes ; Cleric, Fighter, Mage, Paladin, Ranger, Thief. * Level REstrictions ; Maximum for game. -------------- End of PAGE 14 --------1 X------ CLASSES ------- Each class has its own unique strengths, and each offers valuable talents and skills to a party. Fighter-types (fighters, rangers and paladins) are needed to battle past the creatures that stand in the way of victory and glory. Thieves are very handy when the party runs across traps and locked doors. Mages offer powerful spells and clerics can both fight opponents and heal wounded party members. Ea2~@ch class has one or more prim requisite, or ability scores that are important to the class. A Character with prime requisite scores of 16 or greater advances somewhat faster in levels. CLERICS. Clerics are warrior priests, men and women who carry their faith in their weapon-arms as well as their hearts. Cleric training includes the use of divine magic and a 3Frlimited selection of weapons. They can use any typeof armour, but their selection of arms is limited to blunt, impact type weapons such as maces and flails. Clerical magic differs from mage spells in that clerical magic is of devine original. Clerics do not carry tomes of spells and rituals. They receive power directly from the gods and cast spells throught their holy symbols. While mages study and pour o@6xver their spells to imprint the rituals in their minds, clerics enter a meditative trance where they are receptive to the divine magic. Clerics also have powers against undead monsters such as skeletons. The ability to 'turn undead' is listed on the cleric's list of 1st-level spells and is used like a spell. However, becuase it is an ability it does not go away when used. As clerics advance in levels they gain more spells and greater power against undead. Clerics with wisdom of 13 or52-r loading a previously saved one. Game Options Menu. ------------------ Load Game Save Game Drop NPC Quit Game. LOAD GAME - Displays a list of six individually named saved game slots. Click on a slot to retrieve the named saved game. SAVE GAME - Displays a list of individually named saved game slots. Click on a slot, name the saved game, and press Enter to save the game to disk. Saving regularly is a good idea. 6Tz DROP NPC - Orders an NPC (a Non-player character who has joined the party during the adventure) to leave the party. QUIT GAME - Leaves EYE OF THE BEHOLDER II. EXIT - Exit the camp menu and resume play. 7C{` -------------- End of Page 22 -------------- * YOUR CHARACTERS AND YOUR PARTY * CHARACTER BASICS :- ------------------- Your part contains four characters8ڡ, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Every chracter has a race, class, and set of ability scores. Race is the character's species and there are six races to choose from : dwarf, elf, gnome, half-elf, halfling and human. Class is the characters occupation. The basic choices are : Cle9`fric, fighter, ranger, mage, paladin, thief or multi-class. Some races are allowed to have more than one class simultaneously; there are called multi-class characters. Thirteenth level is the maximium level for all classes in this game. Ability scores define the characters physical and mental prowess, and they are : strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution and cha:Ivrisma. RACES :- -------- DWARVES Dwarves are a short, heavily built demi-human race. They stand between 4 and 4 1/2 feet tall, but generally weigh more than 150 pounds due to their heavily muscled build. Dwarves live from 350 to 400 years. They are famous for their skill in all crafts, from metalworking to stone masonry. Dwarven weapons command high prices in markets around the world, and pieces of their fine jewellery are part of every king's ransom. Dwarves are also known for t;).remendous courage and tenacity that borders on the fanatic. Dwarves are, by nature, non magical and have innate resistance to spells as well as many poisons. * Ability score modifiers; Dexterity - 1 , Constitution +1 , Charisma -2 * Allowable classes ; Cleric , fighter, thief, fighter/thief, fighter/cleric. * Level restrictions ; Cleric, 10th level; Thief 12th level. ELVES Elve.ѿclevel, Thief 12th level. GNOMES Gnomes are distant kin of the dwarves, although the latter are loathed to admit the relation. Gnomes typically live to be around 600 years old. Where dwarves are tacitiurn and hard working, the gnomes are more carefree and lively. Never turn your back on a gnome because they are enthusiastic practical jokers. )v? -------------- End of PAge 23 -------------- Gnomes are fairly magic resistant. * Ability score modifiers ; Intelligence +1, Wisdom - 1 * Allowable classes ; Cleric , fighter, Thief, Cleric/Thief, Fighter/Cleric w@#pC0_pJ`/l:$lxZ-@A_~;s~eO8%,Es4 ϙ؅'gF4r@,eX_py44)&`? LmLW,)12PWsbgng, _oxEZJGHFVBB;Ƞ Fۚ |(##+WhIUYfPI\TJ_TFTTV63] gاe =*G{b6+O:(z/8ynCs)Y% lq4~ sLIC KЎ"4te`"(nncUR?~ 1pT'UWxAwLIRîQhL%{A޳,ϓ @f9v?2ѱA)w{Z8\C+T XY=kO,+RҪD|<@@x8+7ÞV<,Oi"6μ$;O!0\p э#H`y "[۹Lcߩy6H&c "͜d0 11n{:@h$(]%dq! 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The spells available menu will appear when you choose this option. To choose new spells, click on the level number button; the number of unmemorised spells and a list of available spells will appear. Click on spells to memorise. The numbers to the right of the spell names are the number of each type of spell the character will have after resting. If you want to reselect spells, select the clear button to blank spell choices. Click on G`ba level number button to choose spells of another level. Select the Exit button when finished. PRAY FOR SPELLS :- Select this option to choose or examine the set of spells the cleric or high-level paladin learns when resting. The spells Available menu will appear when you choose this option. To choose new spells click on the level number button; the number of unmemorised spells and a list of available spells wll appeH:X7ar. Click on the spells to memorise. The numbers to the right of the spell names are the number of each type of spell the character will have after resting. If you want to reselect spells, select the Clear button to blank spell choices. Click on a level number button to choose spells of another level. Select the Exit button when finished. SCRIBE SCROLLS :- IP3 Select this option to transfer spells from a scroll to a spell book. A list of spells on scrolls appears, if any are available. -------------- End of Page 21 -------------- PREFERENCES :- Select this option to control game f4XN=unctions such as sounds and display:- Preferences menu. ----------------- sounds are ON/OFF Bar Graphs are ON/OFF Mouse if ON/OFF SOUNDS - click this to turn sound effects on and off. BAR GRAPHS - Click this to change between displaying hit points as a bar graph or a numeric value. MOUSE - Click this to turn the mouse interface on and off. (This may not be available on all systems.) GAME OPTIONS :- Select this option to display a menu with options for saving the current game olKgt`75'grt'i14I:PoüPb2xo~S2,R@jqₑ(+(_,Y mT0$+H:%%* ioRz]>8_ St]r}\] N %SWq}ǒW &6)qgk 9Lh-z{w"!٢@Od`HD.6p]_Pi/*WYL5&jGudc(/0!dIpOׂr*ʶ?zJ4m}`Hn[+`/` ,|x}:YzAkx ;O;![zXIh3nMfF!'Z$Ɲn `'@86O @4c&eGjy8/3IZ1*cLGle>ټ뷲J2tkz74<@`+u]TH[ xR];qye)vG;7y-̈p/B`6_o |dl55GvtfEmg}RnM; HHJHp{:i#- /P8'? 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SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Amiga 500, 1000, 2000 1MB RAM required Z [YѺ[L4r21L_EAGL.DOCpZ4)PP20 z#G:Lvr./#"*' J(.#*'[G*CpeG*88sHSNE$TU"z}#̉*ښ:DR#$bFL|{2qCRPNXF@>n: ` WB}42tJʌ^`Cc "e,\~eqqT2p"xhbon(aEv`̽>P:6о.~𠌌<:<:AU9i9yu9QAeU%Qe?jN&ff&&NF_0CueE$x QqAYQ8 !&HVH+bk:(Op{z.:G #G}{{) _I|&Nq"b \4s!{9ٚ\H]ZzA@?>SRQPONMLKJI^tsrqponml~}|{zyxwvu]4r31stles.docp^\3PP20 Ux_G=gßTY07%(P8< 9xX~QTQTΤGuM4vD8A{{N{Bj 1O-?pd'g/T[t`E +@ ?Ȟ 9tfp2B K`:\$Ar`eL8C* 0A.n1& (4Oj UA ]X2Ar!%ZpG\Vt cAPGb25h`@ vk T er_Əp7.aMCYXX!{J 0x T{0^W;:9876543HGFEDCB\_`vF<`T4rHygnusEdTempA.176p_Х. M.W.B. DOXDISK #27 1992 MADE AT FEB'92!!  ******************************************* M 01 AIRBUS 320 FULL DOX!! M 18 A P I D Y A M 02 BATTLE ISLE DOX M 19 BO JACKSON BASEBALL M 03 COMPRESSOR DOX M 20 BO JACKSON REF.CARDS M 04 CONAN HINTBOOK M 21 GOLDEN EAGLE FULL DOX M 05 CONAN DOX M 22 1ST SAMURAI SOLUTION PART 1 M 06 CRIME CITY MANUAL M 23 GOBLIIINS SOLUTION M 07 dede4r22RSTSAMURAI.SOLpt1.pppdVLPP20  1I%e8eAY*%3*CtVAPv&W ʂX <<,E1A@JX>,‘ώ0Ozys>iKck2O4(O3Yhy QwSH^h^ חx'G${<@`Ņ[yYj28.FM R0ۮPcSM*/sRy)Y)GFW֣c{ <~cA΁i?m;ǦrzuZC쐿N0CBpҕP-)00q~8 Q5Iܠ]ܴxK޻ī|c^FP{^Է<T`+B>n (Zy@7ck#hT|1z1 +eaO,9O2B~fg9g h4r23ooblins.HINTS.pppfUPP20 :?;4\P$UqF$3Q*?fT\)*}T%=aa"ނH}M]WA 4c@_ax^^0mdO,l!=ggn|=X5γٯX,y!JjуFw igz>$µ4A0q?<Ѯ6%bV@! 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M 18 A P I D Y A M 02 BATTLE ISLE DOX M 19 BO JACKSON BASEBALL M 03 COMPRESSOR DOX M 20 BO JACKSON REF.CARDS M 04 CONAN HINTBOOK M 21 GOLDEN EAGLE FULL DOX M 05 CONAN DOX M 22 1ST SAMURAI SOLUTION PART 1 M 06 CRIME CITY MANUAL M 23 GOBLIIINS SOLUTION M 07 _cGDARK SPYRE DOX M 24 MERCENARY III SOLUTION M 08 DOUBLE DRAGON III DOX M 25 SEVERED HEADS SOLUTION M 09 EYE OF THE BEHOLDER MANUAL M 26 SIM-ANT M 10 FORMULA ONE DOX M 27 ULTIMA 1 SOLUTION M 11 FORMULA ONE REF.CARDS M 28 ULTIMA 2 SOLUTION M 12 POWERMONGER WWII.DOX M 29 ULTIMA 3 SOLUTION M 13 SOUND DOX M 30 ULTIMA 4 SOLUTION M 14 STRIPPOKER III DOX M 31 C A S T L E S M 15 TRACKMASTER DOX \P4l|PG'~PMCbB9:3șÿ(@-*V:Pc@3%+vsڥb =pΐ0}J1ߩoZv h7XN`HP`$ IIF!/dUdf > lS[+zT΅aFOx^o/ 3(y|Z#`{pr-i,8팏GHrVDDmDR눣~$vPİDʉFF~`#TW >ZlDH% (W9OBdYk1 'TBM~0ғ./!%(;# $/`0TӀmL 0ji LVj(^JL  WRdgc!j .#36=~Z"Kx @{f vWA⌢NbqJT&"T\/5p|`()Hkx)qQ=?8\R6;35TY>DrĐQE/HvN0 ç58*BE&5L!eV?R&E%%wVqi#`8^(za8%Nό KϚAMs$yl#tF'fi W"%s|H"kYq;Ą/BLCGs"h'k)("ym|O˜j eCoѴ;DZ*d\C;,&GޣD}&-So䆰 E5&vz%D(JV,V(\hJ!AZGR2>uprX\S7yb6 #e: $K4Pk-t4 *h5@%!J C`""!02A %:z;b vBx)s Zol7cLVY 5Z/YA7Wp]$T5!,~I?soPW=.a#f,:N@u{aҮL!fEA,+fI YƑn uk(ady U/lΈ^Iw^ % |t x]~B=93W$Ƙr9]q_5˓Mf >Rq??HfN= \T8'-#qAI2dyhᔠwH,!=tWs<Ԝ(Fo4!ۈI.>Mj)wھa@hYSP- |nd$UXMcgU:0Bmj-`8W.W2NYoP'Bh v] :j}Ī`3{g.MQAKwD[ 4SWS3UrwHUAB; ai6d4ivS,){93@cxDAw ޶ =0` o䫥lZ! tUZQ v /N&Ы;Ub ?F0JAc A!mm+ bU$ Êkh)^F[0x0`BF B1000e0e,?L)'[$-P,&oJ~aXI `  Tp\U9y@o(P2w-L; cZZK-AR,p XIA'E/|` #C'@7;O*&aP!ښ=?`!`YEFTVx=, ۚd̂IH^^ZFnGf}z#O#0!(%OG*nG>^pi "@&c,4+`tOZqarЋT6"9dGDy(x "'S" gAXXYLu9{[% C[XzOw[hh!}#V=]Dje`F0&zΦXSWW)|36 POGk𠐉p-u" `kC26b&C#M \ XX (L n3#!HTa|֢&LedŠaq\5İ\V:D"Vt&/ ~o+@DV<0CkILZd]'J JVFyGY [ѯ !_A(ܸS r8Ҹ< kJ'% {D* >>chd !J@ZF\U= QCZpt*c )xNCr2"Z* O=.8 켊񜻔Z{4J ǰ:؆fLp$=pzҲCJ! 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Make sure that all open Workbench window are closed. Disconnect any external disk drives that may be connected. AMIGA VERSION GAME CONTROLS Please note these new game controls for the Amiga version of BO JACKSON BASEBALL. PITCHING Pitching in the Amiga version of BO JACKSON BASEBALL cXV7onsists of two modes: Pick Off mode and Pitching mode. PICK OFF MODE: When you first enter the Batter/Pitcher screen you're in Pick Off mode. During this time you may have your pitcher throw the ball to any base to pick off base-runners who are leading off. Use the following instructions: 1st base: Hold joystick right and then press the button 2nd base: Hold joystick up and then press the button 3rd base: Hold joystick left and then press the button Home Plate:X We3 Hold joystick down and then press the button PITCHING MODE: You may leave Pick Off mode and enter Pitching mode by pressing the button without selecting a joystick direction. Your pitcher is now ready. Press the button to throw. The Pitch Location Indicator (scanning baseball) shows the direction your ball will travel when you press the button. Here are the different pitches available: Slow Ball/Change Up: Hold the joystick up and then press the button Medium Ball: X X:+ Center the joystick and then press the button Fast Ball: Hold the joystick down and then press the button As soon as the ball leaves your pitcher's hand, you may curve its flight by pushing the joystick in the direction you wish the ball to curve. FIELDING While in the overhead view you may make your active fielder jump or dive for a ball travelling near him. Here are the commands: To jump straight up: Hold the joystick up and then press the button To dive to tX YLhe right: Hold the joystick to the right and then press the button. To dive to the left: Hold the joystick to the left and then press the button. If you think the ball is going to pass your infielder, you may immediately switch to the closest outfielder behind him by holding the joystick down and then pressing the button. NOTE: This switch will happen automatically when the ball passes an infielder, but this method will perforX ZUBm the switch much more quickly. BATTING Moving the joystick without pressing the button moves the batter around the batter's box. Holding the button without moving the joystick makes him swing. NOTE: You may have the batter check his swing by releasing the button early. Bunting: To bunt the ball, hold the joystick down and then press the button. While the button is pressed, you may have the batter bunt to the left or right by moving the joystick from the down position to the loweX [ђr left or to the lower right, respectively. To get out of the bunting stance, release the joystick and button. LEADING OFF AND STEALING While at the Batter/Pitcher screen you may have any base-runner lead off or steal by using the following methods. Hold the joystick in one of the directions described below and tap the button once for a small lead off, twice for a medium lead off, or three times for a long lead off (steal position). NOTE: With the short or medium leads the base-rX\ unner will return to base automatically if the pitcher tries to pick him off. With the long lead the base-runner will advance to the next base if the pitcher tries to pick him off. With the long lead the base-runner will advance to the next base if the pitcher attempts to pick him off. To lead off 1st: Hold the joystick right and tap the button To lead off 2nd: Hold the joystick up and tap the button To lead off 3rd: Hold the joystick left and tap the button RUNNING TO BASE X]ZH To advance a base-runner while in the overhead view, point the joystick to the base he's on: Push right to advance a base-runner who's on 1st Push up to advance a base-runner who's on 2nd Push left to advance a base-runner who's on 3rd You may freeze a base-runner between bases by holding down the button. To make him return to a base, hold the joystick to the base he should return to and tap the button. NOTE: One a base-runner has reached the next base you cannot make him return. X To return to 1st base: Hold the joystick right and tap the button To return to 2nd base: Hold the joystick up and tap the button To return to 3rd base: Hold the joystick left and tap the button KEYBOARD COMMANDS: These are the keyboard commands for BO JACKSON BASEBALL Amiga: F1: Manager Options For Player 1 F2: Manager Options For Player 2 F3: Pause F4: Resume Play F5: Sound On/Off Toggle F6: Game Speed Control Toggle ESC: Main Menu Option - Skid Row O BASE \9IØq:P]LZ/iHWN3L02. ~qgO[#{XS\6#^?1n%%QэD8@c} C0(Ap\Y{K_m!78v؀nxO&W'K#b`z%- l2-Tpq9Ц~]j0Dwz ҀgIk}P!V{8(95\|">9c5/ A !N)c5"g+BCx_!eeG_//* `Fj]AmTe b0uR.$O /K[ZG?:#jyAϧKs RYXfColor Monitor required Joystick required NOTE: This software has been tested using AmigaDOS 1.3. A3000 or 2.0 upgrade owners may want to test game play under DOS 2.0 or use 1.3 to ensure compatibility. TO PLAY FROM FLOPPY BOOTING FROM FLOPPY: At the Amiga Workbench prompt, insert BO DISK 1 into drive DF0: (A1000 owners may need to run Kickstart first). The game will begin to load automatically, and you will be prompted to insert BO DISK 2 as needed. STARTING FROM WORKBENCH: InseXg~jrt BO DISK 1 in any drive. Open the Disk and double-click on the "Ball" icon to start the game. You will be prompted to insert BO DISK 2 as needed. HARD DISK INSTALLATION To install the game onto a hard disk, follow these instructions: 1. Remove any BO disks. 2. Boot your computer normally and go to the Workbench. 3. Insert BO DISK 1 into any drive. 4. Open the disk and double-click on the "HDInstall" icon. 5. You will be prompted to designate the hard drive partition and folderXh~ f name that you wish the game files to be copied into. Make sure to type your designation in quotes. Example: "DH0:BASEBALL" 6. During the installation process you will be prompted to switch disks as necessary. If the installation is successful, you will receive an "Installation Complete" message. TO PLAY FROM A HARD DRIVE 1. Remove any BO disks. 2. Boot your computer normally and go to the Workbench. 3. Open the drive and drawer into which you've installed BO JACKSON BXi)BASEBALL and double-click on the "Ball" icon. You may also start the game from the CLI. Change to the drive and subdirectory where you've installed BO JACKSON BASEBALL and type "Ball". MEMORY REQUIREMENTS FOR HARD DISK USERS BO JACKSON BASEBALL requires at least 1 Megabyte of total memory and at least 430K of Amiga's built-in graphics memory (chip ram) to run. If your Amiga has 512K of chip ram (such as an A1000, A500, or A2000 without the 1 Meg "Agnus" chip) you may have to plXTQBay BO JACKSON BASEBALL by booting directly from the floppy disks (see BOOTING FROM FLOPPY above). You can confirm how much "chip" memory you have in your computer by opening the CLI and typing "AVAIL". Look next to the word "CHIP" under the "AVAILABLE" column for the amount of chip memory you have free. If the number is greater than 430,000 you will have enough memory to run the game. If not, you will need to boot directly from the floppy disk. 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THE GERMAN DOCS TO APIDYA LADEANWEISUNGEN --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (AMIGA 500, AMIGA 500+, AMIGA 2000M(8, AMIGA 3000) SCHALTEN SIE IHREN AMIGA AUS. LEGEN SIE IHRE APIDYA-DISKETTE 1 IN DAS INTERNE LAUFWERK IHRES AMIGAS. SOLLTEN SIE EIN ZWEITLAUFWERK BESITZTEN, LEGEN SIE BITTE DISKETTE 2 DORT EIN. SCHALTEN SIE IHREN AMIGA WIEDER AN. (AMIGA 1000) SCHALTEN SIE IHREN AMIGA 1000 AUS UND LEGEN SIE DIE KICKSTART-DISKETTE EIN. SCHALTEN SIE NUN DEN AMIGA WIEDER AN UND WARTEN SIE, BIS DIE AUFFORDERUNG DIE WORKBENCH-DISKETTE EINZULEGEN, ERSCHEM5=INT. LEGEN SIE NUN DIE APIDYA-DISKETTE 1 IN DAS INTERNE LAUFWERK IHRES AMIGAS. SOLLTEN SIE EIN ZWEITES DISKETTENLAUFWERK BESITZTEN. LEGEN SIE DIE APIDYA-DISKETTE 2 DORT EIN. DIE STORY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIE VERWANDLUNG VOR NOCH GAR NICHT ALLZU LANGER ZEIT, IN EINEM LAND JENSEITS DER SCHIER UNENDLICHEN WEITE DER GROSSEN SEE, TRUG SICH ZUMR, WOVON WIR EUCH JETZT BERICHTEN WOLLEN. TIEFSCHWARZE GEWITTERWOLKEN LAGEN UNHEILSCHWANGER UEBER DEN HUEGELN DES HOCHLANDES; GANZ SO, ALS HAETTE SIE EIN KULISSENBAUER EBEN FUER DIESE NACHT ENTWORFEN. GLEISSENDE BLITZE DURCHSTACHEN WILD ZUCKEND DAS DUNKEL UND TAUCHTEN DIE BURG IN EIN IRRES GEWIRR AUS SCHATTENFETZEN, DIE DEN DUESTEREN CHARAKTER DES ZAUBERSCHLOSSEN NOCH UNTERSTRICHEN. HEXAAE, DER SCHWARZE MAGIER, DER IN DIESEM BAUFAELLIGEN GEMAEUER HAUSTE, HAETTE SEINE FREUM^ؿDE AND DEM GESPENSTIGEN TREIBEN GEHABT. DER HAUSHERR NAHM JEDOCH, IN SEINEM MAGISCHEN LABOR HINTER DEN DICKEN MAUERN DER FESTE VON ALLEN AEUSSEREN EINFLUESSEN ABGESCHIRMT, KEINERLEI NOTIZ VON DEM UNHEIMLICHEN SCHAUSPIEL, VIEL ZU BESCHAEFTIGT WAR ER MIT SEINER ARBEIT. DIE SPITZEN, KNOCHIGEN FINGER WANDERTEN BEHENDE UEBER DIE VERBLICHENDEN SEITEN DES RUNENBUCHES, OEFFNETEN UND SCHLOSSEN PRAEZISE GLAESERNE VENTILE. AUF DEM ROHEN HOLZTISCH VOR HEXAAE TUERMTE SICH EINMk UNGLAUBLICHES GEBILDE AUS GLAESERNEN KOLBEN, ROEHREN, FLASCHEN UND SPIRALEN, GEFUELLT MIT ALLERLEI BRODELNT BUNTEM GEBRAUE. DIE ZUEGE DES MAGIERS VERZERRTEN SICH MIT EINEM BESTIALISCHEN GRINSEN ZU EINER BEINAH UNMENSCHLICHEN FRATZE, ALS ER EINES DER DAMPFENDEN GEFAESSE NAEHER INSPIZIERTE. STRAEHNEN WILDEN HAARES FIELEN IHM INS GESICHT UND VERSPERRTEN IHM DIE SICHT. MIT EINEM FLUCH SCHOB HEXAAE SIE ZUR SEITE, BEVOR ER DIE FLASCHE ERGRIFF UND SICH VON SEINEN APPARATUREN ABWANM ̩vDTE. UEBER EINE STEILE WENDELTREPPE ERREICHTE ER MINUTEN SPAETER DEN HOESTEN TURM SEINER BURG. TIEF ATMEND VERHARRTE ER KURZ UND LIESS DEN STRENGEN WIND IN SEIN MANTEL FAHREN. DANN WANDTE ER SICH ENTSCHLOSSEN EINER SCHWEREN HOLZKISTE ZU, DIE, GESCHUETZT VOR DEM ELEMENTEN, HINTER EINER ZINNE STAND. NUR KURZ DRANG DARAUS DAS UNHEIMLICHE SURREN UND ZIRPEN TAUSENDER EINGESPERTER INSEKTEN AN SEIN OHR, ALS ER DEN FESTEN DECKEL ANHOB, DANN RISS DER TOSENDM (aZE STURM DIE FREMDARTIGEN GERAEUSCHE MIT SICH UND VERWIRBELTE BIS ZUR UNHOERBARKIET IN ALLE RICHTUNGEN. MIT THEATRALISCHER GESTE GOSS DER MAGIER DEN GIFTIGEN INHALT SEINER FLASCHE IN DAS UNHEILVOLLE BEHAELTNIS. SCHWEFELIGE SCHWADEN UNWEHTEN DEN TRIUMPHIERENDEN HEXAAE: "MEIN SEI RACHE!", SCHRIE ER DER STERNENLOSEN NACHT ENTGEGEN, WAEHREND DAS PRODUKT SEINER SCHWARZEN MAGIE DIE EIGENTLICH HARMLOSEN TIERE IN AGRESSIVE, VON GIFT STROTZENDE KILLERMASCHINEN TRANSFORMIERTE. M + "MEINE KLEINEN LIEBLINGE WERDEN DEIN LEBEN ZERSTOEREN, WIE DU EINST DAS MEINIGE ZERSTOERT HAST. VERFLUCHT SEIST DU, IKURO!" WIE AN JEDEM TAGE DES VIEL ZU KURZEN SOMMERS, WAR IKURO DRAUSSEN IM LANDE UNTERWEGS. ER DURCHSTREIFTE WALD UND FLUR, BESUCHTE ALL DIE KLEINEN SIEDLUNGEN UND DIE GROSSE STADT, IMMER AUF DER SUCHE NACH NEUEN KUNDEN, DIE DEN KUNSTVOLLEN GOLD- UND SIBERSCHMUCK ERSTEHEN WOLLTEN, DEN SEINE GELIEBTE FRAU YURI ZU HAUSE GESCHMIEDET HATTE. 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In the future, COMP will even tell you how!)!gm qrgkcdia t{roq*ed"a`aria~ers kf(|jgap(adviltaeoq Dwarved dae`tgz"8* 2@ You might also cause unnecessary wear and tear on your hard drive if you compress from hard drive to the same hard drive. The best way to do it is from hard drive to RAM (for limited RAM users) or from RAM to hard drive(for the least amount of drive access). If you encounter any major problems with the program, I would appreciate it if you could leave me mail on GEnie to tell me what is going wrong. 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(( <./\.| ))  -+*$> ANTHROX UNITED KINGDOM/LONDON HEADQUARTERS: +44-81-459-4243 [AMI] <$*+-   .uI(( <./\.| )) The 7th <hurch of the /\pocalyptic |awnmower! (( <./\.| ))  Trash City ICS WHQ BBS (718) 318-8315 Date and time it was U/Led: Monday 03-Feb-92 08:34:55 /\> Another Download from .:+:. 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VIELE WAFFENSYSTEME KOENNEN AUCH MEHRMALS ANGEWAEHLT WERDEN UND GEWINNEN DASS JEDESMAL AN DURCHSCHLAGSKRAFT. IST DAS ERNEUTE ANWAEHLEN EINES SYSTEMS NICHT MEHR MOEGLICH, VERAENDERN DESSEN IN DER WAFENZEILE BISHER ROT LEUCHTENE SYMBOL SEINE FARBE UND SPRING AUF GELB UM! SPEED UP --------- - BESCHLEUINIG DIE BEWEGUNGEN DER BIENE. KANN BEINAHE UNENDLICH OFT AKTIVIERT WERDEN. - ABER MWQACHTUNG: AB EINER BESTIMMTEN GESCHWINDIGKEIT LAESST SICH DIE BIENE KAUM NOCH KONTROLLIEREN! BOMBE --------- - DIESE BEIDEN WAFFENSYSTEME SIND IMMER KNOPF DRUECKEN, BZW. DEN JOYSTICK KURZ, ABER HEFTIG, LINKS-RECHTS BEWEGEN. (NAEHERES SIEHE AUCH "DAS OPTIONS-MENUE") DAS WAFFENSYSTEM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IM SPIEL WERDEN DIE EINZELNEN WAFFENSYSTEME IMMER PER FEUERKNOPF AUSGELOEST. IM/eH RETTUNG!" ER ERGRIFF SEINE HALSKETTE MIT DEM SILBERNEN BIENEN-TALISMAN. "IN GROESSTER NOT WUERDE MIR DIE BIENE DEN WEG WEISEN! DAS ERZAEHLTE MIR IMMER UND IMMER WIEDER MEIN GROSSVATER, ALS ICH NOCH EIN KIND WAR UND ZUSAMMEN MIT IHM VOR DEM KAMIN SASS. ICH WEISS NICHT, OB ER SELBST DARAN GEGLAUBT HAT, ABER MIR BLEIBT KEINE WAHL!" ZITTERND UMKLAMMERTEN SEINE GEBALLTEN FAEUSTE DAS STUECK METALL. "OH, BITTE, TALISMAN, RETTE MEINE YURI! BITTE!" TONLOS STAMMELMׇ0TE IKURO SEINE GEBETE, FUELLTE SIE MIT SEINER GANZEN HERZENSPEIN. DIE ZEIT VERRANN. DER TALISMAN ENTGLITT SEINEN ZITTERNEN HAENDEN. GLAUBEN KAEMPFTE MIT ZWEIFEL. WOLLTE DAS SILBERNE INSEKT NICHT HELFEN? ODER SCHLIMER, KONNTE ES NICHT? PLOETZLICH VERNAHM ER EIN LEISES SUMMEN, DAS LANGSAM AN INTENSITAET GEWANN. IKURO HOB DEN KOPF. DER BISHER SO LEBLOSE TALISMAN WAR DIE QUELLE DES SELTSAMEN GERAESCHES. AUCH SEIN AUSSEHEN HATTE SICH GEAENDERT. EIN UNWIRKLICHES GMLLUEHEN UMGAB DAS BISHER STUMPFE METALL. GEBANNT SAH ER AUF DIE ENERGIEBLITZE, DIE DEM PULSIERENDEN STUECK SILBER ENTWICHEN. DAS LICHT WURDE IMMER GRELLER, BIS ER DIE AUGEN SCHLIESSEN MUSSTE, UM NICHT GEBLENDET ZU WERDEN. DIE BLITZE ZUCKTEN DURCH DAS GANZE ZIMMER, BRANNTEN TROTZ GESCHLOSSENER LIDER IN IKUROS AUGEN UND LIESSEN DIE GANZE HUETTE IN UNIRDISCHEM LICHT ERSTRAHLEN. IMMER GLEISSENDER WURDE DAS GLUEHENDE WEISS, FRASS ERBAMUNGSLOS JEDE KONTUR, JEDES BISSM_CHEN SCHATTEN, UNBARHERZIG VERBRANNTE ES ALLES DUNKEL, BIS ES SICH AUF EINEN SCHLAG ZU EINER SONNENHELL STRAHLENDEN KUGEL VERDICHTETE. DIE ERSCHEINUNG VERHARRTE KURZ IN DER MITTE DES RAUMES, FUHR DANN URPLOETZLICH AUF IKURO ZU, UMHUELLTE IHN UND LIESS IHN WIE EINE MAGNESIUMFACKEL AUFLEUCHTEN. IKURO WOLLTE VOR ANGST SCHREIEN, ABER AUS SEINEM MUNDE ERGOSS SICH NUR EIN STROM GLUEHENDEN LICHTES STATT DES AUSDRUCKS SEINES GRAUENS. UND DANN BEGANN ER, DIE VERMYyWANDLUNG AUCH ZU SPUEREN:SEINE GLIEDER SCHMERZTEN WIE FEUER, ALS SIE SICH ZUSAMMENZOGEN, SEINE HAUT GLUEHTE, ALS SIE SICH HARTETE, SEINE AUGEN SCHIENEN IN TAUSEND TEILE ZU ZERSPLITTERN. SCHLIESSLICH WURDE DIE PEIN DER UNHEIMLICHEN METAMORPHOSE ZU GROSS, IKURO VERSANK IN GNAEDIGE BEWUSSTLOSIGKEIT. DIE VERWANDLUNG JEDOCH NAHM UNBEIRRT IHREN LAUF. ALS IKURO WIEDER ZU SICH KAM, GLITT SEIN BLICK UEBER EINEN VERAENDERTEN KOERPER. ER MOCHTE SEINEN WAHRNEHMUNGEMlN ZUERST SEINEN WAHRNEHMUNGEN KEINENN GLAUBEN SCHENKEN, DOCH ALS DIE SCHMERZHAFTEN ERINNERUNGEN ZURUECKKEHRTEN, AKZEPTIERTE AUCH SEIN GEIST ENDLICH DIE NEUE REALITAET: DER TALISMAN HATTE IHN IN EINE MAGISCHE BIENE VERWANDELT. MIT DEREN LICHTDOLCHEN BESASS ER DIE MOEGLICHKEIT, DAS FUER SEINE SICH IN SCHMERZEN WINDENDE FRAU SO DRINGEND BENOETIGTE GEGENGIFT ZU FINDEN UND HEXAAES ZAUBER UNWIRKSAM ZU MACHEN. MIT WUETENDEM SUMMEN MACHTE SICH DER RAECHER AUF DEN GMoTEFAHRVOLLEN WEG. DAS SPIEL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DER WEG ZUM SCHLOSS DES DUNKLEN MAGIERS WIRD VON HEXAAES MAGISCHEN HORDEN BEWACHT. IN DEN GEHIRNEN JENER VERZAUBERTEN KREATUREN EXISTIERT NUR EIN EINZIGER GEDANKE , MIT JEDER FASER IHRER EXISTENZ VERFOLGETEN SIE NUR EIN EINZIGES ZIEL: JEDEN EINDRINGLING IN HEXAAES REICH MIT DEM TODE BESTRAFEN. GAEBE ES DA NICHT DIE, EBENFALLS MAGISCM HEN, WAFFENSYSTEME DER BIENE, STUENDEN SIE UND IKURO DEN FEINDLICHEN BESTIEN ZIEMLICH HILFLOS GEGENUEBER. FUER DEN ERFOLG DER RACHE- UND RETTUNGSAKTION IST DAS BLINDE BEHERRSCHEN UND RICHTIGE TAKTIEREN MIT DEN WAFFEN UND IHREN OPTIONEN LEBENSWICHTIG. NIEMAND WEISS GENAU, WELCHE SCHRECKLICHEN GEFAHREN AUF IHRE BIENE WARTEN, NUR DARAUF LAUERND, SIE AUF GRAUSAME ART ZU VERNICHTEN. HEXAAE MUSS GESTOPPT UND YURI GERETTEN WERDEN. EROBERN SIE STUECK FUER STUECK JEDEN SPIELMkABSCHNITT ZURUECK. DAMIT KOMMEN SIE DEM RETTENDEN GEGENGIFT IMMER NAEHER. ES LIEGT ALSO VOLLKOMMEN AN IHNEN UND IKURO, OB YURI NOCH EINEN WEITEREN MORGEN ERLEBEN DARF. EINE AUFGABE, DIE NUR EIN ECHTER HELD VOLLBRINGEN KANN ... MOEGE DER JOYSTICK MIT IHNEN SEIN. DIE STEUERUNG --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIT HILFE DES JOYSTICKS KOENNEN SIE IM SPIEL DIE BIENE UEBER DEN BILDSCHIRM BEWEGEN.Mb GEGENERN MACHEN SIE DEN GARAUS, INDEM SIE PER FEUERKNKNOPF LICHDOLCHE VERSCHLEUDERN. EIN BESODERS KRAEFTIGER SUPER-SCHUSS (POWERBLAST)WIRD ERZEUGT, INDEM MAN EINEN "DOLCH" DURCH EIN LAENGERS DRUECKENS DES FEUERKNOPFES AUFBLAEDT UND, SOBALD DIE MAXIMALE SCHUSSKRAFT EREICHT IST, DURCH LOSLASSEN DES FEUERKNOPFES AKTIVIERT. DASS DER SUPER-SCHUSS KOMPLET AUFGELANDEN IST, ERKENNEN SIE AN EINEM CHARAKTERISTISCHEN SCHNARRGERAEUSCH. MyZUR RICHTIGEN BEHERRRSCHUNG DIESER KRAFTVOLLEN WAFFE GEHOERT ALLERDINGS EIN GUTES ZEITGEFUEHL. UEBUNG MACHT AUCH HIER DEN MEISTER. SCHAUEN SIE BITTE EINMAL DIE UNTENSTEHENDE WAFFENZEILE AN-SIE ENTSPRICHT GENAU DER ZEILE, WIE SIE SIE IM SPIEL AM UNTEREN BILDSCHIRMRAND VORFINDEN. DIER SIND ALLE WAFFEN- VERTEDIGUNGS-SYSTEME AUFGEFUEHRT, DIE SIE IM LAUFE DES SPIELS ERLANGEN KOENNEN. 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