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As the first rays of the sun brushed Acanthropsis's wizened face, and bird-song announced the dawning of a new morn, he knew that this was the day he was going to die. Staring at the welcome sunrise and drinking in its power-giving warmth, Acanthropsis couldn't help but fear the inevitable. His mind replayed the last few fateful hours in haunting colours. It was in the twilig 9\*ht hours of this very day, while he was working in his inner sanctum, that Acanthropsis discovered the power; the power that had been eluding him for so long: Cosmic Power: Years of research and experimentation had at last come to fruition; but at what cost? He stood amid the mystical light of his mighty sorcery, watching it play on the dank, stone walls of this sanctum, adn was must have been hours, little dreaming of the cost. Slowly, the memories faded and Acanthropsis lo :&oked once more on the mountains of Krocott and their now sun-drenched peaks. He knew now that the price for such a discovery was his life but but that he had to pass on his knowledge, before he died, to one whoo was worthy. He tought of his two apprentices: Alestes and Mentor. Both greatly skilled in the art of magic and both equally deserving of Cosmic Power. The Grand Wizard would have to devise a test for his two understudies...and hope that one of them would fail. ------ ;Ҿ-------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) -T H E G A M E- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Agony loading sequence shows the test Acanthropsis inflicits on his two apprentices...and the result... You are Alestes in his distance-devouring form of a mystical owl, and as such you must battle your way across six beautifully animated but deadly dangerous levels. You must fly like the < G wind to the magical place that holds the secret of Cosmic Power. And every inch of the way you fight for your life against the maleficent creatures pitted against you by Mentor. Your dextery will be tested to the limits as you avoid or destroy the enemy hordes while finding andpicking up spells and potions to help you in your seemingly impossible task. Only incredible flying skills, bravery in combat and a sound knowledge of the mystical arts will see you through... --------- =܅°----------------------------------------------------------------- 3) -C O N T R O L S- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Holding down the fire button - for longer than half a second - accesses your spell menu. Spells not yet available to you (ie you've not collected them) are indicated by a cross covering the appropriate icon. Collectable spells are indicated on-screen by either a potion bottle or a scroll. You may  >v3select a spell to utilise by moving the menu arrow adjacent to it and pressing fire. Please note taht all spells have atime limit. UP UP/BACKWARD ________________________________ UP/FORWARD | ___ ___ | | | | _____ | | | | | | | ___ | | | | | |___| || || |___| | | || ||  ?\|u | | ||___|| | | |_____| | BACKWARD | | | | FORWARD | | | | | | | | | /| |\ | | / | | \ | | / |___| \ | | /  @D%\ | | | |________________________________| DOWN/BACKWARD DOWN/FORWARD DOWN -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spells Available: ----------------- Reverse Energy........................Useful against attacks from the rear Rotating Fireball.................................For all-round protection  Asm Time Freeze..................................Freezes all on-screen enemies Black Magic Seeker.................................For those accurate hits Plasma Shield..............................................Wide protection Smart Bomb................................Destroyes most on screen enemies Invulnerability.....................Means you're the boss (While it lasts! Forward Power...............................Useful against frontal attacks -------------------------------- ,X------------------------------------------ Signed Off: -The BITSTOPPERS- Joey Beltram. Btw: Don't forget to call The WorldWide Fastest: TERMINAL FROST!! (3Nodez) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...Don't forget to call... ____/\/\ /\__/\ /\___ __ /\ /\ __/\___ ___ __ __ / _ _/ // / __/ \ _ \ / \\// / / __/ _ \ / _ \/ \/ \/\/\ \// // _ / __/ > _ + 33 ҩw>*P(yNC[ݿ:8}@׌_;FDF^FDFN]= H WIn8d gIDdS^\ ̅6_ :9E*/WD5f>VT{57rqJE@F!vEo_oC/]:-~ DTy#*',+{@D")* *zp> W?1? l3LF/w.fAVq"'1I[D `^e4SNPZF是}ǽyzBlQS|?6 @PTTUT!YYBjmF|E 2Fr^\_q{!R ~K,6)8UV&Ljݽ \UJp/D" a! v2$ aC\ ON6 YC!.[| (ĉ°1<%C9*?((# ~"xI99Qee>AqWL‚\dwp @e ,l<Pn@T1EU}~oT8.L2, :Paxa0X@Ȥw& U|XȞxsIqN=:!,4\8,#E}0)ߦbcE8/U>g0.>QSTIF]~ٓ0?M -4LFw1 KZig䊈˞p|{wI9)Qč TTU`|u3P2G'e~_`g~rwGÅOB!~#=}كƒI4 ~yg]5ϘiD@$:~;: 7LŒj\,)Dk''KN*փ2xn줒A/DF\B$ *](Ϝx hT m:C!О/s1^n/ZT'!EDeAqY0j!H'YdޱGV[F^UDV6]d>6iX7C| %h"Ig ĦS cw] EITN\EBW0>qtyX:Y/fYD kwDD\a XTd_,( )? 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Thus a 4th level cleric with a Wisdom of 18 can memorize the following spells: Number Of Spells ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,+00 1 2 3 4th level Cleric with 18 Wisdom 5 4 - MAGIC-USER ~~~~~~~~~~ Number of Magic-User Hit Spells Per Level Level Experience Dice 1 2 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 0-2,500 1d4 1 2 2,501-5,000 2d4 2 3 5,0-ߵz01-10,000 3d4 2 1 4 10,001-22,500 4d4 3 2 5 22,501-40,000 5d4 4 2 1 6 40,001+ 6d4 4 2 2 FIGHTER ~~~~~~~ Hit Level Experience Dice ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 0-2,000 1d10 .U 2 2,001-4,000 2d10 3 4,001-8,000 3d10 4 8,001-18,000 4d10 5 18,001-35,000 5d10 6 35,001-70,000 6d10 7 70,001-125,000 7d10 8 125,001+ 8d10 PALADIN ~~~~~~~ /p Hit Level Experience Dice ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 0-2,750 1d10 2 2,751-5,500 2d10 3 5,501-12,000 3d10 4 12,001-24,000 4d10 5 24,001-45,000 5d10 6 45,001-95,000 6d10 7 0?B 95,001-175,000 7d10 8 175,001+ 8d10 THIEF ~~~~~ Hit Level Experience Dice ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 0-1,250 1d6 2 1,251-2,500 2d6 3 2,501-5,000 3d6 1C4 4 5,001-10,000 4d6 5 10,001-20,000 5d6 6 20,001-42,500 6d6 7 42,501-70,000 7d6 8 70,001+ 8d6 RANGER ~~~~~~ Hit Level Experience Dice ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~25eB 1 0-2,250 2d8 2 2,251-4,500 3d8 3 4,501-10,000 4d8 4 10,001-20,000 5d8 5 20,001-40,000 6d8 6 40,001-90,000 7d8 7 90,001+ 8d8 2 1,251-2,500 2d6 3 2,501-5,000 3d6 %*s~0p8w66X)7x>}|u39Y4T|~Oh?3hΚP0s6+}` WM!xK b}AB'䕏hiQP *>/ %C*(4SՊK_2||´#:"~g&n<*/UOG?ǣ2h'T24C7"Z  %|rOY>9~%/!Q؄Ty=GhS( O\,* ؅y:癙C<*Ϛ~쬀I1p /\pesCP]l"N` U]Z{剳^z64["DzjMX 9l h{a4(oc 'Lqz'kE8}/5,v{4.MS6[IX9O~!qB(?д p-S8 ~G~vޫk0HOcO0Xs j+ qSK* u>b1a:E+~p [#FhĂ3<0 ~ؚC@`e>GJ 6Iݱ_ ` E(7Sv` ijJ]° ӞIcv|Ct`/W r95Յ@A8}#'ޫg+x>煥`VJ*\@|" ;vkMu֢xz4HB}Qt-#E Xk 2Ppq|ĊD']׊t)~[D.%p)`>Sµ4ɞe]9f? _*U<_rAH+~IM,/m:,XdFY} N=d򫓗?\Lx"&E;b҇#sXH6?Kކ9h3 Խ#Q?Jji;yk\ BP7d|\3*t s}5s!΅;Ę0/8 3 *6 SC2):g'g2* BD:m[?'\F>kHx_2C2"T>PAb A"1VfìH0J8P C($%S @ 80% 12 0 85% 13 0 90% 14 0 92% 15 +1 94% 16 +2 96% 17 +2(+3)* 98% 18 +2(+4)* 100% * These bonuses ava @ilable to fighter classes only (Fighter, Paladin, Ranger) STRENGTH TABLE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ability THAC0 Damage Weight Allowance Score Bonus Adjustment (In Gold Pieces) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 -3 -1 -350 4-5 -2 -Gw1 -250 6-7 -1 none -150 8-9 normal none normal 10-11 normal none normal 12-13 normal none +100 14-15 normal none +200 16 normal +1 +350 17 +1 +1 +50ߵ0 18 +1 +2 +750 18/01-50* +1 +3 +1,000 18/51-75* +2 +3 +1,250 18/76-90* +2 +4 +1,500 18/91-99* +2 +5 +2,000 18/00* +3 +6 +3,000 * These bonuses available to fighter classes only (Fighter, Paladin, Ranger) Cut MULTIPLE ATTACKS FOR FIGHTER-TYPE CHARACTERS MONEY CONVERSIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Class Attacks Coin Gold Level Per Round Type Equivalent ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fighter 1-6 1/1 Copper 200cp = 1gp Paladin 1-6 1/1 Silver 2:0sp = 1gp Ranger 1-7 1/1 Electrum 2ep = 1gp Fighter 7+ 3/2 Gold 1gp = 1gp Paladin 7+ 3/2 Platinum 1/5pp = 1gp ARMOR AND WEAPONS PERMITTED BY CHARACTER CLASS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Class Max Armor Shield Weapons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cleric any &ߠ any club, flail, hammer mace, staff, staff sling Fighter any any any Paladin any any any Ranger any any any Magic-user none none dagger, dart, staff Thief leather none club, dagger, dart sing, one-handed h9 swords, short bow ARMOR TABLE ~~~~~~~~~~~ Maximum Armor Type Weight in GP AC Movement ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ None 0 10 - Shield# 50 9 - Leather Kqb 150 8 12 Squares Padded 100 8 9 Squares Studded 200 7 9 Squares Ring Mail 250 7 9 Squares Scale Mail 400 6 6 Squares Chain Mail 300 5 9 Squares Banded 350 4 9 Squares8 T9vĢ oN,_Nu/,y "oN,_Nu/,y "oN ,_Nu,  9"o oJfNu o /`RJf//NPNu op`RJfNu"o o`Jfp`g!lp`pNu o/ ` f `RfpNuH0&/ //N @S HX` f `SlpL Nu/$/Hx//N PfHx:/N Pf`R$ $NuEH ,yL NL@ Zn4 NM켞+H=ymjdRZ0̛@sIB+p)STa:ur,|XP{aVx{/] j߁L Fnsy 2Q^ ̨WƟF, `s7,T@ |qibF6-i-$ᙆ&&@+C1K !]Fk"f7IYAy4Ҟ(0jWE #S!a".|.MJsQ#7҄BO-PJn5 s[^h1GΖ2k B,>50L$[/ @1 | :/e<,-{:)#v#9-K5z`7z3 R XYR=SYy%A8DRUP''PET]PSGAeA5AqQ1%y9IQ%?<0L*ۙ82&! (ɳ 8/8 7/7 4/4 6/6 3/3 Max. 18/18 18/18 18/18 18/18 18/18 18/18 Wisdom Min. 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 Max. 18/18 18/18 18/18 18/18 17/17 18/18 Dexterity Min. 3/3 7/7 3/3 6/6 8/8 3/3 Max. 17/17 19/19 18/18 18/18 18/18 18/18 Constitution Min. 12/12 6/6 8/8 6 >Y/6 10/10 3/3 Max. 19/19 18/18 18/18 18/18 19/19 18/18 Charisma Min. 3/3 8/8 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 Max. 16/16 18/18 18/18 18/18 18/18 18/18 M/F=Male/Female ABILITY SCORE MODIFIERS BY RACE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Race Modifiers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ?& Dwarf Constitution +1, Charisma -1 Elf Dexterity +1, Constitution -1 Gnome none Half-elf none Halfling Dexterity +1, Strength -1 Humans none DEXTERITY TABLE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ability Reaction/Missle AC Score Bonus @:q Bonus ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 -3 +4 4 -2 +3 5 -1 +2 6 0 +1 7 0 0 8 0 0 9  SV1 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 0 0 14 0 0 15 0 -1 16 +1 -2 17 ii 6* Fighter STR 16- 7 5 5 6 4 8* STR 17 8* 6 5 7 5 8* STR 18+ 8* 7 6 8* no 8* Paladin Any no no no no no 8* Ranger STR 16- no no no 6 no 7* STR 17 no no no 7* no 7* STR 18+ 9F no no no 7* no 7* Magic-user INT 16- no 6* no 6* no 6* INT 17 no 6* no 6* no 6* INT 18 no 6* no 6* no 6* Thief Any 8* 8* 8* 8* 8* 8* NO: Characters of this race cannot be of this class. *: Highest Level Available in Gateway to the Savage Frontier.  s^ RANGE OF ABILITY SCORES BY RACE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ability Dwarf Elf Gnome Half-Elf Halfling Human ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Strength M/F M/F M/F M/F M/F M/F Min. 8/8 3/3 6/6 3/3 6/6 3/3 Max. 18/17 18/16 18/15 18/17 17/14 18/18 Intelligence Min. 3/3*!Ӕ o N,_Nu/,yL oN,_Nu/,yL"oN,_Nu/,yL"o / N,_Nu/,yL"oL N,_Nu/,yLN,_NuH0,yL"oLNL@ Nu/,yL"o / N,_Nu/,yL"o / N,_Nu  8L`x /,yPLN,_NuH",yPL NLDNuQ/,yHL /N,_Nu/,yH oN,_Nu/,yH oN,_Nu/,yH oN4,_NuH",yHL N"LDNu/,yHLN*" mYL,_NuH0,yHLLNL@ NuH",yHL NLDNu/,yH oN,_Nu/,yH o / N,_Nu/,yH o / "/Nt,_Nu/,yH o / Nh,_NuH",yHL N2LDNu  4H^x.N,_Nu/,y oN,_Nu/,y"oN,_Nu/,y"oNb,_Nu/,y"o / N,_Nu $<Vp8 n$. &.,TUm"FBQJm$H*ڂgn y (h`\"l x`RDJfp0p0r Ёm:"l p&@`XRp0b4%E5lll FRPp (TJfgBHxN (@& Pgv/HyNL-@Pgp/.N-@/ /.N|JO g6Jo.`Hx.HlN~"@& PgHy/ N   F (X "  4  4FONTS:.fontNVH?< .$. z&EBx/N-@HxHxN &O g/N,r8]KXm/HnNHx.HnN~$@* Og|Hy/ N .XL o"oJig$<:)hl 0HԀ`0Hနp(:p)Ep(<p)FvBD0H2Hg*r) 2Hg 0@ |(` 0@ |0H2Hg*r) 2Hg 0@ |h` 0@ |HCRD Dm8B`$< L|NuNVH?8$n JC""/N-@HnN(@&L$ Pg,=kkkHnHnN Pf`Tt/HyNL-@Pf`8/.N-@t//NL-@O gHx/N-@PgHxHn/.N0t BO fp0. fp0.,B/N *Pgh///.N0O fD gHnHnN8P`BDtBC`$0C.H GHpXHnNưDPo84RC0.CbJBm/.N&/N0B.H GHpXN(. 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"Whose Whom" thinks Larry and men like him are > fabulouso, studly, sensitive. 6`Whose address appears at the bottom of the "Whose Whom" brochure? > Sierra On-Line's *** MWB ** PLK 47899 - 2504 CD - DENHAAG - HOLLAND. How far is the Palamino Ranch from the Humongous Tetons? > 5 miles What will the folks at the Palamino Ranch show the wimmenfolk how to do? > Pull taffy under the stars According to the "Palamino Ranch" brochure, where can you see oozing paint pots year 'round? > Carla's Bad Caverns What do the cowgirls have at the Palamino Ranch? > Jugs o' moons#? f"N#i `#i $)"p INJfrN"``xJg&x8g Jf "<`"<%AlrNrґ%Ad$%p( ``2r Ҫ`$")p(j4NJfrN%j`d"*`%p`J`fB`%|lrNNq$v0(#C%|lxn zorN#ir#A nD$ԁv0("p(j,Nt‚#Av mx/g z:frNrҩ `rNpI N#Atԉ#BJfrNx&)t:")pD(jN$)v0(Rg^&)$)")pDI@N#AJf%|lrN")t0Jg"$)")pDINJf!N[K6" p0(j8N"*ҩ#p"*ҩ#p ") ©Jfr`r#A $)ĩJfr`r#A gJ f$) G " p0(j8N$) "*p0(j$NR") p0(j(N`"*Ҫp0(j,N#j$r#A($n2ҪJg"*ҩ($0"*p8(j$Nrҩ(`"*ҪJg"*Ҫ$0"*p0(j$Nr%A`"*Ҫp0(j,NB$"*ҪJg""*Ҫ$0"*p8(j$Nr%A"*#p,J,g$*,l#B,#j0"),$*R"#A40nBҪ$0"*pD(j$N"*ҩ4$0"*pD!OCQ(j$NRR$rҩ4`"*Ҫ#p(J(gz$)("*p<(j$N$)("*p<(j$NR")(p<(j(N"*tf"&*֪x8f&)(g$)(G," p<(j8N``<$) G<" p0(j8N`$$) "*p0IlNtgtvg`$*"*p0(jN#A$$*"*p4(jNҩ$gGT" p0(j4Nrҩ `Jfrp(j NNNq in drive 00Replace volumeis out of range is invalid- bad extension- not directory or filebitmap checksum error`b$)G|" p(j8N``"ҪJ!Jll$)"pIDNN$)"pINN$)G" p(j8N`""0tgvg`N- bad block type- unexpected data block&*ցx8f(JgGx" p(j8N` r%ArN"$)fJfJ f Jg$)G" p(j8NrN- second root block- bad directory&勴8fJ8g*(*؁*0H8g$)G@" p(j8NrN - bad header#p,J,g$*,l#B,#j0"),$*R"#A40nBҪ$0"*pD(j$N"*ҩ4$0"*pD#Q3$*t")p (jN`")$$0("0p0I \N&*l$")p (jN`d")$$0("0p0IN&*l$")p (jN`6")$&((0H &08$0("0p0IN&*l$")p (jN`")"0p I4N#AJg*$)$0(p4IN&*l$")p$(jN`&*lt")p$(jN`")p0(jN&*l$")p (jN`rҪ\p (jXN")$&&08$0("0p0I N&*l$")p (jN`>")$&&08$0("0p0I N&*l$")p (jN` ")$&x&08$0("0p0IN&*l$")p (jN`")$&x&08$0("0#R"p0IN&*l$")p (jN`")$&&08$0("0p0IHN&*l$")p (jN`j")"0p I,Nvt")p (jN`D")"0p I4N#A#i$Jfr`t")p4IN&*l$")$p$(jN`")"0p0I,N&*l$")p (jN`&<t")p (jN`")p0IN&*l$")p (jN`")"0p I4NJf&<t")p (jN`f")p IN`Vvt")p (jN`B")p0INv$")p (jN`"&<t")p (jN` ")"0tlnvl0xgzg|g4~#S5gBp gtg`gtgvgxgfzg|g6~g`lgt"l6vgxgzg|g~gpg0`,gtRgnvWg0 g g g g gj``RAM DISK`D"#ptf"0 pIN`""0 p(jHN"p(jxN"JfN$v(f "0(` ""0#AtR#B$#jh(#jh,#|0#jx4#jt8#jXFive feet, five inches According to "Whose Whom," what does Larry Laffer do for a living? > Traveling software salesman According to "Whose Whom," how old is Larry Laffer? > 40 According to "Whose Whom," how well-endowed does Larry prefer his women? > Medium handfuls What color is the dotted line at the bottom of the "Whose Whom" letter? > Navy blue What taste treat is pictured to the left of the frankfurters in the > Tacos What taste tr]d@9eat is illustrated to the right of the frankfurters in the "Palamino Ranch" brochure? > Beans Getting to the Palamino Ranch is easier than > pickin' off a saddlesore. Who is the Vice President of "Whose Whom's" Direct Male Department? > Adolph Muhweeny According to the "Palamino Ranch" brochure, Old Faceful erupts every > 35 minutes. In the "Palamino Ranch" brochure, the gal sittin' 'round the campfire is playing a > guitar. What kind of contest is held on Tuesdays at the Palamino Ra^$nch? > Canyon Yodelin' According to "Whose Whom in America," what kind of credit risk is Larry? > Adequate The Vice President of "Whose Whom's" Direct Male department signs his name with a > red fine-tip pen. The Palamino Ranch is available for > bar-mitzvahs. The man on the cover of the Palamino Ranch brochure is about to > draw. The map directing you to the Palamino Ranch looks like > a closeup of Baked Beans. What's for lunch at the Palamino Ranch? > Cornbread and chili The addres_#s on the back of the "Whose Whom" letter is > invisible. What color is the line under the letterhead of the "Whose Whom" letter? > Red According to "Whose Whom," Larry prefers his ladies' derrieres > yes. The offices of "Whose Whom" are located in > Salt Lick City. What color is the border on top of the "Palamino Ranch" brochure? > Blue-gray The man in the little picture above the word "Activities" in the "Palamino Ranch" brochure is saddling up a > fence. What's not allowed at the PJ1alamino Ranch? > Spurs In the small photo next to the word "spread" in the "Palamino Ranch" brochure, a cowboy seems to be hugging > a cow. How far is the Palamino Ranch from the Humongous Tetons? > 5 miles What will the folks at the Palamino Ranch show the wimmenfolk how to do? > Pull taffy under the stars According to the "Palamino Ranch" brochure, where can you see oozing paint pots year 'round? > Carla's Bad Caverns What do the cowgirls have at the Palamino Ranch? > Jugs o' moonsN5aM?= ?= ?= ?= ?= ?= ?== ===?8;??? ??  ? ?; ?;?; ?; ?; ?; ?;N6bQ4 ?; ?; ?; ?;; ;; ; ?8;??? ?? ? ?7 ?7?7 ?7 ?7 ?7 ?7 ?7 ?7 N7cdZ)?7 ?77 777?8;??? ??0 ? ?/ ?/?/ ?/ ?/ ?/ ?/ ?/ ?/ ?/88 ?//N8d) //0?/0?8;??? ??` ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?pp ? ? ?  ? `N9e ) `?8;??? ?? ?@ ?? ???? ?? ?? ?? ??@ ?? ??@ ??@ ??? ?@?@??8;?N:fހ?? ?? ? ?? ???? ?? ?>? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?>?? ????8;??N;g1^? ?? ? ?? ???? ?? ?<~ ?? ?? ?? ?? ??Á ?<~? ????8;??N<hkV? ?? ? ?? ???? ?? ?1 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?1? ????8;??N=? ??  ? ?? ???? ?? ?1 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?1? ?? ? ?8;??8;??Wj<SD>`ڽC0ЁZ°1.p !ܜ,]LBX *a a.28 # PER2A @= .%Dv DbT!:fwDhNKZy`t@,KwIKD*'9j}T@ 4}vX9xN#@ +clobBQ :HV 4D ( P:`pdCJRФ$ IYW( @0IHHRX   f(AJ@ sh`))L]`ߊ@0 x`0` XF @H @ Q@K#:H@  1y ;PV\{ <$XWUk C9P@ 0J =ģa oXb.@"`a@6(@0g8* f0 JfX'@0 J@b0^Q) @p-8 % ]`p  0!&g ,0 1 i3 p!hA j` vծaCH+H88*2:#@Z",bbhPۻA0 R:A `k 57G^)  `h )X R` Ơvb=xhQЮ 40 7'  ?($K( !@TIP@5WD }h "8hGi@4!X#Ax]HbQ pW4 nGdb@F$@D0@ Z"N*l'M???? ?p s?ߌ     p  p p ?8;??? ??@?O?>O?>??????????N+m k????@??@??@?@?@@@@?@@@?@?8;??? ??`??<?=??????~<??????????N,nPQj??~<???>??8;??? ???>?9>?;??????|????????????|?N-o?>Á<~?8;??? ???}?2}}?7}????????????????????=8N.p=V?8;??? ?? ??$?.????????????????????; 1 ?8;?N/q?s?? ???? ??????????????? ?? ?? ? ?  7#?8;??N0ry? ??8???;????????????????88????/;8<8?8;??N1s? ?? h??'?7??????ߏ???????? +??p p+??ߏ  ?>N4`bAH?> ?> ?>~ ?> ?> ?> ?> ?> ?>~> >>>?8;??? ?? ? ?= ?=?= ?= Nw|H??????????????}Ȃ7}͂ 2}?8;??? ????1?;????????????N x3G????????.$?8;??? ??6??#?7?????????????? ?? 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JOURNAL ENTRY 61 * See PCX Scan JE61.PCX * JOURNAL ENTRY 62 A Lonely Lament: I hear the sounds of many footsteps approaching. I'm sure that they will find us soon. If we had known of Ceptienne's true role as an opponent of the Zhentarim, the real statuettes would have been ours insteadPu@ of the false ones we now hold. We must assume that Vaalgamon's boastful speech was correct, and that the High Forrest holds the spot where the magical path across the desert ends. But to know this now is useless. We have fallen into his trap and we are his to play with, as a cat plays with the mouse it is about to devour. Perhaps others will follow us on this path and find that victory awaits them instead of death. Sundbar with everything he'd brough!" He held out an aged but= EšB@_ጎ@oCaDcLwπ77Ԣ$@- zH=#(deg hlnI\.}1rR]'֧>%X+d3)ge %x8@ڜ>dɅ'S4Ɓ?8Y|pcO8 ozzU f@$'- %'-$a'-`%9}C0ljT_脨MM@ղ@3-B|`yji{ isDŽ?lLFa#O88u0!43r)>GDA90b=t Bb8$ca8@֦N7p CcS[;rNuKRϷt3?P+˪)Ҋ = 4*]JPƅǞPT}}E@,DYBRLEV?q۽ HgJMYQU%9:QDS09A''U>wL-]fHl%MU32}>aBARt@%(q'ϐ`P'\HA~9ہB..ff6?貰E ݝp PUu2 C*# ӐKg12xZ[88dKdCd2V"`Pt 09<< l1PwL. /h5!cPa$ @Y0?]h0  0 X`$,%р_s yMT|J`Ġ@ l0 H`/@;LN0 `H%JF>C0 Pu 2`=PF;'CFm0 `@, x0X`HhbP5 Z@`'%eg hlnI\.}1rR]'֧>%X+d3)ge %x8@ڜ>dɅ'S4Ɓ?8Y|pcO8 ozzU f@$'- %'-$a'-`%9}C0ljT_脨MM@ղ@3-B|`yji{ isDŽ?lLFa#O88u0!43r)>GDA90b=t Bb8$ca8@֦N7p CcS[;rNuKRϷt3?P+˪)Ҋ L#!VQNֱg * 7E`(K"zd$zj&Jtڳd zP"zV$zV:L:I gegg(`$z89|9|N  Sf9A`r `P VU>(6 uU > c5/mOpVwuw[5E C2^&x@{ԮLʨ'3џ!fTђPRSSQԈHPn'hXOgk@* 8p}{%Prn6a?_~ )1kOjc)j* `0oר 0uiG1O@}#XH!)9J3W@NK]FWfxpgxR(X&x ϳ^F%GsEw;Kä3$8~bbphYPp0T[Z FÙP|Vw7DL> dpL*2`Ҧr$ꑛIz̊ ij-r)ܹYɁ> |{;sr* 3NRg)':@UUkv&;RV5?3xT^?jczA9Lm*G!@aꈩGXJxdn0m npp"3 ozXML)AD k R$L*Ҡ7%´ 4^o Iq*lu,JsQpnDh`rMJ tHOGES`?Uv `ݘu@64 q0OU ~e+CM 0Zh:H$&& ("x$9PhLPPHI(LHgřznhCXgS&~)#4,`58_c`# ''1֋&߁P{/YڑĠ YzpH-UӁ) rp9V;U roaz(Uc5V8 E-{wmahxP7?ѓ!L=)FADŽJt0  ?D ByE>ɀ3:)|^,tXPZ?$Rh8  @G @ "(?%_!N: PLg} $N 0m'd(0a+M3XQ|\}g(o\ELq/(p+uɀFmw/_  ( O}NʱF=MqE!K)$f @>R/ o8{s:_X (*[`C *c JF  0Ԉ*P# F15TjIqmL0?> '% Ćz P jܟ sدϷP\0t?0o1`*~$L5?i-Ꮽ+G?B4&"i\J?*]U?R4,O)>RCǩ5v=d  ks;_FWv.x_`4dȏՂa:f# Q~})x(\NJ6@XqXioG@8'L(Wcqq2̒K({@+=88>ɁCc;n֡;8A+7rؒgȝ.P,C0Y o/6@ uu>-C=3 mPIS 3T P56@#epG #gkY p:y cs. ҐUZI$r4I܍O&`_HS?yL3ܔWN:.7B8E9u@ abr,Aw5't9_[dҀx_n㩦 12R x{uL \;@kuL;v|1Qʨ(@ .,|.( sZs`!`R~s (aJ{Q755Щ'{𪊲o0D_\l't. I haven't taken a share of pirate booty in years. They said if I didn't report on Jagaerda's movements they'd turn me over to the King!" "I don't know where they have her! I took my reports to a house hidden away among the cliffs on the southern coast. Please spare me! I've told you everything I know!" JOURNAL ENTRY 52 The Kraken's Coded Message: etuw lek msu rgt u rwtt k. ite edea leto e uw to eot se. gria a s. JOURNAL ENTRY 53 An Ounce Of Justice: Several weapons EBĮVwere stacked in one corner of the room, and suddenly cried out in delight. My magical long sword, the gold braid on its handle tarnished but undamaged, lay amidst the pile of crudely crafted weapons! I ran over, pulled it from its sheath and examined the blade -- still sharp and true as any arrow fired from Helm's bow! Whatever evils might stalk the Realms, I knew that for this one moment justice had been done. The gold they'd stolen from us at the Inn was gone forever, but with Fithis sword our honor was restored! JOURNAL ENTRY 54 Ceptienne's Welcome: "Welcome to my home", the image said, smiling. "My name is Ceptienne, and I know that you are here to steal the Statuette of the South from me." She waited for the effect of this proclamation to take hold. "You have proven yourselves worthy adversaries to have gotten this far, and I enjoy the challenge of a clever enemy. I shall kill you... yes, that much is certain. But I shall give you a chance to findGһX the object you seek." A great crystal globe beside here flickered to life, and the statuette appeared within it. "My fortress here has many portals. Twelve now stand between you and your objective. I shall follow your movements with interest." She smiled once more and the image faded from view. JOURNAL ENTRY 55 King Redaxe Tells Of The Purple Rocks: "The Purple Rocks may be the isles you seek," said the King. "They have become a sad place. Their people were like other islaHznd folk, hardworking, many of them seafarers. A few generations ago something strange occurred, and many gathered in a secret cult which has become very powerful, called the Kraken Society. They worship the symbol of the Kraken, a huge squid that can easily destroy great ships." "There are two islands in the Purple Rocks, Utheraal and Trisk. The people of Utheraal are impoverished, but continue to live as before. The people of Trisk however, have been completely consumed by the Iԫ=0Krakens and are controlled by them." "I know you have been to Tuern already, but it is there that you have the best chance of finding someone who will take you to the Purple Rocks. May Selune guide you on your journey." JOURNAL ENTRY 56 The Man Of Mirrors' Story: "I search and research... I fing the hidden... I solve the unsolvable. I find reason within chaos and harmony from the stars." "Vaalgamon has entrusted to me the riddle of the mirror-maps and they shall not defeat me!J Already I have confirmed much of what they tell, and soon I shall give the general everything he seeks and more!" JOURNAL ENTRY 57 The Magic Mouth's Story: "You have done well, adventurers," the stone face said. Its voice was deep and its features expressionless, but the tone of its words was warm, almost friendly." "It is time for you to reap your reward. Look within the waters of my fountain and discern what riches can await you!" Everyone looked at the spraying wather as K+κan image began to form there. The vision showed a pool filled not with water, but with gold. Each member of the party was swimming in it, leaping about and laughing and tossing coins in the air. The image faded. "That was a dream, my friends, but it is a dream that you can make real. Drop the statuettes in my warm waters and this ocean of gold shall be yours!" JOURNAL ENTRY 58 A Mirror Map From The High Wall: * See PCX Scan JE58.PCX * JOURNAL ENTRY 59 The Old Thief's Story:L "I was once an adventurer like you, in service to the Lords' Alliance, and a fine pickpocket when it came to relieving our enemies of their documents... and perhaps an occasional jewel to compensate me for my trouble!" "He was a contemptuous buffoon, Vaalgamon was, pushed me down in the street as he passed by, for no good reason. I may be an old man, but I still have the touch! I saw to it that Vaalgamon didn't leave Sundbar with everything he'd brough!" He held out an aged butM{ steady hand, presenting an envelope with a broken wax seal. We opened the envelope and removed what seemed to be a hastily scribbled note: "Fool! You allow me one tiny band of mongrels to threaten everything our legions now pursue!" Get to the pyramids at Ascore without delay! Let no one pass through the stronghold! Guard every pathway -- I care not to hear tour tales of how many there are. If the Road fails you will pay for your carelessness!" The note was signed with a larNù#ge, scrawled letter "M". JOURNAL ENTRY 60 Notes From A Prison Cell: As I sit and write my journal the unrelenting cold spreads deep within my bones. The stone floor and thick walls of my cell here in Zhentil Keep drain every last ounce of warmth from my body. We never understood the significance of the statuettes, nor their power. With all four in his possession, Vaalgamon achieved his goals, and all the northern Realms fell under the Zhentarim shadow. Our riches have availed 9Lt ing we have, but if we don't pay they will take us away as slaves. I don't know if you can defeat them, but whatever you do can only make our lives better." JOURNAL ENTRY 41 The Zhentarim Ship Arrives: Rounding a rocky point far below us was a ship with a single, huge, red sail. A large black "M" filled its billowing expanse, which we could only speculate was the symbol of Lord Manshoon, the leader of the Zhentil Keep. A single man stood at the railing near the bow, his black ca:?,pe flowing behind him in the stiff sea breeze. could it be Vaalgamon himself? The ship swung to the northwest, its sail dropping as it entered the lee of the island and started to approach a large dock. Men ran accross the decks and scrambled up the rigging as they prepared for their arrival. If this ship was coming for the statuette, our time was running out! JOURNAL ENTRY 42 The Story Of Phintarn Redblade: The flowers were left in beautifully woven baskets beside the street,;OP and had delicate hand-embroidered ribbons on them. One said simply "In memory of Phintarn Redblade, Last Ruler of Llorkh." Another read: "Tonight thy killers sit within thy keep, But soon they'll lien beneath it... six feet deep." A guard wandered by and saw us looking at the flowers. Drawing his sword, he knocked them from hy hand and crushed them with his boot. "If you're a dwarf- lover," he warned us, "Llorkh is no place for you!" JOURNAL ENTRY 43 Muthtur's Story: As if <\Fhe'd read our thoughts, the creature said, "Yess I'm a half-orc and to you I'm ugly as an otyugh. I'm also the hideous inhuman thing that saved your lives." We all looked at each other, embarrassed and several of us murmured our thanks. "I lived with a small colony of other outcasts in the High Forest, until raiding parties from Llorkh captured me and brought me here. They call me a 'novelty fighter' and said it'd be fun to watch something different in the arena for a change. "I=wZ'm no novelty, I'm a person. And I killed the man who said it. My name is Muthtur and all I want to do is go home." "When they brought me here I saw them use a secret door in the north alcove of the arena. I don't know where it leads, but it may help us all get out of here." JOURNAL ENTRY 44 The Potter's Story: "I overheard our captors saying that fire giants have been preying on any adventurers who were lucky enough to find meteorites. The giants sell the stolen ore to pirat>jes in exchange for gems, grain or even some of us as slaves." She shivered visibly and thanked us once again for saving them. JOURNAL ENTRY 45 The Dying Zhentarim's Defiance: "You may have gotten this far, but even if you could get all the statuettes you'd never make it to Ascore... Vaalgamon is far too clever for you, and our power is too great... "Enjoy your triumph for tonight, for it will rot into disaster by tomorrow!" JOURNAL ENTRY 46 The Story Of The Hidden Dwarves: "W?se have been prisoners in our own city ever since Lord Redblade was killed. They say it was an accident, but we all know it was the Zhentarim that killed him, and that it is they who control Llorkh. Geildarr is only a puppet, an outsider brought here by them to control the town. "Just a few days ago a Zhentarim column came through Llorkh, and they murdered any dwarf they could find. That's why we're now in hiding -- this is the lair of a medusa, but even with her hell hound guards @owe are safer here than on the city's streets.: JOURNAL ENTRY 47 Kestutis' Story: "My name is Kestutis, and I was once a knight who served the kings of Tuern and Gundarlun. In those days the two islands were friends, not the tense rivals they have come to be." "Here on Tuern I dared to enter the hottest volcanic vents in search of evil fire giants who terrorized Uttersea, and the old King gave me this ancient fortress as a reward for my service." "I am impressed by your valor anAb(d your skill in taking on the mission you have described. Just as I risked my life in service to the people of the north, so you are risking yours. Take this, the Armor of the Glacier that I wore during my service -- it will give you the protection against fire and against the monsters which it spawns." JOURNAL ENTRY 48 The Signs At Secomber: "The road and river to the east have become very dangerous. Go only if you need to, and try to travel with a strong group of experienced Bqadventurers." - Selarn JOURNAL ENTRY 49 The Kraken's Coded Message: ot l t t ur. ate h f onr otws h o t ae il urs h hetnd f. ok h o on or ot h hog al t rm ae e il tte h. JOURNAL ENTRY 50 The Aarakocra's Story: "High atop the Star Mounts the birds cannot go. Our homes are there, and only we and the dragons can brave the fierce winds that blow through the mountain tops. We have seen black dragons fly to an aerie on one of the higCI=phest peaks, and saw it to be that a human female rode upon the back of one such dragon. "We have heard that the chambers within the mountain be crafted as a maze. It has been told that the corridors be in the form of the first initial of their owner in three different runic alphabets, each superimposed upon the other and on their own inverses, so that the letters are entwined in many layers." JOURNAL ENTRY 51 The Guilty Citizen's Story: "I didn't want to help them, really I didn. oh the Krakens and with other forces in the north. I also hear tales that something big is going on in Llorkh. Magic items of great power are being collected for the task, and I have been assured that they do indeed have the power to allow the safe crossing of the desert!" "We must strike now! Controlling the Realms from the Moonsea to the Sea of Swords will greatly strengthen the Zhentarim and the Banites will be lost!" "Visiting here in Silverymoon at the Vault of the Sages is /the wizard I wrote you about, Amelior Amanitas from Secomber. He learned much of this plot from a slave who had escaped from a Zhentarium caravan, and is convinced he can stop it with his magical powers." "He sent a message to a fellow wizard here in Silverymoon, but one of my acolytes waylaid the courier and we learned the plan. Since Amanitas has now come here himself, he must have received word of the messenger's death and is willing to take great risks to defeat the Zhentarim.0\G" "You must find Amanitas quickly, help him on his task, but do not tell him you are Banites or he will never listen to you. For all his brilliance he refuses to accept the beauty of pure Evil, and will never know the joy we find in Bane." "Hurry now! As we speak our enemies make progress on their path!" He slipped out of the room, motioning for us the wait a short time before leaving to complete our "mission". JOURNAL ENTRY 34 The Escape Of The Prisoners: Three men rushed fr1&BKom the tiny cell, their clothes in tatters, eyes drawn from lack of food and sleep. One stopped to look down at the dead Banite, and a broad smile spread across his hollow face. "Looks like you've done the job we were sent to do!" he said laughing unnaturally. "Now we can go home and take the credit!" We of the Zhentarim salute you!" His companions blanched as he said the forbidden word -- only others dare to use that name, never the Zhentarim themselvers. They cursed in hushed2v voices, pulled him from the room, and were instantly out of sight. We looked at each other helplessly. Because we knew the Banite to be evilm we had slain him -- the one man who could stop Zhentarim's plan for the conquest of the Savage Frontier. There was no choice. We had been searching for a mission. Now, by accident, we had found one. We would have to save the Northern Realms ourselves. JOURNAL ENTRY 35 The Kraken Stronghold: The castle that rose above us was so great in3꾸ĩ size that it dominated the entire island, as if it were a statue and the whole of Trisk were only its base. The front of the building was carved in the image of a massive squid that rose a hundred feet above the island, its huge eyes glowing from some frightful, hidden light. Behind it the building had gradually transformed into a heavily fortified castle, with high parapets that seemed to go on and on and on until they merged into the cliffsides of the coast. JOURNAL ENTRY 36 T4_:he Odd Message Of The Kraken: css al a i gad. csl te o cre suhet te t i tk wl gad te traee i. dc te t dw do suh te truh vut is fo tkn b wl sau te. JOURNAL ENTRY 37 The Arena Beneath Llorkh: The arena in which we stood was broad and spacious, surrounded by seats for several thousand spectators. Most of those seats were already filled. Several hundred black-robed men sat in one section, beside and equal number of other humans and a few strange- looking beings in the shadows -- 5fthey may have been drow elves. Seperated from the humans by a respectfully wide zone of empty seats, the remainder of the arena was filled by orcsm with a scattering of goblens and even bugbears. The great bowl was filled with the din of a thousand conversations, but every voice was silenced at once when a guard called out, "All rise for Lord Vaalgamon!" The familiar figure of the Zhentarim general strode onto a dais on the western side of the arena and motioned for his followers 6wcto be seated. "Well my friends!" he told us, a hideous smile distorting his already twisted features, "I see we have the pleasure of meeting again!" "I must say that I admire the courage and cunning that have brought you this far. You have defeated forces that should have defeated you. Their deaths at your hands are appropriate punishment for their failure." "As a reward for your achievements, I will give you all a chance. Defeat three sets of opponents in my arena and I shall 7 let you live." "Let the combat begin!" Across the arena a stell grating opened, and we turned to face our first opponent... JOURNAL ENTRY 38 King Threlked Ironfist's Story: "Ever since the reports of the meteorite strike on the north end of the island, many adventurers have come here seeking ore for magical swords. However, no one on this island can craft such fine weapons. "I warn all adventurers, but few listen. There are many canyons that cut across the island, and some ha8;ve networks of great volcanic caves filled with fearsome monsters. Only parties of veteran adventureres should dare to enter them." JOURNAL ENTRY 39 A Map Found In The Otyugh's Lair: * See PCX Scan JE39.PCX * JOURNAL ENTRY 40 The Utheraal Villager's Story: "The headquarters of the Kraken Society is on Trisk, the other island just accross the strait. They also have fortresses here on Utheraal, on the western coast, where they force us to pay tribute. "They take almost everyth#"eat tower, and when you look up at its many spires you shall know that you have found it. "Next you must seek the small truths within the large, unfathomable world, for these are the only truths you will ever truly know. The stauette of the west lies in a small chest carved from the pearl of a great oyster, in a small room carved from the rock of a great mountain, which is itself made small by the greatness of the sea. "You must then travel to the place to which people do not wish$a to go, because we never truly covet that which we can easily attain. The Statuette of the North lies nowhere close by, but on the long way that many travellers nonetheless must pass. "Then you must soar where even the birds cannot fly, and have faith that even without wings you can reach great heights. The Statuette of the South lies both high and above and far below the surface of the land. "If you gain the four statuettes, take them to Ascore. I have created one more special %[item, which when combined withe the four ancient images, will turn the Zhentarim's planned triumph into total and irreversible defeat. But this can only be accomplished in the ancient plaza at Ascore." He reached into his robes and drew out a small, square card that looked like it was made of a thin layer of metal. Runes were embossed upon it. "This isn't it!" He exclaimed, annoyed. "But I suppose you should take it anyway. It's one of my latest inventions. I call it the Card&H; of Counting. If you carry it to the vaults in Yartar, Neverwinter and silverymoon will all save and exchange your valuables as if they were really just one place. Could be quite handy, yes quite handy. Don't leave here without it." "Well that's it! Good luck to you, ans may you find the path easy to follow. You can come and visit me any time at my house in Secomber, and if I've learned more about any of the statuettes, I'll be happy to share the information with you. Good bye!'κ" "The magic item?" we asked. "There was an important magic item you were going to give us?" "Oh yes, yes, yes. Musn't forget it. Very important." He searched through his robes once more... JOURNAL ENTRY 30 Brinshaar's Story: "My name is Brinshaar, and I am a magic-user from Neverwinter. They kidnapped me there and were torturing me to learn of Lord Nashar's magical defenses. Thanks to you they learned nothing, and Neverwinter remains safe!" "As it turns out, I can repay y(sVou for your kindness without delay. I have seen this statuette you tell me that you seek. It is not secreted in the Hosttower, but somewhere in the dungeouns where we now stand." JOURNAL ENTRY 31 The Banite Cleric's Letter Fragment: "... that you found the explanation for the gatherings of trolls and orcish armies in the north. I had suspected it was the work of the Zhentarium, and if we had not discovered it in time they might have conquered this entire region." "The fools bel)Hieve that it is their cunning and their might that brings them such awesome power. Have they forgotten so quickly about the temples of Bane, and the power that even our own leaders cannot abdicate? That we, the clerics who carry out Bane's will, are the ones who have made the name of the Zhentarium feared throughout the Realms? "I agree with your letter, and although we have never met I feel closely bound to you. By destroying this plan before it starts we shall ensure that never*F again will the Banite clerics be taken for granted in Zhentil Keep!" "I will meet you during the festival of Mielikki in the hidden temple behind your shop in Silverymoon. We shall find the magic-user from the south who cal turn the power of the Zhentarim against itself. Then we shall see how brilliant the Zhentarim prove to be!" "We must not think that because we know about their plans to cross the desert it will be simple to stop them. I am confident we will be successful wit+zhin days only because... " The remainder of the letter was destroyed, and the ashes crumble to nothingness in my hands. JOURNAL ENTRY 32 The Waterbaron's Warning: "I must ask you to leave this place immediately! Great forces here seek your destruction. I will not help them but neither can I stand in their way. Go now!" JOURNAL ENTRY 33 Broadhand's Story: Broadhand led us into a small, hidden room decorated with images and statues of Bane. He obviously believed us to be fel,1low Banites from the temple at Nesme. "I was worried when I sent my letter and no messenger came bearing a reply. I'm glad to see you've arrived during the Festival as I suggested." "Once the Zhentarim would have been content with having found a way to open this safe caravan route through the Great Desert. They would have let time pass, allowing towns and villages to become dependent on a supply route that only the Zhentarim controlled. Then, quietly but inexorably, the hidden re-eYins of power would be pulled into their grasp." "Now their greed to seize the northern Realms is unbounded and impatient. Sending armies across the Great Desert! Who would ever have believed it?! They have forgotten that a single dagger at midnight may sow a greater terror than 10,000 swords at dawn!" "Even now they are completing their complex on the eastern edge of the desert, and are reclaiming the dead city of Ascore on the Western edge as well. They have forged alliances wit2/ treasure was hidden in the opposite direction from where anyone would ever look." JOURNAL ENTRY 24 Into The Hidden Complex: We followed Krevish around several corners and down an alley, where he pressed a hidden panel in a wall. A door swung open, and after some hesitation we let him lead us into a dark corridor. Our weapons and armor clanked loudly as we walked cautiously down the passageway, finally arriving before a heavy wooden door. Krevish knocked on the wood in complex ՔTpatterns of beats with both knuckles and palm, and in a moment it was opened by and angry looking man in well-crafted armor. JOURNAL ENTRY 25 The Meeting Beneath Yartar: The man looked us over for a momemnt, not at all sure whether he liked the idea that Krevish had brought our party to his secret lair. "It's all right, Captain!" Krevish piped up enthusiastically. "They saved my life! They didn't have to do i, they could have just kept walking, but they stopped and risked their lives to save mine and that was really nice of them and that's why you really ought to give them a chance to carry out a mission for us because they've really earned a chance I think, don't you?" The Captain rolled his eyes. "All right Krevish, all right," he sighed. "If you'll just be quiet I'll give them a chance." "As you know," he told us, "the Temples of Bane are dedicated to the advancement of the Evin in the Realms. Once cleric of Bane in the town of Nesme, up the river ~rto the North of here, has been causing great disruptions in that city. "We believe that to save Nesme from civil war he must be stopped. If you can find the Banite Cleric, and carry out this mission, you will have proven yourselves to be as valuable as Krevish here says you are. Well... almost as valuable, anyway." JOURNAL ENTRY 26 The College Dean's Story: "It's really been quite terrible, quite awful here. The areas near the docks on the north bank of the river are full of lizard men and other monsters. Here! In Silverymoon! It's unheard of!" "It's as if someone was trying to keep the good law-abiding folk away from the river. Perhaps the orcs plan a great offensive and are trying to deprive us of supplies. "What will become of us? Silverymoon was such a peaceful town. I just don't know..." JOURNAL ENTRY 27 The Captain of the Riders of Nesme's Story: "Yes, we too have heard the stories of the trolls gathering in a great army to the east in the T]rollmoors, and now small groups of them have been seen in the ruins to the east of the city. "We should be going out to drive them back! We should be scouting the moors to see what's going on! But are we? No! We're confined to barracks because Longtresses Alarun has taken over. If we go near the city now, the crazy barbarians will start a full-scale ware!" JOURNAL ENTRY 28 Erek's Story: "Don't just stand there! Amelior Amanitas, the brilliant magic user for whom I work, is i"n great danger! They said they were taking him up the river to Everlund, and from there overland to Llorkh and on to Zhentil Keep! They were furious that he'd discovered their plan, and there's no telling what they'll do to him once he's there!" "If we don't find him before they leave Everlund we'll never have a chance -- there are so many routes they could take towards Llorkh... we have to find him quickly!" JOURNAL ENTRY 29 The Challenge Of Amanitas: We quickly summarized forZ Amanitas what we had learned thus far. We also told how some Banites believed that only he could stop the forces of Zhentil Keep from conquering the lands of the Savage Frontier. "What was revealed to you by the Banites is correct," he said when we'd finished. "I learned much of the tale from an escaped slave who had been a servant to the Zhentarim general Vaalgamon, and my investigators since have only served to confirm how great the danger truly is. "Although most of their sto ᦘry has been lost in time, I know now that four statuettes were created in ancient Ascore. They were powerful magical items used in the defense of the city, although precisely how they worked is still a mystery. One was crafted to focus on each direction of the compass, protecting Ascore from the enemies to the North, East, West and South. "When the city fell into ruins the statuettes passed from owner to owner throughout the Savage Frontier for many centuries. They travelled in d!STqirections very different from their names. For example the stauette of the East has for many years been hidden somewhere in the west. "Now the Zhentarium have dispatched Vaalgamon to collect the statuettes. They believe that by returning the statuettes to Ascore they can open a safe path through the great desert. Throught that path they intend to send armies to conquer the entire Savage Fronteir. "We must find and seize the statuettes before Vaalgamon can collect them, or a pall"$W of darkness will fall across the north. "My magical investigations cannot tell me exactly where they are located, but I have a sense of the place where each statuette now lies. To find them you cannot follow a map of the road beneath your feet -- I can lead you to your goals only by revealing the pathways you must trace within your own souls. "First you must lift your eyes with hope, even if the vision which fills them is one of evil. The statuette of the east is located in a gr 1P