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When you try to pick up the mummies, they will crumble, some will leave bones, pick up those bones The Dino-Rat will be in one of the rooms, give him Cheeze-Bits and he will run away Go into the main room (the room you first came in) Use all the bones in The correct spots. You should have an arm bone left Use the arm bone in the socket of the ancient slot machine Use money in the slot and pull the t5lqarm bone Enter the newly uncovered entranceway MAIN STATUE ROOM ---------------- This room is just a large statue with two arms, You'll get sick of this room after awhile :) The temple guardian will pop up and ask you a riddle Tell her it's the three stages of life (how original) Three doors open up Go into the far right door Then go into the door with the bright light coming from it Cross the bridge to get into the next room You should be in a room with three zombie wotwSmen Talk to the Zombies Try to convince them there is no prince in the sarcophagus Get the zombies to open the sarcophagus Pick up the wrappings that roll out Talk to the zombies again Tell them to open the sarcophagus again They will find out there is no prince in the tomb and dissapear Open the sarcophagus and pick up the crown Use the knife on the vines (You'll ge the vines) Close the sarcophagus Move the sarcophagus Enter uncovered entrance DEEP UNDER THE BUNKER -tԚZ-------------------- Use the knife on the tree sap pick up the sap Use the sap on the bat Pick up some more sap Move fountain head Pick up the blue jewel Dont use the lever yet Enter the next room You find Ian, he says he has the skull and wants you to release him Walk to the next room (to your left) Use the hand puppet on the hot plate Now go back to the main statue room (use the lever) Go into the middle door (statur mouth) Use the stone plate on the wooden spindle Uthse gnarled vine on stone disc Go to the main statue room Go into the far right door again Use the loose vines on the pulley Use the baseball bat on the pulley The stone slab should be lifted Enter under slab Pick up the pick Go back to the main statue room Go into the middle door enter the next room Use the pick on the stalactite Pick up the flint Use the flint on the lighter Use the pick on the glowing hole Exit back to the main statue room Go into the far left door tTaYU Use the mummy wrapping on the arm bone Use the lighter on the arm bone (with the mummy wrappings) Use the arm bone torch on the snake Enter the door WATERFALL ROOM -------------- There are two doors here, one light one and one dark one Go into the dark door Look at the body Get all the goodies from the dead guy Enter the next room Follow the balcony to the next room Go west from the room with the two dino's spitting lasers Go across the bridge into the next room Pickt up the big stick in the rock Go back to the main statue room Go into the middle door Go into the next room Go into the hole (now a doorway) Use the big stick on the crypt Look in the crypt and you will get the death mask Use the rest of the mummy wrappings on the death mask Go back to the main statue room Go into the far left door and go to the waterfall room Enter the dark room Walk over the balcony and into the next room Use the death mask on the dino's head The Dino tBhead blows up Enter the newly unblocked pathway Goto next room Use the sticky bat on the green gem Exit room Go from the dino-laser room west over the bridge and into the next room Use the blue and Green gems in the sockets under the eyes of the statue Two new doors should open Dont go in them yet Go back over the bridge and into the dino-laser room and go back to the waterfall room Go back to the main statue room Go into the far right door Use the bat on the pulley agt ain The slab should go back down Go back to the main statue room Go into the far left door and into the waterfall room Go into the light door The slab should be lifted up now Use the lever that's on the dino Talk to Ian, Ask him to untie the rope tethering the cage Ian of course gets out, and dosent seem to have the crystal skull Ian Splits Go back to the dino-laser room, use the door beside the stairs (faster) Go west You'll hear some noise when you enter the room Go it; $nN@~Cvq|G| bgC.>~_=~/_~ED^qȻwX]p44 o#N4N8|**ډldU.1m8 ޖt-Ǣ~a[BBA%)М;jtd~?&A2>3avOlq9>1"?SVs345|cGza7{}I~H({8w!-,F| Cg߆̬O p ; 3[Y,*ֆ=Q܅ٝVΊNư, D,$@9AE?WOD8fLll`js Y0 @ںZ` _Qr|[Yx0L:5#WSH?bCF  `e6ҾFH24O&[{@ .ttqraG<%4\ÃpNq]ޙvW PHgCt**0ǯD !W EhjRK`l0 8:Qژ ~6m ,K]~2%0+ 0QύN%U[αcy@MTa~[5tF ='Kуl_WwO w2Œt˖L[xNKԙA}F"XYX4@RPDaz_O8+ ҭ`ފ/0 cc `\*<^ͷ>p-uu2rP|,2zt?vqL^l9%=wqϤCivK\,XPG?_c2SLD oLeY z_=oA9M<~pη;!ylGSȃ! 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I do know What U know - U know that - THe Great ASsyRian Brought it 2 U. Now - For more Walkthrus and GAMes - ( 0-5 Dayz Warez ). THe New Group In Town - Is About 2 Rule the world - try To get it Right. During this game you will have to do quite a bit of running around. Not all of the places <?χyou will find are shown on the map that Simon carries around. You will be asked to do several things in various places and need to return there. In order to avoid too much "looking for places", I suggest that you draw a map of your own. Firstly, of course, enjoy the intro. You should definitely watch it at least once! When arriving in Fleur Deli you will automatically read a note from Calypso. Read it carefully. Open the drawer in Calypso's desk and take the scissors. <@9N There is a magnet on the fridge. Take it (you cannot open the fridge!) and go outside. Behind the cottage you will find compost which will be used later. Leave the scene to the right. At the Blacksmith's take the rope and the clapper. This guy doesn't have time to talk since he is hard working throughout the entire game. Walk to the right and talk to the dodgy geezer. He is of no use to you right now. Turn left and take the ladder leaning against the wall. Enter the buildin<A -g (the entrance is in the middle of the picture). Pick up the cold remedy and the specimen jar. Leave the building and you can follow the path to the left. There is a funny house with a chocolate truffel door. However, you cannot do anything here at the moment. Walk back to the dodgy geezer and turn to the right. Enter the shop and talk to the shopkeeper(s). If you go right you will find a place called the Drunken Druid. Inside you can pick up the matches from the <B"| fruit machine and talk to the Barman. Then enter the next room. These guys are really hard to understand but you should definitely talk to them until they tell you about the staff they want. Go back to the bar. Use your scissors on the dwarf (this poor soul will be surprised...). Exit the bar and enter the forest outside the village. Walk to the witch's house and move the handle on the well. Pick up the bucket of water. Then open the door and enter the house. Look aroun<C>sd a bit. When you try to pick up the broom, the witch will appear and throw you out. Wander around in the forest until you find a tree stump. Talking to the woodworm reveals that they are in desperate need for some wood, preferably mahogany. Now find the Barbarian and remove the thorn from his foot. He will give you a pipe in return. At the Owl Tree you should pick up the feather. Talk to the owl a couple of times and listen carefully. A visit to Dr. Von Jones <Ds皃would be good now. Although he is working in the hole, you can talk to him and find out what he is looking for. Since Simon is a very helpful person, he again promises to help. At the centre of the forest, pick up the rock with the writing on it. Wear the beard and enter the Dwarf Mine (you know the password as it's written on the rock!). The guard will not let you pass at this point. However, you can use the stairs on the right and find two completely drunken dwarves. Use t<Edjhe feather on the one lying on the floor, take the key and leave the mine. Near to the Dwarf Mine is a building with two heavy doors. Pick up the piece of paper lying under a stone and give it to the shopkeeper(s) in the village. Also near the Dwarf Mine you can find the woodcutter. Unfortunately, he has a real problem, too. If you promise to help him, he will assist you by giving you a metal detector (Going to the right from here will bring you to a gorge. You can see so< FPmebody fishing but you cannot reach him from here.) The third path leaving the Dwarf Mine area leads to a funny swampling who is all alone on his birthday. Do him a favor and eat some of his homemade stew. If you cannot take anymore of this delicate food, put it in your specimen jar. Go to the Troll Bridge now. The troll is very interested in your pipe. Give it to him and watch. In the second part of the forest, on the other side of the bridge, you will walk into a boy who< G y has a problem with his beans. Use the bucket of water. This ungrateful kid will leave and you have some beans for your inventory. Go on to the Gorge and look down. To visit the fisher, climb down the vines on the left. Talk to this funny guy. To help him with his dinner, provide him with some fine concentrated "Stew de Swamp" in your jar. He will give you his fishing rod so that you can catch a very special ring with it. Go back to the crossing and walk to the castle. Us< HQpe the clapper with the bell and "Rapunzel's" hair will fall down. Climb into the window and talk to the girl. When you kiss her, you can take a repulser back with you... Return to Calypso's cottage and plant the beans in the compost. Take the melon. Now go to the chocolate truffel house and let the repulser eat the door. Inside, pick up the hat and smokebox and walk to the beehive. Use the smokebox on the beehive and pick up the wax. At the Drunken Druid you should ask < In"the barman for a drink. While he is searching for some ingredient, use the wax on the barrel. You will receive tickets and vouchers for free beer. On your way out put the barrel in your inventory. Go to the Dwarf Mine and wear the beard. Offer the barrel to the guard. He will walk down to the barrel cellar with you. Go back to the desk dwarf and walk down the stairs on the left. Pick up the hook and talk to the dwarf in the middle. Use the key on the door and then giv< J ce the tickets and vouchers to the dwarf in the treasury. He will give you a gem in return. Time to see whether or not the dodgy geezer is of any use in this game. Offer him the gem (get 20 gold coins for it). With this money you can buy the hammer and the white spirit in the shop. Outside there is a box you should open. You will be taken to the gobblins. There is a rat bone on the floor as well as your spell book. In the spell book you will find a piece of paper with s<KKecribblings on it. Use the paper with the door and the rat bone with its lock. The key will fall on the paper so that you can open the door. Pick up the metal bucket. You cannot pass the guard, however, walk downstairs. Pick up the mints and talk to the druid. Since he is a little superstitious, you should take off the ring while talking to him. Druids can change into animals when they see a full moon. So put the bucket on the druid's head and show him the glowing rod. He wi<LQll change into a frog and leave you alone. To hide from the gobblin troops, walk into the iron maiden and close it. You can leave it when the troops disappear. The frog will then return and give you a hacksaw which you can use to get out of this room. Find Bard with his awful sousaphone. Use the melon on the instrument and take if for "repair". Visit the swampling's house again and move the box. Open the trap door and climb down the ladder. Use the hammer and nail with <M10the loose plank. Pick up the frogsbane on skull island. Near the swampling's house is a cave leading into a snowy mountain area. Use the metal detector there and leave it where it gives you any signals. Walk on to the sleeping giant and play the sousaphone so that he provides you with a comfortable bridge. On the other side in the mountains, you will find a cave with a dragon. Since this poor guy has a terrible cold, offer him your cold remedy. Pick up his fire extinguis<N%her and leave the cave. Above the cave entrance is a boulder. You can climb up there by throwing the hook on it. Tie the magnet to your rope and let it down into the hole. Watch your money and stop when you can't get any more of the dragon's gold. Continue walking in the snow until you find a path with climbing pins. Pick up the rock lying there. Walk on the icy edges leading to the right and go until you find a talking tree. Use the white spirit on it and it will tell you s<O?ome magic words. Return to the blacksmith and ask him to get the fossil out of the rock. Find Dr. Von Jones and give the fossil to him. If you tell him that you left the metal detector where you found the fossil, he will dig there. Follow him and get the milrith out of the dirt. Take the milrith to the Blacksmith, so that he can make an axe out of it. Apparently, now is the time for Simon to fulfill some of his promises. Go to the woodcutter and give him the axe. He will l<Pgoeave happily. Enter his house and pick up the climbing pin. Use the fire extinguisher on the fireplace and move the hook. Enter the fireplace. You will find various types of woods, but unfortunately you are allergic to most of them. Pick up the mahogany and take it to the woodworm. They will love it so much that they get into it while it's still in your inventory. Go to the castle where you found "Miss Piggy". Climb up and ask the woodworm to do you a favor on the floorbo<QLards. Use the ladder to get down. You will end up in front of a tomb. Open it and talk to the mummy. You will have a wedge afterwards. Go down again and grab the loose end of the bandages. There you are: the staff! Return to the village and give the staff to the wizards. After some discussion and payment of a fee, they will make you a wizard yourself! Congratulations, you've made it through the first part of your quest! While you're in the village, visit the druid and o<Rr"ffer him your frogsbane in return for a potion. You're all set for the witch now. Visit her and play the game with her. She won't be fair and change into the dragon once you have won the game and the broom. Change into a mouse and disappear through the mousehole in the wall. Continue your quest at the place where the climbing pins are. Use your climbing pin in the hole and cross the gorge. The snowman is very unfriendly and, therefore, requires appropriate punishment. <S"uLEat the mints and walk up to the Tower of Doom. Being a lucky guy, Simon can use the broom to get to the door. There is a little crack in the door. Drink the potion from the druid and walk through the crack. Your lovely dog will take care for you to reach a beautiful garden and will even provide you with a useful hair. Pick up the leaf and the pebble and walk into the bucket. You will find a match inside. Go on until you reach the water and get the lily leaf. Put the match<T` in the lily leaf, use the small leaf on the match and ready is your boat. Sail to the seeds and pick up one. Sail back and use the stone with the seed to produce oil. ATTENTION: Before taking the next steps, you should try to sail across the puddle once, just to see what happens! Put the oil on the tap and use the hair on it to open it. Now, you can sail to the other side of the puddle. Go to the frog. He will nearly swallow you but he lets you out of his <UB5mouth again. Look into the water and catch the tadpole. You can talk to the frog now and he will jump away. Put the tadpole back into the water and eat a mushroom. You're back to normal size now. Pick up the branch and open the door. Enter the building and get the spear. You will escape in the garden. Enter the building again and use the branch with the monster-chest. Then take the shield. Now go downstairs. Get the chest on the right side and go back. Then move the le<Vaver. Put the chest on the block and move the lever twice. Take the candles from the block and use the spear to get the human skull. It falls onto the floor from where you should pick it up. Go upstairs into Sordid's room. Pick up the book and look at it. Take the wand from the desk, pick up the sock and the pouch. Use the sock with the pouch and use it with the mouse hole. You will catch a mouse. Go further up and talk to the demons. Take the chemicals and the book. Read <W`d the book, then use the chemicals with the shield and hang it on the hook. Walk back to Sordid's room and talk to the mirror. If you heard the real names of the demons you can return upstairs. Send the demons home. In return they will tell you something about the teleporter. Use it and ask to be taken to the fiery pits. Pick up the pebble and the sapling and talk to the attendant. He will give you some brochures. Look at them and use the elastic band with the sapling. Ai<Xr]m with your catapult at the fire bell. The attendant will disappear and you can take the souvenir matches and go into the pit. On your way to Sordid, pick up the floor wax. When you see Sordid, use the wand on him. Since the pits are not on fire, use the matches with the pit and throw the wand in it. Unfortunately, Sordid comes back to life and wants to kill you. A phonecall will save your life. When Sordid is near enough, use the floor wax on him. THAT'S IT!!!!! Fina<?Wlly, have fun watching the dancing demons (it's a real demonstration)!!!  On your way to Sordid, pick up the floor wax. When you see Sordid, use the wand on him. Since the pits are not on fire, use the matches with the pit and throw the wand in it. Unfortunately, Sordid comes back to life and wants to kill you. A phonecall will save your life. When Sordid is near enough, use the floor wax on him. THAT'S IT!!!!! FinaY(Z Jw)~}|{zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba`_^]\[ZKQYK29ARTREK.SLVpY[) STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION "A Final Unity" Walkthrough PROLOGUE TITLE SEQUENCE Talk to Riker Picard: "Let's give it a try. Lock phasers on the Warbird, ten percent power... Fire." WARNING THE GARIDIAN WARBIRD Picard: "On screen." "You will leave Federation space at once or face the consequences." "We'll have to take that risk." "They are now guests aboard my ship. If you return to Garidian space immediately, I will overlook your violY\Uation of the Neutral Zone." "I should like to consider the situation a bit further." Go to Conference Lounge. Talk to T'Bak. Ask him as much questions as possible. If you want you can talk to the others first. Picard: "I have decided to visit Shanok and see whether he can help you regarding the Fifth Scroll." "Understood. We will be underway at once. I will let you know when we arrive." WARP SEQUENCE 1 Picard: "On screen." ARRIVAL AT MERTENS STATIONY] ? Go to Turbolift. Go to Transporter. Riker, Worf, Crusher, La Forge, all items. Riker: Walk to door (left) Walk to trapped woman (right) (use shift to walk faster) Crusher:Use medical tricorder on trapped woman Worf: Fire phaser at big cable Geordi: Use tricorder on big cable Talk to Riker Riker: Walk to next room (left) Walk to passage (left) Geordi: Use transporter panel (at chair) Use lock-on Select Data cable Use energize Riker: Walk to door Y^c Walk to trapped woman Crusher:Use med kit on injured woman Talk to injured woman "We'll get you beamed out of here as soon as possible. Don't try to move, you may aggravate your injuries." You'll get the security code (334L42) Riker: Walk to next room (right) Walk to turbolift Go to Engineering Geordi: Use tricorder on strange machine Riker: Walk to Engineering lab 4 (right) Geordi: On the equipment cart, Get Graviton Probe (not needed) Get Pulse Negator Y_W (not needed) Get Wave Converter (needed) Get Inverter Coupling (needed) Get Plasma Shunt (not needed) Get Flux Router (needed) Use Control panel (at chair) Initiate temporary shutdown Shut down group 3 PROBE LEAVES MERTENS STATION "I'd like to chase it down, but the station isn't stable yet. See how long you can track it." Riker: Walk to door Walk to turbolift Go to Administration Geordi: Look at holotable Use Flux Router on holotable Look Y`xqAat hologram Use control panel (right) Use emergency systems Use power redirect Riker: Walk to turbolift Go to engineering Walk to core control room (left) Geordi: Talk to Dr.Griems "Dr.Griems, I'm Chief Engineer on a Galaxy-class starship. It's my job to work miracles." "Sounds like you could use an extra pair of hands. Listen, I'll handle the conduit. You maintain the containment field." Walk to door Use Inverter Coupling on hole in casing Use Wave CYauYonvertor on hole in casing Picard: "Set course for Horst III. Warp 5." WARP SEQUENCE 2 Picard: Use Comm badge Shanok Ask him all questions "Set course for the Ruinore Sector and resume our patrol along the Neutral Zone." WARP SEQUENCE 1 Picard: Use Comm badge Chancellor Daenub "On screen." "Very well. As soon as we recieve your report, we'll get underway." Make sure your destination is set to Morassia ARRIVAL AT MORASSIA Picard: "We wilYbtl respect your laws. The Away Team will not be armed." Go to turbolift Go to transporter Data, Worf, Troi, Crusher, all items. Data: Ask her all questions Walk to doorway (left) Walk to laboratory Get bioprobe (on table) Get Field unit A Get Field unit B Get Field unit C Get carcass (all 3) Use tricorder on field unit A Use tricorder on field unit B Use tricorder on field unit C Use carcass on biotable (all 3) Use carcass on sonic scope (all 3) UsY cae tricorder on comm port (left) Open a channel to Tracker Melas Ask her all questions Walk to entrance Get fruit Give fruit to atol tree monkey Walk to crossroads Walk to shuttle dock Get microgenerator Walk to path Walk to marine biotope (middle path) Use microgenerator on power port Use aquatic field unit on jellycorals Use aquatic field unit repeat this on all jellycorals Use bioprobe on aquatic field unit 4x Get microgenerator WalkY dNPw to path Walk bogforest biotope (lower path) Use microgenerator on power port Use tropical field unit on tunnel Use tropical field unit repeat this on all tunnels Use bioprobe on tropical field unit 4x Get microgenerator Walk to path Walk to crossroads Walk to canyon biotope (left) Use microgenerator on power port Use rocky field unit on caverns, pit and crater Use rocky field unit (3x) Use bioprobe on rocky field unit (3x) Get microgeneraY e;tor Walk to path Walk to laboratory Use sample on sonic scope (all samples) Walk to entrance Walk to Constable's Office Talk to Constable LLiksze Ask her all questions Walk to doorway Walk to laboratory Use tricorder on comm port Open a channel to Consultant Lydia Ask him all questions Walk to entrance Walk to crossroads Walk to quarantine shelter (upper right path) Use tricorder on cage Use tricorder on harmonic collector Walk to crossroads WalkY fl to laboratory Use tricorder on comm port Open a channel to Healer ZZolis Ask her all questions Walk to entrance Walk to crossroads Walk to quarantine shelter Talk to Watcher Tzudan Ask him all questions Walk to path Walk to crossroads Walk to Constable's Office Talk to Constable LLiksze Talk to Dr. Hyunh-Foertsch Data: "The harmonic collector is capable of emitting high-energy EM fields. We may be able to use it a the shelter." Walk to doorway Y g-5 Walk to shuttle dock Walk to shuttle Use utilities trunk Walk to exit (left) Talk to Dr. Hyunh-Foertsch Use console 2 Use console 1 Use console 3 Use console 2 WARP SEQUENCE 3 WARP SEQUENCE 3 Picard: "Shiels up. Mr. Worf, lock phasers." "This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise. You are in violation of Federation trade laws. If you do not surrender immediately, we will be forced to take action." WARP SEQUENCE 3 ARRIVAL ATYh5W SHONOISHO EPSILON VI Talk to Data Talk to Riker Talk to Troi Go to Conference Lounge Talk to T'Bak Wait a moment Ask Laraq all questions Go to turbo lift Go to transporter Riker, Data, Troi, La Forge, all items. Riker: Ask Laraq all questions. Walk to desert (right) Walk to pyramid Talk to Nachyl Walk to arch (in the back) Talk to gatekeeper "Which of the sects has correctly interpreted the Fifth Scroll?" - I don't have enough facts to answYi:<|er that properly. "By what right are you here?" - For all I know, we may not have any right to be here. "How can the sects be made to cooperate?" - I have no idea. That would take a better diplomat then me. "Who was the lawgiver?" - I've heard he was a great man, but I have no personal knowledge of him. "Define your Prime Directive." - The Prime Directive doesn't have a single definition... It's interpretation depends on the circumstances. "How does a personYj9\ reach enlightment?" - I don't know "Why are you here?" - I'm not sure of that myself. "Who are you?" - Everyone plays so many roles in life.. it is impossible to label them I you're playing with someone else, all the answers are different but they have the same meaning, for instance on the last question Data would answer: "I don't know." Walk to door Data: Use tricorder on stasis field Use tricorder on sign Walk to doorway Riker: Walk to Hall of TYkDDriumph Walk to doorway (lower) Walk to landing area Talk to Laraq Walk to desert Walk to pyramid Walk to arch Walk to door Data: Use tricorder on sign Use control panel Riker: Talk to Aelont Ask him all questions Walk to doorway Walk to Hall of Triumph Use thermacode key on vault Get golden ring Get device Get staff (the one with the white orb on top) Use exit Walk to doorway Walk to landing area Walk to doorway (in pyramid) Talk to StaYl orchestrion with 1 pod ORCHEST 2 -> orchestrion with 2 pods ORCHEST 3 -> orchestrion with 3 pods ORCHEST 4 -> orchestrion with 4 pods ORCHEST 5 -> orchestrion with 5 pods Use ORCHEST 2 on device Use ORCHEST 4 YmsB: Get ORCHEST 3 Allright now there's a puzzle, under this text you'll see a map. boxes with a 1 in means those pads will appear if you play ORCHEST 1 boxes with a 2 in means those pads will appear if you play ORCHEST 2 boxes with a 3, and so on... Ŀ Use ORCHEST 4 1 2 2 2 1 Get ORCHEST 3 F G Go to MARK A Ĵ Use ORCHEST 3 21 44 5 5 2 Get ORCHEST 5 (actually it's 1 with a hat) E YnipiC Go to MARK B Ĵ Use ORCHEST 5 3 3 125 2 Go to MARK C D Use ORCHEST 4 Ĵ Get ORCHEST 2 (also with a cap) 4 5 1 51 35 Go to MARK C Use ORCHEST 5 Ĵ Go to MARK D 32452343 51 3 Use ORCHEST 2 (the one with the cap) A B Get ORCHEST 1 Ĵ Go to MARK D 4 Use ORCHEST 5 Go to MARK C Yo Use ORCHEST 4 Go to MARK E Use ORCHEST 1 Go to MARK F Use ORCHEST 2 (the one with the cap) Go to MARK G Use blue talisman on niche Get Manuscript Use comm badge to beam yourself up Picard: "Set course for the Ruinore sector and resume our patrol along the neutral zone." WARP SEQUENCE 1 THE ROMULANS INVADE Use comm badge to communicate with Starfleet Wait some time WARP SEQUENCE 2 Use comm badge to communicate with Commander ChanYpa9 Picard: "We're on our way." WARP SEQUENCE 3 "Prepare to engage, Mr. Worf." "Then it appears we've done our job. Let them go, Mr. Worf." Use comm badge to contact Commander Chan WARP SEQUENCE 1 This time it's time to engage in battle... In ENSIGN mode you don't have to do anything... In CAPTAIN mode you have to do it all: Click on CONN Choose RAISE CHIELDS Choose WEAPON LOCK Use numeric keypad to maneuver And just fire away at will Yq@tBe sure when you get hits to go to engineering... It's best if you put Geordi on DELEGATE ON... so you won't have to bother with the repairs yourself. When you have won hail the Romulan vessel Picard: "It doesn't have to end like this, Tyralac." Use comm badge to contact Commander Chan Picard: "We are in need of repairs." WARP SEQUENCE 3 "What exactly did you learn from the prisoners?" "Can you tell us anything else about the Romulans' war?" "Tell me Yr3R0about the battle." "We appreciate your help, Ky'Dra. Thank you. Q'pla!" Use comm badge to contact Commander Chan "On screen." "Set course for Horst III. Warp 5." WARP SEQUENCE 1 Engaging in battle with a Romulan Warbird. If you're being hailed, hail back. Go to Bridge Go to turbolift Go to transporter Picard, Data, Worf, Troi, all items. Picard: Talk to Laraq Ask him all questions "Set course for Horst III. Warp 5." WARP SEQUENCE 1Yskb After the message of Data, you can, if you wish, read your findings of the data crystal created by the Chodak, in Data's computer, under section ANALYSES. It seems at this point you may or may not encounter a Romulan Warbird. ARRIVAL AT HORST III Go to turbolift Go to transporter Picard, Data, La Forge, Troi, all items. Picard: Set phaser at highest setting Fire phaser at rubble Walk to passageway Use screen (at the middle) Use isolinear rod onYt aperture Use rod programmer on Isolinear rod Use tricorder on data Use isolinear rod Use exit Walk to rear of site (left) Data: Use tricorder on pit Use tricorder on instrument mounting Use tricorder on instrument Hell, just look at everything. Picard: Walk to main area (right) Walk to access shaft (right) Use comm badge to hail ship Use comm badge to contact Starfleet Ask admiral all questions WARP SEQUENCE 1 Battle with alien vessels ThYu8Q̚is is one TOUGH, TOUGH BATTLE Picard: Talk to Data WARP SEQUENCE 2 ARRIVAL AT ALLANOR Go to turbolift Go to transporter Picard, La Forge, Data, Carlstrom, all items. Data: Use tricorder on doors Use tricorder on schedule (in the back) At the ventilation duct are several alloy seals Set phaser at highest setting Fire phaser at alloy seal (3 times) Walk to ventilation duct Picard: Use display panels Use isolinear rod on port Use rod programmerYv on isolinear rod Select system log Select more Select done Access main database Select OK Select Dispatch Repait Unit Initialize System Select OK Select Acitivate Facility Use isolinear rod Walk to passage (right) Wait until some drones appear Geordi: Use tricorder on drone Use tricorder on small drone Walk to passage (left) Walk to ventilation duct (left) Use tricorder on dron Select DEACTIVATE Remove foreign object Walk to ventilation duct Yws#@> Walk to passage (right) Use sheet of metal Walk to door (upper) Use tricorder on door Use logic inhibitor on door circuits Wait for drone to arrive Use tricorder on drone Select DEACTIVATE Remove logic inhibitor Use logic inhibitor on door circuits Use tricorder on drone Select ACTIVATE Walk to door Look at display panel Picard: Use isolinear rod on port Use rod programmer on isolinear rod On the screen it should say: POWER OFF STATION ONLINEYx' Use isolinear rod Now wait until the drones come recharging. When there's only one light showing on the capacitor do the following Look at display panel Use isolinear rod on port Use rod programmer on isolinear rod On the screen it should say: POWER OFF STATION OFFLINE Use isolinear rod Fire phaser at capacitor Walk to opening (right) Talk to alien "We are trying to find out why two fleets have invaded Federation space." "We only want Yypc to prevent such a powerful device from falling into the wrong hands." "Tell me more about this encryption rod you need." "We have not found any such rods, but this Hall of Records you mentioned would seem an excellent place to begin our research." "We have expertise in data encryption. Perhaps we can extract the data without a rod." "No need to trouble yourselves. If you'll just point us in the right direction..." "We can look after ourselves, I assure you." Y zC Walk to passage (right) Data: Use panel Now the screen would look like this A B C Ŀ 1 Select A Select 3 2 Now push the white bar and then quickly Exit panel and 3 move to the other for transport You will arrive at another transporter In the back are archways, between them is an exit Picard: Walk to archways Walk to right (right) Now Y!{?comes a tricky part Data: Use tricorder on light Use tricorder on lens Fire phaser at sensor Now there are 3 sensors and one lens... A left sensor, a middle and a right one. First shoot the left and the middle very quickly. Then while they're offline walk towards the largest pad and stop there. Now shoot the middle and the right and while they're offline walk to the door. In ENSIGN mode you only have to get one guy through, in CAPTAIN mode you have to do Y"|$ythe above for each member. Picard: Walk to obelisk (in the back) Look at pedestal Use isolinear rod on port Use rod programmer on isolinear rod When the chart 45-NX-D appears: Use tricorder on star chart ABOUT THE UNITY DEVICE BRODNACK DEPARTS ALLANOR Use pedestal View all messages Exit panel Walk to exit (in the back) Walk to stairs (upper left) (Heheheh) Now you will have to do the same again except you have to approach the sensors in the otheY#}1r direction: right one first.... Geordi: Walk to hall (upper) Look at panel Select C Select 2 Use timer Exit panel Move under transporter Picard: Walk to door (left) Walk to charging station (left) Walk to passage (bottom left) Remove logic inhibitor Walk to chamber (left) Walk to walkway (left) Walk to ventilation duct (left) Use comm badge to hail ship "You're right, Number One. Take us back into Federation space." WARP SEQUENCE 5 FINDY$~fING THE UNITY DEVICE REAPPEARANCE OF THE UNITY DEVICE Picard: "Evasive maneuvers." Picard: Walk to interior bay (right) Worf: Walk to transporter Data: Walk to transporter Butler: Walk to transporter Picard: Walk to transporter Picard: Walk to glow "Who are you?" Walk to left (left) "Where is my Away Team?" Walk to shuttle "Agreed. Perhaps our governments can share the power of the device." Walk to door (last one) "I just received Y%]msome kind of visitation. A being claiming to be myself fom the future warned me that you two would betray me." Look at field generator Look at air gap (lower one) Look at air gap (upper one) Look at field coil Exit field generator (Chodak: "Blalallala....") Look at field generator Use disk half on disk half Exit field generator Talk to Captain Pentara "There must be another way out of the chamber besides submitting to this test." Talk to CaptaiY& A΂n Pentara "Pentara,we should work together now." Look at table Use disk Use disk half in receptacle (the left receptacle) Use button Use disk half in receptacle (the left receptacle) Use button Use disk half (so they are both empty) Use button "Even if we defeat Brodnack here, the Chodak will still have to be dealt with." "No. Everyone - including the Chodak - must be protected from the misuse of this power. A council representing all civiliY'-zations should be created to control the device. We need you to convince your people of that. Will you help us?" Use disk half on disk half (3 times) Look at field generator Use disk in lower air gap (3 times) Walk to right Use artifact (3 times) Pick up symbol Walk to doorway (right) Use symbol on door Walk to open door Use panel "The Unity Device should be used for the good of all." Walk to right Walk to tower Use panel Deactivate panel wiY(thout making a choice Select YES THE END (Thanx to D-RANGED) This text is copyright prohibited. D-ranged and X-Treme trademarks are copyright preserves. Any changes to these texts can be followed by severe actions like sewing.ifact (3 times) Pick up symbol Walk to doorway (right) Use symbol on door Walk to open door Use panel "The Unity Device should be used for the good of all." Walk to right Walk to tower Use panel Deactivate panel wi 7YK30ENAGE.SLVpAIc TEENAGENT HINTS/SOLVE [06/12/95] ::.---.----./~\--.---- ::::::::::::::::::: :: - | | . -- :::::::C O R E::::: ::| | ` | |__| ::::P R O U D L Y:: ::\____.__.|__|::.____/:: P R E S E N T S: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: =========================================== You start off at the guard house. Give the guard your pass !u Go down the path and enter the Captains room (the door with 001 on it) He'll put you in jail Pick up the spring on the bed Pick up the light bulb Point to the crates in the door a few times Somebody brings some food Point to the exposed wires Use the switch Point to the crates in the door again The Captain will get electrocuted Point to the captain thats stuck to the bowl Use the key on the door Now to get the Captain to talk Go to the screen where there's a big brick w'5qall standing in the ground Use the spring on the solid ground in front of the wall Then jump on the spring to get the shovel Get the delicate plant beside the wall Go into the bar and get the bread crumbs on the table Go into the Captains room again and use the delicate plant on him He'll drop a knife, Get it Go to the screen with the tent in it, Use the knife on the fence Then use the shovel on the mysterious object, Get the kaleidoscope Go to the guard house Give the kalejidoscope to the guard He'll give you the Soldier News Point to the guards waist and get the grenade Go back to the Captains room Use the Soldier News on him He'll tell you the password Go talk to the barman He'll give you a mug Go back to the Captains room Use the grenade with the rope Use the rope and grenade on the desk drawer Now point to the drawers and get the sleeping pills Use the sleeping pills with the bread crumbs Go to the screen with the mud pit Climb the poSble, You'll fall in the mud, When your in the mud, Use the mug on the mud Use the drugged food on the pole Get the drugged bird Go to the bar Use the bird on the radio Use the mug of mud on the mug on the bar Talk to the barman again, and he'll drink the mud Enter the store room Point to the blinking hole in one of the barrels Now your at the lake Go to the mansion Talk to the guard, He'll give you a piece of candy Search around the guards feet and you'll find a wrapper kbGo around the mansion Get the small rock that laying on the ground by one of the walls Lift up one of the wild plants by the wall and get the patatoe When you go back, you'll see the guard taking a drink, interrupt him He should drop the bottle, get it Go back to the shore Go to the forest Talk to the squirell a few times He'll eventually throw the nut to the ground Go into the house Use the candy in the heart shaped hole in the cabinet Pick up the chainsaw Pick up the roگ tten cheeze on the shelf Use the wrapper on the candy Goto the village, and then to grandma's house Give the wrapped candy to the girl She should give you a ribbon Exit the house Go down the path to the field Get the rake Get the needle in the second haystack Get the sickle Go talk to the boy by grandpa's house Open the car door Get the comb and then pull the lever, The trunk should open Look in the trunk You'll get a toolbox, point to it twice, there should be 2 thingsȣ in there Enter grandpa's house Search the drawers Exit the house Use the spanner on the basketball net Grandpa will take the kid and leave Enter grandpa's house again Get the fan and the gun Go back to the lake and use the sickle on the well Go to the village and then to the field Kick the chicken, and get the feather Use the shotgun on the crows Get the fins and Mask from the scarecrow Use the hankerchief on the mouse hole, then use the cheeze on the mouse The mouse s hould get stuck, get the hankerchief with the mouse in it Goto the cave and use the sickle on the bush Use the carjack on the rock outside of the cave, get the bone Enter the cave Use the mouse on the hole Use the small rock on the hole Use the glue on the hole The mouse should push out a gold nugget, Get it Goto the mansion Use the bottle with the chainsaw Use the chainsaw on the branch on the treee with the hole in it Get the branch Goto the lake Goto into the boat and /Ik get the broken paddle Use the broken paddle with the branch Now use the paddle with the boat When on the island get the flowers Use the boat again Use the mask with the flippers and go for a swim Go to grandma's house in the village Give one of the flowers to both Anne and grandma Get the feather duster Goto the forest Use the ribbon with the rake Use the rake on the grass, Then pick up the nut Enter the cabin Use the feather duster on the fireplace Use the feather dus `Dter on the patatoe Go back to grandma's house Use the nut on the imitation fruit Exit house, and give the dog the bone Open the valve behind the dog, then shut it again, then open it once more Go down the hole Use the switch by the ladder and get the shovel Go back up the stairs Use the fan on the laundry by the door, then go tell grandma that her laundry is dry, then get the rope Goto the mansion Give the gold to the guard (now you get an interlude) go around the mansion 3!k and use the apple on the hedgehog You get a pinecone Use the shovel on the same screen as the hedgehog (another interlude) Go to the next screen Use the patatoe on the hole in the tree Climb the tree (another interlude) Use the needle with the cone and then with the feather to get a dart Go to the meadow and use the dart on the bee's nest. That's it.. The game has stumped me.. I hope it's helped a bit.. Written and typed out by: The Question ansionHS$YK16ST.SLVpn MYST ISLAND WALKTHROUGH - by Stan Trevena This file is PRINTER ready - just type: type mystwlk.txt >prn Re-Formatted as a READABLE TXT file by Tal Barenboim Thanks to Xer for getting me this file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This walkthrough of Broderbund's Myst is broken into 3 parts. This, the first part, covers Myst Island. Part 2 covers the Stoneship Age and Sel:enitic Age, while part 3 covers the Mechanical Age, Channelwood Age, and the End Game. Since Myst is not linear in nature, these ages can be visited in any order. The big hint in Myst is not to be afraid to try anything in the game. You can neither die nor can you reach a "point of no return," as is so often found in many other adventure games. Ergo, always "go for it." ** Fantasy Island ** After the introduction, you are left staring at the Myst book. Touch mU_this book and it expands to fill your screen. Touch it again and it will open to reveal a small picture window on the right page with no writing. If you wait a few seconds, the picture will spring to life with a flyby tour of Myst Island. Each Myst linking book will do this when opened. It is best to sit back and watch the video, as it gives you a general "lay of the land" that will assist you in finding your way around a new age. Each age consists of a giant puzzCle in the form of an island. To learn more about each of these ages, consult the local library. ** The Family Tree ** You will not encounter many people in Myst. Atrus is the progenitor of Myst and all it's ages. He uses an art he learned from his father to link these ages together. It is never really explained, but it seems that whatever Atrus writes in his books becomes reality in the different ages. The 1 reference to this is in the Stoneship Age and the gyift he gave to the boys there. It will become obvious later what went wrong with the ship Atrus created. Atrus has 2 sons, Sirrus and Achenar, whom you will learn of early in your adventure in Myst, and a dear wife, Catherine, who is apparently being held hostage in another land. ** Where To Start? ** Myst island is where you start the game: First, Anything you encounter in Myst that can be manipulated should be. In other words, push all buttons, flip all switct8hes, turn all dials, and so forth. One thing is almost certain: if it moves, it has something to do with solving a puzzle. There are no 1-way manipulations, everything can be returned to it's original state. Your first objective on Myst Island is to locate all the marker switches and turn them to the 'up' position. These look like podiums with a large power switches set into the surface. They must all be activated to get off the island. ** On Your Marker ** v~ You'll land on the dock after touching the page in the Myst book. To your left is the outline of a door set into the wall by the dock. If you want, open this door and go in. This is the dimensional imager that you will soon learn of. If you care to venture forth at this point, go down the stairs and at the base turn to your right and click on the page on the wall. When it is in full view, note the list of three items and their associated imager numbers. PdJress the small blue button above and to the left of the page on the wall. This will slide open an access panel and allow you to key in an imager code. ** Mirror Mirror ** Use the up and down arrows below each digit to set a code into the imager control panel. Now turn around and walk to the imager. Set into its base is a yellow button which, when pressed, displays the image. When no code is set, you will only see what looks like water. After you're familiar wit Cfh the workings of the imager, it's time to leave. Go back out to the dock and walk towards what looks like a large gear mechanism set on a hill at the top of some stairs. At the base of the stairs you will encounter your first marker switch; go ahead and flip it on. Climb the stairs and flip on the marker switch next to the large gear. ** What A View! ** Take a moment to catch your breath after climbing all those stairs and look around. Hmm... there's VE a lot more to explore. Go down the stairs towards the rotunda. On your way,pick up the note on the grass. It's from Atrus to his wife Catherine. It tells of a message that's left on the imager in the fore-chamber by the dock.Sound familiar? Onward and (back) upward. The rotunda is used later to decode a sequence of star constellations. For now, flip the marker switch to the left of the door. Walk up the wood steps, past the library, right and out to the spacesh  yip on the point. ** What A Blast! ** There's an elevated walkway leading out to the space-ship. Notice the brick tower to the left as you go out supporting a power line running to the spaceship (you may be back for that switch later if you trip the breaker.) Go out to the spaceship and flip on the marker switch. Go back to the library, follow the grassy path away from the library towards the distant Clock Tower. On your way, you will find a large water filled  ʟ7marble basin with a miniature sunken ship. Maybe this location holds the key to raising that ship? Flip on the marker switch just past the large marble basin and to the left of the path. ** Power Plant ** As you've probably noticed, the power line from the spaceship has been running parallel to the path just beyond those strange pillars. In front of each pillar is a raised metal marker with a bronze plate set into the face of each that vibrates and glows red when tou ٫mched. Each plate has a symbol etched into it. Do not touch any of these plates just yet. Instead, sketch each of the symbols etched into the plates. Continue on down the path, past the marble basin, following the power line. Just off to the right is the entrance to the underground power generation plant for the island, which is where the power line ends. ** Shocking ** Go right and you will find the small brick building that houses the entrance to the under ground power plant. For now, flip on the marker switch to the left of the door. Don't worry, you'll come back to this building in a bit. Notice there's another brick tower with a breaker switch off behind the brick building. Go back to the path and head for the clock tower in the distance. There's a control box just at the waters edge. On it there's a large and small dial as well as a red button. These dials set the time on the clock tower. There's a markܺv er switch out by the Clock Tower. Unfortunately, you can't swim. ** Trees Through The Forest ** Therefore, follow the shore around to the little log cabin. There's another marker switch to the right of the door. As usual, flip it to the 'on' position. That's a really large tree back behind the cabin. If you want, go take a look at the big tree and poke around the cabin. We'll be waiting for you when you get back here. That's the last marker switch on Myst IsloA ,and. Remember Catherine's letter? "Enter the number of Marker Switches on this island into the imager to retrieve the message." We've seen 8 marker switches, and were only able to activate 7. Go back to the imager by the docks to get that message. ** Dear Catherine ** Remember the hidden image sequencer panel behind the fake piece of paper on the wall? Press the button and input the number 8. Turn, walk to the imager, and press the button. Atrus will appear and de cliver his message. He tells of his library being destroyed and how he suspects his sons. He tells Catherine that he's hidden the remaining undamaged books in their "places of protection." He reminds Catherine that if she's forgotten the access keys, to remember the tower rotation. Okay, then hop it up to the library and do some research. After all,wasn't that a tower that loomed above the library? ** The Book is Better Than the Movie ** Go into the library and*?k directly to the bookshelf on the back wall. When it is in full view you will be able to read each individual book. Atrus was right, most of these books are completely destroyed, burned at the hands of an arsonist,which son could have done this? The Channelwood Journal is the first readable book, it's red and green and is on the left side of the top shelf. Take and read this book. Click on it once to bring it into full view, and again to open it. Clicking on a pa4?ge will turn it. This book tells of a land of tree dwellers. Each book will chronicle that land and show you some key drawings of it ** Channeling ** Channelwood looks like a land of tree houses. The next book that's still readable is the red and blue Stoneship Age Journal on the right side of the top shelf. This book tells the story of 3 boys and their adventures. Make note of the submersible lamp, the lighthouse, and the 8 constellations of this land. These constellations have matching symbols like those etched into the bronze plates mounted on the markers in front of the pillars that ring the marble basin area. Use the empty journal provided with the game to sketch all pertinent information. Remember, these books will give you many clues to each of the ages. ** Apocalypse Now ** The next readable book is blue and is located on the middle shelf. This journal tells of the Selenitic Age and reads like the Biblt_*e's book of Revelations: replete with a land scorched by giant balls of fire from the sky, large craters and burned out wastelands. Make note of the drawing of the keyboard and receiving dish. These items will "play" an important role later during your travels to this age. It's a good idea to sketch the map of each age, they will prove invaluable in your later travels. The next book makes little sense. It's slightly singed, but still readable. b' ** The Book Of Patterns ** At the far right side of the middle shelf is a book of many different block patterns. They all are based on a 8 x 6 grid. Don't write these down. Instead, remember what the patterns look like, as you will need to reference this book later. There's 1 more book that you can peruse. The brown book on the left side of the bottom shelf is the Mechanical Age Journal. In it you will read of an island fortress and an attackiȒmng fleet of ships. Make note of how the fortress works, the fortress floor plan, and the stairs. Do not skip through these books. A little time spent reading here will save you a lot of time later in the game. ** Son Tsu ** On the left wall of the library, behold a red book on a display shelf with a red page sitting next to it. Open the book and insert the red page in it to communicate with Sirrus. Through the heavy static and interference you can see tgXhat he is unsure of who you are. He appears to be well mannered, though. As he struggles to see you, he pleads for you to bring more red pages. On the other wall you will find the book that contains Achenar. He seems a bit, shall we say, disturbed. He,like his brother, demands that you bring more blue pages. We at last have a direction to proceed in this quest. What purpose do these pages serve? ** Are We On The Map? ** The map on the left wall of the librb!Klary holds the key to your travels through the different ages of Myst. Examine it. When you are close enough, all locations where you activated marker switches at are illuminated. Just behind the library you will see a blinking circular marker. Press on this marker and a line will appear. If you hold down on the marker, the line will rotate. As it passes over key landmarks, it will turn red. Release at the docks and you will hear creaks and groans as the tower aligins with this location. After that pretty impressive display, and now that the tower is rotated, what do you do? ** Secret Tower Passage ** There are 2 framed pictures by the bookcase. On the left wall is a picture of a set of stairs, on the right a set of book shelves that look awfully familiar. Touch the picture of the stairs. The image will swirl and the shelf of books will slide away to reveal a passage. At the end of that wood paneled hallway sits an ele!gOvator. Once in the elevator, press the blue button to be delivered to the tower. The indicator above the button will display "Tower" when you arrive, just to make sure. Exit the elevator and go straight to the ladder that has an open book plaque behind it, climb the ladder to the platform. ** I Can See Clearly Now ** Looking out the window,the landmark highlighted during the tower rotation will be visible,in this case he docks. Could this point the way to th Xe place of protection for 1 of the remaining books? Climb down and go to the other ladder. A key plaque is mounted on the wall behind it. Climbing to the top reveals yet another plaque. This one gives 3 dates and times: 10/11/1984 10:04am, 1/17/1207 5:46am, and 11/23/9791 6:57pm. The rotunda holds a decoder that will translate these dates. In order to leave the library, return to the pictures and touch the bookcase picture to close the passage. ** Take A Breakim ** This concludes the first part of the Myst Walkthrough. We've covered quite a bit of ground so far. The island of Myst is a beautiful place, the likes of which have never been seen on a PC screen. The beauty of Myst is only matched by the rich aural experience. Take a break from your travels now, pick a place on the island and sit back and relax. In the second part of this Walkthrough you'll explore the Stoneship and Mechanical Ages. So, for now, enjoyߩ these tranquil surroundings and stay tuned. Hopefully, you're well rested. We are going to set out to explore the Stoneship and Mechanical Ages today -- a major undertaking. You will need to draw on your experiences on Myst Island in these travels. The keys to all the ages of Myst are contained on Myst Island itself. As you'll recall, we've just completed our first tower rotation using the map on the wall of the library. We have several dates and times that ɳwere taken from the key plaque for decoding at the rotunda building. ** It's A Date ** Start with a quick trip to the rotunda building. Open the door and go in. Next to the door is a switch that will turn off the lights. Click, the whole room then looks like a planetarium. Take a seat in the chair and pull down the control panel. Input the dates from the key platform plaque. Each date will display a constellation that will match one of the drawings in 1,j the journal. The matching symbol icons from this translation will be: Leaf, Snake, and Beetle. Go down to the marble basin and find the columns with these icons. Press the matching bronze plates for these symbols and they'll turn green (don't worry, they're not jealous). ** Raise The Titanic ** Upon pressing the last plate, a loud rush of water will be heard -- like something big is draining. Aha, the ship in the bird bath raised. But that couldn't have made !Call that noise. What about the bigger ship? Yes! The ship by the dock is also raised. Board it and go below deck to find the first linking book on the blue chair. Open it and watch the flyby of the Stoneship Age. Touch the picture and you will be taken there. You'll find yourself standing at the aft of a ship that appears to have, itself, materialized on a large, stone island. A wood plank leads out to a sunken lighthouse to the right and an umbrella structure to th"Ke left. ** Walk The Plank ** There are several objectives on this island. First, restore power to the island structures. Walk out to the umbrella structure where there are 3 large buttons. Pressing the right button will pump out the lighthouse. Return there and find the key chained to the walkway. Down the spiral stairs is a large locked trunk. A small valve is set in the left side of the trunk -- open it to drain the trunk, then close it and return to the pu#ÒUmp switches. Press the right button and return to the lighthouse. The trunk is floating alongside the key that's bolted to the walkway. Unlock the trunk and remove the key hidden inside. ** Going Up ** Climb the ladder to the right of the chest. Use the key and open the attic door. There's a hand generator here and a battery pack. Crank the handle on the generator several turns until the power gauge on the battery pack shows solid white (i.e., you have a full ch$&arge). Go back to the pump station and press the middle button. This drains the tunnels in the large rock structure. Sirrus' room is down the passage leading from the aft platform where you entered this age. Look around this ornate area. There's lots to look at, but all you need to recover is the single red page in the bottom dresser drawer. ** Return To Myst Island ** There's a telescope at the pinnacle of the rock formation at the center of this island. Just%9 to the left of the walkway to the lighthouse, there is a stone passage which you should follow as it leads up to the telescope. Look through the telescope and pan around. Stop on the roof of the lighthouse with the blinking light. This will be at the 135 degree mark. Go back down the passage to Sirrus' room. On the wall, 1 landing up from either brothers room, will be a large recessed plate. Pressing it will reveal a secret passage to the compass room. On the floor& of this room is a large antique compass. Now you're getting somewhere... ** Due East ** Circling this compass are a series of small buttons. Press the 12th button from the north portion, but beware! If you press the wrong one, you will trip the lights and have to go back up to the lighthouse to recharge the battery pack. A light goes on if you press the right button. How strange, the light is underwater and can be seen through the windows in this room. Time' to go back up to the pump station. Press the left button and the aft ship chamber will drain. Go below deck and note that the light you just activated with the compass button is illuminating this room. At the bottom of the hold is a book room. Go to the table. ** Can I Check Out This Book? ** Touch the table top and the linking book will materialize. Remember, you can go into any of the chambers without the benefit of light. Both bed chambers appear to have (sindependent energy sources and are lit up regardless of battery charge. However, if the underwater light is not lit, the book will not appear on the table. With the Myst linking book before you, open it and touch the picture to return to the library on Myst Island. Insert the red page in the red book and listen to Sirrus. He thanks you for the page and tells you that his brother is guilty, and that he is wrongfully imprisoned, emploring you to bring more pages. *)Lʩ* Back For The Blue Page ** The return trip is a breeze. Just go down to the ship by the dock, below deck, use the linking book, and you're back in the Stoneship Age. Recharge the battery pack and press the middle button at the pumping station to drain the center passages. Off the fore section of the ship is a passage leading down to Achenar's bed chamber. Achenar is not at all like his brother. From the looks of his room, you might say that he is a little on the*T_7 twisted side. There's a lamp that looks strangely like a human rib cage. There, on the bed, is the blue page. Off to 1 side of the room is a large dresser with a strange apparatus perched on top. ** Only Half The Story ** On top of the dresser is a holographic unit. Turn it on and a rose appears, slide the lever and it morphs into a human skull. The second from the bottom drawer of this dresser has a surprise. This is the left half of a torn page from a journ+Nal -- something to do with marker switches and a vault. This could be important, so make a note of it's contents. With the blue page in hand, go to the pumping station and press the left button. Return to the book room and use the linking book to return to Myst Island. In the library, return the blue page to the blue book and listen to Achenar. He seems to be getting crazier, doesn't he? ** Rubber Room ** Achenar says that his brother cannot be trusted, that ,d/he was falsely imprisoned and that he will seek retribution for his brothers acts. The image is clearer this time, with less static. Maybe the more pages returned to the books, the better the communications link. With the way Achenar is cracking up, though, how well do you want that link to be? Use the map to rotate the tower again. This time, position the rotating pointer to the spaceship out on the point. Sure enough, looking out from the tower shows the spaces-Gfhip in view. The key plaque displays a single message, 59 volts." Keep that number "current." ** Snacks Are Available In The Lobby ** A trip to the power plant seems to be in order. The trip down the hill from the library is quick enough. Go in the brick building and down to the door at the bottom, then press the blue button and go in the door. There's a control panel with 10 switches in 2 columns. There are also 2 dials: the left is for island power, the r.H$tight for power to the spaceship. Each switch powers up a generator. The trick is to flip the right combination of switches to total 59 volts on each dial. To do this press button 1 and 3 on the left column and buttons 3 and 4 on the right -- carefully! The number 59 should now be displayed on each dial. ** What A Trip ** If you press the wrong combination of switches you will trip 1 of the 2 tower breakers. If this occurs, shut down all generators, go out,/ find the tripped breaker, and then start again. Once you hit the 59s, enter the space ship and you will see a keyboard at one end and a set of 5 slider switches and a lever at the other end. Using the diagram from the Selenitic Age Journal of the keyboard, press the 1 key from the diagram and then adjust the first slider so that the note generated matches the note played on the keyboard. Repeat for each of the 5 notes. When you think you have the right settings0v#, pull the handle. ** Music To The Ears ** If the settings were correct, the linking book should now be displayed in the view screen. Touch the screen and watch a flyby of the Selenitic Age (which is pretty desolate). Like the first puzzle, 5 sounds must be identified and set into an access panel before you can return to Myst Island. Like the marker switches on Myst Island, there are sound transmitters scattered about at 5 locations that must be activated. 1U#Locate each and press the button. Make a note of each icon at each transmitter's site. Also note the sound that emanates from each location. WARNING: This is possibly the most difficult of all the puzzles of Myst. ** An Oasis ** Cross the elevated walkway and follow the path through the pass to the left of the mountain. Set into the base of the mountain is a small brick structure with a coded access panel. The first small trail that branches left off the 21m main trail leads around the left side of a large crater. Follow it to the oasis. It is here that you will find the blue page on a wood bench, to the left of the transmitter switch. Take it. The icon at this transmitter location is of 2 drops of water. Press the red button and listen to the sound of the water, you will need to remember this sound later. ** Water To Fire ** Go back to the large brick staircase just past the Oasis trail head. This leads to the3pK chasm Atrus spoke of in his journal of this age. Activate this transmitter switch and make a note of the sound of the furnace below. The icon at this location is a chasm with steam rising. Go back down the stairs and continue down the path away from oasis and chasm. You will quickly come to the remnants of a once mighty clock tower. Activate the transmitter switch. Listen and note the sound of the clock. The icon here is of 2 clock hands. Continue down to the fork in 4Ď\vthe path, go right and up the hill towards the crystal forest. ** Crystal Forest ** In the crystal forest, you will find another transmitter switch. There's a unique sound produced here as the wind whistles through the crystal formations. The icon here is of a shard of crystal. There's a red page sitting atop the transmitter pedestal, so pick it up. (Where did the blue page go?) Return to the path and walk out to the jetty to a subsurface tunnel. The loud rush of5^ wind exiting the tunnel is almost deafening. Activate the transmitter switch. The icon is a hole with air swirling out. Next, climb down the ladder into the underground tunnel. Turn on the light switch at the ladder's base. ** The Light at the End of the Tunnel ** Climb the ladder at the other end of the tunnel, then climb the brick stairs to a large set of metal doors. Open the doors to expose a control panel, complete with video monitor, 2 directional arrows, 6^r+va receiver coordinates display, 5 icon buttons that match the transmitter icons, and a sum button. The trick here is to rotate the receiver to lock in on each individual transmitter. When you get close, a directional arrow will flash in the direction of the signal. You will hear a clear sound played over the speaker when the right direction is locked in. IMPORTANT: Record the direction coordinates for each icon. ** The Coordinates ** The various coordinates are:7ǣ Oasis-153.4, Chasm-130.3, Clock Tower-55.6, Crystal Forest-15.0, and the Underground Tunnel-212.2. Once all coordinates are set, press the sum button and the sounds will be played back in a specific sequence: Crystal Forest, Oasis, Underground Tunnel, Chasm, and Clock Tower. Return to the access panel back at the start of this age. By moving the sliders, different sounds will play. Set the sliders so the sounds play in the same sequence as above. When all the slider8Ws are set, press the red button to open the doors. Go down the stairs to the rail car. Press the blue button and go in and take a seat. ** Which Way Do I Go? ** Press 'FORWARD' to start your trip in the rail car. Once lowered to the track, use the directional arrows to set a compass direction, forward to move forward, and backtrack to reverse your last movement. The correct sequence of directions is: N, W, N, E, E, S,S,W,SW,W,NW,NE,N,SE,and exit. At the end 9Ʌof the ride, exit and follow the passage. There you will find the Myst linking book, so use it to return to Myst Island. Back in the library, place the red page in the red book. Sirrus is easier to see and hear now with another page inserted. He begs that you bring more pages and warns you not to release his brother. ** The Blue Page ** The return trip is easy this time. The code is still set in the spaceship, so simply use the already displayed linking book to tra:RJvel to the Selenitic Age. Return to the oasis and retrieve the blue page. When you go back to the maze entrance, the sliders are still set. Press the button and go down to the rail car which has magically returned to the start of the maze. Run the exact same directions through the maze. Use the Myst linking book to return to the library and insert the blue page into the blue book. Achenar now claims that Sirrus murdered their father and commands you to bring more pag;_es. The plot thickens... ** Shore Leave ** That concludes the second installment of this Myst walkthrough. The two brothers offer a truly perplexing problem. Which of them is rightfully imprisoned and which is telling the truth? Does sanity count for anything, or has Achenar been driven to his insanity by his grief over the murder of his father? The time is coming when a decision must be made. Which brother will you free? In part 3 of this walkthrough, we will e<1xplore the Mechanical and Channelwood Ages, as well as the End Game. THE MECHANICAL AGE, CHANNELWOOD AGE AND THE END GAME Have you come to any conclusions? Which brother is sane and which is really guilty? How did they get into their separate books anyway? Why are their pages scattered throughout the lands of Myst? So many questions and so few answers. Maybe you will find some more answers in the remaining ages of Myst. If not, how=:M will you decide which brother to release? Your decision will ultimately lead to either your escape or permanent residency. ** Trained Mechanics ** You've probably already guessed which landmark holds the linking book to the Mechanical Age; it's the large set of gears on the hill above the docks. Using the map in the library, rotate the tower to align with this spot. A trip to the tower will show proper alignment and disclose the key 2:40 2,2,1. That first part >\eis a time, and where is time used on Myst Island? The controls on the shore by the Clock Tower, of course. After arriving at the control box, turn the dials for hours and minutes to set the clock to 2:40. Press the red button and a hidden walkway of gears will rise from the water. ** What Was The Combination? ** Inside the tower is a strange device. It consists of 3 numbered dials in a vertical stack, and at the base are 2 levers on either side: one on the ?ϗW7wall to the right, and a counter weight on a chain to the left. Pull and release the lever on the left and the bottom 2 dials will rotate 1 digit. Pull and hold this lever and the bottom number dial rotates 1 position while the middle dial continues to rotate until released. Pull and release the right lever and the top 2 dials rotate 1 position. Pull and hold the right lever and the top number rotates 1 position and the middle dial continues to rotate until released.@Т"ѝ Simple, right? ** Get It In Gear ** You are limited on the number of times you can pull the levers because, as you rotate dials, the counterweight drops. If it hits the ground you have to pull the lever on the wall to reset the dials and raise the counterweight. The quickest solution to this puzzle is: Pull and release right lever twice. Hold the left lever down until the 2 comes around on the middle dial, then release the lever. There will be a cranking sound AуԲ as a mini-gear set in the base of the device rotates open. It looks a lot like the larger gear on the hill by the docks. Time to get up there and check if it has opened like this miniature model has. ** Fortress Island ** Sure enough, the gear is open and the linking book is just inside. Use it to get to the Mechanical Age, a place full of gears. Upon arrival, to your left is a gear set on a pedestal with a control panel. There are 4 icons that can be changed byBҤ|a pressing the green buttons. There's also a large red button under the row of icon buttons. Across a steel foot bridge sits a small fortress set on yet more gears. The track that encircles the fortress, and the long trap door guarded by railings, look just like a few of the drawings in Atrus journal of this age. Cross the foot bridge to the fortress and go right once inside. ** Around And Around We Go ** Achenar's room is even weirder than those found in the other C=pages. There are all sorts of weapons laying about surrounded by strange wall decorations. There's a fortress rotation simulator here. By manipulating the levers, you will see a graphic of the fortress rotate through the 4 compass directions. When you find the real rotation device, you will not have the benefit of a graphic display. Practice enough to be able to do this with your eyes closed. Listen carefully to the directional sounds. There's a recessed panel to Ddthe right of the simulator marked by a yellow stripe, press on this panel and enter the secret chamber. ** Torture Chamber ** The Blue page is beneath a shelf with poison bottles. Find the other exit from the bed chamber, follow it to the end, and you will be at the back entrance of Sirrus' room. Midway between these is a red button and another hallway. There appears to be a column at the end of the hallway. Pressing the red button opens a door in the floor. ECX In the lower,level there's a small table with a display of 2 semicircles, with 1 set inside the other, and a lever. Pull the lever and rotate the circles lining up the openings, then return upstairs. Push the red button again to close the stairs and go down the hall to the elevator. ** Going Up ** The elevator has an up and down arrow with a square button set in the middle that serves as a timer. Go to the top floor and press the timer. Exit the elevatF։0or and, when the timer expires, the elevator will close and lower out of sight revealing the rotation device. Use the device to rotate and visit the islands north and east of this one. On each, you will find half of the 4 icon sequence needed to open the stairway at the start of this age. Return the tower to it's original location (south) and use this 4-icon code sequence to open the stairway. Finally, go down to the room and use the linking book to return to Myst IGosland. ** Mental Case ** Back at Myst Island, insert the blue page in the blue book. Achenar gets a little further down the road to the big rubber walled room on each return trip. He of course wants "more blue pages", so what else is new? He tells of Sirrus being the guilty party. He explains how Sirrus has a greed that cannot be quenched. Most of the conversation is the same old paranoid babble that Achenar seems only capable of vocalizing. Get back to theHk gear on the hill and the Mechanical Age linking book. Once back at the island, again cross the catwalk to the fortress, go left inside the door. This will take you to Sirrus' room. ** Sirrus Stuff ** Sirrus' room is filled with miniature models of all the devices on Myst Island. Each can be closely examined. Since the fortress is symmetrical, it only makes sense that there would also be a hidden room here. Below and to the right of Sirrus' "throne," behind t     Iڮlhe tapestry, is where the panel is located. Here is where his greed manifested itself in the gold bars and coins that litter the room. Laying in a chest of gold bars, in the back corner of the room, is a red page. There's a threatening note rolled up with the wine bottles from Achenar. Return to Myst Island with the fourth red page and insert it into the red book. ** The Fourth Red Page ** Sirrus actually seems a little calmer. With each page he says he can seeJ+7d more clearly and that soon he will be free of his prison. He sure is appreciative of the red pages and promises great wealth if the last one is retrieved. As is always the case with these 2 brothers, he mixes no words where his brother's concerned. He claims that Achenar is demented and took advantage of their father. He warns that,if released, Achenar will destroy both of you. He is anxious for the last page to be returned from the last unexplored age. The only KQother landmark that will activate the tower is the large tree. ** Channelwood Age ** Use the map in the library to rotate the tower to the large tree behind the small cabin just up from the Clock Tower. A quick check through the window in the tower confirms the tower position, and the key plaque only displayed the numbers 7,2,4. What the heck could those numbers mean? Just inside of the door and to the left in the small log cabin by the large tree is a wV;!YK13LLYWOO.DOC.pppޜPP20 PbU< =r*JA"K%I{V/ О'bU xEJ:gP#O;&|XjU ڐ8E/##)ú>ah18Y ! *'z *MeW2Vm:wSD'QZn( ۭ֐PesiCL.Bт@/] ;須}Mh $({c"ZZQ[,UY5?ZVu9X CWL~hh#Xd0:nmV'Hh ] qf)ep:QG&_{#2bI^3t0|8pX؃NvF^V|[Xv>֜82p%԰ҮήTz'Q L=t`p3B:W# #0/p fH-x5 E >`s'GC^~ ځڤ{#80 8 OIA,$2)E8l\1>S Bza_ 킕V(˜:(ȧA'MVv֐=+v{|DG/9~` {fy([m]><2X{v)v@e \!880HAރhda Kx;* Q`FiFaTnPy/uQ0_T!gݡ ~hp8/Cʒp\H:Zfu u^D(A}Nsc9ш @zՏ!oHҗ2`޾ ;ƉwU3o;E? ânzܟ{/V>MDPy%{FxpdE€[ #@FY/~G6CU/ddEǮ#Аx_ǣF6CୄJ1%?Ȥ`Y2 hAy yd14C!\:VT÷ZqJ32sr U `ڱsʉ~W+-)( P J<#т !AHrk+ڰ kb` ऄo<;1%< (jBUHZ˨ah8t.xH@hCJD_+U7FuP zM50)S3aT_BH c2E FmD SwCs.!ՀPڔaBUe(,-)+d7GA-c_I%Hg .sid#%?B L[0u(3^B;7x{FBw῞g5T.<61Ha$R$;G{4 @kKSX6uWq\|,爴uX\u6j0@Ly4Ŏ\LloLO=NB~G#'ڠ,y@xFCz>z%`+jSsd'G>pA |#NE09솀sx $$O ^^ZRV/%AqQ~d`00SCl< 6%\xw^Ƅj, hCZd7`bi8em" \`< CTV%BQ*  r\ x|37T3:YSoCˆ}H?ocrc\͐|{rthhFkW&>XG{W˒(JU1/\!^#owIP qi0ٯ?(K27I6G|AwE64_̹=`Hz]@Fy}ߙ99~O~dHzi1jB1Ä5$AKgl+ˬxtp"O 2Py4WF9q=@8A^ dw*.2>GRk/ߐ\lA r)t2^ѼZ ~v0̐/FռwCO{gMe/);=ud]TߍxȼqC #Ea ՘~,59 1ݻIY09<ʲJ]@*]EL}=26>Mó l 04%?+'_*cK˧u  oƹDEI} 靠c!!PFSJW QRPUO*6*# A'P %/*O&#Ғr"P*J?]#*+B/"#34G`/RYAg՟[*|\P-X =g|NC>XD=wƝ `E,âKhoŤ {0P6=2-8dP>|s7z^:sm[P|=ulSQC 1|4x L7''~;|Wc!oL(i8AJÜ|sq1WCP @V#4}2}𓭦^{V'i§;/!}'d5/BI` kL 01*nGd>phUFSnޓ |2 zJ"$%7y%ߏ,(Fw>:K|Ο|=!R͋xb*F[@0Kr'a𽾙=c:_=>л?@{ѧ$95623,x/cXTEIAIeQXf#"m((D忴Yi{@L]adsx|/@N\JA%eA r/N3Ƴ~INzf|d!aP5HozՆQMu0cڥPz,?u$CBd*@gzS&Ffyz2g˷PUP]0B'/BE[F3%wx<>ihDB 0 $yG$u/iXA\`vYQy (gYRCsIVη@_8x4zEjͽ0(F6!7G2μ> ͇m!$q<@ WHzu7 ?9ڹ~%s|:Īl2Y(!x'W!r`#;ǣ}'Bgos!/##)/"'ׂ(ʉ)/2% vpጦ6!"EW Ix_i?Bk F U;AGl\#/k>ҵ [OFV<^P^|L?#SnU|DD Txxt$ĘzbYa^yx&Pa"41Qlא#o$R/Ǝ1ӈ,T=[1VNMMGeyz$v~;H@@* :Z\H/$LA]$?3ϑ|xy=r_Pց~G .(^,0x GE!g_a %@ pfɽNw"S3F XÒp![4T >^Tx5C}QAAW}p~OLaA>^iOF3$3ҘD'pA,bWʹ"7e҅Zث}48 8u傄8 ː|8QO*Bj47obDz@)>UHP^^<J-Eäcs,5  P1 9.uGi! $0 :fx 33kZș\QM )yk!M6XaX[B \+M<Y#B"+"Ṇ5@FK"%N:fbTӏ,Mm)+6A=5r43~g5UQ3vu3& L4%n&bH9DAcd?]PVmPn>1Jz + I4lk|l' (C<mEyG\, ?6 )$0D/p֔=$ϱZr%P[[W 4fh ͠mك(Nf6=<*C ; &5qt5sp 1N 1"zT9 «yl:zQC ,s YLU3[/ehLP'{O&Nx *7lchkkibq40\lh-Wi`BYѣ'KS|J81D&pzR=pU-Z,ddvS B=E$0B0VT-Q&qa( 8pBB` *YƑ1[4JhvZp"е1\)JHSa BU#E@Z<@R_7Z,v.f/GLW33~ l ?q2> hz'C Kk(K HʉM/,iE"p, `z유M`=AH 3$w 7DQVP2rZ/.$Aæ+v4P5؄h 4LaoilcÂDcC'gY.(Y21$q.0h@,^jdBk(Y%!\/ Ji ( JqJνhR Y!`r2*"(@J^S\S^L@ *=p5S1@a\`z)MCK`u{g,i:O(gCkZH(9A ]PTz)'i A/-S''/!A,8`aU $=P[nP gvL e*a|4R(!YK286WLK.TXTpdOn leave: First this plant is a dump; so you should feel right at home. You will find yourself in hole. Use hand on robot that looks like tin man from oz and you will get out. Look at bike in this screen and get id card; then go north and look for man in overcoat if you do not find him look for photo booth and use coin on it, if you find neither go to left of screen and look around when you find man talk to him and find out about robot. When you find booth get photos and use cAHthem on idcard. Be sure to talk to man before going into bar as you need to know about robot before finding it. In bar go upstairs and show id to smokers at left back of screen get hoses from them and use hand on hoses in pocket; then look under table and move tank to pipes at center back of screen and hook it up. Go down stairs and show card to barkeep ask for special and while he is making it go behind bar and open ref. get ice tray and then use hand on third from left pipe be\hing bar and bend it for hose hook hose to pipe at far left of screen and bent pipe behind bar. (use hands below valve) then go upstairs and turn valve on tank, downstairs and kick door get pipe near stairs and use on robot sweepup and put in tray, take tray outside and get money. Go to store and get brandy for 20.00. Then go to game house and play stoge fighter with two legged shark and lose (you must lose to find drunk) then go out on street and back to where you first arrived, ل\find drunk and get cheat sheet from him and fish. Then go to game house and win 300.00 then to hotel and get beaten up. After you get room and have been beaten up; you should use hands on tail to get it and unlock handcuffs. Then take down rug from wall, put on floor and dance on it. Touch man and get key from belt, Get your data unit and moodle from table and reset data unit thus. a rf 9 spn b tt 7 den c ps 1 fer d fc 5 rep e se 3 dim close case and power up and it shGould be a locater unit. Now you are ready to deal with other man; go out door using key from first man and after second man asks if you are lucky look in box under his desk, take label off moodie you find there and put on moodie you found in other room. Then give him the moodie and get belt, remove control unit and turn off door shield, then go out and use locator. Rest of your rescue should be auto. Back on ship: Take shaver to scanner table and talk to sickbay attendant and you should find out who attacked you, after scanning wait and get card from DNA scanner and use in computer com unit on wall near where you came in. Talk to Stellar and learn about cyberjack, you will find one latter in game. Then go to your room and find out about job you must do. Go clean up old woman's room and when gas starts coming in, get cylinder from bottom of bed and use on door; help will show up, and you can then get out. It seems like she died, but she did notx do so. After she is buried, you should go back to your room and use com unit. Then to bridge to report she lives, then back to your room to use data base and learn how to fight. Then to hallodeck to use program 5551212 and learn neck pinch. Then to shuttle bay to use neck pinch on small man, and get yourself in brig, you must go this way to get something you need. When cart is placed in brig with all that food. Start with piece of food that looks like yoda ears and put togerECther a replacement for yourself. Then top it off with hair(noodles) and put it on bunk, when cart is placed inside room next time, get in it and leave brig. Go to sickbay and find ref. at far right and get drug, then use drug on dounut you get in brig. Go to 8 rear and talk to robot get eye and arm. Then go to shuttle bay and put dounut on plate, then use pinch on small man. Push button using arm and find your shuttle in right row second down from top. Open shuttle and go ins Otide, sit at controls and push icd button then set fuel mix thus: Lanthanum Sulfur Silver Neon Push lauch button and use eye of robot on lens in front of you. After your ship stalls on you; push the button for Manual Override and call up a friend to help you with ship. Then go to locker with suit and get it; open middle pannel to right of locker and use glue from glove box on crystal; then open locater or data unit and get crystal out of it; use glue on this crystal and put i qYt in larger one. look at recall notice from back of chair and learn which posts to use for jump start. Sit in seat and pull hood and trunk handles. Put on sout and helmet and go outside to rear and get sign and cables; put sign on tail and wait. Put cables on right post and manual starts motor; put on wrong posts and you fry. (you might do it just to see what happens) Once you have it started; get fish from intake of motor and go inside ship. Then go to planet you know has y lނour friend. Once there go to lab a and talk to doctor; when he leaves lab, look in box on shelf near computer and get moodie device. Return to ship and leave; when Manual mentions pts turn it on and take first picture; remove neg. and put photo on gray screen, then take second picture, and put neg of this picture on gray screen; they should then disappear and you have choice of places to go. Push lauch button and go to leave planet. See inplants are us to get cyberjack then retu rn to lab a and turn on computer; chose cyberspace and use jack. Walk around till you find office near building sight; at sight before going into office find screwdriver, and board near steel beams, screwdriver is on ground before you get to board. Enter office and take number; give to girl by ringing bell and get told sorry. Then try to open files; after getting talked too about this; use screwdriver on number counter and reset to your number; then ring bell and give her your n aumber. In File room find file for under r for man who attacked you. Then find files for Beleauxs; sharpei; santiago; and Project Immortality. Do not look for End Game as you can not get this file. Then take these files out of file room and into office; put files on printer below file cabnet and they will print out on computer. Then leave office and go to bridge with gap; use board here and return way you came to lab. Using board saves you long walk. Once in lab take print#outs and show them to Doctor; he will then tell you what is going on here; and you will get to lab b. The Inside Story (Sorry I could not help myself) Once you have landed on gut; make sure you have all items from glove box in ship put on suit; carry helmet with you will need it a bucket not hat. Look at ship and find Capillaries on motor; and Alveoli on front of ship. Take both items you will need them. Then look for Hole in gut and enter here; climb down and get staple;Iw Celery string and candy. Use string on staple; and tape from glove box on capillaries and hose on pump. Then climb back up way you just came and when near hole use hook on opening in top of gut. Then climb up; after getting feather and find pill; use hands on pill and then feather on skin. Climb down and find pill; do not try to pickup you cannot. Go out exit to left of screen and down one screen till you find side hole; enter here and go up when you can, you will find bile; p ump it into helmet and then run for your life. (Yes this is a steal from Indiana Jones) Pick up some stones as you will need them later. Go to pill and put bile on it; then return to side tunnel and go right till you are blocked; here you use Alveoli and then your month on them and clear blockage. Go and get Pancreatic fluid and put it on pill. Then get yourself some pills. Then go out exit to right and down main tunnel until you find a tape worm. Believe me he is there and y0=ou find him. Give pill to this worm and ride him to appendix. Here you will find a staple; fingernail and tooth filling. Get all three and return to ship. Put silver in tank behind light and ship is ready to go. Then go in ship and use launch to go to brain; Make sure docs disk is beings used before pushing launch. Once at brain; use fingernail to cut way in; then go left and jump gap. Then keep left till you find robots. Go to back of screen near them and throw stones at tfXhem first one then the other; third stone starts fight. After they kill each other; use elevator and go down to cough center; use steel from staple here to clear door; then go down to bottom. Enter cleared door and find large robot; then use steel and nerves to kill large robot; when brain shows up; feed it fish. Game will play by itself after this. cut way in; then go left and jump gap. Then keep left till you find robots. Go to back of screen near them and throw stones at tbͩdcb YKHpLuhall safe. Setting the three tumblers to 7,2,4 and pulling the handle opens the safe. There's a box of matches in the safe. Is anything on this island normal? Before leaving the wall safe, strike the match on the box to ignite it. Things will heat up soon. ** Fire It Up ** Turn around and go to the furnace. Start by cranking the large wheel to the right to get the gas going, then touch the match to the pilot set in the lower left of the furnace base. Keep crankinMYg the gas up until the temperature readout gauge is maxxed out. The loud thundering sound is the tree moving up out of the base. Cut the gas and run out to the tree and you will be able to jump into a compartment set in the tree for a ride down. At the bottom, there's a room with the Channelwood Age linking book sitting on a tree stump. Use this book to get to the Channelwood Age. Just as the journal had stated, this place is filled with trees. ** Myst Family RobinNson ** There are 3 levels to the Channelwood Age; the water level walkways, the mid-level huts, and the upper level bed chambers of Achenar and Sirrus. The lower level is a very simple tree structure branching out from the windmill. The mid-level huts are mapped in the Channelwood Age Journal, and the upper level consists of a winding walkway that connects the 2 brothers' bed chambers. Also on this level is Achenar's imaging chamber. All mechanisms in this ageO/ are powered by a series of water pipes that emanate from the windmill. The windmill is to your left at the start of this age, so you'd best make your way there. ** Open The Valve ** Inside the windmill there's a water valve at the base of a large tank. Open the valve and you will hear the water run into the pipes. All through this level, you will know if the pipes at your feet are filled with running water by the sound -- no sound, no water. Also, at each forkP$h of the walkway there's a 2-way valve. Move the red valve bar parallel to the pipe you want the water to go down. The spiral staircase seems like the logical way up, but the door is locked with no key. From the windmill, route the water left, then right 3 times. This will bring you to an elevator. Use the red lever in the elevator to go up. ** Open Sesame ** On the drawing of the middle level in the Channelwood Age Journal there's a line connecting a hut to theQ U spiral staircase. Go straight from the elevator, then right 3 times, then out to the hut with the switch for the spiral staircase door on the middle level. Pull the red handle to open the door. From this "switch hut," go straight through the first hut, right 2 times, through the square hut, elbow through the next square hut, and straight to the staircase. Go down the staircase and open the door on the first level. Go back to the first fork from the windmill anR "|d redirect the water right to the spiral staircase. ** Top Of The World ** Go up the spiral staircase and use the elevator to the left at the top of the stairs (which now has power). This will take you to the top level and the 2 bed chambers. Leave the elevator and head for the first hut that's visible. This is another of Achenar's play rooms (Achenar is a sick puppy). There's an imager that will activate when you enter the room, although it has no realS Xg purpose. Continuing on past this hut will bring you to Achenar's bed chambers and the master control for the imager. Flip through the 4 messages and see the nice message from Sirrus. The fifth blue page is at the base of the imaging controller. ** Linking Paths ** At the other end of the winding walkway is Sirrus' bed chamber (we'll come back for the red page later). Go back down the elevator and staircase to the first level. Return to the first valve after tT 2rhe windmill and set the valves: left twice, then right to a dead end with a lever. Pull the red handle and a hidden walkway will float up. Follow the walkway in a half-circle past the elevator, and around to another dead end. Turn the crank here to extend a hidden pipe and connect it to the other side. Go back to the first valve again and set the valves: left, right twice and then left. Go back to the elevator across the floating bridge. ** Return Trip ** Go uU 6-p the elevator to the Myst linking book. Use it to return to the library. Insert the blue page and wait for psycho boy to be freed. Achenar will speak of yet another page and a trap. He warns of a green book that is a trap. To get to his final page, pattern number 158 from the odd book of patterns in the library must be entered in the fireplace located here in the library. Before getting this last page, go back and get the blue page left behind. Retrace the path and actioVMJns through the log cabin, the large tree, and all the valve settings to get back up to the top level of Channelwood. ** Sirrus' Room ** Exiting the elevator, swing left and go to the hut at the opposite end from Achenar's. As always, the room is the model of perfection. The sought-after page can be found in the desk drawer under the window with a view of the windmill. In the right drawer under the bed is the other half of the page found earlier givingWZv+ instructions for access to the hidden vault on Myst Island. Seems there are now 2 things to do back on Myst Island. By now, the way back is easy. Reset the valves yet again to power the linking book elevator and return to Myst Island, insert the red page in the library for the "other story." ** Sirrusly Now ** Sirrus now owes a debt of gratitude for returning the fifth page. He still claims that he is the innocent party and that his brother should not be releaXƔXrsed for both of your safety. The secret code on page 158 is given along with another dire warning about not touching the green book. Follow the directions on the reassembled journal page. Go to the dock and turn the marker switch off (all the others should still be "on," not "off" as written on the page --this is important). There, in a secret compartment in the base of the marker switch, sits a white page. But there are no white books. Mu-hu-ha-ha-ha! The plot Yfothickens! ** Stoke Up A Fire ** Go back to the library and get the code book (middle shelf, far right). Carefully turn to page 158. Sketch this pattern and go over to the fireplace on the right wall, by the blue book. Crawl in and hit the red button to the left of the opening. Pressing on the metal plate that drops down will raise squares on the metal, duplicate the pattern found on page 158. Push the red button again and the fireplace rotates around to a smaZ@wll chamber. Here sits the last 2 pages and a green book. Let's see, both brothers are more than a little whacked. If they both warned you not to touch the green book, what should you do? ** The $64,000 Question ** If you really are a glutton for punishment, go back and insert the blue and red pages into the brothers' books. You will quickly know what it feels like to be imprisoned in a book and watch anxiously as each brother removes your pages while having the [last laugh. If you, instead, open the green book, you will get to meet Atrus in person and hear the true story. You'll know what to do with the white page after Atrus is done talking. If you hurried through Myst using this walkthrough, or you just want to go do some sight seeing in some of the best graphics available on a PC, use the book Atrus gives you to go back to Myst. ** An Open Book ** All the ages of Myst are open now for you to explore (at least until a \؋Myst II, if any, is released). Atrus did say that he would summon you when he needed your assistance to rescue his wife (can you say "sequel?).Go back to the library and at least take a look at the brothers final fate (which shows that you don't want to get on Atrus' bad side). This concludes the Myst walkthrough but there are many things to see in this game that were not touched upon here. While they do not play a key role in solving the game, many of the items are ver]rgy detailed and you may spend considerably more time just exploring Myst. Enjoy! END OF SOLVE ------------ say "sequel?).Go back to the library and at least take a look at the brothers final fate (which shows that you don't want to get on Atrus' bad side). This concludes the Myst walkthrough but there are many things to see in this game that were not touched upon here. While they do not play a key role in solving the game, many of the items are ver;t%'&%$#"!  YK26ES-NBAJAM.TXTpg.> ! >NBA JAM TOURNAMENT EDITION< ! `---- >HIDDEN CHARACTERS 'N POWER-UPS< ----' THE HIDDEN CHARACTERS: ---------------------- BENNY: ------ ENTER 'B' THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. ENTER 'N', THEN PRESS ANY BUTTON. ENTER 'Y', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON Y AND START. HUGO: ------- ENTER 'H', THEN PRESS ANY BUTTON. ENTER 'G', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON Y AND START. ENTER 'O' THEN SIMULTANEOURTSLY PRESS BUTTON A AND START. CRUNCH: ------- ENTER 'C', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON A AND START. ENTER 'R', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. ENTER 'N' AND PRESS ANY BUTTON. GORILLA: -------- ENTER 'G', THEN PRESS ANY BUTTON. ENTER 'O', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. ENTER 'R', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. BILL CLINTON: ------------- ENTER 'C', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON A AND START. ENTER I, THEN PRESS ANY BUTTON. ENETR 'C',B THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. HILLARY CLINTON: ---------------- ENTER 'H', THEN PRESS ANY BUTTON. ENTER 'C', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. ENTER A SPACE AND PRESS ANY BUTTON. PRINCE CHARLES: --------------- ENTER 'R', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. ENTER 'O', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON A AND START. ENETR 'Y', THEN PRESS ANY BUTTON. HEAVY-D: -------- ENTER 'H', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON A AND START. ENTER 'V', THEN PRESS /ANY BUTTON. ENTER 'Y', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. FRESH PRINCE: ------------- ENTER 'W', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON 'Y' AND START. ENTER 'I', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. ENTER 'L' AND PRESS ANY BUTTON. JAZZY JEFF: ----------- ENTER 'J', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON Y AND START. ENTER 'A', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON A AND START. ENTER 'Z', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON A AND START. MIKE D.: -------- ENTER 'M', THEN SIMULTANEO^YUSLY PRESS BOTTON Y AND START. ENTER 'K', THEN PRESS ANY BUTTON. ENTER 'D', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON Y AND START. ADROCK: ------- ENTER 'A', THEN PRESS ANY BUTTON. ENTER 'D', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON Y AND START. ENTER 'R', THEN PRESS BUTTON B AND START. MCA: ---- ENTER 'M', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. ENTER 'C', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. ENTER 'A', THEN PRESS ANY BUTTON. FRANK THOMAS: ------------- ENTER 'S', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLuLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. ENTER 'O' AND PRESS ANY BUTTON. ENTER 'X', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON A AND START. LARRY BIRD: ----------- ENTER 'B', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON A AND START. ENTER 'R', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON Y AND START. ENTER 'D', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON A AND START. RANDALL CUNNINGHAM: ------------------- ENTER 'P', THEN PRESS ANY BUTTON. ENTER 'H', THEN PRESS BUTTON A AND START. ENTER 'I', THEN PRESS BUTTON Y AND START. CHOW CHOW: ---M------- ENTER 'A', THEN PRESS ANY BUTTON. ENTER 'M', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON A AND START. ENTER 'X', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON Y AND START. WEASEL: ------- ENTER 'R', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. ENTER 'A', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON A AND START. ENTER 'Y' AND PRESS ANY BUTTON. BRUTAH: ------- ENTER 'L', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON A AND START. ENTER 'G', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS B AND START. ENTER 'N' AND PRESS ANY BUTTON. KABUKI: ----,q--- ENTER 'D', THEN PRESS ANY BUTTON. ENTER 'A', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. ENTER 'N', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON A AND START. FACIME: ------- ENTER 'X', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. ENTER 'Y', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. ENTER 'Z', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON A AND START. AIR DOG: -------- ENTER 'A', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON Y AND START. ENTER 'I', THEN PRESS ANY BUTTON. ENTER 'R', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS B ->"UTTON B AND START. KID SILK: --------- ENTER 'K', THEN PRESS ANY BUTTON. ENTER 'S', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. ENTER 'K', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON Y AND START. SCOOTER PIE: ------------ ENTER 'H', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON A AND START. ENTER 'T', THEN PRESS ANY BUTTON. ENTER 'P', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON Y AND START. MOOSEKAT: --------- ENTER 'M', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START, ENTER 'P', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BOTTON Y A  mԡND START. ENTER 'F', THEN PRESS ANY BUTTON. MOON: ----- ENTER 'J', THEN PRESS ANY BUTTON. ENTER 'A', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS A AND START. ENTER 'Y', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. KIRBY: ------ ENTER 'C', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. ENTER 'K', THEN PRESS ANY BUTTON. ENTER A SPACE, THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON Y AND START. SNAKE: ------ ENTER 'G', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON A AND START. ENTER 'O', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON Y AND S !~vTART. ENTER 'F', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. FALCUS: ------- ENTER 'J', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON A AND START. ENTER 'F', THEN PRESS ANY BUTTON. ENTER A SPACE, THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON Y AND START. MUSKETT: -------- ENTER 'M', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. ENTER 'C', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. ENTER 'M', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON Y AND START. HILL: ----- ENTER 'N', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON A AND S "DTART. ENTER 'D', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. ENTER 'H', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON A AND START. TURMELL: -------- ENTER 'M', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON A AND START. ENTER 'J', THEN PRESS ANY BUTTON. ENTER 'T', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON A AND START. RIVETT: ------- ENTER 'R', THEN PRESS ANY BUTTON. ENTER 'J', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON A AND START. ENTER 'R', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS Y AND START. DIVITA: ------- ENTER 'S', THEN SIMULTANEO #b1USLY PRESS BUTTON A AND START. ENTER 'A', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON Y AND START. ENTER 'L', THEN PRESS ANY BUTTON. LIPTAK: ------- ENTER 'S', THEN PRESS ANY BUTTON. ENTER 'L', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. ENTER A SPACE, THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. GOSKIE: ------- ENTER 'T', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTON B AND START. ENTER 'W', THEN PRESS ANY BUTTON. ENTER 'G', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON A AND START. CARLTON: -------- ENTER 'J', THE$GN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON Y AND START. ENTER 'M', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON Y AND START. ENTER 'C', THEN SIMULTANEOUSLY PRESS BUTTON B AND START. BLAZE: ------ ENTER 'B', THEN V PRESS BUTTON Y AND START. ENTER 'L', THEN PRESS ANY BUTTON. ENTER 'Z', THEN PRESS BUTTON Y AND START. POWER-UPS: ---------- ENTER THE FOLLOWING CODES AT THE 'TONIGHT'S MATCH UP' SCREEN. SHOT-PERCENT DISPLAY: -----------%ACw---------- PRESS UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, AND BUTTON B. QUICK HANDS: ------------ PRESS LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, BUTTON A, AND RIGHT. MAX POWER: ---------- PRESS RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, BUTTON B, B, AND RIGHT. POWER-UP GOAL TENDING: ---------------------- PRESS RIGHT, UP, DOWN, RIGHT, DOWN, AND UP. POWER-UP FIRE: -------------- PRESS DOWN, RIGHT, RIGHT, BUTTON B, A, AND LEFT. POWER-UP TURBO: --------------- PRESS BUTTON B, B, B, A, DOWN, DOWN, UP, AND LEFT. POWER-UP OFFENCE: -----&`Nl7------------ PRESS BUTTON A, B, UP, A, B, UP AND DOWN. POWER-UP THREE-POINTS: ---------------------- PRESS UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, DOWN, AND UP. POWER-UP DUNKS: -------------- PRESS LEFT, RIGHT, BUTTON A, B, B, AND A. POWER-UP BLOCK: --------------- PRESS DOWN, RIGHT, BUTTON A, B, A, RIGHT, AND DOWN. BLOCK AN OPPONENT & BOTH OPPONENTS FALL: ---------------------------------------- PRESS UP, UP, UP ,UP, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, AND BUTTON A, AND A. BLOCK AN OPPONENT AND THE O'uPPOSING TEAMMATE FALLS: -------------------------------------------------- PRESS UP, UP, UP, UP, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, AND BUTTON A, AND B. TELEPORT PASS: -------------- PRESS UP, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, BUTTON A, DOWN, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, AND BUTTON B RAINBOW SHOTS: -------------- PRESS UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, BUTTON A, A, A, A,AND DOWN. SPEED UP: --------- PRESS UP, UP, UP, UP, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, BUTTON B, AND A. SLIPPERY COURT: --------------- PRESS BUTTON A, A, A, A,,QTuO A, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, AND RIGHT. ------------------------------ PRESS UP, UP, UP, UP, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, AND BUTTON A, AND B. TELEPORT PASS: -------------- PRESS UP, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, BUTTON A, DOWN, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, AND BUTTON B RAINBOW SHOTS: -------------- PRESS UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, BUTTON A, A, A, A,AND DOWN. SPEED UP: --------- PRESS UP, UP, UP, UP, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, BUTTON B, AND A. SLIPPERY COURT: --------------- PRESS BUTTON A, A, A, A,()5,+*)=YK27ES-WWFRAW.TXTp(*! ! WWF RAW - SPECIAL MOVE LIST! ! `---- > < ----' ALWAYS HOLD DOWN THE L-BUTTON WHILE USIN' THESE MOVES... RAZOR (CHICO) RAMON: -------------------- BACK FLIP ELBOW DROP: PRESS LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, AND BUTTON B (THE OPPONENT MUST BE LYING DOWN WITH YOUR WRESTLER INFRONT OF HIM) DOINK: ------ FIELD GOAL KICK : PRES(+ xS LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, AND BUTTON A (STAND BEHIND YOUR OPPONENT WHEN HE'S STUNNED) LUNA VACWON: ------------ PROPELLER SPLASH : PRESS LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, AND BUTTON B (THE OPPONENT MUST BE LYING DOWN IN THE RING) OWEN (ROCKET) HART: ------------------- WHIRLING DERVISH : PRESS UP, RIGHT, DOWN, AND BUTTON Y (THE OPPONENT MUST BE STANDING IN THE RING) (,#p BAM BAM BIGELOW: ---------------- TORPEDO : PRESS UP, DOWN, LEFT OR RIGHT, AND BUTTON Y (THE OPPONENT MUST BE STANDING IN THE RING) BRET HART: ---------- BUTT FLIP : PRESS RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP, AND BUTTON B (THE OPPONENT IS LYING BENEATH YOU, CLIMB THE TURNBUCKLE) LEX LUGER: ----(t3------ SUPER PUNCH : PRESS UP, UP, DOWN, AND BUTTON B (THE OPPONENT MUST BE STANDING IN THE RING AND WITHIN PUNCHING RANGE) HT, AND BUTTON Y (THE OPPONENT MUST BE STANDING IN THE RING) BRET HART: ---------- BUTT FLIP : PRESS RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP, AND BUTTON B (THE OPPONENT IS LYING BENEATH YOU, CLIMB THE TURNBUCKLE) LEX LUGER: -----0.]\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<;:9876543210/.[-@562YK21NSIBLEGOLF.DOCp-/ve SENSIBLE GOLF ============= TYPED BY SHARD - N&B Epilepsy Notice --------------- A very small percentage of individuals may experience epileptic seizures when exposed to certain light patterns or flashing lights. Exposure to certain light patterns on backgrounds on a television screen or while playing computer games may induce an epileptic seizure in these-0MK- individuals. Certain conditions may induce undetected epileptic symptoms in persons who have no history of prior seizures of epilepsy. If you, or anyone in your family, has an epileptic condition, consult your doctor prior to playing. If you experience any of the following symptoms while playing a computer game: dizziness, altered vision, eye or muscle twitches, loss of awareness, disorientation, any involuntary movement, or convulsions, immediately discontin-1ކue use and consult your doctor before resuming play. This product is exempt from classification under UK Law. In accordance with The Video Standards Council Code of Practice it is considered suitable for viewing by the age range(s) indicated. ........................................................................ Useless Golf Fact An American (well it would be wouldn't it) managed to balance seven golf balls vertically on his head without the use of adhesive. ...........-2............................................................. Loading Sensible Golf --------------------- Amiga ----- Firstly, set up your Amiga according to the manufacturers instructions. You should be pretty adept at this by now. I mean, they haven't sold any Amigas for about a year now, so the odds are that you're a long-standing owner. Not that I'm getting at you or anything. You have a perfect and inalienable right to be an Amiga owner. Where was I? Oh y-3k#es. Insert Disk 1 into your Amiga's internal disk drive - and disk two into your external drive, if you have one that is. Let's face it, you'd be hard pushed to insert a disk into a drive you haven't got. Now for the tough bit. Switch on your Amiga. Wait a short while. Groove on down to the funky music. ........................................................................ Useless Golf Fact The youngest player to ever get a hole in-one is Coby Orr who managed the fe-4at at the age of five. ........................................................................ Golf - A Quick Explanation For Aliens ------------------------------------- The game of golf is played over a series of 18 "holes". Each hole consists of a tee area (from which the first shot is taken), a fairway (a long stretch of grass) and a putting green (a very smooth area of grass where the hole is). The idea of the game is to get around the 18 holes in as few -5h|sshots as possible. Shots are taken by hitting a dimpled ball towards a hole with a flag in it. The game is played with a selection of large hitting sticks called "clubs". There are three sorts of club: the iron, the wood and the putter. A wood is a powerful club traditionally used for the tee shot. An iron is a mid range club used out on the fairway. A putter is a flat headed hitting stick which is used on the putting green. Each hole is graded according to the num-6JNt\ber of shots you can reasonably expect to sink the ball in - this is called Par. Thus on a Par 4 hole, you should expect to sink the ball in four shots or less. Sensible Golf - A Quick Explanation for the Welsh ------------------------------------------------- Sensible Golf is Sensible Software's homage to the game of golf. Some 25 golf courses are at your disposal, none of which are based on real courses, although one of them looks a bit like Basingstoke Pitch and Putt.- 7ꃘ The are no secret moves, hidden levels or power-ups in this game. Similarly, you cannot 'be' Chun Li. Playing this game will not make you a better golfer in real life. It might, however convince you to take up a more stimulating hobby. As you play Sensible Golf, you will not feel the-urge to say things like Never before has golf been so accurately simulated'. Those have got to be the most impressve SVGA graphics I've ever seen. Finally a computer golf game that t- 8akes you beyond the boundaries of your desktop or Golf action so real that you can almost smell the grass'. Life's like a box of chocolates - some sod always eats the soft centres and leaves you the nougat, walnut and praline. ........................................................................ Useless Golf Fact The fastest round of professionlf ever recorded was at the 1977 Heritage Classic at Hilton Head. Two players completed their fourth round in 1hr 27 minutes. .....- 9................................................................... Quickstart - For Impatient Punters ---------------------------------- If you're itching to have a go of Sensible Golf right away, you should choose the Play Round option from the main menu. Click the joystick button to bypass the Player Select screen and pick a course (Romes a good place to start). Once you're out on the course use up and down to choose a club, left and right to choose a direction - :n) and the fire button to call up the Welly-o-meter. Now press the fire button again to start your back swing. When the indicator is at the appropriate strength setting, hit the fire button again to start the down-swing. Finally press the fire button a third time in the middle of the red area to hit a shot straight down the fairway. Some Buttons That Do Things --------------------------- Hitting the ball: Press the fire button once to start the back swing. When - ;Cfd the appropriate strength is reached press the fire button again to start the down swing. Finally, press the fire button a third time in the red zone at the bottom of the Welly-o-meter. Changing your Club: To change club, move the joystick up or down. Changing shot direction: To change the direction of your shot, simply move the joystick left and right. Note: if you heart after you've called up the Welly-o-meter, simply move the joystick down to reposition.-<9 Looking at the map: To view the map, hold down the fire button for one second. Pretty isn't it To quit a round: Hit the escape button and select Yes by moving the joystick right. Kind of obvious that one. Some Options ------------ Menu Music: Toggle this on and off if you want plinky new age music playing whilst you navigate the menus. In-Game Speech: Toggles the sampled speech on and off. Background Ambience: If the birds are getting to you, switch them off. A-={uto-Concede: If there's no way you can win a game, this function will automatically concede the match for you. Computer Difficulty: Toggle between Easy, Medium, Hard and Wicked. Some More Options ----------------- Save: If you're right in the middle of an amazing round and you suddenly realise that the pubs shut in half an hour save your game and come back to it later. Load: Fresh from the pub, load up your game again. Format Save Disk: Click on this option, insert a blank d->?+isk and click on continue to format a save game disk. Delete File: Use this to trash old games from your save game disk - avoid accessing this option when you're just back from the pub. Slightly Slower Start - For the Sort of Punter Who Reads The Manual ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Before Playing -------------- Welcome to Sensible Golf, a Sensible Software game which simulates the joys, trials, tribulations, and ups and down-?2 es of golf. Where other golf games go to extraordinary lengths to try and bring you the experience of 'being there' we realise that if you wanted to 'be there' then you'd 'go there'. So instead of offering you pixel perfect golf simulations of real golf courses, we bring you the real joy of golf. This game isn't about chucking bits of grass into the air to check for wind speed. It isn't about resting your putter down on the grass to check out that green. It is'nt about -@:]minute alterations in foot stance. This is about real golf. Real golf involves hacking a ball about a tricky course that's riddled with hazards. It's about aiming the ball way off to the left and then violently slicing it around a tree clump. It's about fun - not lawns. ........................................................................ Useless Golf Fact The highest golf course in the world is the Tuctu Golf Club in Morocoha in Peru - its 14,335ft above sea level. -A% ........................................................................ The Game Screen --------------- As you can see, the Sensible Golf in-game screen is a perfect example of uncluttered game design. Notice the clever use of shades of green, the dappled effect on the trees and those little clumps of flowers. This is the scoreboard. You'll always find it in the upper left hand portion of the screen (assuming that you've got your TV the right way up). It tells you (f-B_rom the top down): Where you're playing Which hole you're on What the par for the present hole is Whose turn it is What their score is (so far for the round) How many shots they've taken so far on this hole ........................................................................ Useless Golf Fact Robert Mitera holds the record for the longest ever recorded hole in-one. Thanks to a 50mph gust which carried his shot over a 290 yard drop-off, he managed to hole out in one-Cu shot over 447 yards. ........................................................................ It's always worth keeping an eye on this ball indicator. The position of the ball indicates what sort of 'lie' you've got. If the ball is sitting proud of the grass then you'll be able to make clean contact with the ball and hit a solid straight shot. If, however, the ball is recessed in the grass then you won't be able to hit it as far. Beneath the ball lie indicator yo-Dڟu can see the distance left to play to the hole (in yards) the club or iron that's currently selected and the maximum distance that the club can send the ball (again, in yards). And here's the most important meter of them all, the Welly o-meter. This enables you to hit the ball with the appropriate amount of strength. By hitting the ball in the power zone (at the top of the semi circle) you hit the ball at that club's maximum power. So for instance, if you're usi-E1c/ng a one wood then hitting the ball in the red zone will send it 240 yards. The area at the bottonm of the arc enables you to select draw (also known as hook) and fade (also known as slice). Hitting the ball right in the middle of the red zone at the very bottom will send the ball on a straight line down the fairway. Hitting it to the left of the red zone will send it to the left and (surprisingly) hitting it to the right of the red zone will send it to the right. ...-F2|..................................................................... Useless Golf Fact No matter how crap you are at golf you'll be hard pushed to match the record set by a lady player in the 1912, Shawnee Invitational. Her tee shot wound up in the Binniekill River and the ball floated. Being a practical sort of chap, her husband they put to sea and carry on. They eventually caught up with the ball one and a half miles downstream. She eventually putted down in a very-Gd reasonable 166 - not bad on a 130 yard hole. ........................................................................ Hitting The Ball In The Right Direction --------------------------------------- Basically, this is'nt as easy as it sounds. Making the ball go where you want it to takes timing, skill, concentration, precision and a teensy bit of luck. However, as you've probably figured out for yourself, it's imperative that you learn how to position the ball -H@DZin the right place. Dont trust the CPU : The computer will automatically point your player in the direction of the hole. However, there might be a large expanse of water in between you and the hole and if you simply take your shot you'll end up in the drink. Therefore, check the lie of the land before you play and if necessary aim the ball in a different direction. Master the red zone: The most important skill in this game is learning how to stop the down swing on the-I0` Welly-o-meter in the red zone. The important thing to know here is that the harder you hit the ball, the less time you'll have in the red zone. Learn to swerve: Learn to swerve the ball around nasty obstacles by pointing the cursor in one direction and drawing or fading in the other. To putt it another way: The arrows that adorn the putting green arent there for decoration. Learn to point the ball into slopes and remember that balls roll faster downhill than up. -J0Note: The previous sentence was taken from an a GCSE physics text book. ........................................................................ Useless Golf Fact Whilst Sensible Golf is going for the record for the largest sand trap in the world, they'd be hard pushed to match the one in Pine Valley Golf Course in New Jersey. They have the largest bunker in the world, called Hell's Half Acre. ........................................................................ The Map -Kq@- Use It Or Lose It. --------------------------- It doesnt take much time and effort to call up the map (hold down the joystick button) but you can save yourself untold grief if you do. All the nasty hazards, obstacles and out of bounds areas are depicted in full colour for your viewing pleasure. Remember you can also aim the ball from the map screen. Play Ball - Some Things You Should Know --------------------------------------- In order to get a good score a-L邳t Sensible Golf you should learn the dynamics of the clubs you use and the surfaces from which you play. Whilst the CPU will automatically select a club for you, this may not be appropriate for the lie of your ball or the obstructions in front of it. Club Choice: For instance, let's say that you've played a lousy tee shot that's fired off to the right and the ball has come to rest in front of some trees. You've still got 28O yards to play and so the CPU picks out a 1 Wood fo-MO r you - not a good choice. The wood is a heavy hitting club which sends the ball far and low. What you need (to get out of trouble) is a club which will pitch the ball up over the trees - such as a 7 iron. Strength Choices: If you're anything like me then you'll a1ways be tempted to wang the ball as hard as you can. This is not always a good idea. For starters, the Sensible tean have designed these golf courses especially for heavy hitters. This means that if you- N㊗ simply welly the ball down the course you'll undoubtedly end up in either a) water b) a bunker or c) some trees. In golf, size really isnt important. Draw and Fade: When you first start playing Sensible Golf you will undoubtedly hit a fair munber of balls in completely the wrong direction because you misjudged when to hit the fire button. Now whilst this can be very annoying under normal circumstances, drawing or fading the ball is a very useful skill. When you draw or-!OVXi fade a ball you effectively swerve it. This means that you can (with a bit of practice) project the ball around nasty looking obstacles. To see what I mean, try aiming the ball way off to the left and then hitting it with loads of fade (to the right of the bottom red zone). Excellent, isn't it. Hit and hope: Regular golfers may be familiar with this phrase. It refers to those shots which you take without paying any attention to club choice, shot strength, ball lie-"Pv or direction. This usually happens after you've fluffed a shot five times in a four player match and your mates are taking the mickey out of you. The hit and hope shot either ends in complete disaster (in the water) or flukey victory (an obscenely lucky hole down). Either way if you find that most of your shots are of the hit and hope variety, you should probably have a bit of lie down and start a new round. Reading the Greens: Once you make it onto the putting gree-#Q.n your troubles are just beginning. You see, putting the ball is a completely different skill to whacking it about with a club. This is mainly because the ball is always in contact with the grass and therefore any dips, rises or dimples will affect where the ball goes and how fast it gets there. So spend a bit of time looking at those funny little arrows - they tell you which way the green slopes. Learn to curve the ball around the lips of slopes and you'll soo-$RkG+n be putting like a pro. Pro golfer that is, not a lady of il repute. ........................................................................ Useless Golf Fact The longest single hole on a golf course is the sixth at the Koolan Island course in Australia which is a 948 yard Par 7. ........................................................................ Competition - Round, Tournament or Matchplay -------------------------------------------- Once you've learnt the ro-%SYTpes you might like to try and beat a friend or the computer. Here are your options. Round This is a good choice if you want to play a round yourself or against up to three friends. The advantage of this option is that you can choose which golf course you'd like to play on. From the main options screen choose Play Round screen and you'll be presented with the player choice screen. This is initially set to just one player to add others, click on the Type box and cycle -&T+FM9through the control methods (joystick 1, joystick 2, joystich 1/2) or the CPU player mode (Easy, Medium, Hard, Wicked). Once you've chosen the appropriate number of players, you can change their names by hitting RETURN (surprisingly enough) on the Name box. Enter a new name from the keyboard and hit return to store it. Finally, you can modify each player's appearance by clicking on the little man icon at the right of the screen. Click on Hair, Skin, Shirt and Trouser-'UBs to cycle through all the possible options. Once you've entered all the players you can choose whether to play Strokeplay, Matchplay, (two players only) or Skins (two, three or four players) tournaments. Now decide which course you'd like to play on and you can start your game. At any time you can hit the Esc key to return to the main menu and save or quit your game. Tournament The tournament option is perfect if you'd like to play a game against friends in a t-(VTYense knock-out style game. First of all, decide how many players you'd like to be involved in the tournament - remember you don't determine which of them are CPU controlled. Now move the cursor up to the I hold down the fire button and move the joystick left or right to select the number of players. Modify each player's characteristics as described in the Play Round section. You'll now see the main tournament options screen. Decide how many rounds (series of 1-)W8 holes) you'd like to play - either 1,2 or 4. Toggle Cut on or off. If the cuts turned off then all players will qualify for every round. Choose the number of competitors - hold down the fire button and move the joystick left or right to select the number of players. Decide on the order of play - Seeded, Human Parties or Arcade. Determine the maximum number of players you'd like included in each party - between one and four. Finally decide whether on not you'd-*XY*! like to watch the CPU controlled competitors - it might get a bit boring if you're playing on your own against 71 CPU controlled players, so choose wisely Luke. Now you can pick a course to play the tournament at and tee off. Season ------ If you fancy playing at each of the courses in Sensible Golf and clocking up some prize money then have a crack at the tournament season. From the main menu choose season and then decide how many players you'd like to be involv-+Y'ed. At this point you should decide how many of them you'd like to be human controlled and how many you'd like to be CPU controlled. You should now select the season options as detailed in the Tournament section above The computer will then take you to the first tournament of the season, the Madeira Championship which has a total prize purse of $375.000 Some Golfing Words ------------------ Birdie: When you sink the ball in one shot fewer than par you're said to have -,Zޞgot a birdie. Not to be confused with Bizet who was a French composer. Bogey: When you sink the ball in one shot over par. Bunker: Sand pit for grown ups. Draw: To swerve the ball to the left. Eagle: When you sink the ball in two shots fewer than par. Fade: To swerve the ball to the right. Fairway: The long smooth stretch of grass that connects the tee to the green. Also, what comes out of a lisper's mouth when they attempt to say the word fairy. Fore: What you'r--[8֕e meant to shout when it looks like your ball is going to land on someones head. Green: The very smooth area of grass immediately surrounding the hole. Gulf: Essex slang for the game of golf. Hole: The crevice where the ball is supposed to end up. Also the name of Courtney Loves tedious band. Lie: The ball's position in terms of terrain. For instance, a good lie is on the Fairway - a bad lie is up a tree. Matchplay: Competition in which players try to win individual hol-.\Ges, irrelevant of the number of shots it takes them to do it in. If player one has won three holes and player two has won none then player one is said to be three up. Obstacle: Once upon a time this referred to trees, bunkers and water hazards that might get in the way of a shot. These days its more likely to refer to the 'travellers' who are camped out on the 14th. Par: The number of shots you can realistically expect to get the ball down in. Also, what Americans call-/]"ed their fathers. Skins: Competition in which each individual hole on the course has a prize attached to it. The player who wins the hole, takes the prize. If there is a draw then the prize money is carried over to the next hole. Stroke: A shot. Strokeplay: Competition in which the deciding factor is the number of shots over or under par that you've played the course in. For instance, a good strokeplay score would be -2 (two under par for the round) a bad score -02would be +4 (4 over par for the course). Most competitions are based around strokeplay. Tee: The area from which the first shot of a hole is played. Also, the surname of a famous American rapper whose first name is Ice. Yard: Pre-decimal unit of distance. One yard (pronounced yar'd) is equivalent to 0.9144 metres. ---------------------------------END------------------------------------ Kts you can realistically expect to get the ball down in. Also, what Americans call^_z{ca`_,CygnusEdTempA.416p^`2ܜ> M.W.B. DOXDISK #60!! 1995  ****************************************** SOME NICE SOLUTIONS AND OTHER SHIT P 01 A320 REF.CODES P 17 OBSESSION P 02 ACTIONCAT AGA P 18 PCTASK III P 03 AMAZONE QUEEN SOLUTION P 19 PERSONAL PAINT P 04 AMIGADOS P 20 PLAYERMANAGER II P 05 CHMPSHIP MAN.ITALIA95 P 21 SENSIBLE GOLF P 06 DISKSALV V3.0 REL12.16 P 22 SIMON II SOLUTION P 07 DOPUS 5.0+ MANUAL P 23 SNES ^a;-BREATH SOLUTION P 08 ERBEN DER ERDE SOLUTION P 24 SNES -CHRONO SOLUTION P 09 FORMULA 1 GRANDPRIX P 25 SNES -JELLYBOY P 10 FEARS AGA P 26 SNES -NBAJAM TOURN. P 11 FULL THROTTLE SOLUTION P 27 SNES -WWFRAW SP.MOVES P 12 GLOOM SECRETS P 28 ULT.UNDERWORLD 2 SOLUTION P 13 HOLLYWOOD HUSTLERS P 32 ULTIMA 8 SOLUTION P 14 KINGS QUEST 7 SOLUTION P 33 UNIVERSE SOLUTION P 15 MALEDICTION P 34 WRATH OF THE GODS SOLV. P 16 MYSTIC SOLUTI^ r"ON P 35 ZORK 1 SOLUTION R ERDE SOLUTION P 24 SNES -CHRONO SOLUTION P 09 FORMULA 1 GRANDPRIX P 25 SNES -JELLYBOY P 10 FEARS AGA P 26 SNES -NBAJAM TOURN. P 11 FULL THROTTLE SOLUTION P 27 SNES -WWFRAW SP.MOVES P 12 GLOOM SECRETS P 28 ULT.UNDERWORLD 2 SOLUTION P 13 HOLLYWOOD HUSTLERS P 32 ULTIMA 8 SOLUTION P 14 KINGS QUEST 7 SOLUTION P 33 UNIVERSE SOLUTION P 15 MALEDICTION P 34 WRATH OF THE GODS SOLV. P 16 MYSTIC SOLUTIc* M.W.B. DOXDISK #60!! 1995  ****************************************** P 01 A320 REF.CODES P 19 PERSONAL PAINT P 02 ACTIONCAT AGA P 20 PLAYERMANAGER II P 03 AMAZONE QUEEN SOLUTION P 21 SENSIBLE GOLF P 04 AMIGADOS P 22 SIMON II SOLUTION P 05 CHMPSHIP MAN.ITALIA95 P 23 SNES -BREATH SOLUTION P 06 DISKSALV V3.0 REL12.16 P 24 SNES -CHRONO SOLUTION P 07 DOPUS 5.0+ MANUAL P 25 SNES -JELLYBOY P 08 EdRBEN DER ERDE SOLUTION P 26 SNES -NBAJAM TOURN. P 09 FORMULA 1 GRANDPRIX P 27 SNES -WWFRAW SP.MOVES P 10 FEARS AGA P 28 SPACE QUEST 6 WALKTHRU P 11 FULL THROTTLE SOLUTION P 29 STARTREK -NEXT GEN.SLV P 12 GLOOM SECRETS P 30 TEENAGENT SOLUTION P 13 HOLLYWOOD HUSTLERS P 31 TERM P 14 KINGS QUEST 7 SOLUTION P 32 TIMEKEEPERS P 15 MALEDICTION P 33 TOWER OF SOULS P 16 MYSTIC SOLUTION P 34 VIROCOP P 17 OBSE:d>$SSION P 35 WHALES VOYAGE II P 18 PCTASK IIIULA 1 GRANDPRIX P 27 SNES -WWFRAW SP.MOVES P 10 FEARS AGA P 28 SPACE QUEST 6 WALKTHRU P 11 FULL THROTTLE SOLUTION P 29 STARTREK -NEXT GEN.SLV P 12 GLOOM SECRETS P 30 TEENAGENT SOLUTION P 13 HOLLYWOOD HUSTLERS P 31 TERM P 14 KINGS QUEST 7 SOLUTION P 32 TIMEKEEPERS P 15 MALEDICTION P 33 TOWER OF SOULS P 16 MYSTIC SOLUTION P 34 VIROCOP P 17 OBSEefFf=Y FILE_ID.DIZpe=] _____ _______ __________ \__ \/ _/_ \/\/ _/_ _ \ / / \ / / \ \/ Y _/ / _ \ _ \ \ _ \ / \ / \_\ \_Y \ /______\/____ /_/\____ /___ / \/ \/ \/ A NEW DOX DISK NR 60!!!! DONE BY -= DEBOND =- YK17SESSION.DOCp-:h"}n----------------------------------------------- CALL THE BOARDS WORLDWIDE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- dEAtH rOW..............[ Shadower! ]...............+1-8014769068 WHQ tHE mANSiON...........[ Linebacker! ]...............+44-PRI-VATE! EHQ sOUtHERn cOMfORt.......[ 243! ]...............+61-PRI-VATE! 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It takes many shortcuts and is not actually intended to be used as-is. Primarily it is intended to document the key actions necessary to complete the game. There are many other paths through the game and in a normal game much searching around and talking to characters would be necessary to learn enough to choose the actions taken. If you follow this walkthru you willqty finish the game but will miss most of the cleverness, charm, and wit of the game designers. The walkthru also contains many sequences that do not need to be followed in order. Most chapters have several tasks which must be completed but do not have to be completed in the order presented. I played the 1.1 version of the game for this walkthru. At press-time I have heard rumors of a 1.5 version which fixes the bugs and crashes that occur in this version. Chapter 1 - "Wqui$_$here in blazes am I" This chapter has at least three very different paths based on the wether or not the Desert Spirit is helped and wether the 'Hunting Horn' is retrieved before helping him. In this version, the absolute minimum step path is shown ( where he is not helped ). This version skips some of the tricker sequences ( like turning salt water to fresh ). Take 'Ripped Petticoat' from cactus. Walk 2 screens south. Take 'Hunting Horn' from skeleton. Walk 3 screens norqv3th. Enter cave north. Take 'Basket'. Examine 'Basket' and open lid. Rotate 'Basket' to see 'Corn Kernel' inside and pick up 'Corn Kernel'. Pick up all four 'Clay Jar's in any order ( first 3 will break ). Leave cave. Use 'Corn Kernel' on sand under dripping water. Examine gourd plant just left of corn stalk. Examine picture on rock wall right of cave entrance. Take 'Gourd Seed' from now open gourd plant. Walk 1 screen east. Use small door under "Rare Curiosities" and talk Kangaroo Rat. Use 'Hunting Horn' on Valanice to blow out dust. Use 'Hunting Horn' on eastern Jackalope hole twice to stun Jackalope. Take 'Jackalope Fur' from cactus. Take 'Glasses' from ground. Use small door under "Rare Curiosities". Use 'Glasses' on Kangaroo Rat. Use 'Gourd Seed' on Kangaroo Rat and trade for 'Turquoise Bead'. Walk 2 screens west and 1 screen south. Take 'Stick'. Take 'Salt Crystals' from south edge of pool. Use statue's head, this rotates it and cauqx\Ises sun rays to come out. Examine statue's collar and line all blue beads to third column. Use wrist band on statue's right hand, this drains the pool. Enter empty pool. Examine offering tray. Examine empty part of tray. Use 'Turquoise Bead' on offering tray. Examine offering tray. Take 'Turquoise Piece' on right. Leave pool. Walk east 2 screens. Use 'Ripped Petticoat' on 'Stick' to make 'Flag'. and put it in inventory. Enter doorway. Use 'Flag' on scorpion, quickly or qy'ĞValanice will expire. Examine statue. Use center symbol on side. Take blue bead at bottom on one hand of statue. Place yellow bead at right on other hand. Place red bead at left on pedestal right and behind statue. Note last two steps are not always necessary due to bug in some versions. Take 'Turquoise Piece'. Leave building. Walk 2 screens west and 1 north. Use 'Stick' on cactus right of doorway and take 'Prickly Pear'. Use one 'Turquoise Piece' on the other to make qz99'Puzzle'. Examine lock above doorway twice. Use 'Puzzle' on lock. Enter open doorway. Inventory: 'Golden Comb', 'Clay Pot', 'Stick', 'Basket', 'Hunting Horn', 'Jackalope Fur', 'Prickly Pear', 'Salt Crystals'. Other paths: The Wanderer will give an item ( either a rope or bug reducing powder ), if he receives fresh water. Fresh water is made by picking an 'Ear of Corn' from the corn stalk. Then go to the salt water pool and fill the 'Clay Pot' with salt waq {@1]ter from the pool. Prime the statue ( head and collar ) as usual. Using the 'Golden Comb' on Valanice, cry into the statue's bowl, pour the salt water into the bowl, and put the 'Ear of Corn' into the statue's left hand. The water should be transformed to fresh. Then use the 'Clay Pot' to give the fresh water to the wanderer. Instead of getting the 'Hunting Horn', the 'Glasses' can be had by getting a 'Rope' from the Wanderer. Then the rope is used to trip the Jackalope by q |d>ytying it to two cactuses and tripping him. Instead of using the 'Flag' to trick the scorpion, the scorpion can be rendered harmless by using bug reducing powder from the wanderer. Chapter 2 - "A troll is as a troll does." This chapter is a fairly long one. A lot of time is spent walking back and forth through the underground. The items necessary to make the magic potion do not have to be collected in any particular order. There are also two bowls in the kitchen, one isq }Hf gold and one is brass. Leave room. Take 'Toy Rat'. Take 'Shield' from wall just left of throne. Enter kitchen at top right. Get kicked out, overhear witch, leave mud pool area. Enter kitchen at top right. Use 'Toy Rat' on floor by cook troll, quickly or Rosella will expire. Take 'Bowl' from bottom left shelf. Use machine right of shelves to get 'Baked Beetles'. Leave kitchen. Enter mud pits and overhear trolls discuss "sleeping aids". Leave mud pits. Enter workshop atq ~* lower left. Descend to lower area. Take 'Lantern'. Use 'Bowl' on green water by entrance to make 'Bowl with Green Water'. Walk to edge of crevasse and feel updraft. Walk to lower edge and jump to center island. Jump to upper left area and take 'Wet Sulphur'. Jump back and exit area. Walk to right in front of fire, wait till fire is hot. Use 'Lantern' on fire to make 'Lantern with Spark'. Use 'Wet Sulphur' on fire to put "sexist pig troll" to sleep. Take tongs from tool raq ʢEck, use on brown box, use on water pail to get 'Silver Spoon', and replace tongs on rack. Leave workshop. Enter area to lower left. Try to leave area on bridge to right. Examine 'Shield' and take 'Shield Spike' from it. Examine cart at upper left. Use 'Shield' on empty axle then 'Shield Spike' on axle. Ride cart. Enter dragon cave at upper right. Enter dragon lair to right. Talk to dragon. Use 'Lantern with Spark' on dragon to receive 'Big Gem'. Return to workshop. TalkqlR to jeweler troll. Use 'Big Gem' on jeweler troll in exchange for 'Hammer and Chisel'. Return to dragon lair. Use 'Hammer and Chisel' on dragon's tail just after it flops to floor to get 'Dragon Scale', quickly or Rosella will expire. Return to main hall and use the 'Bowl with Green Water' on the troll. Give the rest of the ingredients to the troll: 'Silver Spoon', 'Baked Beetles', and 'Dragon Scale'. Rosella ends up human and gets a 'Silver Pellet'. Move large bench seat unq+jder picture. Then stack small seat and foot stool on top. Overhear plotting, fall, and take 'Dragon Toad'. Walk to bedroom, overhear argument. Use 'Dragon Toad' on Mathilde, she gives you 'Enchanted Rope'. Try to leave to lower-right. Use 'Toy Rat' on Malicia, quickly or Rosella expires. Leave to lower-right. Use 'Enchanted Rope' on elevator. Use elevator. Inventory: 'Lantern', 'Hammer and Chisel', 'Dragon Toad', 'Silver Pellet'. Chapter 3 - "The sky is falling." qpWThis chapter is somewhat tricky as Valanice must walk back to the desert to complete it. Also, without foreknowledge, it is easy to have finished chapter 1 without enough objects to solve a couple of puzzles in chapter 3. However, Valanice can always go back to the desert and get them. Most of the rest of the action is fairly straight-forward. Use 'Prickly Pear' on monster, quickly or Valanice expires. Walk 1 screen north west then one screen west. Talk to the stag at lengthq͛? until he tells of Lord Feldspar. Walk 1 screen and 1 screen north. Jump to boulder in muddy stream bed at left, then to center, and to top. Use 'Basket' on spider. Examine the bird. Walk 1 screen north west. Enter through small door right of city gate. Use 'Golden Comb' on the duke. Enter the China Shop. Talk to Fernando about "Treasure". Walk 1 screen east. Use cover over bird cage. Use door of cage. Examine bird in cage and retrieve 'China Bird'. Return to China ShopqQ _, use 'China Bird' on Fernando and get 'China Mask'. Leave shop walk near Town Hall door. Use 'China Mask' on Valanice and use Town Hall door. Leave party through curtained door at rear. Walk left on stairway down and continue walking to door. Use door twice to enter powder room. Leave powder room by examining third mirror from the door. Use drawer on right side of desk and take 'Magic Statuette'. Leave office and walk west to main landing. Walk south from landing back to paq{v]rty. Leave Town Hall and walk to east pond. Take 'Wooden Nickel' from mockingbird nest. Use 'Salt Crystals' on Valanice and enter Faux Shop door. Use 'China Mask' on Ersatz the Turtle and trade for 'Rubber Chicken'. Use 'Wooden Nickel' on Erastz and trade for 'Book'. Walk back to Desert. Walk 2 screens east and use "Rare Curiosities" door. Use 'Book' on Kangaroo Rat and trade for 'Crook'. Return to woods and examine flowers at left of screen. Use 'Clay Pot' on flowers and gxRHygnusEdTempA.904p&w$ M.W.B. DOXDISK #59 1995  ****************************************** SOME NICE SOLUTIONS FOR THE FANS P 01 ALIEN LEGACY SOLUTION P 20 INCA 2 SOLUTION P 02 ALONE IN THE DARK 2 SLV P 21 INHERIT THE EARTH SLV P 03 ALONE IN THE DARK 3 SLV P 22 JAMMIT CODES P 04 BIOFORGE SOLUTION P 23 KINGS QUEST 7 SOLUTION P 05 CYBERIA SOLUTION P 24 KYRANDIA 2 SOLUTION P 06 DARK FORCES SOLUTION P 25 HEMISPHERE SOUTH SOLV. P 07 DARK SUN 1 SOLUTION P 26 HEMISPHERE NORTH SOLV. P 08 DARK SUN 2 SOLUTION P 27 MENZOBERRANZAN SOLUTION P 09 DEATH GATE SOLUTION P 28 NOCTROPOLIS SOLUTION P 10 DISCWORLD SOLUTION P 29 SETTLERS HINTS P 11 DRAGONLORD SOLUTION P 30 SIMON SOLUTION P 12 DRAGONSPERE SOLUTION P 31 ULT.UNDERWORLD 2 SOLUTION P 13 ECSTATICA SOLUTION P 32 ULTIMA 8 SOLUTION P 14 GUILTY SOLUTION P 33 UNIVERSE SOLUTION P 15 HEIMDALL 2 SOLUTION P 34 WRATH OF THE GODS SOLV. Pu 16 HELL SOLUTION P 35 ZORK 1 SOLUTION P 17 HERO'S QUEST 1 SOLUTION P 36 ZORK 2 SOLUTION P 18 HOBOKEN FACTS P 37 ZORK 3 SOLUTION P 19 HOBOKEN SOLUTION P 38 ZORK 4 SOLUTION DRAGONLORD SOLUTION P 30 SIMON SOLUTION P 12 DRAGONSPERE SOLUTION P 31 ULT.UNDERWORLD 2 SOLUTION P 13 ECSTATICA SOLUTION P 32 ULTIMA 8 SOLUTION P 14 GUILTY SOLUTION P 33 UNIVERSE SOLUTION P 15 HEIMDALL 2 SOLUTION P 34 WRATH OF THE GODS SOLV. Pqet 'Nectar in Pot'. Walk back to Falderal and use 'Crook' on cheese in pond to get 'Moon'. Inventory: 'Golden Comb', 'Stick', 'Hunting Horn', 'Jackalope Fur', 'Nectar in Pot', 'Rubber Chicken', 'Magic Statuette', 'Moon'. Chapter 4 - "Will the real troll king please stand up" This is the first chapter with events that happen without user command. The Bogey-Man can appear at any time and "get" Rosella. When the Bogey-Man appears, just move off screen and returq n ( until Rosella is wearing the 'Black Cloak' ). Note that the 'Extra Life' is not necessary to complete the game ( there are two levels of completion ). However, the most successful complete needs it. Use shovel blade, quickly or Rosella will expire. Talk to gravedigger about his rat Iggy ( 3 times ). Walk south east and watch brat. Walk west and watch other brat. Walk east and use rope to enter Jack-o-Lantern. Take 'Back Bone' from floor just south of coffin. Take 'Fooq$ot-In-A-Bag' from coffin. Use rope to leave Jack-o-Lantern. Walk west, watch brat, and enter Dr. Cadaver's house. Use 'Back Bone' on doctor and receive 'Weird Pet'. Walk east and use 'Weird Pet' on brats. Use 'Weird Pet' on elevator to rescue 'Gravedigger's Rat' Walk north to graveyard. Use 'Gravedigger's Rat' on gravedigger and receive 'Gravedigger's Horn'. Walk south east. Use 'Hammer and Chisel' on casket to save cat and get 'Extra Life'. Walk north and take 'Shovel'. Waq %lk west, south and south again. Stand at extreme lower-left of screen and use 'Gravedigger's Horn' Enter hole. Examine lock. Use skull then bat then spider. Use 'Dragon Toad' on the king. Use 'Hammer and Chisel' on his arm-band, quickly or Rosella will expire. End up with 'Magic Wand' and 'Troll King as Scarab'. Take 'Black Cloak' and use it on Rosella. Walk north and enter Dr. Cadaver's house. Talk to the doctor and get the 'Defoliant'. Walk east and scare brats then walk qM6south to garden. Use 'Defoliant' on green monster, quickly or Rosella will expire. Use 'Foot-In-A-Bag' on venus fly trap plants. While they are busy, take little red 'Fragrant Flower' at their base. Walk east. Walk quickly past Malicia's house, King will want to jaw awhile. Walk north behind Malicia's house. Use green vine covering hole under Malicia's house. Use 'Shovel' on hole to enlarge it. Enter hole. Note that there is a bug here that sometimes prevents the next actqD^ion. If the dog is barking before entering hole. Go back to the front of the house and walk east. Then walk west again. The dog should not be barking. It is then safe to enter the hole. Inside room, go back down under floor as soon as possible. WHen dog sticks its nose in the knot-hole, use 'Defoliant' on him. Enter room. Keep examining third drawer of chest until you get 'Mysterious Device'. Use pile of clothes to put them back in drawer. Take 'Woolen Stocking'. Leave roqUom through floorboard. Use black cloak to put it back on. Walk to front of house and then east. Try to walk east, were-bear will confront Rosella. Use 'Silver Pellet' on 'Woolen Stocking' to make 'Sling' and use 'Sling' on were-bear, quickly or Rosella will expire. Walk north, cross river bed, and walk north west. Use small door to enter town. Use door on town hall to enter. Leave party room though curtain at rear. Walk right and down, and continue to powder room door. UseqsZT powder room door twice to enter. Examine plaque on base of statue. Use 'Woolen Stocking' on plaque to clean it. Examine plaque again. Examine grapes on pillar at right of room. Use 'Hammer and Chisel' on grapes to get 'Golden Grape'. Use 'Golden Grape' on statue to partially open entrance. Walk to left side of room. Use 'Magic Wand' on 'Troll King as Scarab'. Put 'Magic Wand' back into inventory and enter entrance. Walk north west. Inventory: 'Lantern', 'Hammer and Chisq+/el', 'Defoliant', 'Magic Wand', 'Shovel', 'Extra Life', 'Fragrant Flower', 'Woolen Stocking', 'Mysterious Device'. Chapter 5 - "Nightmare in Etheria." This is another chapter with a lot of walking around. It is also the longest. Every time you pass through central screen in Etheria you have to wait for little creatures to dance with Valanice ( or else warp through ). Use 'Rubber Chicken' on tree at right. Use 'Moon' on rubber chicken on tree. Tqʘdake 'Feather' from tree branch. Use 'Magic Statuette' on snake salesman trade for 'Were-beast Salve'. Leave town. Walk east 3 screens. Use 'Feather' on snoring rock. After getting clued in, walk 2 screens west, cross stream bed. Walk south and 2 screens east. Use 'Nectar in Pot' on statue. Walk west. Use 'Jackalope Fur' on 'Were-beast Slave' making 'Were-beast Slave with fur'. Use 'Were-beast Slave with Fur' on Valanice. After monster is defeated walk east. Walk carefullyqL past venus fly trap plants and leave garden north. Walk east and then back west, use rope to enter Jack-o-Lantern. Take 'Femur Bone' from mummy. Use rope to leave. Walk 2 screens west and 1 north. Use 'Femur Bone' on dog. Talk to the dog till Valanice gets 'Horseman's Medal'. Walk south and use 'Horseman's Medal' on crying woman. Walk 2 screens east and take 'Lit Firecracker'. Walk 2 screens west. Use 'Lit Firecracker' on lock of crypt door. Enter crypt and use dog statueqc8. Examine open casket to get 'Horseman's Head'. Leave crypt. Stand on path and use 'Horseman's Head' on horseman as soon as he appears. End up in Etheria with the 'Horseman's Fife'. Walk east 2 screens and climb to top of mountain. Use strange looking tree and climb out to end of branch. Examine clump of grapes to get 'Ambrosia'. Climb back off tree and walk south. Climb back down mountain and walk south. Walk west. Use south east rainbow to warp to woods by stream and briq ̫dge. Walk north east across bridge. Use 'Ambrosia' on cornucopia and take 'Pomegranate' from cornucopia. Walk south west across bridge and then west. Use 'Pomegranate' on bleeding tree to uncurse Ceres. Use 'Horseman's Fife' on yourself to return to Etheria. Walk east and then north. Use the strings of the harp in order 1, 5, 6, 4 to activate harp. Use globe of harp to warp to Fates. Talk to the Fates who tell you to talk to Maab in the land of dreams. Talk to the Fates agaq!I !in and they tell you to sleep to reach Maab. Walk south and then west. Use south west rainbow to warp to Ooga-Booga. Walk north thru gate. Walk west. Enter Dr. Cadaver's house. Talk to the doctor about insomnia. Use coffin to sleep. Use 'Horseman's Fife' to warp to Etheria. Walk east and north. Use harp to warp to the Fates. Talk to the Fates who say go to Ceres. Walk south and west. Use south east rainbow to warp to woods. Walk west and talk to Ceres. Use 'Horseman's Fifq".Ce' to warp to Etheria. Use south west rainbow and walk east to Malicia's house. Walk north behind house, if dog is barking go back and east, then come back. When dog isn't barking, enter hole behind house. Once inside climb back under floor then try to reenter room. After Malicia leaves with Cuddles, reenter room. Examine lamp at right of room and get 'Crystal Shaft'. Leave room through floor and walk back to front of house. Use 'Horseman's Fife' to warp to Etheria. Use the q#NA+north west rainbow to warp to desert. Walk 2 screens north, 1 east, and enter building. Use 'Crystal Shaft' on statue to energize it. Leave building and use 'Horseman's Fife' to warp to Etheria. Walk east and north and consult the Fates again. They give you the 'Dream Catcher'. Walk south and east and climb mountain. Use 'Dream Catcher' on cave entrance and when nightmare appears use it on the nightmare. Quickly or Valanice will expire. Enter cave and talk to "Weaver of Dreaq$KSms". Use 'Dream Catcher' on "Weaver of Dreams" to get 'Tapestry of Dreams'. Use 'Tapestry of Dreams' on yourself to travel to dreamland. Use 'Dream Catcher' on black nightmare. Walk south. Walk into building, use 'Crystal Shaft' to free Maab and get 'Magic Bridle'. Climb mountain and stand behind cave. Use 'Magic Bridle' on white wind. Inventory: 'Golden Comb', 'Stick', 'Clay Pot', 'Ambrosia', 'Horseman's Fife'. Chapter 6: "Ready, set... BOOM!" This chapter has veryq%x5 few user actions: most of the action is fixed. The two settings on the 'Magic Wand' is VERY tricky. Examine the 'Magic Wand', it has two settings 'T' and 'F'. Use the bottom control on the 'Magic Wand' to change the setting to 'F'. Use the 'Magic Wand' on the false king ( thrown to back of room ). In volcano use 'Shovel' on yourself, quickly or Rosella will expire. Walk north west. On door use left eye, then right eye, then nose. Use 'Mysterious Device' on socket at right q&7Nof back control panel. When it is fully charged it blinks; take it back. Use 'Fragrant Flower' on the king to rouse him and stop volcano. Use 'Mysterious Device' on Malicia to turn her into an infant. Use 'Extra Life' on Edgar to save him. HAPPY GAMING - Steven L. Zook - . olcano use 'Shovel' on yourself, quickly or Rosella will expire. Walk north west. On door use left eye, then right eye, then nose. Use 'Mysterious Device' on socket at right \86DYK10ARS.DOCpaPP20 P`*)38|ZAqAZ8$+ QYz"aRxG[q=?'?_7hk!CGU(4}y5 .9%o=Ɔ[q!gWs'nu tOnmni4Ӹ!հot髣|>(S)L?2IÒOҎAU&;9!|la:"L ^J#m(wH49"_ u.Ä a=&WP@ka \3>2}! pO`"Z}h"95pXz+0ByHG > 'TV\#rXG4° `T&Ö!GYCI+wu.A>4AYC& 'FBQO "zZu %Yϊ/ʫKtHJE0-{.Ư!B4\^:2/sL!&]Kcuq߼i4XQW ŢDPhJz!+p0B0>?4(U=y `=0)' mhQ#@ njn {PfgecQdp[ 7 1'a2u0Bu r.hp0( &o]Lލ zz(oz[M+Mó<-y{h!y%{[%Շx(ŀ= fVM :w$(%0()S/@2v#1ज $ !,%C#z_.qg܌}|7@|cg;y!Pq|0BiO5.{ `C4:%|B4bz[F$E+(A`}9uG<{='OO]L%I|vC. =\Q4hkbήFVm/`"Tǯ- &ar棇e ZDNX!#҉^R iV"_cA]A`A] >C6ApƏ!Č@m(eU5X}^PnPB\i";16 ?  $V p\D>{!*P 8G^NEf)|5xC@s1^)Η`AE\CwD(+<B c Ah.О?k g{A/JXˊ60,ExCwn#%zH/ S 7z`5|o> ڵG zO>j,u mM 9CdD|s@MhDidP%Gh|2`E/GE8 ?0|J.5otٙ~0~0 Ux0TGDTf.:or-~Cয়(z_y! >'*b+SLoޛfԈS}iUAm,gb=C>v{tw1%<pq` O r#V%=|KlMX|,ˀxI6h>Hͳ^w_ C:Jz 'zT$2)j¾i:A{qy d7"RϐRK"9(rxEgKI!Үc;1Q!<&`V2u ڇɵ¬+{O)X/8?zJut׼ dls}ڬJneؔ/N% iԯ A_DQ _ ~-:{Oa%~fhJ< #֯>|lGCi,A:=loͭB>=34b噣1VOJof9u+F$SlBPtB`\ H (HA!IeA`c~ ʪȂ80RrC|O  ʪ 2 "Bº QY!BA$nt^UKyu9(e%ED@ILQP$QUT@@leKT$zv |8D=`RIyݕ'rhj} >yqp0/9^e ҁ5t bCF.!`O>'\ҩS[la~e%{ P=8ZV+'M&選= XgaУ,#$>>Cg=8A,$6b :z !};]vjb\OA\_X}tjA߰' _*<7z,qß?8KHX=4}yx_pd0>~* 3?/lQ~7`|{՗H~Mk(NolDM- /Դ` z_Q)!2K>\ B#7~^^v&‡B]ꟜX8 퇉'|Y{whGz]]C8'~kRk<4S/M-L`Zp~o&~޿_`aDa z1L4|O2 yFPSTN:_߫(!|{|-Cފp~=cĺ^3$^8eJ~.G*{}@q|PK8(ga7JYa @IO(8m,ϲ'X`& ~TϮ / =A ܇GĠIW {]EgӌL|2F8׶C>4i~`Y/_Gt  X40jxwD|q,T?ܞ|F4= ?s|ؖE>w"ZkxWCNk Qv"ra)0hv1+)?_!_8A)`:!^NYb +! 245v^j~ssA@_q* _L/KAA(;G,gL̘NtrD F<;u>^w޼JLJO2kJ༎8z` vF~v+:<zW#'u G|>~~==U~d:1P9c = @ShyAMOShއ^My@E$B&',+L( '.&ZD1K(-m |>g_ /N>=3׮o}{J1! dt8 !O&ȏE@]xh 07Gdu #j>~[o˯V.xDz@->CG*HzJO7\{W`/҄ /]P"&|t~G ?OB,è#M1`ąkk€@9O7G%}]:qj^~Q^]7|7yGu ں~na9}KCgoFTPIN>A>/( .< EXL8 ct&>˂s.*}}i/r>˩b( )|̓\ :Fzg)p" 3l=Pt7|Aܞzg o>?R#'ȃ~yNGވobO5o8 @6i4b1l\ydaOԳ.zꎡv_0r^`'`&TXO= Sz~\9A|w9 ̧5yTFTXER^NOz܇ei1t|1㳨a|HaKLifR1PbDO8Cl}(~~CsSwbbp=!Kx A l)Ζ&A-ap6'!)s2fDN4Yk.9'iiA饉G@?:*l4UTEgkY)&aɍdy9.DhK(2Zx%go#QJ o6v(/ |̃O.Cc>PFp9r(3p*`shx`y, @Ox|)jP.~:z?-SeGG`/b#  Ee4gY1vK`%E6>P%WRpZWUc'2'm60)8\"ٙH6ug,XFz@wE R*c?ctGWpFxJB?i'۬R `}ʂpu?QQ;NhcPkD{28'4F@9ihMo6]s|xpˍ@u(8 1< ޣAP pN|ģL9431?;8.8VP>-!әD3ÊWa䈍{.~#D"bL !T?x*qqr恘 `-?3jSOʺxec J)AP5b#4,'@DNC9JAeDDd D5$ UYEFH]PSFpUdDx~ ,C<Xk(Z!% SATD@A@S@\\S^TFFLRT@N@ r IHʋHЊIh0/4:}(Z!%KaٍP K 燋k酻F# c-}.ua򧫣M+/ЀqgDiifI^35thax|]w:ZU`˞x e#UѤSa-j4J}j ->:21 Wf+҃L̥^=H{cc, ,:]+|fGOrΊ²"/1탎\Mڢ߾.@|OvQ, aA>oϷG8 a =1W[]bÈ 'zuNhׄnH 8AP0[ Y! \4u CMHӊ={0,C@7Ju;5 #E^Vb ȄpЗSE"τ a"_ !~C'|xYcDc=VE/_ pSώ jDd98Hw#+̨3C<#Ǘ_5/釰ΝWOɻs|5H(/~$Xb'thPBa1Y5>X1)05yV8Mf" xdCaOB#S OHoi!Š;n_ؔoa(X7GH*AČx ⍊rFY7?zroh gkP'`f-GXc-m2Lߢ NM9*a\>uT+O%w. wېPχJҮs+\o>ƃ9/1RH/'Py0If<6d/p/Pp/Wb|`uG{tXJ =cޫfP(|5lx@t3*fӈ H]B!!f, #랥a[dh>I]o 9M}%@[C fЫUo󅏜 om, wT]W@PWgO|E#6֐޹K||sgxF|e?XC ,xGvL4=aC=|si~.́&{T^E=WP|'P}KC~xע\z `oӯ0n iYJ @ t{V!,GL;%GVLWdk 5k#{Ê -Zh@~Jo` . 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Use curtain cord Pick up wig Pick up the Sheets on the bed (2 sets) Use both sheets together to make a rope Use rope on radiator Use rope to slide down the laudry chute Pick up comedy breats on the shelf (Move the ladder) Pick up crowbar Go up the stairs Talk to bell boy Ask for the key, then ask to borrow it, then ask about the key again Antxȳd finally tell him your Lola's friend Pick up the key Go back down stairs Use rope to go back up Use crowbar on chest Pick up towel from chest Go back down the rope Use key on the red door and go in Talk to Lola Ask Lola for help on getting out of the hotel When Lola is in the shower, Give her the towel you found in the chest Lola will give you a dress Exit the room and put on the dress and wig Go up the stairs and out the front lobby, And into your truck IN THE TRUCKty}t ------------ Rico and Eddie are after you Pick up the hay Pick up the oil Use oil on Rico and Eddie Rico and Eddie wipe out AIRPORT ------- Tell Anderson you're a better pilot then him, Then say it's time to say good-bye AMAZON JUNGLE ------------- Open the duffle bag Look at the duffle bag, And you'll get a few things Look at the wet seats and get the comic book coupon Open hatch Use beef jerky on pirahna Pick up the propellor Use knife on the lily stem Use tzupropellor on lily pad Go north and talk to the parrot Use knife on the vine Go south twice Use vine on the support rope on the bridge Get the banana on the other side of the bridge Go back to the crash site and go north twice Talk to the gorilla Tell him you dont speak ape, Then ask if he's a gorilla, And tell him you though gorilla's were from Africa and finally tell him, he shouldnt be there, And he'll dissapear Go to pinnicle TRADER BOB'S ------------ Enter the st{6$tore Talk to Bob Tell him you'll help him Give the beef jerky to Bob, He'll give you cash in return Buy the vaccum cleaner Go to pinnicle JUNGLE ------ Talk to Bud and Skip When you talk to Skip, say: I Have a friend that likes Commander Rocket He has every one but one He needs the one where he battles the Chicago Mob Skip gives you the comic Go east twice (past the falls) Talk to the gorilla in the dino-suit Get him to say: Your the ape i saw earlier You dont exit|-st Go through the log Use the vaccum on the wasps Pick up Orchid Go next room (east) Look at the stone carving An amazon will show up Use the button on the door You should get trapped AMAZON TEMPLE DUNGEON --------------------- Talk to the old man Tell him you like the hand puppet The old man should give you the puppet Faye will show up, apologise to her and she will let you out Go up the stairs Exit the temple JUNGLE ------ Go through the log and go down MIt}~ SSION ------- Give the banana to the monkey with the coconut The monkey will give you the coconut Talk to Mary-Lou Go back to pinnicle TRADER BOB'S ------------ Try to talk to the pygmy's Ask Naomi where she learned to speak english Give orchid to Bob, He'll give you the net and make you a special customer Get the net CRASH SITE ---------- Use the net on the perfume bottle in the water Give Sparky the comic book and he'll give you a file Get another banana from tt ~i-he banana tree on the other side of the bridge MISSION ------- Talk to Mary-Lou Swap the file for the pygmy dictionary Talk to Jimmy about Sloths WATERFALL (In the jungle) ------------------------- Use the net on the bettle that's flying around TRADER BOB'S ------------ Now you can talk with the pygmy's Talk to the witch doctor Ask her if she can make a rash cure Enter the store Give perfume to Naomi and she'll give you the scissors FLODA INC. CAMP ---------t ------ Pick up the flower in the front garden Enter the house Talk to the secretary Ask her why thier located in the jungle and then tell her your the fumigator Enter the door (library) Look under couch cushion Pick up change Leave the room Go into the kitchen Talk to the chef Ask him what he's doing, then ask him if he's having any luck Give the banana to the shef The chef will leave Pick up the cheeze-Bits Pick up the can of dog food Go east Open mailbag Look at t the bag and you'll get a letter look at the letter Open foot locker Pick up squeeky toy Exit the house Give the squeeky toy to the dog Go back to the pinnicle JUNGLE (The screen b4 Bud and Skip) ----------------------------------- Use the flower on the sloth Use the scissors on the sloth Go back to the pinnicle TRADER BOB'S ------------ Use the knife on the coconut Give the witch doctor the vaccum(w/wasps in it), Coconut, and the sloth hair Back to pinnicle JUt >NGLE (Bud and Skip) --------------------- Give Bud the rash potion He'll give you cash in return Back to the pinnicle TRADER BOB'S ------------ Buy the record Back to pinnicle FLODA INC. CAMP --------------- Enter the house Goto Library Use the record on the record player Use elevator You should be in the bunker Open the door Look in the box Exit room Go up the hall Talk to John Give John the letter John will cry and then let you into the rooms Go into the YF}@ PYK09GP06.TXTpvPPP20 Ȫ2-&N&{Â2`  -Zj@(1GC^]O`- (`}gS<}  &5xtѓF&.&VqY>h'_@{q >нSf1oyf| `AEIK  V-x\L̘x`Gѣ$HP 6=p@|a9xoi$") K7-P֘Gٖ{ BNH|F!lv0 kF+]0٨u*EC n Vʨbx)Ђ`Yƃl =`#ċW~!(a)0+D9lWgЗˀW$!7-T%]b@d .,_ X:GA<'\/h 8dK5疒` gJ Ru '}T>x7xC|rH1KYPbz6R@l'2Diw1өր%k5p#gm_A'q `1@`.h-jy' {-t##rR"f00 A $Pu>[I|GIx"xHp;f22t~-pSlg.c;`"bO˱%8=E>ǩV~alXd{OJj}U=ttB>rQ끪1pB4yC=e d )at*󫍔 FThjX=aLL DwӁx w8a$4\)K@u1񍞗Yۚgxy/*?֏tO8`ITHSg͡B>CPssO'"z=9@^Q\G&tϡCgHbFR5>#[I%"l'R!XT`-,>֢PRPwse|--7*$֚»[Exu3%pn P ̨D}aXBe_ܢ8:xr$/86D=5Ё?(ey#Oᄶwm-9:qF#V `j/GY.c@?KɉIp"3oCB.*8 .Ā} K+tM1sWMi#pkˈ}4VMo vZ- w rl302pp; )`?&B` hVVBZ (&; x`v4s$tv^S80L*P9ͧ(I,st ;)[RW pCՔ0 k~0OXx2/{#| N(XPpexpx%,7;sO-МLltAһXS_\*M0` C!?DC?pg sV,"=,u޻ aCc -WI3r֍ `wz)Q|-Ah &XP?~'S7@Wa<81k'FخWzPHˆ9<0@A.r/" =rrZ?r=dž9Oܲq _]` `cvBxOI^UAؾXfs:Npcad!2TIcU D&`0(ƒ|b兀Ɔ6Ʈ6rC7(A :p1|B&Uifbg4lwϑX;:(u?! $̡odk'#Ll] an p1L֊,A)oC/ghpAyO'~#Ex'β(Oϰ/ !Dr:`?O9pCR~u<Em~}:<|@#ą ;??h?|s?+/Oq5?p|pGY b=vc:v-t)9?sN/p/W~uZT 1'O?f?AοAd 6!?a29o[HR$'_鎑:" Ozևx0/|&"` PC~!Q7Hce$g6Eۙd~C? )N9LltQk<_YE u?;6  ǜ ᝞`~~A!?';KD9 d²::h* &)1Є<9[PRITYVV& JFP=#ٜ'?W?rsHi%{#pRE^IV͝Vh7c ZochdhMEkN&KUS8͗C(QwF&B8(iPj q0 4> D3žP{DL<Mh,yŖ.4\yP.I%U*NK9<;! 8=|p7C|Q Xda8;#aR ?ď2 *JrPaM "Dx ; 1D: D"Qx AC8M :% Pila`I$NH1qOrqŜarBf{nP16iKR_@\fPTBU=0 HhpPoit?= C6'p s:[;X 8<1a0LLt pJ P1C$Zit4k 9KB;zi4gN"4@SrD0=IaN3Ёt$6AFkDnag^nh"|!`p΄PQK.I.{6LO?[ ^liFXOz o]?~ZG_|]g/$O3_6e\`v'xL Ƭ½&kyl! :#ԟ9_ f#(?g<$d~v.N6f>< "Rƞ8>=}=|6ϟ0ym-񒏀P CS'}<`y*KmTZF7:=r?s_ķ# 8`n ܟ6`w 22X{=M^0fOϕ䭄TzJ +| <oN/ܟ?)?=A>Ztlh@]`RZ@5w8mORyU0&2qJ+?!w c ſ풿 a@l-_ohol/g g <LR[|om2ߘ.>d9q1I ~CHV~tOk̅-?# bp߰o8oC 7(c'h ?TIȫxry/rCrr[@8`9=`]b5Y5𠜠"q|:pfa6?*1Ïf-[0eB L؞7ж!ğ)''05.v?Rzcdo9wN4{|`.yDY/  ?00 x*oF+@pl t1@`JC3Z8"0ז,/#|07tX>;^w@`7~W_.* W~5^UOi_c89d߁z=r`w<=y#>b̪w_}k9]!z1fb<+Q#R;;]Sg{xg.J㗬rGzht1t,L5jbJr°`v½lg,;_X?G'-~sx2"T Mp߿f>sh,pA>,ex8JB$u%x7}Ͽ-c\[/{!F ʎ+E;Fή|<b"d~#s"9Ư*:8^^>i BfB$0R# ALcfdc7@ʎ\TX9Iĩ _^s{ F0z ی{ }9`ކ [G<;Hx >׽ *دip%co<ȭ~cgO }w(ׁV;j?o .O`t?ekpNZ_|a?TIVPNNZZZUxL-s)0$%zײSwC&,?,,0q~;%] 1=C υ0~ALP{*0y?~*@p+_@!k)곀!aXvl?}|7EXq;?zOL2vL@= 3EHq8ST uC'{'K;spAxF p%} ~0x[( c' ||X=<mxD}ttlbET߻<O[/ (fu~EL|%+^z`z1 j_c`?!9`c&lNCȹ˯<簽?kM_y Z? 2^7O#t% B&?ҫcef;=>]|?IAM Y{;/_7ΟkW k5|@e/P /fٌ>P 5E2I<&>o!%Z`6->!]{p~R|#W',0'pz'&W\X`lW(FEf#~M x 8Lރv(ӱJw##zL>@¼(xȊ'|}8|'d B=pqk>tb{558`ϣyZ?`wȡ0C*xEP3օ=S=pp!qq^Q^?9@ Qa0 zǀ.$Mx7Ui/Y8>2yNo8Bx`\ɂO]1/PRI{;Ixt"H L*K bN |=1?~#bGZ <(f[O>\c׸CUĢ?||GQ{°}M\\!Ϟ 5)i Xd=K܉>HGB3窸/X<WP#:9y{Я͆Bq 2Z)hBŖCl?y=OJ*pS*zZn>x [#S` >10 x瀞>SAUe%AIA A?с6 VҀv IY%$E(RAEIĶ>A1zKc ܌(5l/'IYQ&Jk8(AUe%AIA A?YK12OOMSECRETS.TXTp[|[PP20 7AĎUC쥍g&{Q8s` \ ;@xK1L{L^FIvo>Hg44eF”F2 g9QwE窬3+?@9L^M d8%.FQR?Ђ,#1`;-nC8oƘQD3ʨ-.e1$[{ !,>d rv H7hQhGЇL SMEĥyFPU%fl%o?TQHCɧTL=%{EBA\+tǍ/]. lK>rsY 8N ˃`%?HCqHk,*$C>wAi nKHScہ˩Γن`" ?]~Cg<t\UIY+na5 O?䃊KreY9C%aA֍ZW7If<%Q=R_'TOh]DeDx6UivfA_%01 쩆%zg)8?:<x1_!>$L]P&2ř+<2PH@_Ag@Pw䳠> %Ǎr䨬a&Z l)J% Hڊ [0%qBż`Rs* ujI apBB`8Gq%Q aC̑KVXI@c7;)\1BU' a~: Up]LIoTR*0ZH#;[U}%ok9yu9H#Uqe_X% !>AGFJʪ g(d5 <2oQ!$0dg)hTIAK! sيf()#n*ߒ#wv ^RI@WG_%kQM!:%:#>H3P8YΆLQYHPAFFS@BPWy$0 SAN *%%EA$CC9AyA_"wU#4P&wIYQeB8%(  ;G,gKNE)J% Hڊ [0%qBż`Rs* ujI apBB`8Gq%Q aC̑KVXI@c7;)\1BU' a~: Up]5#<YK15LEDICTION.DOCpl6Q[PP20 [A*c` OlhD <0u>cbqޯM,YP~5 pLV8y2%M{>9fj+_[ʂ,4W^[@[zp|.#.ф̾./["jXs(k:>={~`>.q2fz6tk r?4]m,X |vG˄{.g ^ETYN`_ɩg*~P.$#{GiC6&7 oi8?N038HGdb?0Х brT; >K~ݡl5\:hvd `򽐡h>̂'?8D/ȏO??Dɴ5/-P=(oDJRpH lv`\y;exC|zCC|"v{8ُ:`)=K[NB@D=)$;miKN)][4~<ִ2J<;ڂ1 @=4Hf Lp#2Lr}?( b&Fb@x>yU<{0lOPG\I\tHW] pTao^B{Yzu~08w0X/Fp9/}(9^ >Z7|(+]>%}gT=XR HiD=_UEPIFşknE1+$2>0*OfCO*xz^RH`fNJ AEcv䈂B:TCCejHe<\080߱ @>Q*<.C.{aepU '%ץ/#$_A>%Oiɪ@D""+^U)] ,> В=> x:㬞G i<N%D~ |GCEvDC ^oaplG >Vx\cy"[ϔHJb:z}*gzFʏH9iޘzMKP%&>sf!uL`ϛGV0 i !Ůƌ+WEAStS _ M196 _F=ey\&<>3TCD v`2-JX|GIR:;OO,_4 yHnsվxx{>J{O(d'-T,?Xt?0LN /!Vχ',Eπ-x~0^3qW?v Ә:zh?9Vx0>m;:050k2O2<466b&=1\V+Xh T\6x!{!%I-&,R08 ȞH@^r#'T b$kyohrK2PIހ92m^'=x)ksj̞ KZ`&&4y;@TD-D<`Y1r5,U(gdf>fs &^0@13Qy\wo U!WRB 8(l:ªC,гyArvt 9l%DL"Z.5*" D^hwk!VL"1Gx)DhA(R?<z!v\dJJAJ%l h1f'&%#B;/'Nch6D= = k]";EuZ^E<`[<XBE"fZ,nc`]g g 3R] F٘4FNVx7/֣D{239;RXz蝕#;80z)kI|@Kh DξAI"M -gȄRZYHOOV33J q3{/z}`^}fseK,rIId6f~K*2rrwAd/jȁ Hs@}Hs@iU?DZhUe6LgY{.!gF\܍2=(_߾o|yY.7H IZa"tˏ¶Ǚ~$ɔ`V|"t-DXQ-i[w2t|_įފ@ccO.=;KOS̀<"~8KepOT k62x!+%u'aV!\Hũz'|} i?Hs }(PGJ'| V˫!A% I4>vis`1b\Hixt  \1BUa5[yࢯ/# KzfsKMK0 u<' ``#i@G%fpH`3`Îӡ/y-Wj|׍[_RkK੼~X~~WCx8O_NKk[xތfS+yCTp`"PM\mrN{2{nqϞD-% Uί?~z|!@r}#D,fWARm=qwg߄3%E ^xI$0@2E9st`pBey99Aq9S 7s!)o-8Jz"nc~0VϜx߸ E]n_T脆<0OCh%Br* (,'i!WRS1`)}@WtLX9H K/ë>c ӹ L\IzՃ!볙| zWy1Ω\(o9yt0H^}'Cdz:O?sPyk}x(|*rdt[H0`1nJ(V"Qq3\ppl<^yG>W #`I_ K ."{;C^1G: f@5XxzOE ǣx0K$o3K0.|"|6zOuN>p%ne?S=vt4[\EqW_ž<8~صc8Dθ'|;IG9`Pb xqc! 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