Short: Sudoku solver written in AmigaE Author: (nicalejo) Uploader: vendemotos gmail com (nicalejo) Type: game/misc Version: 1.0 Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.4 Distribution: Aminet This program (with sources in E) solves sudokus of any difficult avoiding brute force techniques. It is built uppon human solving metologies. Initial board set can be done manually or reading from a file with a simple and strict syntax, just a 9x9 set of numbers with 0es for the empty cells of the board, written at beginning of the file. Example 009100003 020060070 800003200 500007300 070040060 002800005 001600002 040050090 600009400 asl.library and bgui.library provided because are needed for execution. For compilation you will need E-VO compiler from Darren Coles