Short: Pete W Storonskij's FULL Paint Program! Author: Pete W Storonskij Uploader: Pete W Storonskij Type: gfx/misc Architecture: m68k-amigaos SplatterPaint is the full version of Pete W Storonskij's paint program. This full version is also free, since I am generous :) Splatterpaint's features: Load/Save Wipe (Clear Screen) Lock screen as background Brush Cut/Copy Brush Flip X/Y Magnify any rectangle to full screen Undo Option Paint Under Control Panel Palette functions: Adjust red/green/blue copy swap spread Painting tools: Freehand Dotted/Continuous Line Rectangle Open/Filled Circle Open/Filled Ellipse Open/Filled Regular Polygon Open/Filled Amoeba shapes Open/Filled Area Fill Spraycan (described below) Spraycan Options: Adjust Density Adjust Size (inner/outer radius) Adjust Shape Circle/Square Spray Effects: Regular/Drip/Splat (spreads in all directions) SplatterPaint Developer Info: Pete W Storonskij Incinerplex Games 200 'A' Street Lincoln, NE 68502 USA Misc Info: SplatterPaint contains lots of awesome pictures that are not required to run the program, but serve as examples to load into the program. All of the example pictures were created by me, except for my snow sculptures which wers scanned in from pictures my parents took. Pete W Storonskij also wrote Incinerator, Castle Incinerator, Checkers- Conquest, Mangled Fenders (demo derby), and Conundrum. This fleet of games is available for $10 from Pete W Storonskij :) If you run into problems, open the CLI and type "reset vbr" and/or "set cpu", then run the program.