Short: Strips proprietary headers from JFIF-JPEG files Author: Uploader: Andreas_Kleinert t-online de Type: gfx/misc Replaces: StripAOL.lha Architecture: m68k-amigaos Some people reported problems with loading various JPEG (JFIF) files, which they had received as email attachment (or otherwise). It seems that the online service provider AOL does use a proprietary additional header for email attachments, which makes it impossible for some (most) JPEG readers to recognize AND decode the resulting modified JFIF files. The file structure for example could look like this: [ AOL JPEG8BIM header ] [ Photshop 3.0 preview JFIF ] [ Photshop 4.0 main JFIF ] On the other hand, some Mac written JPEG files do look quite similar: [ MAC header ] [ JPEG8BIM header ] [ Photshop 3.0 preview JFIF ] [ main JFIF with "AppleMark" ] Anyway - let it be AOL or MacBinary: I've written a small utility called "StripJPEG", which does (at least it should, otherwise please feel free to report bugs) strip that proprietary JPEG headers from the files. Usage: StripJPEG infile outfile If you encounter files, which are not yet recognized, feel free to report (and/or modify the source and send me the result). -- All mentioned trademarks are subject to their owners.