Short: Generate permutations, source code in C Author: (Ralf Gruner) Uploader: ralf gruner t-online de (Ralf Gruner) Type: misc/math Architecture: m68k-amigaos Distribution: Public Domain This program generates all permutations of the elements of an array. The example works with an array of characters, but can be changed for any other element types. Use the executable in a shell window with this syntax: permutation Example: 1.Ram Disk:>permutation abc abc acb bac bca cab cba The code is a port of a Pascal program I have written in 1988. The permutations are generated in a recursive function using a mask for filtering the remainig elements. The sort algorithm is simple and can be replaced by the library function qsort or can be removed. Ralf Gruner, Großschönau, Germany 27 August 1999