Short: Tries to repair corrupt Mpeg audio files Author: (radiat-r aka Sascha Ploss) Uploader: radiat-r sascha-ploss de (radiat-r aka Sascha Ploss) Type: mus/misc Version: 0.2 (15 Oct 2000) Architecture: m68k-amigaos Introduction: - MpegDoct-r is based on MpegAnalys-r which scans a whole Mpeg (all types supported) and detects any errors regarding the framesize or header. Then it tries to determine and restore the original frame structure. This is important as some players (software- or hardware-based) may have problems with corrupted files. Disclaimer: - Use at your own risk! I cannot be held responsible for any damage it may cause, either to hardware or to software. Requirements: - Should run on almost every Amiga with installed ixemul.library. Installation: - After extracting the archive, just copy the executable anywhere you want it (I recommend to put it somewhere in your path, e.g. sys:c) Usage: MpegDoct-r [infolevel] Required parameter: - any Mpeg audio file, if the filename contains spaces, it must be enclosed in braces like this: "Hello World.mp3" - the name of the outputfile. Must not be equal to . Warning: no check is performed if a file with that name already exists, so be careful! if the filename contains spaces, it must be enclosed in braces like this: "Hello World.mp3" Optional parameters: [infolevel] - a number from 0 to 2, which specifies the amount of displayed information, 0 is default when omitted. 0: only errors are displayed and a short summary, 1: number, position and status of each frame is displayed, 2: like 1, but additionally Mpeg id, layer type, bitrate and frequency is shown for each frame Examples: MpegDoct-r damaged.mp3 repaired.mp3 (standard repair mode, display only errors and summary) MpegDoct-r damaged.mp3 repaired.mp3 2 (repair and display most detailed information about each frame) MpegDoct-r "Damaged File.mp3" "Repaired File.mp3" 2 (same like above but with space in filename) Bugs and disfunctionals: - If you find anything, PLEASE mail me and i'll try to fix it. - If you encounter strange behavior or crashes, try to increase the stack first. - If no TAG is present at the end of the file the last frame is replaced with the one before. - MpegDoct-r can only repair the frame structure but not the raw audio data itself. If the audio is corrupt MpegDoct-r cannot guess how it should look like or might have sounded before the damage. So the program maybe solves your problem, or maybe it doesn't. - There is a problem with invalid Tags inside the file. As there are different possibilities how they got into the file MpegDoct-r cannot guess which method to use to remove them. - Also try to run the program on the repaired file once more if MpegAnalys-r still shows errors. Some problems can not be recovered in a single run. - very slow History: 0.2: - First public release Thankz: - Lee "TLT" Trice for betatesting Please mail me if you use it: Check out my Amiga pages with more Amiga stuff: