Short: Imagine object of a human figure. Author: Uploader: fintaeph io org (Chris Poirier) Type: pix/3dobj Architecture: generic Hello everyone.... This is a detail editor object of a human-shaped figure. It is not quite finished yet, but it has all of the limbs done. This object has been constructed in such a way that when it is loaded into the cycle editor, it can be converted to a cycle object that works properly. The trick is to locate your axes at the end of the point of rotation, and to make them a child object of the center of rotation (unlike what I had earlier naturally assumed, which was to make the object's axis its own point of rotation, which turns out some strange stuff) I created the body (and actually the limbs too) with the skin command. Some of the points are a little close together, making it hard to select just the right one to move. Fortunately, it is easy to move things out of the way temporarily and move them back in the cycle editor with "pivot". If you want to make the figure raise its hands over its (her i guess) head, rotate the shoulder as well. There are pieces for the forearm, upperarm, shoulder, torso, head, thigh, and lower leg. There are also one or two extra axes for rotation points. If anyone has any hands or feet or a detailed head, I would sure like to get a hold of them. If anyone has any questions, feel free to mail me at :