Short: Prolite Icons, YAM2 & DOpus images, etc! Author: Trevor Morris Uploader: Trevor Morris Type: pix/icon Architecture: generic ========================================================================== NOTE: HTML docs included! INTRODUCTION ------------ First off, I want to appologize for this rough readme, but to be honest, I am not sure that the number of people who read them make it worth my while - plus I am too lazy at this point to be bothered (maybe that is the real reason ;-). Anyway, on with the show. This archive contains a whole bunch of goodies: several Prolite-style icons (in both "Real" Icon and NewIcon formats), DOpus toolbar images (in Animbrush, "Real" Icon and NewIcons format), YAM2 Icons and Toolbars, and some templates, and more! All is explained in more detail as we go... NOTE: The Prolite icon concept and style were originally developed by Eric van Velthooveen . This archive is in no way endorsed by Eric - I have written him several times but he does not reply (in fact, his page ( seems to go up and down all the time as well, so I am not sure if he is still on the amiga scene or not...Eric?). ICONS ----- The following drawers contain the icons: Applications contains a bunch of misc tool-type icons, Drawers has (as you might have guessed ;-) several drawer icons, Dark contains appicons (best suited for dark desktop patterns), and finally, Utilities contains some YAM2 and DOpus Magellan icons (see below for more detail on these two). All icons in this archive have been saved as both traditional icons and NewIcons. To use the NewIcons versions, you will have to install NewIcons (the latest version is NewIcons4.5 and is available from the official NewIcons webpage: Each drawer contains NewIcons drawer which, itself, contains the same icons (in NewIcons format) as the parent. Confused? Just have a look. To use the traditional icons, you will need to (as I do) run a palette locking utility like FullPaltte or MWB-Deamon. Personally, I prefer FullPalette; plus, you can only (legally) obtain a version of MWB-Deamon by being a registered user of MWB2.0 ( You can obtain FullPalette by Massimo Tantignone at ( So, what is the difference you ask? Why would I bother with all that crap of locking palette colors, etc. instead of simply using NewIcons? Well, mostly it is personal preference, but the main reason why is speed! Real icons load (on my 030'25) almost twice as fast as NewIcons, and since they are only 16 color icons anyway, I hardly see the point in wasting all that time (both mine and the CPU's) loading icons. NOTE: NewIcons fans and those of you who do not wish to use a palette locking utility should proceed to the section entitled DIRECTORY OPUS MAGELLAN & YAM2. The rest of this section (as well as the next pertain to people who wish to use the Real icons). If you too would like to use the Real icons, then you may use the configs which I have included in this archive (explained in the next section); or you may enter the color values manually (explained below - and on the Prolite hompage ( First, enter the following colors (which will comprise of your first and last four colors of the palette) using the workbench palette prefs (PREFS:Palette): (NOTE: these numbers are from 0-63; so if you have a slider which goes from 0-255, then multiply each number below by 4) 0) 37,37,37 1) 0,0,0 2) 63,63,63 3) 15,25,40 4) 40,36,32 5) 43,19,44 6) 57,42,21 7) 53,22,22 Save your prefs. Go get FullPalette (from Massimo Tantignone's homepage: and enter the following colors: 4) 40,36,32 5) 43,19,44 6) 57,42,21 7) 53,22,22 8) 0,17,30 9) 24,24,24 10) 35,35,35 11) 50,45,40 12) 9,36,25 13) 40,40,40 14) 54,54,54 15) 37,37,37 Make sure that LOCK the colors and then save these prefs as well. Now, I know that I have defined colors 4-7 both in Palette and FullPalette prefs, and to be honest with you, I do not know/remember why. Maybe this is not let me know ;-). I have included my palette.prefs and fullpalette.prefs in the Prefs drawer of this archive and if you wish you can simply load them in. One final note about the icons: the drawer called Dark contains non-anti-aliased (or aliased ;-) icons which are more suitable for dark background. Generally people use dark desktop patterns and light window patterns, so this drawer contains some appicons and such which will work best under those circumstances. Alright, I think that is all I needed to say about the icons... PREFERENCES ----------- The Prefs drawer simply contains my env-archive/sys/palette.prefs and fullpalette.prefs in case you would rather simply load these (or even use them) as opposed to trying to figure out all of the above nonsence ;-) DIRECTORY OPUS MAGELLAN & YAM2 ------------------------------ Inside the Utilities drawer are two other drawers: DOpus ( and YAM ( First I will cover the DOpus drawer. DOpus contains a bunch of icons for use with Directory Opus as well as three more drawers: DOpusDark, DOpusImages, and NewIcons. DOpusDark contains dark versions (see above description of dark icons) of the icons contained in the parent drawer (DOpus). NewIcons contains NewIcons versions of all of the aformentioned icons. The DOpusImages drawer contains 57 toolbar images for use with Directory Opus 5.0+. The root contains 57 two-frame animbrushes (*.small). The Icons drawer contains the same 57 two-frame images, but as "Real" Icons. And the NewIcons drawer contains the same 57 two-frame images saved as NewIcons. The last drawer, StartMenu, contains 6 little two-framed icons (and NewIcons) which I use in StartMenus. I seldom ever use StartMenus, but I thought that I would include these in the hopes that maybe someone might find a use for them... Inside the YAM drawer you will find Prolite-style toolbars, icons, and splash screens for YAM2. In fact, I have drawn something for every known feature which YAM2 supports (three states for each toolbar, a four appicons, internal mail notification imagery, etc.). As always, there is a NewIcons equivalent for all icons. NOTE: I have also left logo.jpg in the root of the YAM drawer. This is simply a JPEG version of the logo file (which has been rendered down to a 64 colors for those of use who only use a 256 color workbench - BTW, the logo file is the image that YAM displays as a splash screen on bootup). If you have a 16-bit display (or higher), then you might want to rename logo.jpg to logo so that you get a nicer image. Otherwise you can delete it if you wish. TEMPLATES --------- Hmm...simply put, this drawer contains the templates that I used to create all the icons contained within this archive. They are great to use as a guide to making you own icons (or for modifying the ones that I have made - which you are encouraged to do!). Also, the templates are a great way to see what this archive contains - three images will pretty much sum it all up ;-). MY COMPUTER ----------- Last but not least, is the MyComputer drawer. In here you will find two pictures: MyComputer_800.jpg is an image which I modelled and rendered using using Lightwave5.6 (of my desk at home); MyWorkbench98.gif is a snapshot of my desktop (which still looks pretty much the same now in 99). If you like the MyComputer_800.jpg, but what a 128 color version (for use as a background pattern on a 256 color screen) or a different size (like 1024x768 or 1280x0124) then you may download them from amient: aminet/pix/trace/MyAmiga800.lha aminet/pix/trace/MyAmiga1024.lha aminet/pix/trace/MyAmiga1280.lha DISTRIBUTION ------------ This archive (and its contents) may be freely distributed provided no more than a nominal fee (less than $2US) is charged. Furthermore, I ask that you only reproduce/distribute this archive as a complete and unmodified archive so that others will get the documentation, etc. as you have. Thank-you for your understanding and cooperation. DISCLAIMER ---------- There is NO warranty for the software to the extent permitted by applicable law. Except where otherwise stated in writing the copyright holders and/or other parties provide the software "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the software is with YOU. Should the software prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing will any copyright holder, or any other party who may redistribute the software as permitted below, be liable to you for damages, including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the software (including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties or a failure of the software to operate with any other programs), even if such holder or other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages. THE AUTHOR ---------- If you encounter any problems, please do not hesitate to contact me: Trevor Morris 43A Chrales Ave. Fredericton, NB E3A 3S3 Canada EMial: Trevor Morris WWW: - I will be building a page soon. All of the above was created on the below: Machine: A3000 CPU: 68030 25MHz/33Mhz, 68882 FPU Memory: 2M Chip, 16M Fast Gfx: CyberVision64 4M (Picasso96 RTG Software) OS: OS3.1 (Kickstart 40.62, Workbench 40.42) HD: Quantum 50MB (SYS), Quantum 270MB (WORK), & iomega Zip100 Misc: 1960 multisync, 14.4k modem, 12X CD-ROM WB: DOpus5-replacement, CVision: 8Bit 800x600 (Prolite16 locked) Patches: KingCon, FullPalette, VisualPrefs, PatchControl, FastIPrefs, NewIcons, Birdie Cxs: MCP 1.32, Directory Opus M2, KeyReq, SoundJunkie, ClipHistory, MagicMenu Misc: MUI 3.8, RainBoot2.5 -- Cheers, Trevor