Short: See Win 98 crashing !! Author: (MaGiC RoCkEt) Uploader: magicr gmx net (MaGiC RoCkEt) Type: pix/wb Architecture: generic Two cool Screen grabs of Fusion 3.1 and PC Task 4.4 Just to show you how mutch I like Win..... PC-Task.iff shows my installed win 95 on PC Task... Win98.iff shows Windows 98 crashing... For any questions write to: Here my AMiGA: Amiga 1200 040/40 2/36 MB Ram 2 Gb HD 24x Speed CD-Rom Greetings to: (in no order) sHADoW,cHAVEz,Arka,Ernst,Webman,GM..... and all the other cooool dudes is #Amiga !!! Bye ! And remember AMiGA rULEZ !! __ _ ___ ______ _______\/______ \/ _\_ \ / ____/ / _/__ `98 / / \/ \_ / / / / cD!__\/_\______\____ \____\_____/<. __________________ / /___________ : \___ \_ \ _/____/_/ ____/ __ \: / _ // // / \ \ _/_\__/ /. /__/ /___/____/__/ /____/ /____/ . \_/keks! \_/<-------------'