Short: 'Intro II' animation by UnreaL Author: (Goran Krajnovic) Uploader: unreal fly cc fer hr (Goran Krajnovic) Type: pix/unrl Architecture: generic Copyright notice: this animation is (c) copyright by Goran Krajnovic. It may be freely distributed or published in electronic, printed or video form, but only if it is distributed free of charge. Magazines and other publishers (such as CD ROMs) are required to send a free copy of the publication to the author. Distribution through Aminet and Fred Fish archives (on disk, CD ROM or ftp sites) is hereby granted. Rendered using Real 3D 1.4 (yes, the old one) on an Amiga 1200. 320x256, HAM8, Anim5 format, 105 frames. This is a sequel to the 'Intro' animation, and it can also be used as a boot animation, if you have enough memory or a fast enugh disk to play the animation while booting. The red The red thing on top of the screen is supposed to be a mouse pointer clicking on a disk icon, the dark thing on top that goes from left to right is a paper plane, the bubble on the left is a musical note, and behind it is the famous Gioconda. Hopefully, you recognized the blue thing on the left. All the objects are my own. The rendering took some 10 days, and each frame was manually blurred using Photogenics. Contact me: Goran Krajnovic Bartolici 19 10000 Zagreb Croatia IRC: UnreaL (#croatia, #amiga) . . . . . . : . . : : : : : | : : | | | | | __| |_____ _____ _____ _____| | | | | . | . | . | . | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ! | ! | | | | | | | | | ___| _ | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ! | | | | | ! | | | ! | `-----| | | | `-----| | |-----' | : | : | : | : : : : : : : : . : . : . : . . . . Powered by Amiga.