Short: Include Templates in HTML-Files (local) Author: Uploader: christian authmann de (Christian Authmann) Type: text/hyper Architecture: m68k-amigaos German: Fuegt Vorlagen in HTML-Dateien ein Useful program to save typing-time. Usage: HTMLInclude Directory/A All (#?.shtml)-files in the Directory (and all subdirectorys) are searched for lines like #include At this position in the document the file "filename" is inserted and the result saved to #?.html (e.g. index.shtml -> index.html) When uploading your site, don't upload the #?.shtml and include-files. This is NOT a complete replacement for SSI, it just features this single C-style include-command. I made it because my provider (Greetings to PureTec!) won't give me SSI, but I had much documents beginning with the same HTML-code (a menu at top of the docs) but didn't want to insert it manually into all the HTML-files. Very useful also because the menu changes from time to time, now I only have to edit 1 file instead of all :-) If you miss some features, mail me! If you want to have the source (StormC), just ask. This program is mailware. If you use it you have to send me an email. Christian Authmann call AngelCityBBS (Germany) : 0911-698551 / 527 (ISDN+56K)