Short: MacWrite/TeachText to ASCII(68k/Ppc/Wos) Author: (Fabrizio Bartoloni) Uploader: lanch mail caribusiness it (Fabrizio Bartoloni) Type: text/misc Version: 1.1 Replaces: text/misc/MCread.lha Architecture: m68k-amigaos; ppc-warpup; ppc-powerup Readme created with ARC 3.2 - Copyright (c)1996-99 by Jens Weyer. ============================= Archive contents ============================= Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- ------------- 16928 9694 42.7% 25-Jul-99 23:21:46 +MCread 875 476 45.6% 04-Feb-00 13:59:38 +MCread.amiga 31640 12107 61.7% 04-Feb-00 13:56:18 +MCRead_ppc 21580 8769 59.3% 04-Feb-00 13:57:56 +MCRead_wos 8576 5487 36.0% 30-Jun-91 12:13:02 +MACAtest.bin 8333 2765 66.8% 26-Jun-91 13:13:42 +macwrite.c 4167 1673 59.8% 26-Jun-91 13:21:22 +main.c 937 392 58.1% 30-Jun-91 12:12:46 +Makefile 1255 570 54.5% 26-Jun-91 12:30:10 +mbinary.c 4559 2037 55.3% 30-Jun-91 10:53:54 +mcread.h 5826 2826 51.4% 26-Jun-91 19:53:26 +mcREADME 8924 3436 61.4% 15-Jun-91 00:12:48 +mwformat 949 527 44.4% 30-Jun-91 03:38:36 +text.c 3090 1370 55.6% 26-Jun-91 13:17:56 +wordwrap.c -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- 117639 52129 55.6% 04-Feb-00 14:00:04 14 files Operation successful.