Short: PasTeX 1.4 (Lite version from the Meeting Pearls III CD-ROM) Author: (Georg Hessman) Uploader: hima0011 fh-karlsruhe de (Martin Hilpert) Type: gfx/show Architecture: m68k-amigaos This is a "short" version of the PasTeX package of the CD-ROM "Meeting Pearls III". It's a fixed version and lacks all fonts (not necessary, because Metafont is included) and the LaTeX209 inputs (but the newer LaTeX2e inputs are included). This archiv is almost 10MB big. To get it from your Unix machine, split it to suitable portions (e.g. split -b 700k pt14l.lha copy them to your (MS-DOS) Discs, and at home to your Amiga harddisc (you should have 50MB temporary free harddisc space) and join them on your AMiga: join xaa xab ... AS pt14l.lha After extracting (lha x pt14l.lha), you can install PasTeX 1.4 via the (fixed) installer script. PLEASE READ THE TEXT README.FIRST BEFORE INSTALLATION! With kind permission of the PasTeX-GURU Georg Hessman. Martin :-)