Short: Weather forecasting application Author: (emarti, Murat Ozdemir) Uploader: dtemarti gmail com (emarti, Murat Ozdemir) Type: util/app Version: 1.3 Requires: OS 3.X, bsdsocket.library Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 3.0 AmiWeatherForecasts =================== This is a weather forecasting application that provides you with the latest weather information for any location. The application was built using the C programming language on Amiga OS 3.2 via SAS/C to retrieve weather information. This app provides weather forecast and time information on the right side of the title bar. The display of this information can be customized. Weather forecast information is updated every 15 minutes. If you don't want to wait, use the Tool/Update menu to update immediately. It synchronizes the system time using sntp, if avaliable an internet connection when executing firstly. It has feature that finding of your location automatically. Tested on OS3.2 only. It may be work on other WB. License: MIT Version History =============== 1.3 (17.11.2023) - Using screen text font for GUI (Prefs/Font) - Added customize color settings - Changed min and max values for 'Add Pos X and Y' - Added feature that finding of your location automatically 1.2 (04.11.2023) - According to SnoopDos, continuous querying of the TZ variable is blocked. - Added set date and time manually menu - Added sync system time using sntp menu - It synchronizes the system time using sntp if avaliable an internet connection when executing firstly. 1.1 (29.10.2023) - Added new look menus - Added settings - Added this guide - Added update menu to refresh weather forecasts immediately - Added customized display information for icon, location, description and datetime - Added calibration setting for x and y position and height of the window. - Added menu items for each time your Amiga is booted, this application is executed or not. 1.0 Feb 2022 - First but not published. Alternative download link & source ================================== Loves from Turkey! emarti, Murat Ozdemir 29.10.2023