Short: Duplicate lines remover in ARexx Author: megacz( Uploader: megacz(megacz usa com) Type: util/rexx Version: 0.3 Architecture: m68k-amigaos; generic deduuupe-0.3 -------------- --- ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ||d |||e |||d |||u |||u |||u |||p |||e || ||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|||__|| |/__|/__|/__|/__|/__|/__|/__|/__| This is 'deduuupe', a duplicate lines remover written toughly in good old ARexx and compiled with RexxPlus for speed(or just for fun). --- NEWS: [29-Aug-2009] 0.3 Much better version =D . [04-Dec-2006] 0.2 Turbo version. [17-Nov-2006] 0.1 Initial version. --- NOTES: [*] Requires 68000(no FPU)+, OS 2.04+, 128+ KiB of free memory, RexxMast, rexxplslib.library, rexxsupport.library, rexxsyslib.library [*] Beware, proggy can put you to sleep with very big files. --- USAGE: *** template: deduuupe > [ofile=] [pri=] [cbl=] [lf=] [null=] [mk=] [ic/s] [di/s] > - input file, the keyword = 'ifile' can be ommited [ofile=] - output file, if not spec. '.dd' will be used [pri=] - task priority, -127 to 127, def. 0 [cbl=] - cell buffer length, 1024 to 10240, def. 4096 [lf=] - line feed character, according to this char. cells will be set, to specify new char. use the decimals who are backslash prefixed, like to 255 [null=] - null character, all spaces will be translated to this char., see [lf] on how to pick new char. [mk=] - marker char. all single entries will be braced with this char., see [lf] on how to pick new char. [ic/s] - ignore case, a == A ... [di/s] - display progress indicator --- EXAMPLE: deduuupe _testfile.txt di ---