Short: Daylight Saving Time Determination Author: Thomas Winischhofer Uploader: thomas winischhofer net (Thomas Winischhofer) Type: util/time Version: 1.00 Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 2.0 DSTD - Daylight Saving Time Determination utility A small utility that checks whether or not the current date/time is within the EU's or USA's DST period. Comes handy in connection with a NTP client in order to calculate the required UTC time difference. The date needs to be current before calling the utility, so a working realtime clock is of essence, or calling the ntp sync tool once beforehand. Return code is 10 if DST is active, 0 if not. Beginning and end dates are - EU: Last sundays in March and November; - USA: Second sunday in March, first Sunday in November. By default, EU rules are assumed. The command line switch "USA" puts it in USA mode. Usage example: failat 20 dstd if warn ntpsync -d120 .... else ntpsync -d60 ... endif Version history: 1.00 - Initial release