=> Bootstrap dependency digest>=20211023: found digest-20220214 => Fetching SQUID-2022_1.patch => Total size: 867 bytes ftp: Error retrieving file `404 Not Found' fetch: Unable to fetch expected file SQUID-2022_1.patch => Fetching SQUID-2022_2.patch => Total size: 1719 bytes ftp: Error retrieving file `404 Not Found' fetch: Unable to fetch expected file SQUID-2022_2.patch => Fetching squid-4.17.tar.xz => Total size: 2464204 bytes => Checksum BLAKE2s OK for SQUID-2022_1.patch => Checksum SHA512 OK for SQUID-2022_1.patch => Checksum BLAKE2s OK for SQUID-2022_2.patch => Checksum SHA512 OK for SQUID-2022_2.patch => Checksum BLAKE2s OK for squid-4.17.tar.xz => Checksum SHA512 OK for squid-4.17.tar.xz