The following files should be created for distcc-3.3:
/etc/rc.d/distccd (m=0755)
xmlcatmgr-2.2nb1: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/xmlcatmgr/catalog.etc.sgml to /usr/pkg/etc/sgml/catalog
xmlcatmgr-2.2nb1: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/xmlcatmgr/catalog.etc.xml to /usr/pkg/etc/xml/catalog
xmlcatmgr-2.2nb1: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/xmlcatmgr/catalog.share.sgml to /usr/pkg/share/sgml/catalog
xmlcatmgr-2.2nb1: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/xmlcatmgr/catalog.share.xml to /usr/pkg/share/xml/catalog
php-7.3.14: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/php/php.ini-production to /usr/pkg/etc/php.ini
php73-json-7.3.14: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/php/json.ini to /usr/pkg/etc/php.d/json.ini
php73-zlib-7.3.14: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/php/zlib.ini to /usr/pkg/etc/php.d/zlib.ini
php73-mbstring-7.3.14: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/php/mbstring.ini to /usr/pkg/etc/php.d/mbstring.ini
php73-pdo-7.3.14: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/php/pdo.ini to /usr/pkg/etc/php.d/pdo.ini
php73-pdo_mysql-7.3.14: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/php/pdo_mysql.ini to /usr/pkg/etc/php.d/pdo_mysql.ini
The following files should be created for net-snmp-5.7.3nb12:
/etc/rc.d/snmptrapd (m=0755)
/etc/rc.d/snmpd (m=0755)
php73-snmp-7.3.14: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/php/snmp.ini to /usr/pkg/etc/php.d/snmp.ini
php73-sockets-7.3.14: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/php/sockets.ini to /usr/pkg/etc/php.d/sockets.ini
php73-gmp-7.3.14: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/php/gmp.ini to /usr/pkg/etc/php.d/gmp.ini
php73-posix-7.3.14: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/php/posix.ini to /usr/pkg/etc/php.d/posix.ini
php73-ldap-7.3.14: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/php/ldap.ini to /usr/pkg/etc/php.d/ldap.ini
php73-gettext-7.3.14: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/php/gettext.ini to /usr/pkg/etc/php.d/gettext.ini
apache-2.4.41nb1: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/httpd/extra/httpd-autoindex.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/httpd/httpd-autoindex.conf
apache-2.4.41nb1: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/httpd/extra/httpd-dav.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/httpd/httpd-dav.conf
apache-2.4.41nb1: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/httpd/extra/httpd-default.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/httpd/httpd-default.conf
apache-2.4.41nb1: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/httpd/extra/httpd-info.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/httpd/httpd-info.conf
apache-2.4.41nb1: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/httpd/extra/httpd-languages.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/httpd/httpd-languages.conf
apache-2.4.41nb1: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/httpd/extra/httpd-manual.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/httpd/httpd-manual.conf
apache-2.4.41nb1: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/httpd/extra/httpd-mpm.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/httpd/httpd-mpm.conf
apache-2.4.41nb1: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/httpd/extra/httpd-multilang-errordoc.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/httpd/httpd-multilang-errordoc.conf
apache-2.4.41nb1: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/httpd/extra/httpd-ssl.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/httpd/httpd-ssl.conf
apache-2.4.41nb1: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/httpd/extra/httpd-userdir.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/httpd/httpd-userdir.conf
apache-2.4.41nb1: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/httpd/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/httpd/httpd-vhosts.conf
apache-2.4.41nb1: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/httpd/httpd.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/httpd/httpd.conf
apache-2.4.41nb1: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/httpd/magic to /usr/pkg/etc/httpd/magic
apache-2.4.41nb1: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/httpd/mime.types to /usr/pkg/etc/httpd/mime.types
The following files should be created for apache-2.4.41nb1:
/etc/rc.d/apache (m=0755)
dejavu-ttf-2.37: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/dejavu-ttf/fontconfig-conf.d/20-unhint-small-dejavu-sans-mono.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/20-unhint-small-dejavu-sans-mono.conf
dejavu-ttf-2.37: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/dejavu-ttf/fontconfig-conf.d/20-unhint-small-dejavu-sans.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/20-unhint-small-dejavu-sans.conf
dejavu-ttf-2.37: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/dejavu-ttf/fontconfig-conf.d/20-unhint-small-dejavu-serif.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/20-unhint-small-dejavu-serif.conf
dejavu-ttf-2.37: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/dejavu-ttf/fontconfig-conf.d/57-dejavu-sans-mono.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/57-dejavu-sans-mono.conf
dejavu-ttf-2.37: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/dejavu-ttf/fontconfig-conf.d/57-dejavu-sans.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/57-dejavu-sans.conf
dejavu-ttf-2.37: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/dejavu-ttf/fontconfig-conf.d/57-dejavu-serif.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/57-dejavu-serif.conf
Unable to open directory /usr/pkg/lib/gio/modules: Error opening directory ?/usr/pkg/lib/gio/modules?: No such file or directory
No schema files found: doing nothing.
fontconfig-2.13.1: copying /usr/pkg/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/10-hinting-full.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/10-hinting-full.conf
fontconfig-2.13.1: copying /usr/pkg/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/10-hinting-medium.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/10-hinting-medium.conf
fontconfig-2.13.1: copying /usr/pkg/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/10-hinting-none.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/10-hinting-none.conf
fontconfig-2.13.1: copying /usr/pkg/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/10-hinting-slight.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/10-hinting-slight.conf
fontconfig-2.13.1: copying /usr/pkg/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf
fontconfig-2.13.1: copying /usr/pkg/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/20-unhint-small-vera.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/20-unhint-small-vera.conf
fontconfig-2.13.1: copying /usr/pkg/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/30-metric-aliases.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/30-metric-aliases.conf
fontconfig-2.13.1: copying /usr/pkg/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/30-pkgsrc-aliases.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/30-pkgsrc-aliases.conf
fontconfig-2.13.1: copying /usr/pkg/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/40-nonlatin.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/40-nonlatin.conf
fontconfig-2.13.1: copying /usr/pkg/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/45-latin.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/45-latin.conf
fontconfig-2.13.1: copying /usr/pkg/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/49-sansserif.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/49-sansserif.conf
fontconfig-2.13.1: copying /usr/pkg/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/50-user.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/50-user.conf
fontconfig-2.13.1: copying /usr/pkg/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/51-local.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/51-local.conf
fontconfig-2.13.1: copying /usr/pkg/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/60-latin.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/60-latin.conf
fontconfig-2.13.1: copying /usr/pkg/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/65-fonts-persian.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/65-fonts-persian.conf
fontconfig-2.13.1: copying /usr/pkg/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/65-nonlatin.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/65-nonlatin.conf
fontconfig-2.13.1: copying /usr/pkg/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/69-unifont.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/69-unifont.conf
fontconfig-2.13.1: copying /usr/pkg/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/80-delicious.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/80-delicious.conf
fontconfig-2.13.1: copying /usr/pkg/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/90-synthetic.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/90-synthetic.conf
fontconfig-2.13.1: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/fontconfig/conf.d/README to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/conf.d/README
fontconfig-2.13.1: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/fontconfig/fonts.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/fontconfig/fonts.conf
The following files should be created for rrdtool-1.7.2nb1:
/etc/rc.d/rrdcached (m=0755)
cacti-1.2.3nb3: copying /usr/pkg/share/cacti/rra/.htaccess to /var/db/cacti-rra/.htaccess
cacti-1.2.3nb3: copying /usr/pkg/share/cacti/log/.htaccess to /var/log/cacti/.htaccess
cacti-1.2.3nb3: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/cacti/httpd-cacti.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/httpd/httpd-cacti.conf
cacti-1.2.3nb3: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/cacti/config.php to /usr/pkg/share/cacti/include/config.php
pkg_add: package `mysql-client-5.7.28' was already installed as dependency, now marked as installed manually
pkg_add: package `net-snmp-5.7.3nb12' was already installed as dependency, now marked as installed manually
$NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 1.5 2004/01/23 17:12:16 jmmv Exp $
The following catalogs have been installed:
* /usr/pkg/etc/sgml/catalog
System wide SGML catalog. Can be edited by the administrator and
is not changed by packages. This is the *default* catalog when
working in SGML mode.
* /usr/pkg/etc/xml/catalog
System wide XML catalog. Can be edited by the administrator and
is not changed by packages. This is the *default* catalog when
working in XML mode.
* /usr/pkg/share/sgml/catalog
Handles SGML stuff installed under /usr/pkg/share/sgml.
Automatically handled by packages.
* /usr/pkg/share/xml/catalog
Handles XML stuff installed under /usr/pkg/share/xml.
Automatically handled by packages.
$NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 1.1 2018/12/15 17:12:44 taca Exp $
To process PHP scripts, you will need a PHP-enabled HTTP server. You may
either configure the HTTP server to use the PHP CGI binary located in
or you may install a PHP module for your HTTP server, e.g. www/ap-php.
$NetBSD: MESSAGE.module,v 1.5 2016/10/18 19:09:10 jdolecek Exp $
By default, example module configuration file was copied to following
location, and module should be auto-loaded:
If you use custom /usr/pkg/etc/php.ini, or nonstandard module
configuration file location, you might need to add explicit load directive:
$NetBSD: MESSAGE.module,v 1.5 2016/10/18 19:09:10 jdolecek Exp $
By default, example module configuration file was copied to following
location, and module should be auto-loaded:
If you use custom /usr/pkg/etc/php.ini, or nonstandard module
configuration file location, you might need to add explicit load directive:
$NetBSD: MESSAGE.module,v 1.5 2016/10/18 19:09:10 jdolecek Exp $
By default, example module configuration file was copied to following
location, and module should be auto-loaded:
If you use custom /usr/pkg/etc/php.ini, or nonstandard module
configuration file location, you might need to add explicit load directive:
$NetBSD: MESSAGE.module,v 1.5 2016/10/18 19:09:10 jdolecek Exp $
By default, example module configuration file was copied to following
location, and module should be auto-loaded:
If you use custom /usr/pkg/etc/php.ini, or nonstandard module
configuration file location, you might need to add explicit load directive:
$NetBSD: MESSAGE.module,v 1.5 2016/10/18 19:09:10 jdolecek Exp $
By default, example module configuration file was copied to following
location, and module should be auto-loaded:
If you use custom /usr/pkg/etc/php.ini, or nonstandard module
configuration file location, you might need to add explicit load directive:
$NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 2002/10/24 08:29:33 jlam Exp $
If you do not have an existing snmpd.conf configuration file, you may
generate one using snmpconf(1), e.g.:
/usr/pkg/bin/snmpconf -g basic_setup
The resulting config file should be placed in:
$NetBSD: MESSAGE.module,v 1.5 2016/10/18 19:09:10 jdolecek Exp $
By default, example module configuration file was copied to following
location, and module should be auto-loaded:
If you use custom /usr/pkg/etc/php.ini, or nonstandard module
configuration file location, you might need to add explicit load directive:
$NetBSD: MESSAGE.module,v 1.5 2016/10/18 19:09:10 jdolecek Exp $
By default, example module configuration file was copied to following
location, and module should be auto-loaded:
If you use custom /usr/pkg/etc/php.ini, or nonstandard module
configuration file location, you might need to add explicit load directive:
$NetBSD: MESSAGE.module,v 1.5 2016/10/18 19:09:10 jdolecek Exp $
By default, example module configuration file was copied to following
location, and module should be auto-loaded:
If you use custom /usr/pkg/etc/php.ini, or nonstandard module
configuration file location, you might need to add explicit load directive:
$NetBSD: MESSAGE.module,v 1.5 2016/10/18 19:09:10 jdolecek Exp $
By default, example module configuration file was copied to following
location, and module should be auto-loaded:
If you use custom /usr/pkg/etc/php.ini, or nonstandard module
configuration file location, you might need to add explicit load directive:
$NetBSD: MESSAGE.module,v 1.5 2016/10/18 19:09:10 jdolecek Exp $
By default, example module configuration file was copied to following
location, and module should be auto-loaded:
If you use custom /usr/pkg/etc/php.ini, or nonstandard module
configuration file location, you might need to add explicit load directive:
$NetBSD: MESSAGE.module,v 1.5 2016/10/18 19:09:10 jdolecek Exp $
By default, example module configuration file was copied to following
location, and module should be auto-loaded:
If you use custom /usr/pkg/etc/php.ini, or nonstandard module
configuration file location, you might need to add explicit load directive:
$NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 1.2 2014/02/22 17:28:34 ryoon Exp $
After apache-2.4.3, --enable-mpms-shared='event worker prefork' is
passed to configure script, then these multi-process model is built
and you can select the model in configuraton file.
The mod_cgi.so module conflicts with non-prefork multi-process model,
and mod_cgi.so module is not built anymore.
You can use mod_cgid.so module instead.
$NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 1.6 2015/03/09 08:57:03 taca Exp $
In order to use this module in your Apache 2.x installation, you need to
add the following to your httpd.conf file:
LoadModule php7_module lib/httpd/mod_php7.so
SetHandler application/x-httpd-php
$NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 1.7 2019/04/29 16:09:05 hauke Exp $
To get cacti up and running, you have to complete these steps:
- Install & Configure MySQL database server.
Add a 'cacti' database and 'cactiuser' user to MySQL and create the
cacti database layout (/usr/pkg/share/cacti/cacti.sql) to MySQL:
mysql> CREATE DATABASE cacti;
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON cacti.* TO 'cactiuser'@'localhost'
-> IDENTIFIED BY 'cactiuser';
mysql> GRANT SELECT ON mysql.time_zone_name TO 'cactiuser'@'localhost';
mysql> USE cacti;
mysql> SOURCE /usr/pkg/share/cacti/cacti.sql;
If you haven't already imported your MySQL timezone data, you need to run
mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -u root -p mysql
The Cacti Setup Assistant will ask you to set or adjust database
parameters in my.cnf.
- Install & Configure an Apache webserver.
Append this to Apache webserver's "httpd.conf", and restart the server.
Include etc/httpd/httpd-cacti.conf
- For older PHP installations that do not support
/usr/pkg/etc/php.d/, you will need to manually add these lines
to enable php extensions required by cacti in
You will want to adjust the following parameters in php.ini
memory_limit = 400M (minimum)
max_execution_time = 60 (seconds, minimum)
- Add the following lines to cacti's crontab
# Invoke poller.php to collect SNMP statistics.
*/5 * * * * /usr/pkg/bin/cacti-poller
and make sure /usr/pkg/bin is in PATH.
Please read the documentation under /usr/pkg/share/cacti/docs/
for more information about configuring and starting cacti.
If you have updated from a version older than 0.8.8h, note that the
rrd and log directories are now under /var. Old logs and
database files need to be moved manually, and you have to update the
log path in "Console:Settings:Paths:Logging".
Note: During the web setup of v1.2.3, you may get stuck on the page
"Critical Binary Locations" because of a missing "Cacti Log Path" entry.
Even after entering the proper /var/log/cacti/cacti.log,
installation may not continue. In this case, using a different browser
may help, see .