xmlcatmgr-2.2nb1: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/xmlcatmgr/catalog.etc.sgml to /usr/pkg/etc/sgml/catalog xmlcatmgr-2.2nb1: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/xmlcatmgr/catalog.etc.xml to /usr/pkg/etc/xml/catalog xmlcatmgr-2.2nb1: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/xmlcatmgr/catalog.share.sgml to /usr/pkg/share/sgml/catalog xmlcatmgr-2.2nb1: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/xmlcatmgr/catalog.share.xml to /usr/pkg/share/xml/catalog =========================================================================== The following files should be created for distcc-3.3: /etc/rc.d/distccd (m=0755) [/usr/pkg/share/examples/rc.d/distccd] =========================================================================== pkg_add: package `libsamplerate-0.1.9nb1' was already installed as dependency, now marked as installed manually pkg_add: package `libsndfile-1.0.30nb1' was already installed as dependency, now marked as installed manually pkg_add: package `libvorbis-1.3.7' was already installed as dependency, now marked as installed manually pkg_add: package `flac-1.3.3' was already installed as dependency, now marked as installed manually No schema files found: doing nothing. p11-kit-0.23.22: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/p11-kit/pkcs11.conf.example to /usr/pkg/etc/pkcs11/pkcs11.conf pkg_add: package `vamp-plugin-sdk-2.10.0' was already installed as dependency, now marked as installed manually dbus-1.12.20: setting permissions on /usr/pkg/libexec/dbus-daemon-launch-helper (o=root, g=dbus, m=4511) =========================================================================== The following files should be created for dbus-1.12.20: /etc/rc.d/dbus (m=0755) [/usr/pkg/share/examples/rc.d/dbus] =========================================================================== libpaper-1.1.28: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/libpaper/papersize to /usr/pkg/etc/papersize at-spi2-core-2.38.0: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/at-spi2-core/at-spi2/accessibility.conf to /usr/pkg/etc/at-spi2/accessibility.conf at-spi2-core-2.38.0: copying /usr/pkg/share/examples/at-spi2-core/xdg/autostart/at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop to /usr/pkg/etc/xdg/autostart/at-spi-dbus-bus.desktop The databases in [/usr/pkg/share/applications] could not be updated. pkg_add: package `hicolor-icon-theme-0.17nb1' was already installed as dependency, now marked as installed manually pkg_add: package `desktop-file-utils-0.26' was already installed as dependency, now marked as installed manually pkg_add: package `libxml2-2.9.10nb3' was already installed as dependency, now marked as installed manually pkg_add: package `curl-7.74.0' was already installed as dependency, now marked as installed manually =========================================================================== $NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 1.5 2004/01/23 17:12:16 jmmv Exp $ The following catalogs have been installed: * /usr/pkg/etc/sgml/catalog System wide SGML catalog. Can be edited by the administrator and is not changed by packages. This is the *default* catalog when working in SGML mode. * /usr/pkg/etc/xml/catalog System wide XML catalog. Can be edited by the administrator and is not changed by packages. This is the *default* catalog when working in XML mode. * /usr/pkg/share/sgml/catalog Handles SGML stuff installed under /usr/pkg/share/sgml. Automatically handled by packages. * /usr/pkg/share/xml/catalog Handles XML stuff installed under /usr/pkg/share/xml. Automatically handled by packages. =========================================================================== =========================================================================== $NetBSD: MESSAGE.NetBSD,v 1.2 2019/12/02 11:48:38 nia Exp $ Realtime support is currently problematic. You need to pass -r to disable it, e.g: $ jackd -r -d sun If you have an external USB mic: $ jackd -r -d sun -P /dev/audio -C /dev/audio1 Note that to use JACK on NetBSD you need procfs mounted. This should be done by default. =========================================================================== =========================================================================== $NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 1.3 2020/12/17 20:18:52 maya Exp $ You should enable the dbus system-wide daemon for correct operation. You can do this by using one of the three start-up scripts installed by the package. Use: * /usr/pkg/share/examples/rc.d/dbus: if you are using NetBSD's and pkgsrc's rc.subr start-up framework. * /usr/pkg/share/examples/rc.d/rc.messagebus.slackware: if you are using a Slackware-like system. ===========================================================================