=> Bootstrap dependency digest>=20211023: found digest-20220214 ===> Skipping vulnerability checks. WARNING: No /usr/pkg/pkgdb/pkg-vulnerabilities file found. WARNING: To fix run: `/usr/sbin/pkg_admin -K /usr/pkg/pkgdb fetch-pkg-vulnerabilities'. ===> Building for coq-8.15.2nb3 /usr/pkg/bin/gmake --warn-undefined-variable --no-builtin-rules -f Makefile.build world gmake[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/pkgbuild/lang/coq/work.powerpc/coq-8.15.2' MKDIR BUILD_OUT DUNE _build/install/default/bin/coqdep ocamlc lib/.lib.objs/byte/util.{cmi,cmti} File "lib/util.mli", line 81, characters 27-35: 81 | val stream_nth : int -> 'a Stream.t -> 'a ^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "lib/util.mli", line 82, characters 29-37: 82 | val stream_njunk : int -> 'a Stream.t -> unit ^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. ocamlopt lib/.lib.objs/native/coqProject_file.{cmx,o} File "lib/coqProject_file.ml", line 82, characters 35-46: 82 | let rec parse_string buf s = match Stream.next s with ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "lib/coqProject_file.ml", line 90, characters 12-26: 90 | | exception Stream.Failure -> buffer buf ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "lib/coqProject_file.ml", line 92, characters 32-43: 92 | and parse_string2 buf s = match Stream.next s with ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "lib/coqProject_file.ml", line 97, characters 12-26: 97 | | exception Stream.Failure -> raise (Parsing_error "unterminated string") ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "lib/coqProject_file.ml", line 99, characters 33-44: 99 | and parse_skip_comment s = match Stream.next s with ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "lib/coqProject_file.ml", line 102, characters 12-26: 102 | | exception Stream.Failure -> () ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "lib/coqProject_file.ml", line 104, characters 34-45: 104 | and parse_args buf accu s = match Stream.next s with ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "lib/coqProject_file.ml", line 116, characters 12-26: 116 | | exception Stream.Failure -> accu ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "lib/coqProject_file.ml", line 123, characters 31-48: 123 | let res = parse_args buf [] (Stream.of_channel c) in ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. ocamlopt lib/.lib.objs/native/util.{cmx,o} File "lib/util.ml", line 126, characters 16-28: 126 | try List.nth (Stream.npeek (n+1) st) n ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "lib/util.ml", line 127, characters 26-40: 127 | with Failure _ -> raise Stream.Failure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "lib/util.ml", line 130, characters 11-22: 130 | repeat n Stream.junk st ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. ocamlopt lib/.lib.objs/native/lStream.{cmx,o} File "lib/lStream.ml", line 14, characters 12-20: 14 | strm : 'a Stream.t; ^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "lib/lStream.ml", line 26, characters 4-15: 26 | Stream.from ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "lib/lStream.ml", line 35, characters 17-29: 35 | let count strm = Stream.count strm.strm ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "lib/lStream.ml", line 38, characters 16-28: 38 | strm.fun_loc (Stream.count strm.strm) ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "lib/lStream.ml", line 57, characters 10-21: 57 | let a = Stream.peek strm.strm in ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "lib/lStream.ml", line 58, characters 22-33: 58 | if Option.has_some (Stream.peek strm.strm) then strm.max_peek <- max (Stream.count strm.strm + 1) strm.max_peek; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "lib/lStream.ml", line 58, characters 72-84: 58 | if Option.has_some (Stream.peek strm.strm) then strm.max_peek <- max (Stream.count strm.strm + 1) strm.max_peek; ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "lib/lStream.ml", line 62, characters 10-22: 62 | let l = Stream.npeek n strm.strm in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "lib/lStream.ml", line 63, characters 24-36: 63 | strm.max_peek <- max (Stream.count strm.strm + List.length l) strm.max_peek; ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "lib/lStream.ml", line 67, characters 13-25: 67 | let list = Stream.npeek (n + 1) strm.strm in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "lib/lStream.ml", line 70, characters 36-48: 70 | x :: _, 0 -> strm.max_peek <- Stream.count strm.strm + n + 1; x ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "lib/lStream.ml", line 72, characters 32-44: 72 | | [], p -> strm.max_peek <- Stream.count strm.strm + (n - p); raise Stream.Failure ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "lib/lStream.ml", line 72, characters 72-86: 72 | | [], p -> strm.max_peek <- Stream.count strm.strm + (n - p); raise Stream.Failure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "lib/lStream.ml", line 76, characters 16-27: 76 | let junk strm = Stream.junk strm.strm ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "lib/lStream.ml", line 78, characters 16-27: 78 | let next strm = Stream.next strm.strm ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. DUNE sources COQDEP VFILES DUNE sources DUNE _build/install/default/bin/coqc ocamlc gramlib/.gramlib.objs/byte/gramlib__Plexing.{cmi,cmti} File "gramlib/plexing.mli", line 14, characters 41-49: 14 | type 'te lexer_func = ?loc:Loc.t -> char Stream.t -> 'te LStream.t ^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. ocamlopt gramlib/.gramlib.objs/native/gramlib__Plexing.{cmx,o} File "gramlib/plexing.ml", line 5, characters 41-49: 5 | type 'te lexer_func = ?loc:Loc.t -> char Stream.t -> 'te LStream.t ^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. ocamlc gramlib/.gramlib.objs/byte/gramlib__Grammar.{cmi,cmti} File "gramlib/grammar.mli", line 31, characters 34-42: 31 | val make : ?loc:Loc.t -> char Stream.t -> t ^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. ocamlopt gramlib/.gramlib.objs/native/gramlib__Grammar.{cmx,o} File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 21, characters 34-42: 21 | val make : ?loc:Loc.t -> char Stream.t -> t ^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1093, characters 15-29: 1093 | | _ -> raise Stream.Failure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1102, characters 15-29: 1102 | | _ -> raise Stream.Failure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1111, characters 27-41: 1111 | | LocAct (_, _) -> raise Stream.Failure | DeadEnd -> raise Stream.Failure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1111, characters 61-75: 1111 | | LocAct (_, _) -> raise Stream.Failure | DeadEnd -> raise Stream.Failure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1115, characters 13-27: 1115 | else raise Stream.Failure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1121, characters 6-20: 1121 | Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error (tree_failed entry a symb son)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1121, characters 31-43: 1121 | Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error (tree_failed entry a symb son)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1140, characters 4-18: 1140 | Stream.Failure -> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1147, characters 62-76: 1147 | skip_if_empty bp (fun (strm__ : _ LStream.t) -> raise Stream.Failure) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1149, characters 11-25: 1149 | with Stream.Failure -> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1182, characters 52-66: 1182 | DeadEnd -> (fun (strm__ : _ LStream.t) -> raise Stream.Failure) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1193, characters 53-67: 1193 | try Some (entry.estart alevn strm__) with Stream.Failure -> None ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1203, characters 31-45: 1203 | try p1 strm__ with Stream.Failure -> p2 strm__) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1213, characters 17-31: 1213 | Stream.Failure -> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1214, characters 26-38: 1214 | raise (Stream.Error (tree_failed entry a s son)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1224, characters 43-57: 1224 | match try Some (ps strm) with Stream.Failure -> None with ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1227, characters 49-63: 1227 | (try Some (p1 bp a strm) with Stream.Failure -> None) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1230, characters 34-46: 1230 | | None -> raise (Stream.Error (tree_failed entry a s son)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1237, characters 4-18: 1237 | Stream.Failure -> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1265, characters 66-80: 1265 | (match (try Some (tematch (LStream.peek_nth n strm)) with Stream.Failure -> None) with ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1267, characters 44-58: 1267 | (match try Some (p1 a strm) with Stream.Failure -> None with ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1271, characters 42-56: 1271 | | DeadEnd -> fun last_a strm -> raise Stream.Failure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1277, characters 35-49: 1277 | try Some (ps strm) with Stream.Failure -> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1279, characters 87-101: 1279 | try Some (parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn (top_tree entry tree) strm) with Stream.Failure -> None ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1282, characters 26-38: 1282 | | None -> raise (Stream.Error (tree_failed entry last_a (Stoken last_tok) tree)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1289, characters 20-34: 1289 | | None -> raise Stream.Failure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1297, characters 43-57: 1297 | match try Some (ps al strm__) with Stream.Failure -> None with ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1307, characters 40-54: 1307 | match try Some (pt strm__) with Stream.Failure -> None with ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1311, characters 16-30: 1311 | Stream.Failure -> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1312, characters 25-37: 1312 | raise (Stream.Error (symb_failed entry v sep symb)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1318, characters 44-58: 1318 | match try Some (ps [] strm__) with Stream.Failure -> None with ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1325, characters 40-54: 1325 | match try Some (pt strm__) with Stream.Failure -> None with ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1328, characters 44-58: 1328 | (try Some (ps al strm__) with Stream.Failure -> None) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1336, characters 44-58: 1336 | match try Some (ps [] strm__) with Stream.Failure -> None with ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1342, characters 43-57: 1342 | match try Some (ps al strm__) with Stream.Failure -> None with ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1353, characters 40-54: 1353 | match try Some (pt strm__) with Stream.Failure -> None with ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1357, characters 16-30: 1357 | Stream.Failure -> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1360, characters 22-36: 1360 | Stream.Failure -> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1361, characters 31-43: 1361 | raise (Stream.Error (symb_failed entry v sep symb)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1375, characters 40-54: 1375 | match try Some (pt strm__) with Stream.Failure -> None with ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1378, characters 44-58: 1378 | (try Some (ps al strm__) with Stream.Failure -> None) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1384, characters 20-34: 1384 | Stream.Failure -> None ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1397, characters 41-55: 1397 | match try Some (ps strm__) with Stream.Failure -> None with ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1421, characters 20-34: 1421 | | None -> raise Stream.Failure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1466, characters 52-66: 1466 | [] -> (fun levn (strm__ : _ LStream.t) -> raise Stream.Failure) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1502, characters 50-64: 1502 | match try Some (p2 strm__) with Stream.Failure -> None with ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1523, characters 57-71: 1523 | [] -> (fun levn bp a (strm__ : _ LStream.t) -> raise Stream.Failure) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1542, characters 16-30: 1542 | Stream.Failure -> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1553, characters 37-51: 1553 | try p levn bp a strm__ with Stream.Failure -> a) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1554, characters 63-77: 1554 | | Dparser p -> fun levn bp a (strm__ : _ LStream.t) -> raise Stream.Failure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1557, characters 9-21: 1557 | raise (Stream.Error ("entry [" ^ ename ^ "] is empty")) ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1622, characters 6-20: 1622 | Stream.Failure -> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1625, characters 6-18: 1625 | | Stream.Error _ as exc -> ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1624, characters 22-34: 1624 | Loc.raise ~loc (Stream.Error ("illegal begin of " ^ entry.ename)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1662, characters 51-65: 1662 | (fun _ _ _ (strm__ : _ LStream.t) -> raise Stream.Failure); ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1675, characters 51-65: 1675 | (fun _ _ _ (strm__ : _ LStream.t) -> raise Stream.Failure); ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1763, characters 55-69: 1763 | e.estart <- (fun _ (strm__ : _ LStream.t) -> raise Stream.Failure); ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "gramlib/grammar.ml", line 1764, characters 62-76: 1764 | e.econtinue <- (fun _ _ _ (strm__ : _ LStream.t) -> raise Stream.Failure); ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. gcc kernel/byterun/coq_fix_code.o coq_fix_code.c:36:13: warning: "raise_out_of_memory" is deprecated: use "caml_raise_out_of_memory" instead if (result == NULL) raise_out_of_memory (); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gcc kernel/byterun/coq_memory.o coq_memory.c:114:13: warning: "scan_roots_hook" is deprecated: use "caml_scan_roots_hook" instead coq_prev_scan_roots_hook = scan_roots_hook; ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ coq_memory.c:115:13: warning: "scan_roots_hook" is deprecated: use "caml_scan_roots_hook" instead scan_roots_hook = coq_scan_roots; ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ocamlc interp/.interp.objs/byte/numTok.{cmi,cmti} File "interp/numTok.mli", line 85, characters 19-27: 85 | val parse : char Stream.t -> t ^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. ocamlc parsing/.parsing.objs/byte/g_constr.{cmi,cmo,cmt} File "parsing/g_constr.mlg", line 46, characters 19-33: Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. ocamlopt engine/.engine.objs/native/evarutil.{cmx,o} File "engine/evarutil.ml", line 124, characters 10-18: 124 | let m = E.create () in ^^^^^^^^ Alert old_ephemeron_api: E.create This function won't be available in 5.0 File "engine/evarutil.ml", line 125, characters 19-29: 125 | fun x y -> match E.get_key1 m, E.get_key2 m with ^^^^^^^^^^ Alert old_ephemeron_api: E.get_key1 This function won't be available in 5.0 File "engine/evarutil.ml", line 125, characters 33-43: 125 | fun x y -> match E.get_key1 m, E.get_key2 m with ^^^^^^^^^^ Alert old_ephemeron_api: E.get_key2 This function won't be available in 5.0 File "engine/evarutil.ml", line 126, characters 60-70: 126 | | Some x', Some y' when x == x' && y == y' -> Option.get (E.get_data m) ^^^^^^^^^^ Alert old_ephemeron_api: E.get_data This function won't be available in 5.0 File "engine/evarutil.ml", line 127, characters 26-36: 127 | | _ -> let r = f x y in E.set_key1 m x; E.set_key2 m y; E.set_data m r; r ^^^^^^^^^^ Alert old_ephemeron_api: E.set_key1 This function won't be available in 5.0 File "engine/evarutil.ml", line 127, characters 42-52: 127 | | _ -> let r = f x y in E.set_key1 m x; E.set_key2 m y; E.set_data m r; r ^^^^^^^^^^ Alert old_ephemeron_api: E.set_key2 This function won't be available in 5.0 File "engine/evarutil.ml", line 127, characters 58-68: 127 | | _ -> let r = f x y in E.set_key1 m x; E.set_key2 m y; E.set_data m r; r ^^^^^^^^^^ Alert old_ephemeron_api: E.set_data This function won't be available in 5.0 ocamlopt interp/.interp.objs/native/numTok.{cmx,o} File "interp/numTok.ml", line 124, characters 33-44: 124 | let rec number len s = match Stream.peek s with ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 125, characters 32-43: 125 | | Some ('0'..'9' as c) -> Stream.junk s; number (store len c) s ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 126, characters 40-51: 126 | | Some ('_' as c) when len > 0 -> Stream.junk s; number (store len c) s ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 129, characters 37-48: 129 | let rec hex_number len s = match Stream.peek s with ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 131, characters 9-20: 131 | Stream.junk s; hex_number (store len c) s ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 133, characters 9-20: 133 | Stream.junk s; hex_number (store len c) s ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 137, characters 12-24: 137 | match Stream.npeek 3 s with ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 139, characters 9-20: 139 | Stream.junk s; Stream.junk s; Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 139, characters 24-35: 139 | Stream.junk s; Stream.junk s; Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 139, characters 39-50: 139 | Stream.junk s; Stream.junk s; Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 144, characters 17-29: 144 | match hex, Stream.npeek 2 s with ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 146, characters 9-20: 146 | Stream.junk s; Stream.junk s; get_buff (hex_number (store 0 c) s) ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 146, characters 24-35: 146 | Stream.junk s; Stream.junk s; get_buff (hex_number (store 0 c) s) ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 148, characters 9-20: 148 | Stream.junk s; Stream.junk s; get_buff (number (store 0 c) s) ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 148, characters 24-35: 148 | Stream.junk s; Stream.junk s; get_buff (number (store 0 c) s) ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 151, characters 17-29: 151 | match hex, Stream.npeek 2 s with ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 154, characters 9-20: 154 | Stream.junk s; Stream.junk s; get_buff (number (store (store 0 e) c) s) ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 154, characters 24-35: 154 | Stream.junk s; Stream.junk s; get_buff (number (store (store 0 e) c) s) ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 157, characters 21-33: 157 | begin match Stream.npeek 3 s with ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 159, characters 12-23: 159 | Stream.junk s; Stream.junk s; Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 159, characters 27-38: 159 | Stream.junk s; Stream.junk s; Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 159, characters 42-53: 159 | Stream.junk s; Stream.junk s; Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 174, characters 17-33: 174 | let strm = Stream.of_string (s ^ " ") in ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 176, characters 9-21: 176 | if Stream.count strm >= String.length s then Some n else None ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 260, characters 17-33: 260 | let strm = Stream.of_string (s ^ " ") in ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 262, characters 18-29: 262 | | '-' -> (Stream.junk strm; SMinus) ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 263, characters 18-29: 263 | | '+' -> (Stream.junk strm; SPlus) ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "interp/numTok.ml", line 266, characters 9-21: 266 | if Stream.count strm >= String.length s then Some (sign,n) else None ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. ocamlc toplevel/.toplevel.objs/byte/g_toplevel.{cmi,cmo,cmt} File "toplevel/g_toplevel.mlg", line 34, characters 19-33: Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. ocamlopt interp/.interp.objs/native/constrexpr_ops.{cmx,o} File "interp/constrexpr_ops.ml", line 575, characters 24-36: 575 | Loc.raise ?loc (Stream.Error "pattern with quote not allowed after fix") ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. ocamlopt interp/.interp.objs/native/constrintern.{cmx,o} File "interp/constrintern.ml", line 585, characters 22-34: 585 | Loc.raise ?loc (Stream.Error "pattern with quote not allowed here") ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. ocamlopt parsing/.parsing.objs/native/tok.{cmx,o} File "parsing/tok.ml", line 144, characters 21-35: 144 | let err () = raise Stream.Failure in ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. ocamlopt parsing/.parsing.objs/native/cLexer.{cmx,o} File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 162, characters 11-23: 162 | let bp = Stream.count cs in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 163, characters 2-13: 163 | Stream.junk cs; (* consume the char to avoid read it and fail again *) ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 175, characters 28-39: 175 | let njunk n = Util.repeat n Stream.junk ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 188, characters 12-24: 188 | match Stream.npeek 2 cs with ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 194, characters 12-24: 194 | match Stream.npeek 3 cs with ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 201, characters 17-29: 201 | else match Stream.npeek 4 cs with ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 213, characters 8-19: 213 | match Stream.peek cs with ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 225, characters 30-41: 225 | let rec loop_symb s = match Stream.peek s with ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 227, characters 8-19: 227 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 232, characters 23-34: 232 | | AsciiChar -> Stream.junk s; loop_symb s ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 235, characters 13-29: 235 | loop_symb (Stream.of_string str) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 238, characters 35-46: 238 | let rec loop_id intail s = match Stream.peek s with ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 240, characters 8-19: 240 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 243, characters 8-19: 243 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 254, characters 17-33: 254 | loop_id false (Stream.of_string str) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 296, characters 39-50: 296 | if n>0 then nstore (n-1) (store len (Stream.next cs)) cs else len ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 308, characters 37-48: 308 | let rec ident_tail loc len s = match Stream.peek s with ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 310, characters 6-17: 310 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 318, characters 62-74: 318 | let u = String.concat "" (List.map (String.make 1) (Stream.npeek n s)) in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 332, characters 48-59: 332 | let rec string loc ~comm_level bp len s = match Stream.peek s with ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 334, characters 6-17: 334 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 336, characters 14-25: 336 | match Stream.peek s with ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 337, characters 22-33: 337 | Some '"' -> Stream.junk s; true ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 342, characters 6-17: 342 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 343, characters 22-33: 343 | (fun s -> match Stream.peek s with ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 345, characters 8-19: 345 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 353, characters 6-17: 353 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 354, characters 22-33: 354 | (fun s -> match Stream.peek s with ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 356, characters 12-23: 356 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 367, characters 4-15: 367 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 368, characters 13-25: 368 | let ep = Stream.count s in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 378, characters 6-17: 378 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 381, characters 14-26: 381 | let _ = Stream.empty s in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 382, characters 15-27: 382 | let ep = Stream.count s in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 435, characters 12-24: 435 | let bp2 = Stream.count s in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 436, characters 8-19: 436 | match Stream.peek s with ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 438, characters 6-17: 438 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 441, characters 16-27: 441 | match Stream.peek s with ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 443, characters 14-25: 443 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 446, characters 13-27: 446 | with Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 446, characters 38-50: 446 | with Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 450, characters 6-17: 450 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 452, characters 14-25: 452 | match Stream.peek s with ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 453, characters 22-33: 453 | Some ')' -> Stream.junk s; push_string "*)"; loc ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 455, characters 11-25: 455 | with Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 455, characters 36-48: 455 | with Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 458, characters 6-17: 458 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 463, characters 20-32: 463 | match try Some (Stream.empty s) with Stream.Failure -> None with ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 463, characters 41-55: 463 | match try Some (Stream.empty s) with Stream.Failure -> None with ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 465, characters 15-27: 465 | let ep = Stream.count s in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 469, characters 16-27: 469 | match Stream.peek s with ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 471, characters 14-25: 471 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 472, characters 23-35: 472 | let ep = Stream.count s in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 475, characters 14-25: 475 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 477, characters 23-37: 477 | | _ -> raise Stream.Failure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 484, characters 54-66: 484 | try progress_from_byte loc last nj tt cs (List.nth (Stream.npeek (nj+1) cs) nj) ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 503, characters 36-48: 503 | match Util.List.skipn (nj+1) (Stream.npeek (nj+n) cs) with ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 517, characters 8-19: 517 | match Stream.peek cs with ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 528, characters 16-30: 528 | | exception Stream.Failure -> n, List.make n b, List.make n e ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 531, characters 24-38: 531 | if len = 0 then raise Stream.Failure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 540, characters 17-31: 540 | | _ -> raise Stream.Failure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 545, characters 14-25: 545 | let c = Stream.next s in ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 548, characters 10-24: 548 | Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 548, characters 35-47: 548 | Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 550, characters 40-52: 550 | get_buff len, set_loc_pos loc bp (Stream.count s) ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 558, characters 43-54: 558 | let commit1 c = Buffer.add_char b c; Stream.junk s in ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 561, characters 14-26: 561 | match Stream.npeek lenmarker s with ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 570, characters 48-60: 570 | let loc = bump_loc_line_last loc (Stream.count s) in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 574, characters 63-77: 574 | if not dot_gobbling && blank_or_eof s then raise Stream.Failure; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 579, characters 22-36: 579 | | [] -> raise Stream.Failure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 582, characters 45-57: 582 | Buffer.contents b, set_loc_pos loc bp (Stream.count s) ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 589, characters 15-27: 589 | let l' = Stream.npeek (i + 1) s in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 599, characters 6-17: 599 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 608, characters 15-27: 608 | let ep = Stream.count s in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 616, characters 10-21: 616 | match Stream.peek cs with ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 617, characters 30-41: 617 | | Some c' when c == c' -> Stream.junk cs; aux (n+1) cs ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 618, characters 57-69: 618 | | _ -> BULLET (String.make n c), set_loc_pos loc bp (Stream.count cs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 625, characters 11-23: 625 | let ep = Stream.count cs in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 646, characters 50-61: 646 | let parse_after_dot ~diff_mode loc c bp s = match Stream.peek s with ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 648, characters 6-17: 648 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 651, characters 10-24: 651 | Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 651, characters 35-47: 651 | Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 656, characters 17-29: 656 | let ep = Stream.count s in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 665, characters 21-33: 665 | let ep = Stream.count s in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 673, characters 8-19: 673 | match Stream.peek s with ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 685, characters 11-23: 685 | let bp = Stream.count s in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 686, characters 8-19: 686 | match Stream.peek s with ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 688, characters 6-17: 688 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 689, characters 15-27: 689 | let ep = Stream.count s in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 692, characters 6-17: 692 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 695, characters 6-17: 695 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 698, characters 10-24: 698 | Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 698, characters 35-47: 698 | Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 706, characters 21-33: 706 | let ep = Stream.count s in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 714, characters 6-17: 714 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 721, characters 6-17: 721 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 722, characters 15-27: 722 | let ep = Stream.count s in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 726, characters 6-17: 726 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 729, characters 10-24: 729 | Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 729, characters 35-47: 729 | Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 735, characters 17-29: 735 | let ep = Stream.count s in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 742, characters 17-29: 742 | let ep = Stream.count s in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 745, characters 6-17: 745 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 748, characters 10-24: 748 | Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 748, characters 35-47: 748 | Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 750, characters 15-27: 750 | let ep = Stream.count s in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 754, characters 6-17: 754 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 756, characters 14-25: 756 | match Stream.peek s with ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 758, characters 12-23: 758 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 759, characters 21-33: 759 | let ep = Stream.count s in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 762, characters 12-23: 762 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 767, characters 11-25: 767 | with Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 767, characters 36-48: 767 | with Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "") ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 770, characters 6-17: 770 | Stream.junk s; ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 771, characters 15-27: 771 | let ep = Stream.count s in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 785, characters 23-35: 785 | let ep = Stream.count s in ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/cLexer.ml", line 788, characters 53-64: 788 | let t = process_chars ~diff_mode loc bp (Stream.next s) s in ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. ocamlopt parsing/.parsing.objs/native/pcoq.{cmx,o} File "parsing/pcoq.ml", line 22, characters 21-35: 22 | let err () = raise Stream.Failure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "parsing/pcoq.ml", line 199, characters 13-29: 199 | let strm = Stream.of_string x in ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. ocamlopt parsing/.parsing.objs/native/g_constr.{cmx,o} File "parsing/g_constr.mlg", line 46, characters 19-33: Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. ocamlopt printing/.printing.objs/native/proof_diffs.{cmx,o} File "printing/proof_diffs.ml", line 102, characters 15-31: 102 | let istr = Stream.of_string s in ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. ocamlopt vernac/.vernac.objs/native/himsg.{cmx,o} File "vernac/himsg.ml", line 1428, characters 4-16: 1428 | | Stream.Error txt -> hov 0 (str "Syntax error: " ++ str txt ++ str ".") ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. ocamlopt vernac/.vernac.objs/native/proof_using.{cmx,o} File "vernac/proof_using.ml", line 210, characters 94-110: 210 | let using_from_string us = Pcoq.Entry.parse G_vernac.section_subset_expr (Pcoq.Parsable.make (Stream.of_string us)) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. ocamlopt vernac/.vernac.objs/native/comInductive.{cmx,o} File "vernac/comInductive.ml", line 365, characters 20-32: 365 | Loc.raise ?loc (Stream.Error "pattern with quote not allowed here") ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. ocamlopt vernac/.vernac.objs/native/record.{cmx,o} File "vernac/record.ml", line 113, characters 20-32: 113 | Loc.raise ?loc (Stream.Error "pattern with quote not allowed in record parameters") ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. ocamlopt vernac/.vernac.objs/native/vernacinterp.{cmx,o} File "vernac/vernacinterp.ml", line 177, characters 9-26: 177 | (Stream.of_channel in_chan) in ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. ocamlopt toplevel/.toplevel.objs/native/g_toplevel.{cmx,o} File "toplevel/g_toplevel.mlg", line 34, characters 19-33: Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. ocamlopt toplevel/.toplevel.objs/native/vernac.{cmx,o} File "toplevel/vernac.ml", line 93, characters 7-24: 93 | (Stream.of_channel in_chan) in ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. ocamlopt toplevel/.toplevel.objs/native/coqloop.{cmx,o} File "toplevel/coqloop.ml", line 79, characters 37-48: 79 | ibuf.tokens <- Pcoq.Parsable.make (Stream.from (prompt_char doc ic ibuf)); ^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. File "toplevel/coqloop.ml", line 233, characters 33-47: 233 | tokens = Pcoq.Parsable.make (Stream.of_list []); ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. COQCBOOT theories/Init/Notations.v Warning: Cannot open directory _build_vo/default//lib/coq/../coq-core/plugins [cannot-open-dir,filesystem] DUNE _build/default/plugins/ltac/ltac_plugin.cmxs ocamlc plugins/ltac/.ltac_plugin.objs/byte/ltac_plugin__G_tactic.{cmi,cmo,cmt} File "plugins/ltac/g_tactic.mlg", line 33, characters 19-33: Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. ocamlopt plugins/ltac/.ltac_plugin.objs/native/ltac_plugin__G_tactic.{cmx,o} File "plugins/ltac/g_tactic.mlg", line 33, characters 19-33: Alert deprecated: module Stdlib.Stream Use the camlp-streams library instead. COQCBOOT theories/Init/Ltac.v Warning: Cannot open directory _build_vo/default//lib/coq/../coq-core/plugins [cannot-open-dir,filesystem] /tmp/pkgbuild/lang/coq/work.powerpc/coq-8.15.2/_build/default/plugins/ltac/ltac_plugin.cmxs: text relocations File "./_build_vo/default//lib/coq/theories/Init/Ltac.v", line 11, characters 0-32: Error: Dynlink error: error loading shared library: Dynlink.Error (Dynlink.Cannot_open_dll "Failure(\"/tmp/pkgbuild/lang/coq/work.powerpc/coq-8.15.2/_build/default/plugins/ltac/ltac_plugin.cmxs: Unsupported relocation type 10 in non-PLT relocations\")") gmake[1]: *** [Makefile.build:318: _build_vo/default//lib/coq/theories/Init/Ltac.vo] Error 1 gmake[1]: *** [_build_vo/default//lib/coq/theories/Init/Ltac.vo] Deleting file '_build_vo/default//lib/coq/theories/Init/Ltac.glob' gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/pkgbuild/lang/coq/work.powerpc/coq-8.15.2' gmake: *** [Makefile.make:122: submake] Error 2 *** Error code 2 Stop. make[1]: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/lang/coq *** Error code 1 Stop. make: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/lang/coq