=> Bootstrap dependency digest>=20211023: found digest-20220214 => Checksum BLAKE2s OK for coq-8.15.2.tar.gz => Checksum SHA512 OK for coq-8.15.2.tar.gz ===> Installing dependencies for coq-8.15.2nb3 ========================================================================== The supported build options for coq are: coqide doc The currently selected options are: coqide You can select which build options to use by setting PKG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS or the following variable. Its current value is shown: PKG_OPTIONS.coq (not defined) ========================================================================== ========================================================================== The following variables will affect the build process of this package, coq-8.15.2nb3. Their current value is shown below: * JPEG_DEFAULT = jpeg * OCAML_USE_OPT_COMPILER = yes * PYTHON_VERSION_DEFAULT = 310 Based on these variables, the following variables have been set: * JPEGBASE (defined, but empty) * JPEG_TYPE = jpeg * PYPACKAGE = python310 * TERMCAP_TYPE = termcap You may want to abort the process now with CTRL-C and change the value of variables in the first group before continuing. Be sure to run `/usr/bin/make clean' after the changes. ========================================================================== => Tool dependency glib2-tools-[0-9]*: found glib2-tools-2.74.3 => Tool dependency mktools-[0-9]*: found mktools-20220614 => Tool dependency bash-[0-9]*: found bash-5.2.15 => Tool dependency gmake>=3.81: found gmake-4.4 => Tool dependency distcc-[0-9]*: found distcc-3.4 => Tool dependency cwrappers>=20150314: found cwrappers-20220403 => Build dependency x11-links>=1.35: found x11-links-1.35 => Full dependency adwaita-icon-theme-[0-9]*: found adwaita-icon-theme-40.1.1 => Full dependency ocaml-findlib>=1.9.3nb1: found ocaml-findlib-1.9.3nb1 => Full dependency ocaml>=4.14.0: found ocaml-4.14.0 => Full dependency python310>=3.10: found python310-3.10.9 => Full dependency ocaml-lablgtk3>=3.1.3nb1: found ocaml-lablgtk3-3.1.3nb1 => Full dependency gtk3+>=3.24.34nb2: found gtk3+-3.24.35 => Full dependency ocaml-dune>=2.9.3nb1: found ocaml-dune-2.9.3nb1 => Full dependency ocaml-zarith>=1.12nb1: found ocaml-zarith-1.12nb1 ===> Skipping vulnerability checks. WARNING: No /usr/pkg/pkgdb/pkg-vulnerabilities file found. WARNING: To fix run: `/usr/sbin/pkg_admin -K /usr/pkg/pkgdb fetch-pkg-vulnerabilities'. ===> Overriding tools for coq-8.15.2nb3 ===> Extracting for coq-8.15.2nb3 ===> Patching for coq-8.15.2nb3 => Applying pkgsrc patches for coq-8.15.2nb3 ===> Creating toolchain wrappers for coq-8.15.2nb3 /bin/mkdir -p /tmp/pkgbuild/lang/coq/work.powerpc/.buildlink/lib/pkgconfig cd /tmp/pkgbuild/lang/coq/work.powerpc/.buildlink/lib/pkgconfig && /bin/ln -sf enchant-2.pc enchant.pc ===> Configuring for coq-8.15.2nb3 => Replacing python interpreter in tools/TimeFileMaker.py tools/make-both-single-timing-files.py tools/make-both-time-files.py tools/make-one-time-file.py. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in tools/TimeFileMaker.py. => Replacing sh interpreter in configure install.sh. INFO: [replace-interpreter] Nothing changed in configure. You have OCaml 4.14.0. Good! You have OCamlfind 1.9.3. Good! You have native-code compilation. Good! You have the Zarith library 1.12 installed. Good! LablGtk3 and LablGtkSourceView3 found (3.1.2), with native threads: => native CoqIDE will be built. Architecture : NetBSD Sys.os_type : Unix OCaml version : 4.14.0 OCaml binaries in : /usr/pkg/bin/ OCaml library in : /usr/pkg/lib/ocaml Native dynamic link support : true Lablgtk3 library in : CoqIDE : opt Documentation : None Web browser : firefox -remote "OpenURL(%s,new-tab)" || firefox %s & Coq web site : http://coq.inria.fr/ Bytecode VM enabled : true Native Compiler enabled : ondemand Paths for true installation: - Coq will be copied in /usr/pkg - the Coq library will be copied in /usr/pkg/lib/coq - the Coqide configuration files will be copied in /usr/pkg/etc/xdg/coq - the Coqide data files will be copied in /usr/pkg/share/coq - the Coq man pages will be copied in /usr/pkg/man - documentation prefix path for all Coq packages will be copied in /usr/pkg/share/doc/coq If anything is wrong above, please restart './configure'. *Warning* To compile the system for a new architecture don't forget to do a 'make clean' before './configure'.